Episodes of Jake

By Samboi

Published on Aug 26, 2012


This story is a work of fiction which contains male on male sexual acts. If you are under the 18 (or the legal age in your area to read this), please do not continue. All characters are fictional and any relation to any person is completely coincidental.

I looked at myself in the mirror. The prominent bags under my eyes and constantly messy hair showed that I haven't been sleeping well. It's been a week since Adam and Troy got into their fight and Troy was put in the hospital. Apparently, Troy had confronted Adam and during the fight, Troy got shoved and hit his head on the corner of a bench when he fell, knocking him out cold. He hasn't woken since. I've spent every day up at the hospital by his bedside hoping that he would just wake up. I don't care if he never spoke to me again, as long as he was alright. I saw Nick walk up behind me in my mirror. He made eye contact with my reflection and smiled. I could feel his arms wrap around my waste.

"Jake, I know this is a stressful time for you but you have to eat something. I've been worried about you."

"I know you have been, Nick. I wouldn't be here without you. You've taken care of me through this but it's just hard to get through. This happened because of me."

"You can't blame yourself forever. The doctor said that he was fine. He's going to be alright."

"I know but that doesn't help that this is my fault. I just want him to wake up."

"He will. But he should wake up and see you as you, not a mess. If I was him, I would want to wake up from this and see you're cute face smiling at me. It would make everything alright."

I turned around and hugged him. Tears slowly trickled from my eyes as he held me tight. I looked at him and kissed him on the lips.

"Thank you for being here Nick."

As I looked into his eyes, I knew that there was more than friendship between us. I was starting to develop feelings for him. This was something I had to think about. Now there are two guys in my life that I'm feeling things for and that can't happen.

When I arrived at the hospital, I walked into the room to see Troy's mother sitting next to Troy's bed. He was still laying there, motionless. The bags under her eyes showed that she hadn't been sleeping well either. As I entered the room, she looked at me and smiled.

"Thank you for coming by again Jake. It means a lot to me to see such a close friend here for my boy."

"That's alright Mrs B. I'm happy to be here.

"I've told you Jake, please call me Tracey. The doctor came in before for a check-up. He said that his vitals are fine and he should hopefully wake up in no time. But that's something that we'll have to wait for."

"That's good news I guess. At least he's doing well."

"Jake, I have to go home and do a few chores. I wanted to wait here for someone to show up so I could go home. I don't want him being alone in case he wakes up."

"That's ok Mrs... ah... Tracey. I'm happy to stay here."

"What about school?"

"School have been pretty good with this. They've given me as much time off as I need for this."

"That's nice of them. I have to go but I'll be back up later."

"Ok Tracey. Get some sleep while you're there."

"Looks like I'm not the only one that needs sleep."

We both smiled at each other before she left the room. I sat next to his bed and looked at him. I couldn't help but think about everything that's happened so far. He and I had always been the best of friends. Nothing had ever gotten between us before, especially not like this. I remember when we were kids; we use to play football together. All that touching and tackling never meant anything back then. We were too innocent for that. We both hit puberty around the same time but I realised pretty quick that I was into guys. I went for about 2 years before telling him about this. I had to pretend I was straight for that time but after a while, I just couldn't do it anymore.

At the age of 15, I decided to tell him the truth. We had both been swimming in his pool before we dried off and went up to his room. We sat around in our board shorts, him on his bed and I on the floor. I looked up at him, noticing his toned body laying back on his bed, glistening in the light. He was a model of physical perfection, even at that age.

"Troy... there's something I have to tell you."

"Yeah bro? What's wrong?"

"Well... we've always been good friends and everything. I don't want anything to ruin our friendship but some things just can't be changed. If I tell you something, you have to promise never to tell anyone."

He had a serious yet confused look on his face. "What is it man?"

"I kinda like guys... well not kinda... I just do like guys."

He smiled at me. "That's cool. You can't help who you are. I'm just happy you trust me enough to tell me something like that. And btw... I already knew."

He flashed me a cheeky smile and I just stared at him. "How the fuck did you know?"

"I know all about you man. I've known that you've liked guys since the beginning."

"Why did you never say anything?"

"Because it's not my place to say. I just went along with it until you were comfortable enough to tell me."

He was truly a good friend. I never thought anything of it but that night, Troy offered for me to sleep in his bed with him. He talked for a while about girls and boys, people at school, just general things. When we went to sleep, I felt him put his arms around me and hold me. I felt safe at that point, like nothing could ever get between our friendship.

I remember a time when we were 16, I had just come out to my family who accepted it better than I expected. They were never one's to judge anyone. That same week, I had come out to everyone at school. Some people were disgusted and I lost friendships over it but I also gained new friendships. There was one guy at school who seemed to hate me for being gay. He walked up to me one time and punched me in the gut before calling me a fag. At that point, I saw Troy run up behind him and punch him to the ground. He kept punching into him yelling at him "never lay another fucking hand on him again or I'll end you." This guy was no match for Troy and he knew it. After that, I knew I was protected.

Troy was there for me through everything that I had been through in life, every relationship, every breakup, every fight, everything. I had never been afraid to show any emotion in front of him and he never once complained about it. I felt comfortable with him.

I now sat here next to his bed, wondering if he would wake up soon. I saw someone walk in the door. Adam was standing there while I glared at him. He had a black eye and a few stiches on his head. He looked sad, almost regretful for what happened.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"I just want to talk Jake. Please give me a chance to explain."

I usually give people a chance but I've avoided Adam every chance I've seen him all week. He looked genuinely upset about this.

"Fine. You better start talking."

Adam sat in the chair next to me and looked me in the eyes.

"I understand what's going on now. I didn't see it before but I do now. You both like each other. Last week Troy approached me. He seemed very angry. I was actually scared that he was going to kill me. All of a sudden, I got a punch to the face. He wouldn't stop hitting me. I didn't know what was going on. The only thing I could do was push him away. That's when he fell and hit his head. I'm really sorry this happened. I didn't want anyone to get hurt. But I can see that you both like each other and it clicked that when I kissed you, it must have made him angry."

I looked over at Troy. I didn't know what to make of this. He seemed like he was telling the truth but I couldn't be sure.

"Jake, you can't blame yourself for this. I kissed you. This is my fault."

"Yes it is. You did this."

"It was an accident."


I walked out of the room and went home. I couldn't help but feel angry. He must have been lying to me. There is no way a guy like that, a guy that's such an asshole would do this by `accident'. Nick stood in front of my when I walked inside.

"Woah man. What's going on? You seem angry."

"I saw Adam. He fucking lied to me. He was telling me that it was an accident and that he pushed him away out of self defence."

"And was it?"

"Of course not! He's a liar."

"What would he want to get out of lying?"

"I don't know. Maybe he wants to try and make things good between us so I'll suck his dick again."

"Maybe he was telling the truth. You can't jump to conclusions. You don't know what happened. Just think about this before you do anything you regret. I only know what you've told me but it seems plausible. It does seem like Troy likes you and he could have done this out of jealousy. You'll have to wait until he wakes up and find out his side."

This gave me something to think about. I had to make sure he wasn't telling the truth before I jumped to any conclusions. I needed time to think about this. But for now, I had to go back to the hospital.

When I arrived back at Troy's room, he was still motionless in the bed and the room was empty. I sat next to him again and thought about everything that had happened today. I grabbed his hand and held it tight. I heard a slight groan come from Troy. I looked up and watched as I saw his head move. It was like a part of me came back to life. I stood up and waited for a further response from him. His eyes opened for a second but they must sensitive to the light at this point. He blinked a few times until his eyes adjusted and he looked over at me.


"Yeah buddy. It's me."

I draped my arm over his body and hugged him.

"I'm so glad you're alright. I was so worried."

"I remember falling down. I was angry. What happened?"

I moved back and sat down in the chair.

"You and Adam got into a fight at school. You hit your head and it knocked you out."

"Wait... I kind of remember. But it wasn't that we were in a fight... I attacked him."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry Jake. I'm sorry for everything that I said to you. The truth is, I do like you. I was confused and I was jealous about you and Adam."

I guess Adam was telling the truth. Speak of the devil, he walked in and stood next to the bed.

"What the fuck do you want?" Even though he was telling the truth, I was still angry. Troy stopped me.

"No, Jake, its ok. Adam, I'm sorry man. I wasn't in the right frame of mind. Things have been a little confusing for me at the moment."

"I understand Troy. I'm just glad you're alright. I never meant for any of this to happen."

Troy and Adam were still friends. Over the next week, Troy had gotten better and was released from hospital. We hung out more than ever but he didn't want to tell anyone about him and I yet. He realised that he must be bi and accepted it pretty fast. He still wasn't ready to come out about it so it was still a secret between our little group. Since he was in hospital for so long, he wanted to get into better shape again. So we started going for our runs and working out together. Things had started to get back on track.

"Hey Jake, Maybe you and I should go for a run to our little spot." He winked at me.

Sorry for taking so long to write another chapter. I won't bore you with excuses. I liked this one because it involved more of the storyline rather than sex. Don't be fooled, the sex will be back.

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