Enticing Sleeper

By coxcomb rumbustious

Published on Jul 19, 2004


Richard lie perfectly still as I alternately between fingering his ass and rimming him, while the entire time I was masturbating him. It was a combination that soothed the savage beast and totally relaxed this one. Whatever my fears, they morphed into dedicated activity as I vigorously stimulated him to the best of my ability.

The sounds he made indicated how far down the road toward oblivion we were getting, and I can honestly say that I was every bit as lustful as he. After some time he started moving with great consideration given to the positioning of my fingers and fist. He rocked and rolled to music both of us heard, moaning to a chorus of peaks and valleys, the serenade made me hot with passion for him. I was determined to drive him down the road to a symphonic pinnacle of major proportions.

After getting two fingers inside, he did the unexpected, rocking back on them, until they were as far inside of him as they'd go. Several loud bursts of air escaped from him while he rocked his a'hole against my hand. His cock continued its discharge, making my effort all the more delicious as his appreciation dripped forth and ran down both sides of his cock. I moved my fingers to the top of his well shaped organ to pinch the prominent ridges, tormenting the head of his desperate erection with twists and more pinching at the same time I couldn't resist chewing on his velvet a'hole.

"Fuck!" He said, and I twisted harder, pinching and licked him for all I was worth.

Pushing me away from my access to his butthole, he struggled to get on his hands and knees, forcing me half on the floor as I wondered where I had gone wrong. An instant before he was seemingly in ecstasy and I was in complete control. I wasn't sure what came over him. Had he reconsidered? Was it a sudden attack of conscience, or did he find some objection to my mouth so vigorously attending to his a'hole?

My own cock twitched and pulsed as my delirium made it impossible for me to make head nor tale of this latest turn of events, and fearing he was about to call it off, I held tight to the stiff cock while he was in motion. Everything stopped, including my breathing. He acted as thought he might be half-asleep or dazed. Perhaps he'd been under my spell and only after I started chewing on his a'hole did he emerge from a troubled sleep and I wasn't nearly done with him yet.

All my fears and apprehensions were so far off base it was stunning.

"Fuck me!" he said, as I watched his smooth white ball sac swing under his well-rounded ass. "Fuck me," he said in a voice that was both deep and deliberate.

I could hardly believe my ears. I felt his smooth balls and his now half hard cock as I bent to lick the hole be4 he could relent, leaving enough moisture to make the insertion easier on both of us.

"You're going to make me cum, too, soon. You better fuck me now."

While I had no difficulty with the concept of fucking, fucking Richard wasn't where I thought we were going. He was big and strong and all man and the request caught me off guard. I had pictured him riding me like a buckaroo, digging in his spurs as his cock stretched me wide as we road off into the setting sun. When I looked at Richard, I saw the self-assured horny boy sitting for a blowjob that my roommate hungrily gave him.

While I was considering my objective and making sure I hadn't fallen asleep and was dreaming all of this, an impatient Richard reached back between his legs for my cock, drawing it and me to his a'hole, where there was a short but rude introduction. As the tender head of my pumped up cock met the soft hungry tissue of his a'hole, he started rocking back on me. He handled me roughly, while trying to sit and back up on my cock. He made sounds that documented the struggle and his desire as he worked on working me up his butt.

It was a battle for the high ground and the resistance was remarkable for how long I can't say, because I was lost in combat. I wanted in and I wanted to get going on giving Richard whatever he wanted from me. Only I wasn't in control and I was hotter than a three-dollar pistol.

Once half the head broke in, I managed to gain some traction by leaning forward across his back and I wrapped my arms around his chest. That put me in the perfect position for hard driving and deep drilling, only as I was shifting gears and getting myself ready for the ecstasy that was overtaking me, Richard decided to put a stop to my rapid advancement.

"Fuck!" he said in distress, as I started to question just how many words there were in his vocabulary and how serious he was about wanting my dick up his ass.

"I'm sorry," I said, being sure I should be sorry for something, since my cock was half way up his ass and with little I could do as long as his hand was a deterant from moving forward or back.

"Fuck! It burns. I don't do this," he advised me in a whisper.

"You don't?" I whispered back in desperation as I gulp some air.

"No!" He whispered. "Take it slow, okay? Let me get use to you."

It was then, I reached under him for what was now his limp hanging cock. As soon as my fingers touched him, it started to rise. I squeezed to help him along. The tip was still wet and I used his own juices to excite him back to the enthusiasm he'd originally brought to the endeavor.

It took a minute or two for him to adjust to the way my cock held his tight hole open, and then the tentative quite ended, as he pushed back, looking for more of a good thing. Almost immediately his cock was pumping out the sticky boy juice that made touching him so exciting. His cock pulsed and twitched in my hand. By the time his first moan slipped past his lips I had eased myself all the way inside, pushing hard against him to make sure, but then easing back just a bit.

He moaned softly and shook his head as he leaned on his arms like he might do a pushup any second. I squeezed his cock hard and stroked it firmly. He sat back on me and I pushed myself back into his depths. He kept leaning up and then sitting back to assure himself that he had it all. I wrapped my free arm around his wide chest as I kept stroking him and I enjoyed the feel of holding him close. I could feel his heart as it beat against my arm. Richard was alive and well and his heart was only beating slightly more rapidly than my own, and it gave me some reassurance that he was a gamer and very much into our activity.

While I was doing all I could to make him feel as good as I could make him feel, I didn't feel bad myself. In fact I was so hot I would have gone off like a bottle rocket had I not been so concerned with giving Richard the best fucking of his life, or mine. I wanted him to remember me in the end and in a way that kept that memory special. When he started to lean forward, I was able to pull my cock back out across his coil of steel that kept a strong grip on me. As the ridges of my cockhead reached the opening, I wasted no time reversing the motion and just as slowly pushed forward until I was back on his back, holding him with both of my arms, feeling down between his legs to check on his interest.

Once I was picking up speed, my juices were flowing every bit as freely as his. I wasn't far from my destination, even while biting my lip and chewing on my tongue so I'd forget about the swollen sensitive firm flesh residing between my legs and work harder on stimulating that which resided between his. At the same time his hole tightened around my cock each time I pushed forward, furnishing a major massage and more stimulation.

My dilemma became even more complicated when Richard turned as he sat back on my dick again and this forced me to move my legs to give his legs room. We ended up with his end planted firmly on my cock and my feet firmly planted on the floor. At first he was facing me and I had to keep both of my arms around him to keep him from rolling onto the floor, which I was sure would ruin the intensity of the moment.

When he stood up so he could turn around, we became disconnected. For a second I wasn't sure we'd hook back up, but Richard was sitting back on my cock in no time. This position allowed me to stroke him off in a more relaxed fashion and it seemed like we were getting closer to where we needed to go, but this, too, passed.

Richard stood up again and turned around to face me. His didn't simply stand up but it turned up with a pronounced curve, which had it elevated quite close to his stomach. By holding it down I could accommodate it, when I leaned forward and seized the moment. I had only just started to find my rhythm, when the next change was implemented.

"Let me lie down on my back and I'll put my legs up over your shoulders." "This is a good position for you?" I foolishly asked.

"We'll find out. Doggy style is fine but when I sit on it I can't feel it as much. I've always wanted to try this and also with me lying on my stomach and you on top of me."

"You've got all the positions down pat. We don't need to do them all tonight," I said, hopeful.

"Yeah, I don't plan to make a habit of this, dude. I've been keeping guys away from my ass since I was little," Richard said. "I've seen all this stuff in porn flicks. Never had the urge to try them though."

"Why me?" I asked, wanting to keep my mouth shut, mostly anyway.

"You just happen to be licking it at the time I woke up hard up. I figure why not. You seem like an okay guy that would stop if I said so."

"You haven't said that yet," I said.

"No, but if we don't get going and get my dick hard again, I might lose interest."

"You do that a lot in the middle of sex?"

"Almost never, but I had to say something to get you going again."

Richard scooted back down on the couch and we got in the first of the positions he had on his list. I kept trying to anticipate when he would want to change positions again but we went at it for quite some time before he rolled onto his stomach. This was how it all started, except now he was all stretched out with his legs spread enough for easy access.

I found being on top of him even more stimulating and I nibbled on his neck and ears as I picked up the pace, not sure if there would be more requests. Richard lie still after pulling both of my arms around him. The faster I fucked the more still he got. By the time I was hitting my stride, he was using his ass to meet my thrusts with his firm ready target. I took to chewing on his ear and neck and loved the feel of him. I kissed his cheek and tried to reach his mouth with mine but it was just beyond my ability to stretch my body and stay engaged to his a'hole.

When I finally came, we were rocking the usually steady couch. The entire room seemed to be in motion and my sex life passed in front of me as I reached and passed through a state of bliss I'd rarely achieved. Collapsing on his back, the feel of him under me was remarkable. His face was buried in the corner of the couch and his hands held mine tightly to his chest. When I started to get up, he held his ground so that I couldn't move and so we stayed that way, me inside, my arms wrapped around him in a most excellent position for me.

As I calmed down and cooled down the lights slowly went away and everything became part of something else. Sometime during the night I woke up with it being cooler than I liked and I went to my bed and brought back my quilt to cover us. I held him close and slept until the day was bright and I needed to get ready for my first class.

"Do you want some coffee?" I asked as he pulled on his shorts.

"Yeah, that would be kewl."

"Did you sleep okay?" I asked, a little apprehension in my voice.

"Yeah, had the weirdest dream. Some guy was trying to eat my asshole and then he stuck a baseball bat up my ass for good measure."

"Oh, yeah, that was me," I confessed.

"You play baseball?" He asked. "I skate you know. That's my skateboard over there."

"I was pretty sure it was yours. Donnie and I don't use skateboards."

"Dude, you're living like a totally pointless life, you know. Skateboarding is the stuff life is made of."

"It is? I thought you were all lost boys," I said too seriously.

"Dude, you're so... so... normal. We are freedom. We are love. We are the boys who balance the universe so the planet won't spin off into space."

"I thought you just blocked the sidewalks and did your best to freak people out. You know it's illegal to skateboard on the sidewalks down here?"

"That's the point, dude. What is freedom if not the right to be free to break a few oppressive laws that deny us the right to express our individuality. What do you do to express yours?"

"I go to school."

"Wrong, dude. That's the man's trip. Chase the old might buck. Give up who you really are to become a money grubber. You're better than that. You don't have to live a life around 9 to 5, dude. You can break out and experience life, people, and you can find your true destiny if you don't let the government make a model tax paying materialist out of you. Don't do it, dude."

"You don't go to school?"

"Not since I was sixteen," he bragged.

"Do you work?" I asked.

"I work at living. I work at skating. I work at loving. I work at experiencing life in a way that allows me to do the things I want to do every day. Guys like you get to do the things you want to do after you retire and you're too damn old to know if you're enjoying yourself or not, or too dead, but by God you pay your taxes."

"How do you live, Richard? I mean how do you eat?"

"There are ways, dude. I'll guarantee you I don't work for my supper."

"I don't understand how you get food, clothes, and keep yourself clean."

"I never had any trouble. I know people. There are guys let me stay over their houses. There are people who take me to eat. Us guys share what we have when we have something. It's a good life if you don't need a pickup, a plasma screen television, a pool, and a three bedroom teepee."

"How do you stay in touch with people?"

"I see the people I need to see. Call the ones I don't see. I'm out there every day. My people know where to find me."

"Your people?"

"Skaters, my family, a few friends. I can always borrow a cell and make a call if I need something."

"It's that easy?"

"Well, yeah. You don't need to make it hard if you don't want to. How do you think folks lived before there were high dollar jobs and big appetites for things? I just remember who's kewl and keep track of them."

"You're going to get older. Then what?"

"Maybe I won't, but if I do I'll give you a call and we can chat about it."

"Will you call if I give you my number. I'd like to see you again."

"Ho ay! Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. I've still got to figure out what went on last night. I'm walking funny and feeling mighty strange."

"I'm sorry about last night. You were laying there looking so... well, I don't usually like the boys Donnie brings home."

"You liked me?" Richard asked, tying his second shoe. "Don't be sorry. I'm not sorry. I enjoyed myself. I learned something. What don't kill you makes you stronger."

"You never got off," I said, worrying about his well being and wishing there was enough time for a little more time on the couch.

"Is that what it's about, getting off?"

"It's only fair that if you have an awesome orgasm that you try to help your partner have one."

"Yeah, I guess in that case it is. I get off plenty. The way you figure, Donnie didn't get off when he blew me, so do I owe him one?"

"No, Donnie never gets off with guys he just blows. I mean he gets off on blowing them is all."

"Donnie got me off and you got off on me. It all works out in the end?"

"Yes, I suppose," I said, with the image of "the end" bringing my mind to his delicate beige a'hole.

"Well I'm glad we got that straightened out," Richard said sounding relieved.

"Works for me, but I'd still like to.... Get the coffee made."

He walked toward the counter as I put finishing touches on the contents of the coffee machine. His shirt stayed open and his blue eyes were on me as I wiped off the countertop.

"Why do you go with a guy like Donnie?" I asked as he sat on the stool in front of me.

"Donnie? He's okay. I was horny and he was watching my dick move around in my shorts. He's good at it, too. He did me a couple of times up at the mall. In his car I mean. He's done some of my friends."


"Well yeah."

"Do you want something to eat?" I asked.

"Nah, coffee is good. I'll catch something downtown."

"Why do you go with a guy like Donnie?" I asked, curious about the boys he brought home.

"He's a means to an end," he said with his hands folded in front of him as he watched me move around the kitchen. "Milk and sugar."


"I take milk and sugar in my coffee. I was up at the mall, he was up at the mall, I was horny and he was looking for someone who was horny. He was a means to an end, but he's a nice guy, too. I like Donnie."

"Yeah, he is. Are your friends gay, richard? The skaters?"

"What? Of course not."

"But they go with Donnie?"

"Well yeah. I thought you were in college? Teenage guys get horny. Guys like Donnie like guys like us because we get horny. We aren't gay."

"I don't understand. You said you have a girlfriend?"

"Yes, I did. I don't have a boyfriend if that's what you're asking, but I've got a lot of friends that are boys."

"What does she think about this kind of thing?"

"You ask a lot of questions. I've been around. I don't particularly trust what you call gay guys. They're usually pushy once they make up their minds to getting a little something off you and don't take no for an answer. I'm not a piece of meat and where I skate ain't no green grocer. Girls are different anyhow. They don't think you owe them something because you smile at them and treat them nice. You can get in trouble pretty fast by being, too, nice to a gay guy. It's hard to have a gay guy as a friend. They want, too, much, too, soon."

"Why hang around gay guys then?" I asked.

"I don't so much hang around them as they find their way to me. It's always been that way. Donnie watches us skate but he isn't overpowering about what he's after."

"Do your friends go with some of the other guys?"

"I don't know what they do. It's none of my business what they do or who they do it with. Like you say, he likes blowing guys and guys like getting blown. It's not something the skaters talk about that much. It just is and we just do. If you try to make it complicated you can."

"You knew your buddies went with Donnie."

"Only because we've been with him at the same time. Donnie has no fear of us. He likes us. He takes us out for pizza and a few brewskis and we cruise around. He's kewl, you know."

"You said he blew you in the car once," I reminded him.

"Once? Five times? He blew me in his car. It's not the kind of thing I count. It's not the kind of thing I ever figured I'd get tested on. I was giving you general information to explain how I got here last night."

"Why'd you stay last night?"

"I was tired. Why'd you watch us?"

"I liked what I saw. Like I said, I'm not usually interested in the guys Donnie brings home. I stay pretty busy and I don't meet many guys I want to...."

"Fuck!" Richard said, pushing his cup at the coffee maker as it belched out the final drops.

"You are direct," I said.

"No, I leave that up to you guys. I'm smart enough to know what's going on, but I'm not looking to be anyone's bitch though."

"No, I didn't suspect you were."

"I was curious about how much interest you had in what was going on between Donnie and me. You seemed like an okay guy. I'm not all that much to look at and when someone looks, I wonder about it."

"I wouldn't say that," I said. "You look pretty neat to me."

"I'm not very smart but I'm not stupid either. I know what guys want and sometimes it's kewl. I like being liked. Everyone likes being liked. Cream and sugar."

"Oh yeah," I said, going to the fridge to get some milk and pushing the sugar bowl in front of him as I dug a spoon out of the drawer.

He sipped his coffee and our eyes met across the counter several times. His were a lovely shade of blue that went well with the yellow in his blond hair. There was more to Richard than a skateboard and sex drive. He didn't seem in the least out of place with me and every other experience I had with a straight guy ended up with them disappearing as quick as they could make a getaway after the fact, but Richard didn't seem to be in a hurry, and I didn't care if I was late for class or not.

"You shouldn't have much trouble finding guys that like you," I said.

"Some times they like me, too, much and some guys think they own you once you've unzipped your pants for them one time. They don't think skaters have brains or know how to say no. That's what I don't like about gay guys. Guys like Donnie..., and you, are kewl."

"You said you've been around," I said. "Why wouldn't you be around people who didn't respect what you want?"

"I was raised in foster care. You don't get no say about nothing. If you know what's good for you you'll do what you're told and keep your mouth shut."

"Your parents?"

"Momma was a little bit of a drunk. I never knew my father. My brother and I, Michael, were born with alcohol fetal syndrome. We required special care. My mother couldn't give it to us on account she liked the bottle a bit more than she liked us, and so the state came and got us. You visit some pretty interesting homes, when you're in foster care, especially when you have medical problems."

"How old's your brother," I asked.

"About eight minutes older than me," he said with a more serious note in his voice. "He's bigger than me. Well, in most places. I got the big dick out of the deal."

I poured him more coffee and he added cream and sugar and stirred vigorously, watching the liquid swirl around in his cup.

"That's important?" I asked.

"Fuck yeah. It's what's up front that counts, dude. It got me special treatment more than once."

"I bet but my interest had nothing to do with the size of your organ."

"And I don't sleep on just any couch and I never get drilled up the ass by anyone, gay or straight. I saw you watching and I was curious about you."

"Why me?" I asked stupidly.

"Why? It was just one of those things. It just happened that way. I'm not someone that makes things happen a certain way. I let things happen the way they want and if I can't get with the program, I get down the road. You know what I mean? Last night, I got with the program. I saw you watching me. I knew you wanted me. Then, I fell asleep wondering how to get you going, but you took care of it for me."

"I feel bad that I didn't return the favor. I wanted it to be special for you, too. I wanted you to have as much fun as I did."

"What makes you think I didn't?" Richard said, eyeing me carefully as we spoke.

"You didn't cum," I said.

"That's the only measure of a man?"

"Well, not the only one."

"I might jack off two or three times today, thinking about... it. I'll save the memory for a moment when I can whip it out and stroke it. Maybe in the hallway down by the bathrooms or leaning on the wall behind the mall."

"You're getting me turned on again," I said.

"Yes, the curse of gay guys. You can't leave it alone long enough to discuss what it is and if it means anything or not. I guess I better be going. My ass is already sore and I can't take another round of that heavy duty pipe shoved up my butthole."

"I didn't mean to hurt you," I said soulfully.

"Oh shut up. It isn't that big. I just don't take it up the ass is all. It'll be fine in a day or two. Thanks for the coffee and the... fun," Richard said as he stood up, buttoning his shirt.

He walked to the corner of the couch and picked up his skateboard and I followed him to the door, amazed at his size. I didn't care that much for big guys but he wasn't all that big once you got to know him.

"Hey, when's Donnie here anyway?" He asked, turning around as he went out of my door.

"Donnie?" I said, and I'm sure he could read my disappointment, when he wanted to know about Donnie's comings and goings.

"Yeah, you know, your roommate. Happy go lucky kind of a guy with muscles and a smile." I remembered that I didn't have any muscle to speak of. I tried to smile but just then there was a pain in my heart. Not only didn't I know if I'd ever see him again but he was asking me about my roommate's schedule.

"Donnie leaves early. He's an ice cream man. He doesn't usually come in until about the time you came in with him last night. He's usually with someone and he doesn't like surprises, Richard. I wouldn't just drop by."

"So he's not here as much as you are?"

"No, he comes in with guys and goes back out. Like last night. Every once in a while he comes in with a guy and they stay in the bedroom all night. He goes out a lot. I really can't tell you a specific time he's here."

"And you?" He asked. "You at school all the time?"

"I come in early on Tuesdays and Thursdays, about three, and after four on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I have a late class those days."

"Now I know," he said, turning to walk away.

"Why are you looking to see Donnie again?" I asked, still feeling hurt and wondering what Donnie had that I didn't. I did give him coffee.

He turned without warning and he had his free hand around my waist be4 I knew what was happening, but I knew exactly what was happening, when I noticed his tongue in my throat. The kiss lingered longer than he had expected and I heard the skateboard clatter to the floor as he put his other arm around me and held me close against his body, kissing me passionately and at the same time feeling my ass crack.

When he finally broke the spell, I was absolutely dizzy with delight and desire for him all over again. I was also a bit confused.

"What are you looking for, Richard? You ask me about when Donnie is here and then you kiss me like you mean it. I'm having difficulty understanding you."

"I'm not looking to see him. I'm looking to see you, okay, and I'd rather see you without him being around to take notes, if that's okay with you."

"Fine," I said, still a little breathless from his kiss.

"And if you must know, I'm looking for some one to love me," he said as a boyish smile came to his lips.

"You're looking for someone to love you or someone to be in love with you?"

"There's a difference?" He asked, leaning his arm on the door jam and kissing me for another few minutes.

"To love someone is to worship them. To be in love is to worship them forever."

"I'm definitely looking for someone to be in love with me then. If you know of anyone that might fill the bill, invite them up for me to meet one day," he said coyly, kissing my cheek.

"But if you're straight...?"

"I didn't say I was straight. I said, I'm not gay, and I'm not. I don't have a need to define every aspect of my life. I'm free to be me, when I'm with you. There is no pretense or illusion."

"I don't think I understand you."

"It's the same reason I skate. I'm free, Henry. I can do whatever I damn well please. You have a certain diagram you go by, skaters don't. They live to be free and that means in all things, not just to break the law and skate on sidewalks and boardwalks, when it says you can't. To skate is to experience the ultimate freedom. Sex is like that, too, if you do it right. There are no rules and that gives you about twice as many people who can love you if you only let them."

I watched him walk down the hallway, no, I watched him strut his stuff down the hallway. He never looked back as he swung the skateboard back and forth, wanting to put it down and skate on it, but he contained himself.

I closed the door, after he was out of sight and then leaned my back against it. I'd never met a guy like Richard Smith. I wasn't particularly smitten with skaters, but I'd never felt that way about anyone be4.

He was amazing and I didn't know if I'd ever see him again.


Next: Chapter 3

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