Enticing Sleeper

By coxcomb rumbustious

Published on Jul 25, 2004


I wasn't any good at all in school the day Richard left me, after I'd all but raped him the night be4. He had a strange power over me that was difficult to explain. I liked looking at him, touching him, and doing all those nasty things I'd done to him. I had liked sex with other guys be4 and usually, once the cumming was done, I moved on to other things. I'd never had much luck with finding a boy to stay with.

That morning, I went to class late and my entire day was spent trying to remember all the details I could about Richard. Besides the fact he was great sex, there was little else to go on, except what he made me feel. He was honest and forthright and he didn't try to feed me a lot of bologna with the cream cheese, but I wanted to know more, and all day long I thought about what I wanted to know about him and how I would find it out.

He'd left me with a kiss and his lips were on my mind, not to mention the feel of his body and the sound of his voice. The thought of him made me smile, when I should have been paying attention. Certainly he was handsome in a rugged way and his body wasn't bad, especially when he used it against mine. The one troubling aspect of our union was the fact I never satisfied him. After making sure I had great sex, he almost immediately fell asleep, leaving me in place with a prize that had milked me dry. I was sure he liked our closeness. I sure did.

Of course I knew better than to start something up with him. He was straight. He probably had more sex partners than he needed, and I was just someone that came onto him, when he was too tired to object to my advances. I wasn't sorry for what I'd done because it was one of the best experiences I'd ever had with a guy. It may not have started with the best of intentions, but it had ended that way, and perhaps that was my punishment for taking advantage of the sleeping boy.

I found myself stopping by the mall on my way home from school. I watched skaters out front and out back. Boys in the hall outside the men's room with their skateboards leaned against the wall beside them caught my attention. I was tempted to see if another skater could match Richard's moves and excitement, but I resisted the part of me that longed to be more free spirited, like Donnie.

I missed a few days going to the mall, but not be4 going up there every day for two weeks. I hadn't gotten so much as a glimpse of him and I figured he was busy elsewhere. Anyone as nice as he was certainly had lots of friends. The fact he hadn't returned to see me should have told me that waking up with a guy eating you're ass wasn't necessarily the best way to win friends and influence people.

I'd asked Donnie if he'd seen him any number of times, but he didn't know who I was talking about and then said he'd keep an eye out for him, after the third or fourth time I asked. I told him I was just wondering and he smiled and said that it was only obvious and guys as horny as Richard could be found anywhere teens hung out. He even invited me along with him on one of his cock searches. I let it pass and wasn't even slightly interested in what motivated him to suck at least one strange cock a day.

I suppose it had been a month or more and I was no longer thinking about Richard every day, well, not all day every day. The next time I went to the mall I had a reason to go. Whatever the reason was, I can't recall, because once I saw Richard, he was the only thing on my mind. It was crowded and I was thirsty by the time I got there, so I went to the food court for a beverage. I saw Richard with four other boys and they were all carrying skateboards. One of them was carrying a huge pizza as they all laughed and joked with people they passed.

I stood off to one side to watch him with his friends, thinking it not wise to approach him there. They sat at a table with four chairs, which left the smallest and youngest, a cute platinum blond kid with straight hair hanging down on his 4head and his shoulders. Once four of them were seated, the blond sat on Richard's lap, as he leaned to grab a piece of the pizza as quick as the lid cleared the box.

It was a bit shocking to me to see the way the boy sat, because Richard spread his legs wide a part and the boy planted himself right on Richard's crotch. Had he put the crack of his ass on my cock like that, I'm not prepared to say there wouldn't have been some necessary toll to sooth what would have been my stiff savage beast. Even thinking about the prospects got me hard.

No one else seemed to notice or to care but I was stunned by the suggestive seating arrangement. They were all engaged in eating pizza and talking like there was no tomorrow. The small kid turned around to look at Richard's face when he talked to him and this put their lips no more than a few inches apart, and still no one noticed but me. I'd once had a personal relationship with those lips, and mine would have never gotten that close to his and not have taken advantage of them. I guess my mind was dirtier than I'd previously thought, because everything about the two boys sitting that closely together was sexual to me.

They laughed loudly and gobbled pizza as quick as they could. I had gone there to quench my thirst, and so I got in line for lemonade at Chick Filet. I lost sight of Richard once people got in line behind me and I was sure he'd be gone be4 I got my drink, or I'd sit down at a table where he couldn't miss seeing me.

I wasn't paying much attention to anything in particular, when the guy behind me got way too up close and personal for comfort. When I whirled around to ask him what the fuck was wrong with him, there stood Richard, smiling broadly at me, looking quite pleased to have run into me like this.

"Hey, dude, fancy meeting you here."

"Oh, hi," I said, trying to sound casual but feeling faint.

"Why didn't you come over and say hello?" he asked. "They don't bite but I nibble a little."

"You were with your friends. You never did come back," I reminded him.

"Oh, yeah. It's nothing personal. I'm never quite sure how to take you guys. I think I believe what you say and then I start thinking you're running a game on me. Nothing personal."

"What?" I said, a bit hurt by his words. "Nothing personal. It was pretty personal."

"Gay guys can be... I don't know. I thought about it," he said as I turned around to make sure I didn't lose my place in line.

Richard moved up so close behind me that I could feel him pressing his cock up against the crack of my ass and it was obvious what was on his mind. He leaned his face close to mine and I almost lost it, hoping he wasn't going to kiss me in front of the entire food court.

"You seem different," he said softly into my ear. "I almost forgot about what I let you do to me that night. I bet you've already forgotten."

"Hey, why don't you two get a room," an offended patron suggested for everyone to hear.

Richard slowly stood up to his full six foot three inches and at first turned only his head to look behind him be4 turning completely around and placing both of his hands on his hips, looking for the speech maker and waiting for him to say something else.

"You jealous, buddy? You just got to get your own boyfriend, Sweetcheeks," he said with a lisp on his sensual lips.

Everyone in our line and the line next to us cracked up. There was nothing else said and Richard stayed close behind me until I got my drink and he went to sit with me.

"That your new boyfriend?" I asked.

"Who, the guy in line with us? No, I don't do boyfriends."

"No, the platinum blond kid that was sitting on your... dick?"

"Gordo. No. I don't date skaters either. It would be liking going out with your sister."

"But you do let him sit on your dick?"

"Sometimes, if that's where they want to sit. I don't have a problem with that."

"Gordo likes that?" I asked, more curious than put off.

"Now we know what's on your mind."

"It's not what you're thinking."

"What, you want a date with him? Gordo likes all kinds of stuff, but he's never sat on my dick. Not the way you're thinking about anyway. I might could talk him into sitting on yours if that's what you're asking for?" Richard offered.

"No!" I said, alarmed that he misunderstood what I was after.

"So, you want me to sit on it again," he said, contemplating the facts as he gathered them.

"No!" I said unconvincingly. "Not unless you want to. I mean you said you don't. We can do other stuff. Whatever you want. Whatever you like this time."

"You asking me to come sleep on your couch? Do I get coffee in the morning and can we start making out be4 I go to sleep this time?"

"My bed is cozier."

"Ah, I'm going to graduate to clean sheets and fluffy pillows? I'd consider letting you up my butt twice if you throw a hot shower into the deal. Do you have classes tomorrow?"

"It's Friday night. No classes until Monday."

"We could sleep in and maybe go for three, once we wake up?"

"We could sleep in and I'll make coffee until it runs out of your ears if that's what you want. Three works for me."

"A poet and a scholar. I wasn't sure you'd be as anxious the second time. I'm never sure with gay guys. Just when I think one likes me... well, they mostly disappoint me that way."

"I'll fix coffee for you any time you come around and I'm always anxious when I'm around you," I said. "You don't need to do anything you aren't into doing and you still get the shower and the clean sheets."

"I wasn't sure if you'd had enough of me or not. It did go well that time. You're more difficult to read than some of you guys. Usually when they finish... well, they're done with me, too, and just want to drop me off. Slam bam... thank you very much but my wife's due home any time and you understand she wouldn't understand."

"I'm not married and I'll never get enough of you," I said, letting my eyes examine his.

"All things are relative, especially wives."

"I'm in school. Most of my time is spent studying and going to class. I don't date much. When I find someone I like, I like seeing them more than once."

"And you didn't come to the mall looking for a few boyfriends?"

"Going to the mall hoping I'll run into you," I said.

"What made you think I'd be here? I don't come here that often."

"It's the only place you said you hung out."

"Yeah, I have places I go, people I see. I'm not on a schedule," Richard said. "I don't like being predictable. I hang where I'm comfortable and move on when I'm not."

"You made that clear but all I know is you live up by Texas, when you go home to your family. You come to the mall. I didn't have anything else to go on, so I came to the mall to look for you."

"You weren't finished with me?"

"You kissed me," I said. "That made you difficult to forget."

"Don't get your panties in a bunch. I don't kiss that many guys. It just happens if I had a good time. You looked like you needed kissing. What could I do?"

"You kissed ME. Nothing else mattered, once you did that. Not the sex. Not the way you made me feel."

"Yeah, but only because I didn't know if I'd ever see you again."

"Why would that make you kiss me?"

"I wanted to find out what it would be like," he said, leaning closer so that his hands were close enough for his fingers to touch the back of my hands as they surrounded my lemonade.

"You know where I live," I said. "You know when I'm there."

"I don't know who might be there with you. I don't really know you."

"There hasn't been anyone there but Donnie and the boys he brings home."

"Any one else sleep on the couch for you to fuck?"

"No! I told you I don't like Donnie's boys."

"I'm one of Donnie's boys," he reminded me.

"That's not the way I saw you."

"Does he do you?"

"No, Donnie and I are room mates and sometimes friends."

"I do it with my friends."

"It's not like that. That's not the way I saw you. I saw the way you looked at me. There was something... I don't know how to describe it. I just don't feel what you made me feel. I wanted to know you."

"You made me feel full of you. Very full."

"It wasn't about that, Richard. I mean that was great, but there was way more than screwing going on," I said, looking around to see who might be listening to our conversation.

"I screw mostly," he said. "I'm not big on getting fucked."

"But not Gordo?" I asked.

"Gordo has a lot of boyfriends. I'm not sure he's safe. I know the guys that fuck him and I don't know if they're safe. He's also fourteen and I don't think the lockup would agree with me. Are you safe."

"Very," I said. "And you."

"I slip up now and again, but one of the guys that likes me is an intern over at University. He tests my blood whenever I go around for a chat. He's super safe."

"How do you pay if you don't work?"

"Money isn't the only medium of exchange, Henry. They have a doctor's lounge. There're cubicles with beds for the docs to rest up. No one thinks twice about the beds being used. It's all quite comfortable."

"What do you do for him?" I asked, too curious for my own good.

"It's what he does for me. He likes giving head. I masturbate him once he gets me almost there. It's a small price to pay."

"Why do you let Gordo sit on you like that if you aren't going to...? I was hard just watching it."

"You still ask a lot of questions, you know. Gordo likes me. He's a street kid. Been dar done dat. I don't have the heart to tell him no if I can make him smile. I was his age once and I remember what it was like. You're always looking for approval."

"No to what?" I said, having my suspicions.

"He likes to.... He likes my dick, okay? It upsets people, when he sits on my lap like that. We both think it's fun upsetting people. And it feels good, when he sits on it and that makes it more fun."

"You've never done anything with him?"

"You never give up. He blows me when he catches me at the right time. I mostly try to steer him to someone else, but he's pretty good at it and it's one of my weaknesses, and he knows that."

"You blow him?" I asked.

"Nope. He starts up with me, when he thinks I'll go with him. We go somewhere off the beaten path. Sue me. I'm a guy and I get horny and Gordo is a great cocksucker and he knows how to get me going."

"You don't want to go to jail?"

"Well, the flesh is weak. Besides, he does a lot more with older guys than I do with him and I'm careful when he wants to.... Hell, he's got cops for friends. Some date him. Gordo is fourteen going on thirty-four. He's been having sex longer than I have. He knows what he wants."

"He's fourteen," I reminded him.

"Yep, and he's been having sex longer than I have. That gets him special consideration. He knows what he likes."

"That's not possible at fourteen," I said.

"Maybe not in your world, but this is the real world, me amigo."

"Am I your amigo?"

"That remains to be seen. You're on the fast track, Henry."

"Will you come home with me? We don't have to do anything. You can shower and watch the tube. I have some neat movies. I have a stereo."

"Fuck flicks?" He asked.

"Fuck flicks? No, I don't have any. Donnie might have some."

"I will under one condition," he said, tracing the back of my hand with his index finger. "You got to smile when you ask me to go home with you."

"Come home with me."

I smiled broadly and I kept smiling. He stood up and seized his skateboard from where he had leaned it against the table.

"You coming or have I got to hope Donnie's there to let me in?"

I was right behind him as he carried his skateboard to the first corridor that led us away from the food court. He made no comment when I led him to my eleven-year old car with the dent in the passenger's door from where another driver had skidded into me on the ice my senior year in high school.

He dropped the skateboard into the backseat. The car started right up and we were soon driving up 5th Avenue toward University. I looked over to see the fine blond hair on the inside of his smooth legs with the streetlights giving me a fine view. I imagined myself on top of him, running both of my hands down the inside of those thighs as I humped him. I wasn't sure if it was a flashback or premonition but it had my cock aching for him. I tried to hide where I was bulging in my pants.

Richard glanced over and caught me looking at him. He smiled politely, looking back out of the front window quickly but I knew he knew exactly what was on my mind. My heart skipped several beats as I thought about the last time we hooked up. My cock throbbed vigorously two times be4 I got control of myself so I didn't lose control of my car and I was slowly calming down.

As we came to a red light I glanced at him again and his hard cock arched up out of his zipper. The wide flat underside was impressive as the shaft narrowed down toward the top of the cock but then the head flared out boldly and it was well defined and full. Richard continued staring out of the window as if we were taking an ordinary Sunday drive, saying nothing while doing nothing to block my view of his cock.

"You can feel it if you want," he said in a soft low voice. "Go ahead. I'm horny, too."

Be4 I could reconsider I was wrapping my fingers around that wonderful piece of gristle. It felt familiar, although Richard's cock was distinctive in every way. I'd never touched one like his. The expression on his face changed as I felt it from top to bottom, stroking it gently. His eyes closed and a slight sigh slipped out of him when I did. He raised his hips up to help me, and still, nothing was said. I tried to think of something clever to break the ice, but as usual, Richard was way ahead of me.

"You got good hands. Go ahead and squeeze it like you did that night you were up my ass," he said, and his voice grew deeper. "I'll keep an eye on the light if you want to suck it for a minute. No one can see you."

I looked around and there were two cars ahead of us, no one behind us, and there was traffic crossing. As I leaned to put my lips near the bottom of his cock I could feel the heat coming off the fresh smelling flesh. I kissed it until I reached the tip and became lost in a daze of desire for him, sucking in the well-shaped head and a few inches of the more manageable top section of his shaft. I let my tongue wash over it as he put his hand on the back of my head to make sure I didn't lose my place.

I was dizzy and alive and absolutely lost in my lust for him. Richard wasn't simply sexual. He was an entire experience that you had to have to appreciate.

"Suck it," he ordered and I sucked for all I was worth, wanting to please him as he humped my mouth and held my head down on his cock. "Suck it."

I'd never done anything so outrageous as this. We were right in the middle of traffic and I was face down in my passenger's lap, going at him for all I was worth. I recognized his soft moans and I could taste the precum as it started to flow.

There came a loud horn toot from behind us, and I sat up straight, wiping the evidence off my mouth, trying to remember what the hell I was suppose to do. A car had pulled directly up behind me, and there was no one in front of me as the light had turned green.

"I thought you were going to watch," I said.

"I did. I just watched the wrong thing. You're good at that, you know. I forgot how horny I was until you got down on my cock. Now I need to cum, he said, using the slickness I'd left on his cock to facilitate his strokes. It made a slapping sound as he picked up speed and he seemed lost in the ceremony by the time I got around to objecting.

"Don't," I said, as he got more and more into himself. "I wanted to...."

"Don't worry," he said with a strain in his words. "You can still fuck me. I'm not a one load wonder if that's what you're worried about, dude."

"I wanted to get you off," I objected.

"Sorry about that, dude."

He leaned his head further back on the seat and raised his hips up as his cock seemed to grow thicker as he pumped furiously. He made some sounds that indicated that he was struggling to breathe and then the cum started to leap into the air. He held his cock out far enough so that it splattered on the dash and the floor. When he was done he let it go and it sagged down between his legs once he relaxed back on the seat.

"You always do that in public?" I asked, a little sad that he had done it without me.

"No, only if I'm horny and hard and someone is turning me on with his mouth and then just stops."

I felt my hard cock without giving much thought to my actions. Richard looked at me with an exhausted expression on his face.

"You can do yours now," he suggested.

"While I'm driving. That's not what I'm into," I assured him. "I'm not an exhibitionist. I wish you'd waited. I wanted to...."

His hand moved onto the front of my shorts as I complained about him going ahead without me. He found my erection without much difficulty and squeezed gently, watching my face as he leaned on one elbow on the middle of the seat.

"You're horny, too," he said, rubbing me through my pants. "I can't believe I let you put that up my ass."

"I guess," I said, unable to collect my thoughts just then.

He unbuttoned and then unzipped my pants to spread them open and he reached inside as I did my best to keep my car in one of the lanes. He felt me inside of my pants and his face was very close to my leg as he watched the hand that was working on me.

"You're hot," he said, looking up at me from near my lap, while being careful to stay close to the source of his interest.

"Richard," I said, with no real conviction in the protest that I never made.

Once he freed me from the confines of my clothes, the sticky mess I'd made while watching him embarrassed me and he wasn't doing a thing to help. My cock was swollen and had turned dark red as the stickiness transferred onto his hand and ran back into my clothes. He watched as he stroked me carefully and almost lay prone on the seat while he did it. I was flush and flustered, but not willing to call him off.

"You need some serious help with this, Henry," he said, looking up at me as I looked down while going, too, slow for that street and, too, fast under the circumstances. I was caught between trying to keep my eye on him, my dick, and the road ahead of me. "It's all swollen and red and by the way it's throbbing, I'd say if it were a tooth it would need pulling, Henry. Does it get like this often? I think this requires some treatment right away."

I might have disagreed with him if my brain had been working at that point, but once he put his mouth down on it, well, I was so far gone by then, nothing else mattered, and I had gone beyond the point of no return. The inevitable was about to happen and I couldn't do a thing to prevent it, well, almost nothing.

My foot did hit the accelerator and the tires screeched and his mouth drove deep onto my shaft and I'm sure he was giggling on my cock. Then, I came to a side street, and I turned onto it, screeching to a stop somewhere in the proximity of the curb line. He ran his arm behind my hips and did his best to swallow all I had to give, but it didn't take long for him to get more than he bargained for.

"This might not be such a good idea," I said, gasping from the unexpected shock of him going down on me and wanting to let him know that I wasn't very far from unloading on him. "I'm going to... I'm.... I can't hold...."

Well, I thought I was going to, but then I was, and so explaining it to him became redundant, and being a man of few words, and being unable to talk whenever I was in the middle of an orgasm, I let nature run its course.

He did back off a couple of inches about the time the first squirt collided with the back of his mouth. I could feel him struggling to accommodate my sudden overflow. It came out of me in waves of passion as I held fast to the steering wheel.

Richard kept me off balance and I never knew what to expect next. I'd never done anything in a public place be4 and I'd never done anything in my car be4. I let go of his head, when I returned to the street we were on and realized I was holding him fast to my cock. He coughed a couple of times be4 sitting back on his side of the car, after wiping his mouth on his shirt sleeve.

"Damn," he said, "You could have warned me. You don't waste any time getting off."

"Richard! I could have wrecked," I said.

"You didn't and think of all the fun you just had."

"Why do you do stuff like that?"

"It seemed like the time was right. You looked like you needed a blowjob and you sure sound like you don't get one very often."

"I wanted to go to bed together," I said, and we'd both just....

"Me, too," he said, moving his hand off his lap and his almost white dick was half-hard. "You mean, now that we've done the do, you don't want to take me home."

"I didn't say that. I just wanted something more... romantic."

"I thought that was pretty damn romantic. You driving me to spend the night in your bed. Me driving you crazy, showing you how much I appreciate it. That's really romantic you ask me."

"I'm not use to doing things like that," I admitted.

"You didn't like it?"

"I loved it but I don't want to wreck or get locked up. I wouldn't do well in jail either."

"You worry, too, much, Henry. It's only life. Why not let go and have some fun? I think I understand why you don't make out all that well."

"You said you didn't... I mean you say things and then what you do is different," I said, trying to draw the correct picture.

"What, because I blowed you? You think I do that a lot. No, sorry to break the bad news. I don't like blowing that many guys," he said, looking at me and smiling. "I've got to like them quite a bit for that."

"Then why... has anyone ever told you that you are confusing?"

"I know I'm confusing. I confuse myself some times. I wanted to show you that I like you, Henry. It seemed like the thing to do at the time. I didn't know you'd get your panties in a bunch over me sucking you off. I've never had a complaint be4 this."

"My panties aren't in a bunch. It was wonderful if you must know. I couldn't stop cumming," I said. "I never get off like that."

"You telling me. I was going to ask you to turn off the faucet but my mouth was full and I do know it isn't polite to talk with your mouth full."

"I'm not use to doing it just anywhere."

"You should try it more often. It puts a glow in your cheeks."

"It does?" I said, looking in the mirror.

"Not yet but when you look down and see your dick is still hanging out of your pants and those people that just walked by saw it."

"Oh, Jesus," I said, looking to see the two couples that just walked past. "You're a bad influence on me, Richard Smith. Do you think they saw anything?" I asked, putting myself away.

"Nah, they must have been laughing about something else. At least I'm polite enough to keep my hands over my dick when I let it hang out in public. But I'm not a college geek or nothing like that. We going home or what? I'd sure like that shower now."

"Yeah," I said, starting the car and looking to back out of the street I hadn't gotten completely into.

"I could sit on your lap if you want," he said.

"No," I yelled.

"You're so easy," he said.


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