Enticing Sleeper

By coxcomb rumbustious

Published on Jul 14, 2004


It was a hot humid evening. I'd gone out with my roller blades and met some friends downtown. We skated and checked out what was up down there. When they split for drink and nourishment, I opted to go home and sit in a cool tub of water and kick back with some music or maybe some television.

When I came through the door, I could hear my roommate in the kitchen. I stopped at the door to the kitchen and leaned my head inside.

"Hey! How are you tonight."

"Great. You said you'd be out tonight."

"I was out but I'm back. I was skating and I need to bathe."

"That's Richard," Donnie said, putting the finishing touches on the drinks and chips he was preparing.

"Oh, I'll stay in my bedroom," I said.

"He's cool," Donnie said. "He skates. He's from the mall."

I walked into the living room and Richard was on the couch. He wasn't to either side but more to the middle. He had sandy blond hair that was cut short. He was tall and had one leg extended out in front of him. There were fine blond hairs on the ample calf. His baggy light green shorts covered his thighs almost to the knee. His zipper was wide open and there were powder blue boxers under the shorts. His shirt was partially open and he had delicate looking skin. His shoulders were quite wide, but not for his frame.

I passed behind him not wanting to interrupt whatever it was going on. His head turned and I saw the light blue of his eyes as he looked back at me. He stood and turned to shove his big hand at me. There was no break between his eyebrows and they connected over top of his nose. They were the exact same color as the hair on his head.

"I'm Richard Smith," he said in a strong deep voice.

"Yeah, right. I'm John Jones," I said, laughing at the name he game me.

"He is," Donnie said, bringing the tray in with the refreshments.

"Oh, okay," I said, looking down at the open zipper as he stood facing me.

Richard's hands were suddenly in the way of the view.

"This is Henry. He's my roommate," Donnie said. "He was supposed to be out this evening.

"Yeah, well, I'm not gay," Richard advised as I was trying to see around his hands for more evidence of whatever they were meant to hide.

"No, ninety percent of the world isn't in fact, but we all like a good blow job."

Richard had turned a little red from something or other. He sat back down closer to one corner of the couch and nearly stumbled over the skateboard that was upside down on the floor next to him. He picked it up and placed it against the arm of the couch he now leaned upon.

I knew Donnie and I knew he enjoyed giving pleasure to the rougher element that inhabited the area around our apartments. Once or twice a week, when I got home, there was a new young fellow waiting for his just desserts. A few returned for encore performances, but mostly they only came once.

Richard fit the category. He wasn't at all handsome, although there was a rugged sexuality to all of Donnie's conquests and Richard had more than his share.

"I have a twin brother," Richard said casually enough.

"Does he need a blow job, too?" I questioned.


"Yeah, I was just passing through. You boys have fun."

"I don't know," Richard said as I walked toward my room. "But he's gay."

"He is?" Donnie asked.

"Yeah," Richard said.

"What kind of twins are you?" I asked.

"Brothers," Richard said. "He's my brother."

"Are you like identical twins?" I questioned further.

"Yeah, we're identical. We even look alike. I'm better looking though."

"You're identical in every way except that he is gay and you aren't," I said.

"Right," Richard agreed. "I'm not."

"Good night, Henry," Donnie said as I walked away. "We can go in the bedroom if that will make you more comfortable."

"No!" Richard objected. "I don't want to go into your bedroom."

I turned around when I stopped at my bedroom door and Richard was looking over his shoulder at me. His eyes were quite lovely against his pale pink lips. I left the door open, after I entered, to see if he'd mention it to Donnie. Of course Donnie would likely come to close it if it became a source of irritation for his guest.

I hadn't seen that many of the boys Donnie liked that interested me but there was something different about Richard. There was something under the surface that was trying to emerge but it was difficult to read. Most of Donnie's boys came in search of a blowjob. They were oozing hormones and desire, curiosity as well, although that was the last thing they'd admit to the men that blew them.

Ordinarily it was about getting their dick sucked and getting back to their friends. A couple had knocked on the door when Donnie wasn't there, and insisted on coming in to leave a message or to chat. I didn't get the same felling from Richard. The curiosity had bubbled to the surface in the living room and even after I had left the scene.

I used the light from the bathroom, because my door was still opened and the lights in the living room had been lowered. I didn't want to disturb whatever activity they were engaged in, if they were still at it, but I suspected they were because Donnie always had all the lights in the apartment on except when he was taking care of business.

I walked to the door of my bedroom, not certain if I should shut it or not. As I stood naked, drying my hair, I could see Richard sitting naked on the couch. A light from the kitchen was bright enough to shine on his smooth broad chest and delicately colored nipples. While the light didn't illuminate Richard's face, I could see his eyes looking in my direction.

Donnie was still dressed and lying with his head in Richard's lap. The hard cock he was attending to was arched up toward Richar's belly and the scraggly blond hairs that were trying to make a line to his naval. While Donnie had great skills at cock sucking, he was only able to get two thirds of Richard's cock into his throat and one of Richard's big hands was on the back of Donnie's head to assist him in eating the whole thing.

I stood in my doorway and touched myself as Richard looked on. I was hard as soon as I saw what was going on out in the living room. I fingered myself and stroked gently, not moving from my door.

"I'm going to cum," Richard said softly, forcing Donnie deeper onto the suddenly angry phallus.

Richard's eyes were firmly placed onto the back of Donnie's head as he raised his hips and tensed all his muscles. His chest heaved as he hissed escaping air into the silent room. Moving both of his arms across the back of the couch, he continued lifting up with his hips to encourage Donnie to finish him off.

"You were horny, stud," Donnie said, standing up.

"Yeah," Richard said. "I was. My girlfriend is on vacation."

"Well do come back, stud," Donnie said. "I specialize in taking up the slack."

"Yeah," Richard said. "After that drink and what you just did, could I sleep here on your couch. I'm really tired all of a sudden."

"Sure," Donnie agreed. "I'm going back out but if you need anything I'm sure Henry will help you out."

"His name is Henry?" Richard asked.

"My roommate? Yes, his name is Henry. He's cool."

"Yeah," Richard said. "He's cool."

I heard the conversation and wondered how long it would take until Richard came to my door, wanting something. Unfortunately he'd already had sex, because the thought of sex with him was on my mind. There was something I liked about him and now he was sleeping a few feet away on my couch. The guys Donnie usually brought back were smaller, hornier, and ready to leave as quick as they came. I'd met several in passing and gave little thought to them. Fifteen minutes wasn't a substantial relationship to me, but Donnie wasn't me and it's what he enjoyed. Being a terrific guy, it was easy to accept his foibles. I'd long ago given up thinking that I should tell other people how they should live. At times I wasn't even sure about how should live.

I heard Donnie close the front door and I went to the door, still naked and still hard. There was Richard, lying face down on the couch. The blue boxers were back on and he was perfectly still. The drink and the sex had worn him out and so I gave up the fantasy that he'd come to me in the night. He really did want to sleep on the couch.

Lying on my bed, I contemplated relieving the tension that had grown in my loins from watching Donnie do Richard. I would stay hard until I did something with it or went to sleep, and then, odds were good that it would wake me up the first time I rolled over on it and felt it pressing against my flesh. I wasn't one to frustrate myself by denying I needed to jerk off but there were still hopes, diminished none the less.

Sometime during the night I rolled on to my erection and it roused me enough to get my thoughts back on Richard and how he took to getting blown. I'd just get up and check to see if he was still there, and so I stood at the door to my bedroom and with no light on in the kitchen, it was difficult to see if he was still on the couch. I was reluctant to turn my light on and I headed for the kitchen and got myself some water that was readily available in my bathroom. I turned on the kitchen light so that it would light the couch and the nearly nude boy, one knee bent up against the back of the couch and him still mostly on his stomach.

I walked into the living room drinking from the glass I had gone to the kitchen to collect. My hand brushed my hard cock as it stood out with surprising ardor for the boy I had interacted with for all of two minutes. My condition demanded that I take some action to sooth its passion be4 more sleep would find me.

I stood beside the couch with the kitchen light sending soft rays to light him from his shoulders to the back of his knees. There was a fine but irregular line of blond hairs on the inside of his legs starting from where they appeared out of his boxers. I found myself leaning forward to let my fingers touch the skin as I traced the path of his magnetic hair.

His skin was smooth and warm and my fingers made a journey up the back of his leg until they were inside the boxers and I found a more delicate feel to the hidden skin. Richard made a soft sleepy sound, almost rousing but not, falling back into his deep sleep. I held my breath from the corner of the couch, where I had bolted to in fear of being found out. I stood there; ready to head for my room if he awoke, and I waited until I was sure he was quiet.

I scolded myself for taking advantage of the sleeping lad as I attempted to quiet my swift thumping heart while trying to imagine what he'd think if he caught me....

I drank from the glass to quell the dry mouth that had overtaken me. I sat the glass on the coffee table in front of the couch and kneeled between the two. I looked at his relaxed body and could only imagine the secrets the boxers knew. I let my thighs rest against the front of the couch as my fingers moved back up under the boxers an inch be4 bringing them back out. My heart beat insanely, not to mention my cock. It was suddenly super hot in my living room and my entire body had become as sensitive to love, as did my aching cock.

I leaned back on my heels listening for his breathing to change, but it didn't. I drank again from my glass and tried to calm myself be4 I eased my hand up inside his boxers, moving deliberately until I was touching the soft hairy place up between his legs and just behind his balls. The hair there was soft and the skin deliriously delicate. I leaned forward until my face was on the back of his boxers and his firm round butt. My hand felt the warm firm area in back of his soft smooth pouch be4 I massaged one of his small hens eggs and then the other.

As I moved my fingers to get a better grip on his balls, the leg that was bent up against the back of the couch straightened out and he turned his head until it was facing toward me. Putting his legs together forced my hand out of his pants and that cut me off from his balls, but not only that, he had cut me off from his cock, which I would have had in my possession in another moment.

The injustice!

I wouldn't so much have minded being caught, if I had attained that final measure of success be4hand. Now I was between the proverbial rock and the hard place. How did I explain to a guy I didn't know just how my hand got into his underwear?

I stayed kneeling next to him with my heart about ready to attack any second as it skillfully played a strange rendition of the Anvil Chorus, I waited to be busted by the sleeping boy. I found myself in a room of silence. I could not see his face clearly, but I didn't think his eyes were open. He seemed to have fallen peacefully back to sleep. That was close. Now I could slip back into my bedroom and consider myself lucky. What I was doing was against all reason. I tried to remember all the times I had people sleeping in my apartment or in my house back home. There had been dozens over the years and I hadn't thought about doing what I was doing now, not even once.

What was wrong with me? What was there about this boy that had me kneeling beside his sleeping body, ready to violate it in any way I could. As soon as I was sure I was safe, I'd go back to my bedroom and close the door this time. I wasn't going to continue this madness.

Richard raised up a little and I stayed well in shadows beside the couch. He turned his head toward the back of the couch and plopped back down. He had spread his legs apart and one knee was bent, which provided easy access to the same area I'd already visited. I leaned back against the couch as my cock stiffened back up from the excitement. I felt his leg up from the knee until my fingers and then my hand went out of sight and came to rest between his legs.

I stopped there and waited, listening for the night sounds that told me I was safe in my pursuits. I found his low hanging balls and exercised each and then in tandem, feeling the soft sac and its contents completely be4 moving on to search for his cock.

Now, everything was quiet. I could hear him breathe those soft deep sounds of sleep. My breathing was more ragged and had he been listening, they'd have told a tale of my passionate quest. I could not recall wanting anyone more than I wanted Richard, and as my fingers tightened on the firm gristle I found in front of him. It occurred to me that he was as hard as I was if not as excited.

I let my fingers gently feel the thick base and his curly blond pubic hair. There was an unearthly silence, save the ragged breathing that I tried to stifle as best I could. I'd felt thicker cocks and I'd been with better boys but none had me as excited as Richard had me just then.

It was when I squeezed ever so gently, and then more firmly, that his ass took to moving abruptly backward, until it collided with my face, which was dangerously close to it at this point in time, as I was reaching up between his legs to feel his cock. My first instinct was to let go of the evidence and plead insanity if he made a scene, only letting go of a good thing wasn't as easy as it sounds.

Once his ass met the resistance of my face, it went the other way, pushing his erect penis up through my fingers, when his weight came to rest on said hand and said cock. Even worse, my face was planted in the crack of his ass, and except for the boxers, my lips were poised very near his a'hole. I waited for the worst, while hoping for the best, like he wouldn't pound my face until I removed my trapped hand from his fat cock.

As I rested there, fearful and aroused, Richard's leg, the one closest to me, moved until it was making love to my cock. The course hair on his calf brushed my swollen head, creating a most delicious sensation. It came to rest bent in a way that kept it pressing against my erection in a most exciting way.

To rest my hand free would require that I either rupture him or eat his shorts, and neither option seemed all that wonderful, while the way I had gotten myself trapped against him was. Getting my face pounded might not be all that bad if I could just stay like this for a few minutes.

The excitement was palpable and the feel of his cock was downright orgasmic. I was not one given to premature ejaculations, but his calf was getting me so close to eruption that it became another factor in my growing list of worries. There I was, about as compromised as one can get, having no graceful way out and yet I was still so hot and bothered I didn't really care. It didn't matter what could happen because of my roaming hands. All that mattered was what was happening, and there was something to be said for reaching out to touch someone, even while they slept.

While there was no indication that he was awake, I didn't know how he could be asleep. There were two short movements that came from his hips and forced his cock deeper into my fist. My response was a reflex; squeezing firmly and pulling down and back on his cock. This forced a distinctive moan out of him as his calf did a slow motion move, pressing harder on my erection. This motion, along with the other, had me a bit dizzy and disoriented. That's all it took for him to somehow yank my hand out from under him, and in the same instant he yanked down his boxers. My face was all of a sudden pressed pleasantly against the soft naked skin of his ass as he pulled my hand back up between his legs until it was once more holding the fire he kept burning there.

Nothing was said and I wasn't sure where we stood after he grew still once more. His smell was a potion of cum, sweat, and his fragrance, and it stiffened my dick and made me delirious with lust for him. I slowly masturbated him, using my free hand to rub his ass. First the spot behind his balls and then as I rubbed closer to his asshole the hair thinned until it was almost nonexistent.

I rubbed my finger across the hot brown spot and pulled back and squeezed his cock at the same time. His exciting butthole massaged my fingers and the tender flesh was so smooth and warm that it made me swoon be4 I blew hot air there and rubbed more firmly. His hand moved on top of my hand and he clamped down on it so I was squeezing harder and at the same time his ass raised up toward my mouth. I continued blowing and rubbing until it was too close to my lips for comfort. I moved my fingers and replaced it with my mouth, tongue extended as I wiggled it like a firm wet worm.

"Oh yeah," he said.

I circled the tender spot with my tongue and flicked against it sparingly as he tried to push his hole onto my mouth. I could feel his cock throb and moisture was now dripping down the sides so that when I stroked him, I wet most of his shaft. This created less resistance and a more exciting motion. His hand stayed with mine but he made no attempt to interfere with the beating I gave him.

As I calmed down I put my mouth over the hole and let my sloppy wet tongue tickle him. At first using only the tip, once he got with the motion, I forced my entire tongue back and forth over the pulsing hole. The moans didn't subside until I slowed my motion, fearing I was about to lose him to his orgasm and I wasn't done yet.

The hand I kept on his cock was now sticky from my fingers to my palm. His hand was helpless on mine and it followed my lead. The sounds he made told me he enjoyed the 4play, but I slowed down the licking for several minutes so he would calm down and then I started getting in my licks again. This time he bent his ass back against my mouth as he whimpered and twitched from the magic in my tongue.

I'd seen Richard's posture when he was with Donnie. He was a stud of major proportions and while he didn't mind getting naked and letting a dude worship h is dick, I got no indication that he might be gay or wanting to experiment with guys. In fact the impression I got was that he wanted to cum and getting blown achieved that.

Now I was poised at his back door and meeting no resistance. Of course I hadn't done anything but put my mouth there. While I had no impression he wanted to give me more, I also had no impression that he was about to stop the momentum we'd built. In fact, Richard was going along with the program every step of the way. While I didn't know how far he'd let me go, I wanted to find out, and as I licked and flicked the velvet hole, I began the insertion of the tip of my index finger.

There was a sudden tension in the room. His muscles tensed, his hand left mine and his ass moved away from my finger, even though it was snagged in the hole. The soft moans quit and the room was left empty of sound. I held my breath and didn't move, except for squeezing his cock firmly and once more pulling it hard back toward his body.

Then, without warning, his warm moist hot hole was slowly swallowed my finger. All the tension came out of him by the time he had pushed back hard enough to get my finger inside him. A soft moan replaced the silence as he squeezed the hand that held his pulsing cock.

With all the passion he could muster, Richard said, "Fuck yeah!"


Next: Chapter 2

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