
By Cumm Slutt

Published on Jan 17, 2019


DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW.

"Ohhh yeahhh... ohhh fuck yeahhh..!" James, 43, muttered, on his knees in the kitchen. He'd impaled himself on his fake rubber cock, suction-cupped to the slick tile floor firmly, riding up and down it, lube oozing from his swollen, abused asshole, on his black seamed stockinged knees attached to his black garter belt. His black frilly panties laid on the floor, as if they were watching him fucking himself! His black, lacy bra had it's cups filled with old, previously-worn seamed stockings, all stiff and plastered with previous cums! He could smell the hot sex in the air as he rode the fake cock up and down, faster and faster, then he took a second dildo and slurped it in his mouth, sucking voraciously on it like it was a real cock, fingers around the base, his other hand sliding up and down his hard, throbbing cock slimy with Astrolube dripping from it.

'You can do it, darling!' he thought to himself, getting closer. 'Fuck me, lover! Oh shit.... I'm gonna cum... yessss!' he grunted to himself, shooting thick streams of hot sperm out his cock! "YESSS!" he yelled loudly, spitting out the fake cock, it rolling in his sperm. Then, he scooped it up and sucked on it some more, sucking his cum off it! "Ohhhh Fucckkk Yesss!" he moaned again, the dildo dropping from his mouth..... "Oh fucking-A..." he shuddered, slowly standing up in his high heels, sliding the suction cup cock out of his spent ass, picking up his panties and wiping the cum from his cock and balls, feeling a flush come over him of pure pleasure!

James was pleased with himself, making himself cum while in his 'outfit', peeling it off and tossing the spent items in the washer; all except the nylons he stuffed the cups of his bra from. Those were special.... they had the strong odor of spent cum, and when he'd bend his head down wearing his bra, he could catch whiffs of them, urging him on! Sex, he determined, was more about smells and odors than of physical acts; it was those odors that turned him on so greatly it would make him cum (of course with the friction of his fingers gliding up and down his cock, too!).

His wife Cindy, of course, knew nothing of his kinky ministrations. She had big tits and a beautiful ass, but what a waste; she had no sex drive at all and would barely allow him to fuck her. No oral or anal sex either way whatsoever. She hated the outfits he used to buy her, could see no reason for her to get all sexed up in them, only to have him slowly (deliciously!) take them off her..... but he liked it!


Not far from James was Eddie, a married dad with his wife, Julie. They were 37 and 36, respectively. Eddie was hyper-sexual; just the opposite for his wife Julie; very similar to James and Cindy.

Eddie liked to go to Adult Book Stores to get his kinky pleasures. The one he frequented the most was also a dresser's haven, too! And, it attracted him, turned him on to wear women's underthings under his 'normal' clothes. But, his wife refused to wear anything sexier than a flannel nightgown to bed; bummer!

One day he went a different way home because a road was closed and there was a garage sale on that street. There were a couple old desks that attracted him; he loved woodworking out in the garage. But, when there, he saw some real gurly lingerie! He glimpsed at it a few times; the old guy running the sale saw him look....

"They sure feel real nice on..." he murmured.

"Oh? And you know how?" Eddie grinned.

"Love to dress up in them, wife passed and I kept her things.... I got a lot more inside if you'd like to see...." he giggled. "Just let me close down the sale.... time to quit.... Oh. By the way, my name is Harry...." and held out his hand, which I shook, albeit very femininely! And so did he! "Always got my crank going when she'd let me put her things on and we'd play gurly-gurl..... she was quite kinky.... we'd have other guys over to dress up too...." Harry groaned, removing his overalls and shirt, putting on panties over his lengthening cock and cum-filled balls! He slipped on a brassiere and garter belt, pulling hose up his legs.... "Whatcha waiting for?" he giggled.....

"Oh fuck yessss!" I grinned, sliding out of my clothes, not realizing this was going to be highly erotic! I slid my pants off and underpants and he whistled, "Wow! You sure do have a hard fucking cock, gurl!" and reached for it, me gasping as he fondled me! "Ouuuuu baby...." and he sunk to his knees, taking me in his cocksucking mouth, rubbing his tits in his bra on my knees.

"Ouuuuu darling, you do taste so good, honey!" he paused his cocksucking to speak, then returned to his blowjob he was giving me.

"Ouuuuuuu, not gonna last long when you do that!" I groaned, feeling his tongue on the underside of my cock, flicking at it. I slowly pulled it from his mouth and sank to my knees, capturing his cock as he stood up, putting on heels, feeling him grow in my mouth.

"Ouuuu yesss darling, suck my weenie, baby! I can still cum, lover!" Harry moaned. He was 68 and horny as hell!

"Gghghhh ahddddd..." I groaned, urging him on, doing the same to him, tonguing the underside of his penis.

"Ouuuuu yessss.... oh shit, gonna cum!" he shuddered, jerking and bucking, pushing his cock deep in my cocksucking mouth, cum dribbling out of it in a nice flow! "Ohhhhhhh.... fuckk....." Harry groaned, spent. "Lemme suck you until you cum, baby!"

"Ohhhh yess, baby!" I moaned, changing places, him taking my cock in his mouth once again. But, by then I had to pee..... "Gotta pee first......" and started to raise up.

"Oh go right ahead! Piss in my mouth and I'll drink it right up, sweetheart!" and clamped his lips tightly around my aching penis so as not to miss a drop!

"Ahhhhhh...!" I moaned, releasing my pee and he drank it right down!

"Wonderful, gorgeous! Wonderful! Now, cum in my cocksucking mouth too!" and started sucking me ardently! It didn't take long and I deposited load after load in his toothless mouth!

"Ouuuuuuu thank you honey!" he grinned, then started fondling me. "Make you hard again so you can butt-fuck me..... oh yeah.... butt-fuck me silly and I'll cum again!"

"MMMMmmmmmmmmmmm I'll jerk you off, you gurly-gurl!" as I got behind him while he greased up his hole, slowly pushing my hard-again cock up his lubed asshole!Then he guided my hand to his slippery cock, my fingers kneading and playing with it, him getting half hard, slamming his ass and jerking on him!

"Oh yesss... fuck me, honey... fuck me hard.... play with my gurly clitty-dick.... make me cum again!" he hollered, holding onto my hand, fingers sliding up and down, masturbating him while I fucked him!

"OUuuuuuuu gonna cum up your ass, you wonderful slut!" I moaned, shooting hot cum, bathing his innards!

"Ohhhh shit yeah!!!" Harry hollered, shooting his cum in my hand! We pleasured each other!

We took a shower together, fondling each other, him making me cum a 3rd time while I drank his piss from his cock, then got dressed. Harry gave me a whole wardrobe of his wife's old things, saying how much she would have wanted me to have it! I thanked him, got in my truck and called my frigid wife to tell her I had to take a much longer route because of closed roads and would be there in a minute..... turns out Harry lived not more than a mile from my house!


It was the early 60's, a time when wife-swapping was going on with secret 'clubs' and 8 mm porno videos were being shown at them, the club's participants acting out what they saw on the pull-down screens. Cone-shaped bras with stitched concentric circles, tight girdles that you could barely breathe in, garter belts or corsets with attached garters to hold up seamed stockings and stiletto heels..... all designed for their allure for hot, busty, sexy, loose women!

But, and barely whispered about, was a subset of men who loved to have those women... or, more precisely, loved to BE those women; gay femmes dressing in their brassieres and corsets and stockings and heels, flitting and flirting with other like men, similarly dressed, promoting oral and anal sex amongst themselves!

I was at my usual bar having a drink, wife not home, gone on the train to see her sister, when another guy I knew passed me a business card, "The Gurl's Club" with an address on it. He winked and smiled, said there was a meeting that night for 'new recruits for 'the club' and did I want to come as his guest?

A shiver went through me! I'd dressed sometimes in my wife's underthings before, never even imagining that someone else would actually do the same, and had super-powerful orgasms from my cock and balls, thoroughly enjoying the experience and luxuriating in how dirty and nasty it made me feel! I even imagined I could be sucking another gurly guy's cock for him, bringing even more powerful orgasms for me to enjoy! I'd sucked cocks at Roman bathouses before, very willing to get on my knees and slide my head up under a pot-bellied guy's towel to gobble down his cock, like I'd had other men do to me!

I nodded "YES!" and said I'd have to find some women's clothes to wear, but he said "no worries", a member of the club was a clothing retailer who had all sorts of clothing and outfits to share, so we left and drove out into the country. He undid my pants and fondled me as I undid his and fondled his, too, on our way!

"Oh fuck, if this is anything like what will happen at the club....!" I shuddered!

"Ohhhh more, a whole helluva lot more, baby!" he groaned back! We got out of the truck and walked up to a non-descript split-level house and rang the bell. A little door opened, the person inside recognized Craig and let us in, motioning to the right....

"Dressing room...." he minced in gurly fashion, opening the door, then shut it quickly once inside.

"Hi Craig!" everybody hollered. But, everyone was in stages of nakedness and/or dressing!

"Hi everybody!" and turned to me, whispering, "No playing in here, strictly dressing, one of the rules. Unlike other things, we play in the open, not secretly! That is the purpose of the club! To play out in the open for everybody to watch, and join in! Now strip and we'll find an outfit for you!" He no more than said that and he took off his shirt and pants, exposing his lacy underwear he wore underneath! "I special-ordered my outfit from a new company, "Frederick's For Femme's" out of Virginia, kinda like Frederick's of Hollywood for women, but for cross-dressing whore sluts like us! Now, let me see everything!" and discarded my underpants, my hardon throbbing! "Nice!" he shuddered, twirling me around, showing me off to many wonderful comments from others! He helped me dress, right to the hilt, then we went off to Registration/Sign-in.... a separate bedroom, where I had to fill out a form (in my best gurly writing with little hearts dotting my 'i's) and a declaration that I had not contracted any communicable diseases since my last visit, etc. Then, finally, down cellar to "The play Room"! Even the little tilt-out cellar windows were covered completely!

"Let me introduce you around to anybody available...." Craig giggled; about half of them were engaged in one way or another.....

"Wait! What if..." I stuttered....

".....somebody wants to play? Go right ahead! I can find many who will play with me!" Craig grinned!

It only took two introductions to get hit on, another gurl dropping to her knees, pulling out my cock and sucked on it, while a third made out with me and a fourth parting my asscheeks! OHhhhh fuckkkk!!!!

"Darling! Your cock is sooo fucking hard, honey!" one said. I'd cum and in minutes another would make me hard again!

Another gurl got me down on all fours fucking me, a pretty gurl with big fake tits on his back sucking me while another gurl pushed his cock in and out of my mouth! It was like I was in Erotica Central! And loving every minute of it!

I think in the four hours there, I'd sucked most all of the cocks and got fucked by at least half of them or more, before we finally left! It was the most erotic thing I'd ever gone to!

I got home and Craig came in and we luxuriously showered together, getting each other to cum one more time, then dressed and I did some steaks on the charcoal grill for the two of us! We drank some Carlings and he left, both of us totally satiated!


I'd moved out of the parent's house a few months ago, now 19, into my own apartment! It was exciting, especially having the freedom to do things you wouldn't dare do at home, in fear you'd get caught, like jerking off in front of the TV in the livingroom, or parading around in skimpy little gurly panties and bra while pulling on your cock sticking out the side of the panties and cumming all over yourself, or peeing in the wastebasket in the kitchen!

My older cousin Freddie came over to play X-Box.... we played a few games, then it got boring all of a sudden; we'd been sitting on the couch but slowly moved closer and closer together until our thighs were touching! We leaned back and his hand rested on my upper thigh and he moved his finger.....

"MMmmmmm, nice....." I said softly. He moved it again towards my crotch, suddenly we both became aware of it, the sensuality of it, and we both liked it! We'd never 'done' anything together, but it wasn't out of the question, either, for both of us......

Slowly he caressed my hardon in my shorts, looking at me quizzically, with parted lips. I melted against him, covering his hand with mine, then fondling him as I moved in for a kiss.... WOW! Bursts of red hot lightning! We cradled each other in our arms, making out madly, tongues dueling, while our hands and fingers uncovered each other's throbbing hardons!

I went down on him first, having done this before with an older 'friend', slowly taking his cock between my lips, sucking on his cock which got super hard in my mouth! Then he went down on me, sucking me, showing his experience also!

I'll never forget standing up, hardon pointed straight out, taking his hand and moaning, "Come...." and him smiling, saying, "My pleasure, honey!" and we went to my bedroom, stripping each other, making out, then laying down on the bed, 69-style, enveloping each other's dripping penises in each other's cocksuckng mouths and blowing each other passionately and completely, sharing each other's hot cumloads, then making out, sealing the deal!

"Oh fuck, Freddie, that was so wonderful!" I moaned, kissing him.

"Oh fuck yesss, it was! Can I come back next Friday for more?" he asked.

"Oh fuck yeah! Do you like.... gurls things too? I love getting all gurly!" I moaned.

"Oh shit, I thought I was the only one on the planet who liked getting gurly'd up! Darling....." and held out his arms, kissing me.....

"Ouuuu yesss sweetheart!" as I kissed him back!


Next: Chapter 19

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