Entertaining Paul, TV/TG Section

By Joyce Devries

Published on Sep 9, 2006



"Entertaining Paul"

Monday April 18th, 2005

By Joyce Devries, joyce_devries@hotmail.com MSN ID: joyce_devries@hotmail.com Yahoo ID: joyce_devriestv@yahoo.com

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure, after a wonderful sexually explosive adventure where I saw myself experiencing a romantic evening with a GG Lesbian and double dating with my spouse and her bisexual lover, this was an extension of that wonderful weekend.

I woke up and looked over at the clock in my room, I saw it was 10:30am, and I did not even hear Sharon leave for work. I immediately had shock run through me as it was a workday!. I immediately got on the phone and called my boss. I apologized for calling so late, but made the excuse that I was sick and was up all night and was sorry I did not call earlier. He told me he already knew as Sharon had called him first thing in the morning and left a voicemail and said that he figured I would be sleeping and then told me to go back to bed. I made my way to the bathroom and sat down to do my business, when I realized that my tampon was still in, and grabbed the string and gently pulled it out, and what a weird feeling, and grabbed some tissue and wrapped it up and put it in the garbage.

The house was quiet and I had it all to myself, so I got up and grabbed the black satin robe to my gown and slipped it on. I decided to check to my email and I had several, but more importantly, two were from Paul and Carl the night before. I immediately opened them, one was from Carl and he thanked me profusely for making his first sexual experience the best night of his life, the other was from Paul, and it read:

"My darling Joy,

I had a great evening dancing and enjoying your company, if you were not already engaged in a relationship, I definitely would be going after you. Please enjoy the flowers as a token of our appreciation. Also, please consider seriously teaching my girlfriend how to suck a cock like you can, you definitely gave me the best blowjob of my entire life. Perhaps our paths will meet again at the club?.

Hugs and Kisses


I checked the email and there was an attachment and it was for a delivery of 2 dozen rose, one dozen red and the other dozen pink. Instructions were to call a 1-800 number and give the ID number in the email and they would be delivered the same day. I was blown away, but got on the phone and called and gave the number and my address and they said they would be delivered by days end. I answered Paul's email with a "thank you for the flowers" email, and told him, about teaching his girlfriend, again, same as the other night that unless I could make out with her and have her pussy, then I would not consider it.

The next email was from my spouse and it read:

"Dear Joyce, or is it Joy?,

My oh my, what a little party girl slut we created yesterday, quite the show on the dance floor, I had no idea you had it in you, but I guess when you in your early 20's, you tend to do wild things like that, two separate young hunks in the back seat of a car?, and you got to 'pop' a cherry?. I want to hear all about it, and since we have the house till tomorrow, why don't you get dressed and we can go to dinner and you can tell me then. I will be home from work around 6pm, be ready for then.

I decided since I had the house to myself I would stay in my custom made black, silk and lace peignoir and wrap and do some chatting on-line with my Web-cam. I headed for the shower to freshen up, as I started to strip and I looked down and I was still wearing the special panties from the night before, I pulled them off and brought them to my nose and savoured the musty aroma of Cheryle all over again, and the sweet memories of the weekend came flooding back in my mind. I went to the kitchen and got a Glad baggie and put them in and zipped it up to "seal in the aroma". I smiled as I stared at them as I walked back to the bathroom and took a nice long shower, and after, I got out and dried of, and headed to my room to dress.

I started with putting on a pair of lace and satin bikini style panties, then I grabbed the sheer nude stayups I was wearing the previous night and finally I moved to the bed and grabbed the peignoir and robe and slipped it on I pulled out a pair of black patent 4" heels and put them on. I them went to the bathroom, and since my plan was to simply chat the rest of the day on the Web cam I went light on the application of everything, I grabbed the tiny purse and pulled out the eyeliner and applied a medium coat and then used the same colours on my upper and lower lids. My lipstick however was not the same, I grabbed for my darkest and richest colour of reddish pink lipstick, and applied a healthy coat, then grabbed a second tube of bright red lipstick and put a coat of that over top of the first. My lips looked very kissable, and knew that anyone who saw me on my web cam would love it. I then went to my room and sat down at the computer and logged into my MSN account and then went and logged on to URNA as my usual alias (BridalTorontoPVTONLY). I looked around to see if any of my usual chatting friends were around, but right away there was none. I then announced in the main lobby of the main room that I had a web cam, and of course I got immediate responses. Of course like usual, most of the people that wanted to see me on cam did not have MSN to chat with so they. However two did and I met up with then on MSN, and turned on my cam for them, and had fun posing, showing my bare breasts, and of course they were getting horny and so was I for that matter of fact. I went and grabbed a rubber dildo of Sharon's from her bedside drawer and used it on the web cam to further tease the two guys. At one point I got lost in my own world as I slowly licked and sucked on the dildo, I had my eyes closed and I was imagining the night before and the young cocks in my mouth. Both men said they had cum as they jerked off watching me and loved the show.

After they had cum, I was hot myself and grabbed my vibrator and laid back on the bed and pulled up my peignoir and on pulled down my panties and with one had used it to suck on the rubber dildo and the other to hold the vibrator and find the right spot on my latex vagina and as the images of Cheryle in her lingerie, my spouse getting eaten by another woman and she eating Cheryle, the hot studs at the club and the Wedding gown, I lost it and came so bad I was seeing stars. When I came down I quickly made my way to the shower stall and dumped the contents of the latex vagina. I washed up and then slid my panties back up and applied another coat of lipstick and headed back to the computer. I stayed logged into URNA, and MSN, but did not advertise I had a web cam. I rather concentrated on putting together the diary of the weekend and knew it was going to be a long one, and I did not want to forget any single minute detail. Every once in a while on URNA someone would want to chat, and it was the usual", "wanna cyber" and I would blow them off. Then about 2;30pm, I heard a knock at the door upstairs and I thought, "the flowers that fast?", I quickly grabbed my blue terrycloth robe and quickly slipped it on and kicked off my 4" black patent heels and put on low 2" black kid heels and scurried up stairs. I peaked out around the curtain and saw that it was not flowers being delivered but a Puralator courier truck and a man at the door.

I thought "what the heck?, since when do couriers deliver flowers?". I made sure that my terrycloth robe was good and done up and headed to the door and opened the indoor door and the outer screen door and then said hello to the man in the uniform, he then said, "hello, I am looking for Ms. Joyce Devries". I told him I was, and he told me that he had three packages for me, and handed me a clipboard and told me to sign in the area that had the "X" on it. He then told me that he would be right back and took the clipboard and went to the truck that was backed up in the driveway. I saw him come out of the back of the truck with a HUGE box and carried it to the front door and opened the door and being the gentleman he was, walked in the front door telling me that the box was a little heavy and he would take care of bringing it in and placed it on end in the middle of the living room floor and told me that he had one more to get and he would be right back. As I watched him go back out the door I wondered what the heck he was delivering and then I knew exactly what it was when I saw that box had fancy lettering on it and it said "Bridal Chest", and saw that the sender was Cheryle, and I knew it was her Wedding dress. I was about to open the box and he came back into the house with w other boxes, one was a little smaller but still big than the first and the other was a smaller rectangular box. He placed then down next to the larger one and then said that was all he had and left through the front door, I thanked him and closed and locked the door behind him. I knew what the huge box was, but had no clue what the smaller boxes were, all I knew was that it was from Cheryle as well.

I knew Cheryle had sent me her Wedding dress, and I went and opened the other box she had sent and was shocked as what I found. Inside was her compete royal blue Bridesmaid outfit that she had me try on the day before, the dress, shoes and matching satin shawl. I opened the smaller rectangular box and found the artificial flowers that Cheryle had used with the Bridesmaid dress. Inside the Bridesmaid dress box was an envelope with my name on it. I opened it and immediately smelt Cheryle's sweet perfume as she had scented the note, and on the bottom of the note was a lipstick kiss imprint. The note read:

"Dearest Joyce:

I want to thank you so much for the company this weekend, it has been a very long time since I have felt that good sexually. Please enjoy the clothes, and I am sure that the Wedding gown will be a nice addition to your collection, perhaps one day you can please Joe again in it?, as I am sure he would be thrilled. Use the Bridesmaid dress the best you can, you looked amazing in it, and I am glad that I got it finally out of my closet. Kisses, licks and hugs, maybe one day we can do it all over again, stay the sexy and beautiful woman you truly are.

Love Cheryle"

I was shocked, and immediately went into the kitchen and grabbed a Glad baggie and put the note in and zipped it up as I knew that Cheryle must have done it earlier in the day when she shipped the dresses. I then went downstairs and got on the computer and wrote Cheryle a loving email thanking her over and over again for the weekend, everything, especially accepting me as nothing more that her Lesbian lover, and teaching me new and exciting things. As I was writing the email the phone rang and it was Sharon, she asked me how my day was going and I told her that I was a little slow and after noticing the time was coming up 4pm, told her that I was just about to start getting dressed and she asked me if I had picked out what I was going to be wearing and I told her I had not started too choose and she said, "good because I have chosen for you", I said, "pardon", since it has been years since she actually picked out clothes from my wardrobe that she wanted to see me wearing. She then went on to say, "you are my wife and I am your husband and when I want to see my wife in something, I think she should do her best to accommodate the husband, do you not agree?". I agreed with her and she said, "good, I want you in the red business suit, same one you wore that one day to lunch when I met you at East side Mario's", I inquired if it was the one with the tight red spandex skirt, and she giggled a little and said, "yes dear, the red spandex 'belt', and oh yes, 4" black patent heels". I told her that the look was a little much for dinner on a Monday night. She said, "I am coming from the office and that is office wear, office sexy I know, but you so liked showing off your legs last night and tonight with the 4" heels you will even more". I pleaded with her but she would not budge and quickly ended the conversation by saying, "my boss is calling see you at 6pm sexy, be dressed in it and ready".

After I hung up the phone I knew that I was not going to have to try and find something to wear, and went to my closet and started pulling out the pieces needed for the look. I grabbed the red single breasted jacket, the very tight and short spandex skirt that Sharon calls a "belt", then started looking for a shell or a blouse to wear. I decided on a silk multicoloured shell that Sharon got me for one Christmas and decided I would wear that under the jacket and while I was in my closet spotted a pair of lipstick red 4" heels. I knew that Sharon wanted me to be wearing my 4" black patent heels and since everything else in my clothes for the day was red I decided, "what the heck", and grabbed the heels and put all of my clothes on the bed and then decided to start getting ready.

I slipped out of my lingerie and then left on the black silk and lace panties as well as the ultra sheer nude stay ups. I pulled out my favourite burgundy lace and satin bra and slipped it on and then decided to slip on the blue terrycloth robe as well as leaving on the 2" black patent heels and went to the bathroom to start putting on my makeup for the evening. I was already wearing light makeup from the day and proceeded to start darkening it up for business wear to go out with Sharon for dinner. I put on a fresh coat of mascara and made sure it was "business acceptable", not too dark and not too light, but definitely noticeable. I applied just the right amount of eyeliner, darkening it to a business shade and then darkened the upper and lower lids of my eyes, then applied a healthy coat of mascara and then moved to my cheeks. I put on an even coat of blush to give my face a healthy glow and then finally, the lipstick I was planning on wearing was the one I wore all the previous weekend as my nails were already done in the same colour (needed to be touched up though), and was going to apply it at the last minute before I left. When I was done I applied a healthy dose of Halston's perfume. I was just about to sit down and apply another coat of nail polish and I heard a knock on the door upstairs. I was just in my stayups, panties and bra and quickly grabbed for my comfy blue terrycloth robe and slipped into my 2" black kid heels and scurried upstairs and peaked around the curtain in the front window and saw that it was indeed the flowers. I hurried to open the door and the man with the flowers asked if I was Joyce Devries and I told him I was and then the handed me a pad and asked me to sign for them and I did. He then handed me the 2 dozen Roses and I thanked him, and closed the door, and made my way to the kitchen right away and grabbed for two vases and filled them with water and took the flowers out from the paper and put them in the vases. In one of the flowers was a card that dropped out of the flowers. I opened the little envelope and got a kick, as it was obviously was a woman's writing the note read:

"Dear Joy,

Thanks for a wonderful evening, red is from Carl, and pink (your favourite colour) are from Paul.


I smiled and revelled in the memory of Sunday evening as I leaned down and smelt the lovely floral scent. I then noticed the time on the clock and saw that Sharon would be home in about 90 minutes and headed back downstairs to continue dressing. As I sat down to do my nails I saw that they were in really bad shape and decided to wipe them clean and go with a bright and vibrant red lipstick and nail polish combination to complete the "red look". I grabbed the nail polish remover and cleaned my nails, then sat down and started putting on the vibrant red polish. I was sitting at my desk waiting for my nails to dry when an email came in from Sharon that read:

Dear Joyce,

I am running late at work here, I will not have enough time to get all the way home to pick you up and go for dinner and be back home in time for my TV show at 8pm, please grab a cab and I will see you there at 6pm. Oh yes, almost forgot, since you now know how to put in a tampon, from now on when we go out as girlfriends, and I am on my period, so are you, and mine started this morning, no wonder I was so horny all weekend, so please have one in and pack a spare in your purse. Please email me back to say you got this, if I do not hear from you, I will try and call".

I groaned when I read the email, but knew that the special bond we would be sharing, would make our girls trips out all that more special. I responded to Sharon and told her that I would follow her instructions and would meet her at East Side Mario's. I still had on the comfy terrycloth robe and headed upstairs to Sharon's bathroom, and opened her feminine hygiene drawer and pulled out a tampon and after taking it out of the wrapper, pulled down my panties and moistened the tip with my lips and slowly eased it in, I pulled out the applicator and made sure the string was hanging out, then pulled up my panties. After discarding the applicator, I grabbed another tampon to put in my purse and headed back downstairs to continue to getting ready for dinner. With makeup done, I started to get dressed and the time was just a little after 5pm, and knew that I had to call the cab and get dressed quickly and call the taxi, which I knew was going to take at least 15 to 20 minutes to arrive. I then started getting dressed and slipped off the comfy blue terrycloth robe and then into the multicoloured silk shell I had chosen and then grabbed for the tiny red spandex miniskirt and slipped it on and then pulled out the jacket and slipped it on. I then slipped into the red 4" lipstick red pumps and headed to the mirror in my room to check out my look, and to my horror, the tops of the stay ups were showing, no matter how much I tugged the skirt down, I could get them hidden when I was standing still, but when I walked they showed.

I decided that I was going to have to go with ultra sheer nude waist to toe pantyhose for hosiery and grabbed a pair of brand new pantyhose and then a pair of short white satin gloves and after hiking my short skirt, carefully removed the stay ups and then opened the package of the pantyhose. I very carefully pulled them on and made sure I was not putting a run in them, and then tugged down my short tight skirt and headed to the mirror to see how the skirt looked. After parading around for a bit, I knew that this is what I was going to have to go with and then moved to put the finishing touches on and that was my jewellery for the evening. I decided to go classy and decided on a 20" strand of pearls and then grabbed for my favourite long dangly gold earrings and clipped them on, then finally my new "business" watch on my left wrist and struggled a bit, but managed to get my charm bracelet on my right wrist and finally my gold anklet with the hearts on it. I slipped on the 4" lipstick red heels and then put on a health coat of the bright red lipstick and took a final look in the mirror and saw that I definitely was ht looking and the "woman in red".

I went upstairs and opened the phone book to find the number of the local taxi company and saw that the time was 20 minutes to 6pm and new that getting there on time to meet Sharon was going to be close. I called the company and surprisingly they told me that it would only be about 10 minutes or so before the car would arrive and grabbed my light spring coat as it was a little chilly, and honestly did not want to give the cab driver a show with my well exposed legs on the ride to the restaurant. I double checked my wallet to ensure I had enough for the cab ride and found I did, and was just packing up my purse and saw the car pull in the driveway. I grabbed my purse and slipped on my light spring coat and headed out the door to the car. I slid in the back seat and the driver asked me where I was going and I told him, and he pulled out the driveway and started to drive to the restaurant. I looked at my watch and saw that it was almost 6pm, so I knew Sharon was probably going to be there before me. As I was taken to the restaurant, the taxi cab driver tried to made small talk with me, and I entertained him, and eventually we made it to the restaurant, I pulled out my wallet and paid the $17.50 fare and gave him a tip and slid out of the car and with heels clicking on the pavement, made my way to the entrance of the mall, I could not wait to see Sharon's face when she saw me.

As I entered, the restaurant, I was met by the hostess and she asked me if I wanted a table, and I told her that I was looking for a friend that might be in the restaurant already, and she told me I was welcome to look around. As I entered the seating area, I saw that the restaurant was not that full, and after quickly scanning across the room, saw Sharon waving at me and started walking towards the booth she had gotten. She was reading her book and was sipping on a coffee, as I approached the table she said, "there you are, thought you might have got lost". I looked over Sharon and she was definitely business, with a black calf length skirt, red silk blouse and nude pantyhose and her low heels, she was in business makeup to match mine and really looked pretty, including wearing our matching lipstick. I slipped off my light spring coat and put in my side of the booth and grabbed my purse and told Sharon I had to use the ladies room and that I would be right back, she smiled and looked me up and down. As I walked to the ladies room, I did so with intention, making sure that my steps were toe in front of toe and allowing my hips to sway maximum back and forth as I walked in the 4" heels, I did not need to fix my lipstick or take care of business, but wanted to show off. As I walked into the ladies room I looked at the 4 stalls and saw that one had someone in it and I just made my way to the mirrored sink and opened my purse and pulled out my lipstick and comb and touched up my lips (even though they did not need to be). As I put my lipstick back into my purse, I grabbed the comb and started fluffing out my hair and the girl that was in the stall came out and joined me at the mirror, she smiled at me as she quickly fluffed out her hair and left the ladies room.

As I walked back to the table where I could see Sharon reading her book in the background, I could see she saw me walking towards her and I did my best to show off, swaying my hips and showing off my legs the best I could. As I walked towards the table, I could see that she put down her book and she was staring at me and I as slid into the booth, I smiled back at Sharon and she said immediately, "my oh my, what a 'lady in red', and look at those legs and matching heels!, you made the right choice and I love your lipstick choice as well!". After I slid into the booth, smiled as I put down my purse and looked her in the eye and told her that I was glad she liked my look. I could see that Sharon was about to ask me about the night before and about that time our waitress came and asked if I wanted anything to drink before ordering and told her that I wanted a vodka cooler. She also asked if we were ready to order and both Sharon and I told her that we needed more time. After she left, Sharon looked at me and said, "so?", I smiled back at her and said, "so what?", she said, "let's not beat around the bushes, I want to hear all about last night". I smiled and told her that I had a great time and that I am sure she and the other girls had fun watching me get "hunted" down. She smiled as she sipped on her coffee and told me it was all part of their plan to set me up and get approached as a hot "chicky pie", however, they had no idea I would become one that would be the slut I was the previous night. Around that time our waitress came back and put down my drink and asked if I was ready to order. Sharon was smiling at me the whole time the waitress asked, "what will you have mam", and I ordered a Greek salad, and Sharon ordered a chicken pita wrap.

After the waitress left, Sharon grabbed my hands from across the table and said, "ok, I want to hear all about what happened". I smiled and went on to tell her how amazing and fun it was dancing and flirting with such young guys and she smiled and said, "so you enjoyed the young fresh cocks?". I blushed, but had to admit to her that I did and found the experience of "popping" the younger of two's "cherry" was nice. She had a smile ear to ear the entire time we talked and asked if I used a condom and I told her not with the virgin but the other I did. She giggled a little and asked if it took long to get the virgin off, and I told her that it took no more than 5 minutes and she continued to giggle and told me that she was not surprised. The waitress brought our food and we continued to talk about the previous evening and she told me her and the other girls had so much fun watching the reaction of the guys around me, and said the highlight of the evening was watching Paul deep kiss me on the dance floor and grabbing my rear and exposing my panties to the entire dance floor and I did not have a clue it happened. I told her I remembered the kiss, but did not remember the rub on my rear, and she said that most of the club did and certainly her and the other girls at the table. She said it was a fun day had by all and then got serious and said, "I hope you do know I am on my period", I rolled my eyes and told her I listened to her, and that I had my tampon in, and she smiled as she sipped her coffee and said, "good, as I said from now on, when I am on mine, you are on yours, and I suggest the next time we are out, you pick up your own box of tampons so you do not keep borrowing mine". I smiled back at her and told her I would and that I was going to have to pick a place in my lingerie drawer to store them, and she giggled a little and said, "we all do dear, just part of being a girl".

Since we got serious, I asked her why she abandon me at the club the night before and took off with her lover girlfriend and left me to fend for myself. She smiled as she ate her dinner and looked at me and said, "well you were having such a good time as a 'party girl', and I had already seen that you took care of the man you were getting 'hot' with, I figured you did not want to leave, and Brenda and I had to get to work in the morning, I figured it was the best thing". I had to agree she was right, but said that it would have been nice if she had told me what she was up to. She smiled even wider and said, "you were so busy with your new boyfriend dear, how could I?, so tell me, how was his cock?". I blushed and told her that he was certainly a stud and that he really appreciated my efforts to get him off orally. She smiled and asked, "so how did you get him to stay away from your crotch?". I smiled back and said, "what man wants to go there when a woman is on her period?", she giggled and said, "glad you had in the tampon I guess dear?". She asked if I gave him my phone number and I told her that I did not, but told her that I did give both of them my email address and then went on to tell her about the flowers, and she smiled back at me and said, "how lovely, so will you be seeing them again?". I told her I had no plans that it was just a one night thing. Sharon had a wicked smile on her face and stared at me and said, "oh really?", I asked her what she meant and she said nothing other than smiling and eating her dinner. The rest of dinner conversation was about the weekend and my night out with Cheryle and the Lesbian orgy we had on the Sunday, I was really tempted to ask her why she allowed me to eat her pussy as Joyce, but after 15 years, however decided not to ruin a good thing and was hoping it would happen again. She asked me to go through the weekend in detail, every step and I told her about Cheryle's Bridesmaid outfit and Wedding gown and she rolled her eyes and said, "we already have 4 Wedding dresses in the house, we certainly do not need another". I told her I had special plans for getting my picture taken in it and she rolled her eyes again and said, "guess I am going to be a Bridesmaid again", and I told her I had not officially asked, but I was planning on asking her, unless she wanted to ask Cheryle and she said she would be more that honoured to do it and it would be easier for her anyway.

Eventually we finished eating and Sharon checked her watch and said, "oh crap, only 30 minutes before my show, we have to get going". The waitress came by and Sharon asked for the bill and handed her a credit card to complete the transaction quickly. I took the hint and grabbed my purse as I had to use the ladies room to take care of business and knew I had to freshen my hair and lipstick. Sharon told me she would wait for the bill and we would leave when I came back. Again, as I walked to the ladies room, I made sure that I swayed my hips and showed off my legs and posture. As I entered the ladies room, I saw I was alone and grabbed one of the the middle of 4 stalls and carefully pulled down my pantyhose and panties and sat down and did my business. After wiping up I again carefully pulled up my panties and pantyhose and left the stall and headed to the mirrored area for touching up my lipstick and hair. As I pulled out my lipstick, another woman came into the ladies room and I smiled at her as I started applying my lipstick. She went into a stall as I put my lipstick back into my purse and after fluffing out my hair and putting my comb back into my purse headed back to the table to meet Sharon.

I started walking towards the table Sharon and I were at and for a second or two thought I was in the wrong place, as I could not spot Sharon and her red silk blouse. However, as I approached the table, it was a familiar face from the night before, and it was Paul in a golf shirt and slacks and smiling from ear to ear. Sitting on the table waiting for me was the drink I was having the night before. At first I thought I missed Sharon on the way to the ladies room, but as I sat down in the booth, with Paul looking me up and down, Paul quickly said, "Sharon left to go home". My jaw dropped to the floor and Paul said quietly, "cannot believe last night I was seduced and sucked by a 'cougar', and my dear, you are one of the best you look no were near your age". I was floored and quickly asked what was going on and where Sharon was and Paul was quick to say, "your Lezzie lover got hold of me and told me where you were going to be and thought you wanted to see me and enjoy more beef than fish, and she has gone and left for your place". I was confused and had no idea what Sharon was thinking, but saw Paul and thought about the evening before and decided to "roll with the punches", I sat down and slid into my seat and grabbed my drink and stared back at Paul and he stared at me and said, "so you are 37?, a "cougar', and I must say with that outfit and those legs, the men in the office probably want to bend you over and lift that tiny skirt and fuck you all the time, and I must say, you in heels has me harder than a rock.".

I blushed and smiled and told him I was glad he liked how I looked and that my partner had me wear the clothes I was wearing, and he smiled back at me and told me that he asked her via email to have me dressed to please. I then asked how he knew where I was going to be, he told me Sharon emailed him (she got his email address the night before), and he actually had arrived at the restaurant 30 minutes before we arrived and sat at the bar and watched us as we dined and Sharon's plan was to leave at 7:30pm, and she knew I was going to use the ladies room, and she was going to leave as soon as I went and that she was going to leave him waiting for me to come back to the table. After he told me the story I sort of figured out that she had worked out things with him and the plan had already been set. I smiled back at Paul and said, "so what now?", to which he told me that he would love the opportunity to take me to the club where we met to show me off, and told me that a sexy looking older business woman like myself would turn so many heads in the club. I had to admit after seeing what the female population in the College club was like, I knew that I would definitely stand out. I told him the shoes I was wearing were not appropriate for dancing and he told me that there was no dancing, that was only Thursday to Sunday night, and that the club was nothing more than a nightclub the rest of the time. As we sipped our drinks and smiled at one another, he gushed quietly about how he loved the sucking of his cock and how sexy and sophisticated I looked in my business wear, and how I looked so different and mature. I smiled back at him and told him, makeup and clothes makes all the difference, he smiled back and me and said that he wished his girlfriend had my fashion sense.

We eventually finished our drinks and he officially asked if I wanted to go with him up the street to the club and I agreed, after all, I had no money left for a taxi cab ride home, and figured Sharon had planned that all along, and was going to have to rely on a ride home from Paul. I decided not to take one last trip to the ladies room to fix my lipstick, but rather waited till I got into Paul's car and open my lighted compact and slowly apply a healthy coat of lipstick for his enjoyment. Paul told me that Sharon had already paid for our drinks and we could leave anytime. I grabbed my purse and started to put on my coat and Paul asked that I not wear it and he would keep me close and warm. I knew he wanted to stare at my legs and such and I told him that would carry my coat and draped it over my arm and slung my purse over my shoulder and hand in hand walked out the restaurant and to the parking lot. My heels were clicking and Paul looked down and commented that I was much sexier in heels and I told him I wear heels 99% of the time, work, shopping, etc., and he leaned over and gave me a peck on the cheek and said, "wish my girlfriend was like you, she barely wears heels for any occasion and when she does she bitches all the time wearing them". I smiled and knew that I was something special to Paul, even as young as he was. As we got to the car door, Paul opened it and told me that I was very sexy, as I slid in with my tiny skirt I never made any attempt to tug it down and let ride up almost to my panties. He started driving to the club which was only about 5 minutes up the road, and I could see that he was staring at my legs and knew he could see how silky and smooth they were. I reached over and gently grabbed a free hand from him driving and put it on my ultra sheer and silky thigh. I never looked over at him, and stared straight ahead and felt his manly hands slowly caressing my ultra silky stocking covered legs. He groaned and told me how sexy and silky they felt. He kept groaning how he wished that his girlfriend wore the same hose as my legs felt incredible. As we got to one stoplight, I opened my purse and grabbed my lighted compact and bright red lipstick and very, very slowly applied a healthy coat, knowing full well Paul was staring at me. As I packed away my lipstick, I looked over and saw Paul staring at me and I looked over at him and carefully licked my lips and stared at him in the eyes.

As we drove up to the club he kept feeling my legs and stroking them and telling how much he loved them and he wished his girlfriend would wear them as silky and sexy as well. We got to the club and Paul came around and opened my car door and I carefully slid out and stood and Paul was there to help me out and pulled me close and gave me a long and loving kiss and told me that my lips were irresistible. I left my coat in the car and went hand n hand, my heels clicking on the pavement to the club with Paul. As we entered the club, Paul took the lead and the sign said "Please be seated", he lead me to the table where we girls had seated the day before and pulled out a chair and waited for me to sit down. He pushed in my chair and sat down across the table from me, smiling all the time. He ordered me my drink that he did the night before when our waitress came and held my hands the entire time. I kept staring at him in the eyes and continued to tease him licking my lips and he kept on commenting on how hot and sexy and professional I looked.

The conversation we had was light and enjoyable, and since he talked about his girlfriend so many times, I asked him to tell me all about her. Her name was Angela, but preferred to go by Angie, she was 19, was going to be 20 in about 2 months. They had been dating for 2 years and she just started College the previous term. He reached into his wallet and pulled out a picture of her and to say she was stunning was an understatement. As I stared at her picture which was one of her in her high school cheerleading uniform, he told me that she was also the Prom queen, to describe her is like describing what every teenage boy's fantasy is, she had an extremely cute face, even though her hair was in a ponytail, it was blond and very, very long. Her body looked firm and hard and the shell of the uniform showed off her pert and lovely breasts, B cup I figured. Paul could tell I was taken with the picture and asked if I thought she looked good and I told him, I would have her tiny cheerleading skirt up around her waist and her panties off in 2 seconds, eating her pussy out. Paul laughed and told me that he appreciated the compliment, but went on to describe she was from a very religious family and is very straight laced. He told me the reason he is allowed to see other women is for sex, as she wants to save her virginity for her Wedding night, however, she did please him orally, as that was the only way for them to be intimate. I asked if he was going to Marry her and he told me that he has not asked her yet, but plans to.

Paul went on to tell me about Angie and how she was always a conservative dresser, very rarely wore skirt and dresses, always pants and baggie shirts, and only owned one pair of heels, which were very low, he told me he would love to see her tight shorts skirts like mine and high heels like I was wearing, and I told Paul that he should be patient and that when she got into the business world, she would be pressured to dress more for business, and that included skirts, heels and pantyhose. Paul then asked me about my own relationship, and I went on to describe that I was a Lesbian, but a bisexual one and enjoyed what a man had to offer from time to time, but needed the comfort of another woman for family life and friendship. He asked if Sharon and I would be interested in a threesome, of course with him, but smiled as I sipped my drink and told him that with Sharon, myself and his girlfriend Angie, definitely, but not with him, Sharon only prefers women and has no interest in men. I could see he was disappointed, but told him, a threesome with him and Angie would definitely be a ton of fun, but he told me that it would never happen.

I checked my watch and saw that the time was getting late and that I knew could not get out of another day of work and told him that after I finished my drink I was going to have to get going home (knowing full well I was going to need a ride). I excused myself from the table and grabbed my purse and told him that I had to use the ladies room. As I walked across the empty dance floor towards the ladies room, I did with purpose, as I knew the outfit I was in was going to be attracting attention from all of the young studs in the club, as well the girls as I was the only one I could see that was dressed for the office, let alone a skirt and heels, all of the other girls were students, dressed for class, and a few in skirts. I sauntered slowly across the floor towards the ladies room, knowing full well that Paul was watching and as I entered the ladies room, found I was all by myself and found one of the middle stalls and after hanging up my purse on the door, sat down and carefully lowered my pantyhose and panties and did my business. After wiping up, I carefully slid my pantyhose and panties back up and grabbed my purse and left the stall and headed for the mirrors to touch up my lipstick. About that time, a girl walked in, wearing jeans and a T shirt, and looked me up and down and commented, "good day at the office?", in a taunting way, and I smiled and quietly said, "yes a good one, perhaps a more interesting evening and thanks for asking". She shrugged and went into a stall and I smiled widely inside and opened my purse and applied a healthy coat of lipstick and fluffed out my hair and packed everything up and left the ladies room.

I could see Paul was staring at me as I walked back and I made sure to walk slow and deliberate and stared right back at Paul and knew he was getting excited. I made my decision then, the only way I was going to be getting a ride home was with Paul, and since I wanted to suck his young fresh cock again, I would work to combine the two. I got to the table and slid in my seat and could tell Paul was impressed with the little show I put on and said, "God!, you and that skirt and heels is just so fucking hot". I sipped on the last part of my drink and asked if Paul was hot as he thought my skirt was, Paul nearly spit out his drink and said, "if I could bend you over this table, hike up that skirt pull down your panties and bury my cock in your pussy right now without getting arrested I would". I widely smiled and told him that was not going to happen as I was still on my period, but told him I did have other ways to take care of him and slowly licked my lips.

Paul got the hint and asked if I wanted to go back to his place to finish up the evening, even suggesting that since his girlfriend Angie I were about the same size, and she keeps lingerie at his apartment for her to use from time to time, that I might want to come and model it for him. Now, I knew that would be a dangerous move and told him that I prefer the thrill of doing things sexually in public and that going to the same spot we did the night before was going to be what I wanted. Paul quickly gulped down his drink and grabbed stood up and grabbed my hand and helped me up and lead me out of the club to his car. Te evening had turned much cooler, and I had left my coat in his car and Paul could see that I was uncomfortable and held me close as we walked along. As usual, I loved the clicking of my heels on the pavement and soon we were to his car. Paul opened the back passenger side door and invited me to sit in and I was a little shocked, but Paul said it was a short ride and he would join me in a minute. I laughed a little at his comment and slid in and as Paul went and got into the front drivers seat, I wiggled and adjust my tiny skirt up as far as I could get away with, which was literally just below my panties. The ride to the alley we were in the night before was not that far and before I knew it Paul was climbing in the back seat with me. Before we got started I opened my purse and pulled out a small vile of Obsession perfume and applied a healthy dose behind my ears. Paul just stared at me and told me that Angie never wears sexy perfume and I thought I smelt so hot and sexy, just as much as I looked.

He leaned into me and grabbed the back of my head and started kissing me in earnest, his tongue darting in and out of my mouth and I reciprocated and then felt his hands exploring my breasts and ultra sheer legs, and all he was doing was groaning as he did. I knew that he was already all hot and bothered and was no surprise when I felt his crotch and the very large lump that had formed. As we continued to kiss and caress each other, I decided to take the lead and reached down and unzipped his pants and after moving his underwear out of the way, worked out his hot and wet member. He groaned as I used my thumb to spread the precum that had already formed all over his members throbbing head. Paul could take no more and quickly undid his belt and pulled down his pants and underwear to his knees. He asked if I had a condom, as he had none, but now knowing the lifestyle he was keeping, knew one was not going to be necessary and just smiled and leaned over and stared at the beast before me and told him to "sit back and enjoy the ride", condom was not going to be necessary. I decided that I would tease him more and pulled out my lipstick and lighted mirror and deliberately and slowly applied a healthy coat of lipstick. He was groaning and slowly stroking his member as he stared at me, I slowly licked my lips and packed away my lipstick and in a very sexy voice, said, "hope you got a lot in there, for me, I like a lot of 'desert'", as I pushed his hand away, and I grabbed his cock and leaned over. He then groaned, "you me you will let me blow in your mouth?".

I had just started by licking the precum of the tip of his member and groaned in a sex voice, "oh yes, oh yes", He as moaning and groaning as I began sucking in earnest, then when I heard him moan that his girlfriend always pulls away when he cums and never lets him in her mouth. Something stirred in my soul and knew that I wanted to make this the most intense orgasm of his life. I sucked and flicked my tongue faster and harder and concentrated on the underside of his cock head and was also pumping up and down with my fist. He kept groaning and moaning and telling me how good it felt and his hands were on the top of my head as I bobbed up and down. About 10 minutes of intense licking and sucking, I could tell by the precum leaking out of the tip of his cock head and his breathing that he was about to blow, and I was going to have none of that yet. I took my fist and with my forefinger, grabbed the base of his member and pushed with my forefinger as hard as I could and pulled my head off his cock, and went down and started licking his balls. I then felt in total control, as I could hear in his breath that he was disappointed, after he calmed down a bit I started the routine all over again, sucking and pumping as hard as I could. It only took about 5 minutes and I had him at a fever pitch, I then did the same thing again at the base of his cock. I did the same thing for 4 times, but this point Paul was begging me to left him cum. After the 4th time, I was going for a 5th, and I guess the build up of cum in his cock was too much, or I did not squeeze hard enough, but Paul exploded and it was a ton, and blast after blast came into my mouth and I swallowed as quick as I could.

Paul was saying, over and over, "oh God!, oh God!", and I was just about to pull my lips off his cock and clean him up, and he pushed my head back down and said, "no more, more, more!. I almost gagged and started the routine all over, with the licking and sucking and knew that I was in total control, and Paul could not stop moaning and telling me how good it felt. I had been sucking and licking for almost 20 minutes, so when I felt Paul get rock hard, I just kept on licking and sucking and when I felt the precum build and leak, I started pumping and bobbing up and down faster, and let him blow a second time, this time it was not as much, but still a healthy mouthful, and like the first time he was screaming, "oh God!, oh God!". I pulled off of him and licked his balls and cock clean, and his whole body was jerking as I hit sensitive parts on his cock. I sat back up and saw that Paul was breathing heavy and had his head leaning back on the headrest and I looked down and saw his now spent cock limp and glistening with my Saliva. I pulled out my purse and grabbed my lipstick and lighted compact and put on a fresh coat of lipstick and Paul could not stop thanking me and telling me that if the previous night's blowjob was a 9 on the scale of 10, what he just experienced was a 15, and again begged to teach his girlfriend to suck like I could. I was packing my purse back with my mirror and lipstick, and fluffing out my hair and as he was pulling up his pants and underwear, and looked at him, and said, "you know my rules". He leaned over and gently kissed me on the cheek and told me that he understood, and again told me how wonderful and strong his orgasms were. I told him I was glad and then looked at the clock and saw it was 11:30pm and asked him to take me home.

Paul came and opened my door and I slid out and moved to the passenger seat, after moving my coat from the front seat to the back seat with my purse. Once again, I did not tug down my skirt and allowed maximum leg to be showing. Paul slid in and after starting the car, reached over and started caressing my legs and telling me how silky and sexy my legs felt. As we drove home, I started to wonder where he could drop me off, as I definitely did not want him to know where I lived. Paul was still gushing on how amazing my sucking was. As we got closer to our house, I decided the safest thing was to pick a street one block over and knew that the house I had chosen was empty as it was just recently sold and I knew that it was vacant. As we approached I told Paul were to go and he pulled into the driveway and turned off the car, and then leaned over and we exchanged a long kiss and he again caressed my breasts and legs, and I knew I had a bit of walk home in 4" heels and it was coming up midnight. I felt down and saw that Paul was hard again, but told him that I had to go, and gave him one last kiss and he came and opened my door. I slid out and put on my coat and slung my purse over my shoulder and gave Paul one last quick kiss and said he asked if he wanted me to walk me to the door and I told him that I did not want to disturb Sharon. Paul told me he would keep in touch with email and went to the drivers side and got in his car, and I started walking to the back of this house, and when I saw his headlights disappear, as quickly as I could in the 4" heels, got out of the driveway and started walking around the block to our house.

The walk was not long, but after being in 4" heels all night and of course from the weekend before, I could definitely feel the tightness in my calves and ankles as I walked along. I definitely felt a little vulnerable of being a woman dressed the way I was at almost midnight, walking alone. I walked as fast as I could, but walking on pavement in 4" heels, you cannot go that fast. I eventually turned the corner around the block and was glad to see the driveway in the distance. I had a bit of trouble walking up the gravel driveway and could see that the Television was on and knew that Sharon was still up. I opened my purse and grabbed my keys for the downstairs door and it was really dark and carefully walked down the steps and went inside. I went to my room and put down my purse and opened it and knew my lips were all smudged and headed to the bathroom and touched up my lipstick. I then headed upstairs to see Sharon and she was watching a show and then looked me over and said, "my oh my, what could you have been doing for all this time, did he take you home and ravage your body?". I told her that I was not that stupid, however, we went back to the same spot as the night before and made out I the back seat, and she said, "my all that time, your jaw must be sore", and I told her it was not, as we went for drinks, and it was just in the last 1 and a half or so. She smiled and said, "was he as good as the night before?", I just smiled and told her he certainly was as I took more attention and time. She said she was glad I liked the surprise and had a good time with him, and told me she was going to bed and came and gave me a long kiss and after kissing me, said, "I see it was not long he cam in your mouth", and I told her that it was not long ago and then. She asked me if I wanted to sleep with her, and told her that I had some unfinished business to take care of and she told me that she probably figured I would and left something out for me.

I gave her a light kiss and headed back downstairs and saw that Sharon had left out one of my long peignoirs, and it was a red pure lace and satin robe and gown, a gift from when I took two men at once a couple of years before. I slipped out of jacket, skirt and silk shell, and decided to carefully pull off my pantyhose, and grabbed the stay ups off the bed and carefully slipped them on. I took off my bra, and then slipped on the lingerie, and then grabbed my favourite vibrator and laid down on the bed. I hiked up my peignoir and exposed my crotch and turned on the vibrator and slowly worked it to found the very sensitive part of my crotch and kept the vibrator there and as I leaned my head back, I relieved the weekend and the sucking of Paul and before I knew it I blew in my latex vagina and it was a huge load. I quickly got up, raced to the lowered my panties and dumped out my load in the shower and after using a towel to clean up everything, I turned off the lights and crawled up into bed and I think I fell asleep before my head hit the pillow.


So here is the offer: This 38 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, joyce_devries@hotmail.com My MSN: joyce_devries@hotmail.com My Yahoo: joyce_devriestv@yahoo.com

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