
By Andrew Birch

Published on Oct 21, 2001




Author: Galliard Pairing: Captain Jon Archer/Commander Charlie "Trip" Tucker III Type: M/M Archive: Please Feedback Address: galliard@bellatlantic.net Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: Charles "Trip" Tucker, Capt. Jon Archer, T'Pol, and the Enterprise TV series are the property of Paramount Pictures. This is a work of fan fiction. No money is being made off it publication. This story deals with male/male sexuality, and in no way makes any claims about the actual sexuality of the characters or the actors who portray them. If you don't wish to read about this topic, or are unable due to local law, please read no further. Author's Notes: My first fan fic! Here it is, the final, complete version. I'm re-posting the entire thing because I went back and changed/added/tweaked about 10% of what I've already posted, trying to make a tighter story. Once again, big props to Dae for all the helpful and insightful suggestions. Also Jadis...she did an awesome job beta-ing for me, giving me a lot of good advice. Thanks, guys! Thanks also for all the encouragement and kind words from the list members. That's kinda the pay-off for us authors. Oh, if you don't want to re-read, the sex is at the end!

"ALL of them are busted?! Christ...well, close 'em up, boys." Commander Trip Tucker said as he nodded to the open access panels. Grabbing a towel, he wiped the perspiration from his brow. The smell of ozone, clanging of metal, and most of all the temperature were making Trip extremely irritable. Everyone in engineering...on the whole ship, actually...had stripped down to shorts and t-shirt due to the oppressive heat, a condition that was his responsibility to fix. "That's it, then...guess I'll go inform the Captain," Trip sighed wearily.

"Inform me? Hope it's good news, Trip, it's getting unbearable in here and we can't exactly open up a window. What's it up to, anyway?" Captain Archer called out as he stepped through the doorway and came up behind his chief engineer.

"Heh...that's part of the good news...95 degrees and holding. We seem to have stabilized our little environmental problem. At least it's not going to literally kill us. The bad news is that the last fight we had with the Suliban did some serious damage to the cargo hold. More importantly, it pretty much trashed most of the ship's stores therein. Sorry, Jon, but unless you know the whereabouts of a local hardware store, we're gonna have to go back to Earth for a quick tune up."

Jon exhaled loudly as he looked down at the deck, hands on his hips.

"Shit...there's nothing more you can do? I'm really counting on you..."

"Hey, I'm an engineer, not some miracle worker. It's not like I can push a button and replicate everything I need!"

Almost immediately Trip regretted snapping at the Captain. He just hated not being able to fix this...hated letting Jon down. He rubbed his hand over his face and met Archer's gaze. He looked so damned disappointed. Trip wracked his brain for something he could give his superior officer.

"Tell you what, I'll get Ginsberg and Mustafa to help me work on some kind of heat dispersal system. It'll be a stop gap measure at best, but it could get us some relief. I'm just not a big fan of 'chewing gum and shoestring' repair jobs. Maybe T'Pol will know of somewhere closer than Earth where we can get what we need."

Archer broke out a grin worthy of Dr. Phlox and playfully slapped Tucker on the arm, "That's more like it! I think we're all going to have to learn to be miracle workers to some extent. I'd hate to have to go back home unless we have no other choice. Hey, when you get done here stop by the bridge, we'll get something to eat, or at least something to drink."

Trip placed his hand over the spot Archer touched him as he studied the retreating back of his Captain -- his damp hair, his broad shoulders, the sweat darkened and oh-so-snug shirt, the firm ass...

"Fuck...it's hot in here," he mumbled to himself as he returned to work.

A few hours later, Trip and Jon were sitting down to dinner. They both opted for something light, as it was still pretty warm.

"I think it feels cooler already," Jon remarked.

"Don't pull out your long-underwear yet, the best we could do is 88.5 degrees," Trip grumbled in response, then grinning "but, hey, at least the beer's cold."

"Amen to that," Jon replied as they clinked their bottles together.

"So, where is our resident Vulcan, anyway? If I remember correctly, she should be lovin' this heat wave. Just like home for her. Oh, I forgot...she can't love anything."

"She's actually trying to get your little wish-list filled out."

"Great...and if she can't get what we need, she can always just stand there and give us her patented arctic blast glare. That should bring the temp down to, oh, I don't know...about 50 degrees?"

"Ah, she's not so bad," Jon laughed.

"Yeah, you're right...she's got a nice rack." Both men dissolved into fits of laughter.

"Seriously, though, her ass ain't bad, either," Trip continued.

"Stop it...you're killing me!" Jon begged.

"Okay, okay," Jon finally conceded, "We really shouldn't be talking about my crew like that, especially an officer."

They sat in silence for a moment, picking at their meals of chicken breast and wilted lettuce. As the Captain brought a forkful of food up to his mouth, Trip surreptitiously studied the man. The way his open mouth would flash his white, lower teeth and pink tongue, the set of his firm jaw as he chewed. Normally, Trip found the sight of people eating a little disturbing, certainly nothing erotic, but watching Archer do it caused a slight tingling in his groin. He wondered what those lips would taste like. He looked away for a moment, mentally searching for something to fill the silence. Then he remembered something Archer brought up during his visit to engineering...something that had nagged at Trip at the time.

"Hey, Jon, you said that you didn't want to go home unless absolutely necessary. Don't you have anyone home you wanna see?" he paused, taking a swig of beer as he thought of the best way to phrase the next part, then thought, 'fuck it...what do I gotta lose?"

"You know...girlfriend?...boyfriend?" Trip glanced up a half-moment after saying the last part, trying to gage a reaction from Archer.

"No, not really. We've been so busy the past year trying to get the Enterprise launched that I haven't had time for a social life," Jon answered. Trip noticed that Archer wouldn't actually meet his gaze as he answered. Ah-ha, a chink in the armor?

"Tell me about it," Trip continued, admiration obvious in his voice, "How many times did we ask your ass to join us for a beer after quitting time? It was always 'I'll be down in a bit,' or 'after I check these systems.' Damn, if we didn't know for a fact how hard you really were working, we'd have thought you were a snob, too good to have a drink with us lowly engineers. I don't think a day went by that you didn't put in a minimum of 12 hours...usually more like 16."

"And you were with me most of those late nights, as I recall. Never would have gotten off the ground without you, Trip."

"Ah, knock it off...you're gonna give me a swelled head," Trip replied with a cocky grin, then lifted his bottle once more. "To the mutual admiration society."

"Cheers," Jon responded, tilting his head back to drain the last of the brew. Trip found himself studying the way the Captain's throat moved as he swallowed.

'Admiration...heh, you have NO idea,' he thought to himself, pressing the cool glass of the bottle to his forehead. He waited a beat, then continued cautiously.

"So, hope I'm not being too forward, but when was the last time you had a girlfriend...or boyfriend?"

"Nah, I don't mind. I guess it's been about two years...and a 'girl' by the way. I've never actually been with...uh...a man," he was still looking at his beer bottle as he answered. "How about you, Trip? Anyone waiting for you to get back? What was that one girl's name...Sherri? Kerri?"

"Jerri, actually...but that wasn't anything serious, just a bit of fun. I was seeing someone I met at a seminar in Toronto, but that was fairly casual as well. Kind of an on-again/off-again thing. 'Off- again' at launch time."

"Oh, yeah? Is this...person...someone in Star Fleet?"

"Actually, yes...he is...he works in cybernetics research and development."

"That must be an interesting subject, and what with you both being interested in engineering..."

"What we were both really 'interested' in was sex," Trip interrupted. he realized that, without even really intending to, he had gone into full seduction mode with his commanding officer. He locked eyes with Archer, never once looking away, even as he sensed the Captain start to get a little uncomfortable and fidgety...he even blushed a bit, it was kinda cute.

"Well...yeah, I guess that would be important. I...uh...I never really got with another guy..."

"So you already said," Tucker interrupted again, his voice silky, "Not even in college?"

"No, and I know that's when we're supposed to 'experiment' with things like sexuality. I mean, I did a bit of 'petting' and...uh...beating-off with my buddies, but nothing like, uhm, actually full blown...you know...sex." Archer started to trail off as his face turned a bit pinker. Trip decided to press his advantage.

"Let me get you another beer, 'buddy', looks like you're about ready."

"Thanks," Archer replied, then chuckled, "So, is this where you say it looks like I could use a massage."

"Touché," Trip smirked as he brought over another couple of bottles. "No...this is where I suggest that you and me go over to your bed and have an amazing, teeth-rattling night of passionate love-making."

Once again, he stared directly into the Captain's eyes. Christ, how'd he never notice that Archer had the most beautiful, soulful eyes he'd ever seen?

"Umm...oh, I..."

"Jon, I know it might not be a good idea for a captain to get 'involved' with is crew, especially his officers, but..."

"Okay," this time Archer interrupting.

"What?" Trip exclaimed, not quite sure he heard correctly.

"Okay...let's, uh, do this," the Captain responded in a quite voice. "I want to do this...with you."

They slowly smiled at each other and Trip put out his hand to pull Jon from his chair. Jon began to move over to the bed, but Trip placed a hand on his hip, stopping him.

Tenderly, awkwardly, they wrapped their arms around each other in a loose embrace. Slowly Trip brought his slightly parted lips closer and closer to the Captain's. At the last second he veered away, lightly placing his lips on Archer's stubbley chin. Archer closed his eyes as Trip began placing butterfly-soft kisses up his jaw-line. First up and down one side, then the other, the feel of Trip's hot breath on his hot skin dragged a groan of lust and longing from Archer that he didn't even know was there. Finally he felt moist lips, soft and firm at the same time, brush against his own. Almost immediately the lips were followed by a wetter, probing tongue that gently traced its way around the outside of his mouth, spiraling down inward. Trip liked to kiss with his eyes open, he really got off on seeing the emotions play out over his partner's face. 'Vulcan's have NO fuckin' idea what they're missing,' he thought smugly to himself as he drank in the sight of his superior officer quickly succumbing to lust.

Despite the heat and closeness of the cabin, Jon tightened his embrace on Trip. His gasps and groans of passion were now being cast directly into Trip's mouth, answered by Trip's own purring sounds of encouragement.

Trip's hands searched out the hem of Archer's blue shirt and slid up inside, gliding over the Captain's sweaty back. In one quick move, he had the shirt up and off Archer and flung to the floor, necessitating a break in the kiss. Instead of returning to his partner's lips, Trip's mouth landed on Jon's neck, tasting the saltiness as he dragged his tongue up and down.

As Trip started heading south, Jon grabbed the sides of his shirt, pulling it up for Trip as he continued his journey downward. Wanting...no, NEEDING...to feel as much of the Captain's flesh against his as possible, Tucker once again wrapped his arms tightly around Jon, pressing their bare chests together as he ran his hands once more over the Captain's back. Archer responded in kind, holding Trip tightly in his own strong arms.

The two men stood their...not kissing, not speaking, just holding on to each other, heads hanging over each other's shoulder. Lazily they began to lick and nuzzle whatever their mouths could reach...the side of a neck, the top of a shoulder, an ear, catching a bead of sweat as it slid down the side of a face. Archer's fingers reached up and curled into the short, wet hairs at the back of Trip's head, directing the engineer's mouth back to his own. Their tongues dueled, playfully seeking dominance until Trip surrendered, content to gently nurse on Archer's tongue. Suddenly Trip broke the kiss, stifling a laugh, but not the grin that came with it.

"Wha...?" Jon croaked, knitting his brow.

"Your chest hairs...tickles..." Trip responded, dropping his eyes down to stare at Jon's broad, lightly haired pecs. He brought his hands up and began to rub and lightly squeeze the muscular chest. Archer groaned his appreciation, closing his eyes and throwing his head back. Squatting slightly, Trip let his mouth join his hands, kissing and licking the Captain's chest.

"CHRIST!" Jon barked out, shuddering as Trip gently bit at his right nipple while simultaneously tweaking the other. Sealing his mouth around the pink nub, Trip continued to lightly chew and suck as his tongue prodded and poked.

While Trip's one hand rubbed and pulled Jon's nipple, the other was not idle. Reaching behind the Captain, Trip grabbed a handful of Archer's right ass cheek. The erotic sensations Trip's talented mouth and hands were drawing from his body caused the Captain's knees to buckle.

"Trip...if we don't go over to the bed right now...I'm gonna fall over," Archer managed to croak out.

Wearing that familiar grin, Trip stood up straight to once again embrace his commanding officer. This time he helped himself to two handfuls of the Captain's sweet, firm butt.

"Whatever you say...Sir," he drawled between a few light, quick kisses.

Trip pulled Archer backward toward the bunk. Once there, he slowly lowered himself to sit on the edge of the bed, dragging his tongue down the center of Jon's torso as he went. While his hands roughly clenched and massaged Jon's ass through his blue shorts, Trip's tongue found and invaded the navel at the center of the flat stomach in front of him.

Once more, Archer felt as if his feet would go out from under him, so he grabbed onto Trip's shoulders for support. Trip brought his face lower still, pressing it directly into the hot, large lump tenting out the front of the Captain's shorts and taking a deep whiff. After wiping his face all over the shorts, Trip began mouthing the Captain's throbbing, painfully erect cock directly through the nylon material. The fingers of one hand were starting to push inward, shoving themselves and the cloth of the seat of his shorts deeper into Jon's ass crack. His other hand worked itself up the leg of the shorts, moving in small, circular motions over the bare flesh of the muscular ass cheek it uncovered, laying a quick smack or two to the exposed mound.

"Oh...please, Trip...y-you're...uhhh...GOD! Uh...uhhh..."

Trip allowed the Captain a few more moments to babble on, and then he leaned back and beamed up at the man above him. His hands worked around to the front of the shorts and grabbed, slowly sliding them down. The line of hair that trailed down from Archer's navel slightly thickened and then meshed into the dark brown hair that marked the top of the Captain's pubes. The material met some resistance as it ran over the confined erection, but with a final tug the offending garment fell away, dropping down around the Captain's ankles.

The shaft of Jon's iron-hard penis swung horizontally in the air just in front of Trip's face, swaying like a cobra. The palpable scent of sex doubled, and Trip couldn't contain a lustful groan of anticipation as he gazed at the thick, formidable cock of his superior officer. He blew a gentle breath onto the head, sending a series of tiny shock waves up and down Archer's body. More shock waves and louder groans as Trip began massaging the Captain's hairy balls, pulled up tight in their sack. Archer's face wore a glazed, almost pained expression...one Trip was well acquainted with. It was the blank look that men tended to get during sex. When their higher brain functions shut down, their slack mouths hang half-open, their eyes stare unfocused. God...he really loved that goofy expression! Smiling to himself, he went in for the kill.

He could actually feel the heat against his lips a moment before contact, and then the spongy head of the Captain's cock wedged itself halfway between the engineer's parted lips. Trip would have been disappointed had the feathery dance of his tongue tip over the satiny, salty helmet not caused Archer to quake once more. The grip on his right shoulder tightened as the hand on his left reached up and tangled itself once more in the sopping wet hair on the back of Trip's head. It was fairly obvious that the Captain wouldn't hold out much longer.

Sealing his lips just behind the flared head of the penis, Trip ground the flat of his tongue over the tip and sucked in, hollowing his cheeks. He began to bob his head up and down on the Captain's hard shaft, burying his nose deep in the musky pubes. It didn't take more than a few moments before Archer's grip became painful as he hunched over Trip's head.

"TRIP!!...Stop!...I'm, uhhh...AAAAHHH...AAAAGHHH!!...GAAAHHHH!!!"

Each fierce spasm culminated with a volley of hot seed shot into Trip's sucking mouth, which he greedily accepted and swallowed with mewling, animalistic noises.

Trip continued to slowly apply gentle sucking pressure to the Captain's cock, sadistically enjoying the way his undulating tongue wracked Jon's body with post-orgasmic aftershocks. When he pulled his mouth off Jon's erection, a string of saliva and semen momentarily connected the head of Archer's cock to the engineer's lower lip. With a gentle shove, he helped Archer to fling himself down onto the bed, where he lay panting as if he'd just been in a race. Well, this race wasn't over yet, as far as Trip was concerned...not by a long shot.

Standing up, Trip grabbed the waist of his own shorts, lowered them down to the deck and stepped out of them. It really felt good to have his own hard dick and hot, sweaty balls out of the confining material. Next he removed his socks and shoes. While he was down there, he finished pulling off the Captain's shorts from around his ankles and removed his shoes as well. He decided to leave Jon's socks on...the small article of clothing made him look even more naked by comparison...and therefore, somehow hotter.

Grabbing the shaft of his own cock, Trip began to slowly pump up and down, frigging the large, plum-shaped head that was coated in a shiny layer of pre-cum. His mind raced with thoughts of all the nasty things he wanted to do with the man lying before him.

Archer lay face up on the bunk, his left leg hanging off the side. His one hand was slowly rubbing his belly while his other arm was thrown over his face.

"Trip...I'm so sorry," he gasped.

"Sorry? Sorry 'bout what? I believe I've wanted to do that since the first moment I laid eyes on you. Don't be sorry for cumming so quick, either. Now you're a little 'desensitized'...we can take our good sweet time with the rest of the night."

Archer didn't answer, so Trip continued in a low voice, "We didn't do anything wrong, Jon. I really, really enjoyed that...I think you did, too."

Trip felt a drip or two of sweat sliding down his side as he watched the rising and falling of Jon's chest. What the hell was wrong with him? He waited for a minute, then continued, just loud enough for Archer to hear.

"Hey...Jon...do you want me to go?"

Still no answer, so with a resigned sigh Trip bent over and started picking up his things. After figuring out exactly which discarded pieces of clothing were his, he turned around to look at Jon once more.

Jon was propped up on his elbows, an enigmatic expression on his face. Desire? Regret? About the only thing that was clear was confusion. Trip wondered if he should just drop his things and head over to the bed...let his actions speak for him. This certainly wouldn't be the first time he had to lead a novice in the arts of pleasing (and getting pleasure) from a man. Archer took a deep breath and opened his mouth to say something, and that's when the comm-link squawked into life.

"Captain? Sub-Commander T'Pol...I have succeeded in contacting a Tellerite trading vessel. They have seemingly agreed to supply the necessary components to repair the environmental control system. We require you on the bridge to negotiate the purchase. Have you seen Commander Tucker? He is not in his quarters or in Engineering."

One more intense look...a look that seemed to hold a mix of both desire and regret in equal measure.

"Yes, he's here with me. Good work, T'Pol, we'll be right up."

They quickly put their clothes back on, not speaking to each other until they were out in the hall.

"What a stroke of luck, we might be able to get the parts we need and make a peaceful first contact as well," Archer commented, though he didn't sound nearly as enthused as he should.

"Yeah...luck," Trip agreed. He had never resented the Vulcan more than he did at that exact moment.

Though Trip would steal sideways glances at Jon, they walked on in silence to the bridge.

With a little help from Hoshi, Archer was able to come to a mutually agreeable trade with the Tellerite captain. Trip had to be there during the negotiations in case there were questions of technological compatibility...but it was the last place he wanted to be. He felt uncomfortable, out of sorts, and he wasn't sure why. If only he could have the last hour back. Sure, he had enjoyed it, but it was fairly obvious that something was up with Archer. Maybe he didn't want to get involved with an officer under his command. Maybe he had just been horny, and Trip had made it too easy for him to get some relief. Hell, maybe he just needed a little time to think things through. They'd been friends for some time now, and the last thing Trip wanted was to fuck up their friendship over something as stupid as a little meaningless sex. It WAS just meaningless sex, wasn't it?

Trip closed his tired eyes and started thinking about Jon's face. The cute way he blushed, his almost shy smile when he first got out of his chair, his expression as Trip's skillful hands played over his body, his near-panic as he came down Trip's throat...the taste of him on his tongue.

"Mister Tucker...Mister Tucker!"

The icy voice of T'Pol snapped Trip out of his reverie.

"Yeah...I'm sorry...what were you saying?" Trip hadn't even noticed that the conference was over. Hoshi had closed communications and Archer was going over some sort of report with Reed.

"You are required to board the Tellerite vessel and supervise the exchange. The captain thought it prudent that you examine the components in person. The Tellerite atmosphere is close enough to Earth standard that an enviromental suit should not be required. Captain Archer, you will wish to accompany Mister Tucker?"

"No...I will be staying on the Enterprise," Archer replied, not even looking up from his report.

Even T'Pol raised an eyebrow at this. "Sir? I assumed you would want to see the alien ship first hand, talk to their captain..."

"Well, you assumed wrong, Sub-Commander. Mister Tucker, please report when you have completed repairs to the environmental controls. Come on, people, we have a lot of work to do."

'I wonder what the fuck that's all about,' Trip though to himself as he exited the bridge. 'Oh, he'll get a report, alright!' Even if it was a one-time thing, they had to clear this up. He didn't want to spend the rest of his hitch with this hanging between them.

The Tellerites were a strange looking people, not that 'strange' was a particularly unique adjective out here. They reminded Trip of nothing so much as terrestrial pigs. They were skilled engineers, though. Turns out that they had a hand (hoof?) in the creation of transporter technology. Not much on the niceties, Trip noted...straight and to the point. Maybe he could learn a thing or two from them about handling his own affairs, he thought wryly.

Tellerite technology seemed to fit perfectly with their own. Once back on the Enterprise, Trip immediately went back to engineering to start the instillation of the components. Another few hours of cramped access tubes, steam blasts to the face and rerouting of circuits and the job was done.

A cheer went up through the engine room as, for the first time in several days, cool air started to pump out through the vents. The Enterprise's first heat wave was officially over.

Trip allowed himself a few moments to rest. All he really wanted was a quick shower and to fall into bed. He'd been up now for over twenty hours, and the last thing he wanted to do was face Archer.

"Straight and to the point...just like the space-piggies," Trip murmured.

"Excuse me, sir?" one of his ensigns inquired.

"Oh, nothing...just one more little thing I gotta fix before I bunk down," was Tucker's weary reply.

As he walked to the bridge, several crewmen he met on the way would pat him on the back or call out their thanks. 'Nice to be appreciated,' he thought, but the acknowledgements did little to settle the butterflies in his stomach. Butterflies? What the hell was wrong with him? Then, in a moment of pure clarity, it dawned on him what was eating him so.

'Oh, crap...I refuse, I fuckin' refuse...I like the guy...hell, like him a lot, and sure, he's damn sexy, but I refuse to be in 'love' with him. Love?! DAMN! Trip, ol' son...how'd you let this load of trouble sneak up on you? You screwed up this time, for sure.'

He couldn't help but smile at the irony...maybe those damn Vulcans had the right idea after all.

Like the rest of the ship, the bridge greeted Tucker with a barrage of comments.

"Hey, look, it's our hero!" "It's about time! What's next, frostbite?" "Good job, chief." "Yeah, it's nice to have some cool air, Trip."

Trip barely acknowledged their statements as he did a quick scan for the Captain. Apparently, T'Pol had the bridge.

"Hey, T'Pol, where's the Captain? He wanted to see me after the repairs."

"He is in his quarters," was the Vulcan's clipped response.

"Thanks...so, cold enough for ya'?" Trip drawled with a wink.

"The temperature is nearing normal environmental parameters. Your repairs seem to be adequate, though I would need to examine them to confirm their efficiency."

"Uh...riiiight. Well, you're welcome."

Though deep down he had a grudging respect for the Sub-Commander, Trip was fairly sure that he'd never learn to enjoy her company.

Shortly, he found himself standing in front of the Captain's door.

'Come on, man, don't be such a coward,' he thought to himself. 'Let's get this over with and move on.'

"Enter," Archer called out in response to Trip's knock.

"Captain...you wanted to see me?"

Archer turned around from his desk, a sad smile on his face, "Hey, Trip, good job on the...uh...heating problem. I'm really looking forward to reading your report on the Tellerites."

Trip waited a heartbeat before he replied, "You could have gone with me, you know."

"Yeah, well...I'm sorry, I should have, but I needed a little time alone to think some things through," a pregnant pause followed. "Look, what happened between us earlier, I just can't get involved in something like that, okay? It would probably be best to pretend it didn't happen."

"Sure...I understand...will that be all, Sir?"

It looked like Archer was going to say something, but he just nodded his head and turned back to his desk.

Trip turned to leave, feeling a little betrayed. Not so much by the Captain, more so by himself. He'd been given the brush off...so what? It wasn't like it was the first time, nor probably the last. Part of him was still grasping at straws, trying to convice himself that this whole event was no more important than any of his previous conquests. He knew he was lying to himself, though. He hadn't felt so empty in a long time. The Captain's rejection was like a punch to the stomach. Screw this! He stopped at the door and turned to face Archer.

"Jon...actually, I DON'T understand. What's wrong with us being together?"

"Trip, please...this isn't easy for me," Jon said quietly.

"And it's not easy for me, either! Look, we're gonna spend a lot of time together, boss. I can't have you looking the other way every time we pass each other out there. After all we've been through I think you owe me a bit more. TALK to me!"

"Damn it, Trip! Can't you just respect my wishes..."

"Well, respect's a two way street, buddy," Trip cut him off. "This wasn't like we were playing a damn card game. We connected! I felt it and you know you felt it, too! Look me in the eye and tell me it meant nothing to you."

Archer spun around in his chair.

"Jesus, Trip, you don't fucking get it! Of course, it meant something! That's the whole point. Seems all you're ever interested in is a little fun with whomever you're with. When I'm with someone, I'm with them all the way. I don't wan't you dropping by, looking for sex or whatever, and then expect me to act like nothing's happened. I...I need more than that, Trip. I guess I'm just 'old-fashioned' that way. Having someone as a lover means a hell of a lot to me.

As Jon spoke, Trip slowly moved forward, stopping a foot or two away from the Captain. In his mind he could still feel the heat that radiated from Jon's skin. Once more Trip had an epiphany, and it all became clear. The Captain wasn't merely brushing him off.

"I think I finally get it," Trip said, his voice almost gentle, "you think you need to love someone and be loved by someone if they're gonna be with you...right?"

Jon's beautiful, sad eyes stared up at Trip. The Captain could be so strong, so sure of himself...it was strange to see him like this. Almost imperceptibly, Archer nodded a reply.

"Yeah, that's it."

Archer flinched slightly as Trip gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Jon," Trip continued in a hushed voice, trailing his fingers up to lightly brush against Jon's jaw-line. "I gotta ask you something. Honestly...could you love me...DO you love me?"

Archer closed his eyes and, after an agonizing pause, silently mouthed his response.


They remained motionless and silent for a few eternal seconds, then Trip spoke, his voice thick with emotion.

"I love you...and I pray you believe that. If you need me to leave, if you still have doubts, I'll understand...but I want you to know that nothing's gonna change how I feel. I know it's a cliché, but I've been looking for something for a very long time, and I now realize that everything I ever wanted...I've found right here...with you."

Archer smiled slightly, and a dark cloud of anguish seemed to lift from his features. Slowly, Jon turned his head towards the hand touching his face. Gently, he pressed his lips to Trip's rough palm.

Jon stood up and the two men faced each other. They embraced, and it felt as natural as breathing. Their clothes, still damp with perspiration, began to chill in the rapidly cooling air, but the warmth of their contact held off the cold.

Archer placed his forehead against Trip's.

"Hey, we have some unfinished business. You up for it?"

Trip laughed, "Man, I'm dog tired. I ache in places I didn't know I had, and I'm about to fall asleep standing right here...but I don't think a whole armada of Suliban could keep me away from you!"

Kissing Trip on his forehead, Jon moved around behind him. Grabbing the man's shirt, he lifted it over his head then took a second to take off his own. Trip leaned back as Jon's arms wrapped around, pulling him against the Captain's warm, broad chest. He'd never felt so safe. Soon, a wet tongue was running up the back of his neck. It strayed to his ear, and was then replaced with a pair of lips on his cheek. Bending his head back, he caught his lover's mouth with his own, sharing the first of many deep, passionate kisses. The area around their mouths getting pink from the irritation of their rough, stubbled faces.

Trip wriggled around to once again be chest to chest with Jon. In duplication of earlier, Trip began to kiss his way down Jon's chest, ending up kneeling in front of the Captain...but his superior officer had other ideas. Jon grabbed Trip under his arms and pulled him up back onto his feet. With a mischievous smile, Archer began slowly working his hands and mouth down Trip's smooth torso.

"Ohhh...Jon, that feels so fuckin' good. I love the way your mouth feels on me. Yeah, suck my tit, baby. Ohhh...that's so nice...that's so- OUCH!"

Jon looked up sheepishly, "Sorry...too much teeth?"

"Well, maybe just a tetch," Trip grinned as he lightly rubbed his red chest. "You'll learn...I guess it's better to bite there than, you know...downstairs."

"What makes you think I'm gonna put that dirty thing in my mouth?" Jon teased as he began to pull down the engineer's shorts.

Trip grabbed his dick as it came out of his shorts and began to pump up and down on it, just inches from Jon's face.

"Hmm...can you think of somewhere else you'd rather put it?"

Jon laughed nervously, "One step at at time, Mister Tucker, one step at a time."

"So much for the brave explorer," Trip grumbled.

Sitting back on his haunches, Jon reached out and lightly fingered Trip's cock. The head was dark pink and shining with the pre-cum that had been leaking out. As he squeezed, a clear bead of it formed at the tip and ran down to drip onto his hand. Thick veins ran through the shaft down to the base, nestled in a thick patch of dark pubic hair. His large scrotum hung down, swaying as Jon replaced Trip's fist with his own and began to pump up and down on the engineer's penis. The smell was musky and intoxicating, urging the Captain to move in closer.

"That's it, grab that fucker...oh, yeah," Trip gasped, closing his eyes and arching his head back. Jon rubbed the shaft a few more times, only lightly touching the bottom of the head, watching the face of his lover. The moment of truth...

Bending slightly, he brought his lips within an inch of the crown of the pole. He seemed to be considering something for a moment, then, with a moan, he firmly pressed his lips to the shiny head. Trip watched, fascinated, as the Captain began to nibble and lick his cock. He licked and swallowed the beads of pre-cum as they drizzled out of the head of Trip's dick. Leaning back after a moment, Archer grinned up at his partner as he ran his hands up and down the back of Trip's legs.

"Like it?" Trip drawled.

"Oh, yeah!" Jon enthusiastically replied, once again staring at the throbbing, thick organ in front of him.

"Put it in your mouth," Tucker whispered huskily, placing his hand lightly on the back of Archer's head. "Please, baby...I gotta watch you suck me off...come on, angel...suck my cock..."

Trip continued his hypnotic stream of obscenity-laced endearments as he applied slight pressure to the back of Jon's head. Jon opened his mouth and started to lave the head of Trip's cock with his pink tongue. Then, as Trip hissed his approval, he closed his lips around the shaft.

The Captain suckled Trip's dick like a hungry calf, sliding it in and out of his mouth as he swirled his tongue around the shaft. Trip gently tilted Jon's head a little to the side, allowing him a clear view of the spit-soaked pole slowly fucking the Captain's face. He liked the way the lips would push in on the inward stroke, only to be drawn out as they dragged down the shaft on the outward stroke.

Jon whimpered in pleasure, totally lost in the man in front of him. The taste, the smell, the feel, even the sound of Trip's voice, murmuring encouragement and vocalizing his pleasure -- each sensation was like an electric jolt sent through Jon's body (centered mostly in his groin, of course). In his excitment, he thrust his face forward a little too far, too fast and came up gagging and coughing.

"Take it easy, babe...just get used to it," Trip sighed as he continued to stroke the back of Jon's head.

"Yeah...little carried away is all...you taste so damn good..." Jon responded as he dipped his head back down to recapture Trip's cock.

Playfully, Trip moved the tip of his prick away from Jon's mouth just as he was about to close on it. He continued his little game of keep- away for a few seconds more until Archer looked up, panting and whimpering in frustration. Pressing the head against the Captain's cheek, Trip started sliding it around, leaving a series of shiny saliva trails over Jon's face. Jon tracked around, following the lure like a baby bird searching out a worm. Indulgently, Trip eventually sank his shaft back into Jon's warm, wet, silky mouth.

He liked that he seemed to be taking the dominate role so far. Having the captain of the ship on his knees, servicing him so willingly was a turn on, in and of itself.

"Look up at me, baby...that's it. I want to see your pretty eyes as you suck me. Damn, but you're beautiful. I love you so fuckin' much."

Though he could have continued to enjoy the blowjob until he came, Trip had plenty of other things he wanted to try. Pulling out of Jon's suckling mouth with an audible 'pop', he helped his lover back to his feet.

Jon grabbed the back of Trip's head and lunged forward. Trip was surprised a little by the ferocity of the attack, but instantly gave in to the Captain's hunger. Jon thrust his tongue forcefully down Trip's throat, pressing firmly against his warmth, frantically inhaling his face. Jon began grinding his own still covered cock against Trip's, wrapping his free arm around the engineer's waist. Trip moved his hands around Jon's damp back and then up and over his powerful shoulders, enthralled with the scent as perspiration began to form over their bodies again. Somehow, they made it across the room to Archer's bunk.

Trip pushed Jon down on the bed and helped him remove the rest of his clothes. Pushing the Captain's knees apart, Trip kneeled down at his groin, wrapping a hand around each of their erections. Scooting forward, he placed their dicks together, their balls kissing. Trip grabbed the combined column of meat and jacked them as one, leering down at the handsome superior officer.

Bending over, Trip once more got to savor the taste of Jon's cock...something he couldn't ever imagine he'd tire of. As he pumped his talented mouth on Archer's dick, his hands moved up, rubbing the Captain's belly, sides, arms, biceps and pecs. Archer grasped one of Trip's hands and brought it up to his mouth, licking the palm and sucking on the callused fingers.

Pulling back once again, Trip placed his hands under Jon's firm thighs and pushed back. Jon looked down with interest as Trip swooped down and took first one, then (with some difficulty) the other of Jon's balls simultaneously into his mouth. He loved the texture of the wrinkly, hairy scrotum on his tongue, and sluiced it around as best he could inside his overstuffed mouth.

Archer lightly started fingering his own cock as he lay back and enjoyed Trip's oral skills.

"Oh, Trip...that's feels great...mmmm..."

Trip scooted a little further back, dragging his open mouth down to the soft skin just behind the ball sack...drifting ever lower...until.

"TRIP!...OH, GOD!...oh, oh, ohhhhh YES...no one's ever...AAAAAHHHH, that feels so good! Oh, please...don't stop!" Jon's fingers clawed at the bed as he arched his back and threw his head wildly back and forth.

Trip smiled as he remembered the first time someone rimmed him. He'd practically tore through the mattress. Luckly for Jon, he liked doing it as much as he liked having it done to him. Stiffening his tongue into a spear, he continued his oral assault of the Captain's most secret of places.

After a few minutes, Trip pulled out and sat up. He couldn't wait another moment to feel his lover deep inside him.

"Jon...got any kind of lube?"

"Wha?" Archer panted, not quite back on the same plane as his partner. "T-try...try in the drawer...by the bed..."

Quickly rummaging through the drawer, Trip found the small tube. As he took off the cap, he couldn't help but get a chuckle out of the look of trepidation on Archer's face.

"Trip...I'm not sure I'm ready...I...it's not that I don't..."

"Sssshhh...it's not for you," Trip assured him with a soothing voice and a wink, "it's for me."

He started slathering up Jon's prick, coating it with a layer of the slick ointment. When the job was finished to Trip's satisfaction, he grabbed Jon's hand and squeezed out a generous amount of the lube onto the Captain's fingers. Now Trip climbed up and lay over his lover, belly to belly...one leg between Jon's and the other off to his side.

"Get me ready, babe," he sighed as he arched his own ass up into the air.

Archer took his lube-coated fingers and reached out to slide them between the firm cheeks of Tucker's gorgeous ass. Quickly, he found the wrinkled pucker of Trip's anus, and gently started to rub his fingers around the tight, rubbery opening. The sphincter muscles of the engineer's ass slowly loosened, and Trip gasped and cooed in pleasure as Jon began to work one of his thick fingers into the snug hole.

"Oh, NICE! Play with that ass, babe...your touch feels so good...you're driving me crazy...that's right, pump it in and out."

After a while, Jon was able to work two fingers into his gasping, writhing lover. Trip worked his way back up to Jon's face, placing his full weight on top of his superior's body, knocking the air out of him. He caught that air in his mouth as he planted his lips over Jon's, and breathed it back into his lungs. The two men shared some deep, soulful kisses while the Captain continued to gently finger fuck his chief engineer.

Trip crawled further up, until he was straddling Archer. Reaching back, he grabbed the Captain's extremely hard dick and began rubbing it up and down the cleft of his ass. He shuddered as the head ran over and ground into his asshole.

Jon watched in complete fascination as Trip slowly started to sit on his cock. The tight opening, despite the earlier preparation, initially refused to give. Trip started a throaty growl and pressed down harder. Slowly...oh, so slowly...his anus stretched into an outrageous "O" around the head of the Captain's penis. Jon reached down and grasped Trip's ass cheeks, holding them apart. White pain radiated up Trip's spine from his overstuffed hole, causing him to clench his eyes shut and grit his teeth.

"Trip...you okay? Stop..." Jon panted.

Tucker responded by grunting and shaking his head, needing the rest of his concentration to take the large dick up his chute. Sweating and shaking on top of the Captain's pole, Trip threw his head back as he corkscrewed in another few inches.

"YEAH...THAT'S it!" Trip gasped as his sex noises came back online. "OhhhhhFUCK! That's soooo fuckin' good!"

Jon slid his fingers in closer, tracing the tightly stretched band of Trip's sphincter as it swallowed the substantial girth. Jon never felt anything in his life as amazing as this. Fucking Trip was like fucking a clenched fist that's wearing a velvet glove coated in hot oil. He lay back and enjoyed the show, listening to the noises Trip was making as he fucked himself. He continued his low growls, punctuating with little hiccuping yelps each time he hit rock bottom, then, as he pulled up, hissing loudly between his teeth.

Trip undulated his hips and pinched his own nipples as he licked his grinning lips. His hair was plastered to his forehead from the perspiration. Jon couldn't help but laugh at his goofy (yet extremely effective) attempts at looking sexy. The engineer placed his hands behind his head and continued to pump up and down like some kind of exotic dancer or wind-up toy. On one of the downswings, Archer clamped onto Trip's thighs and held him down. Trip swooped down again and their lips sealed. With his cock firmly planted up Trip's butt, Jon began to grind his hips up against the firm ass cheeks. This caused his shaft to stir inside his lover, bumping up against his prostate. Each time he hit it, Trip's dick ejected a new flow of pre- cum as he blasted out an impassioned breath down Archer's throat. Trip couldn't hold out any longer, and struggled up out of Jon's grasp.

"Oh...baby...I'm fixin' to cum," he croaked, blinking the sweat from his eyes as he used the last of his energy to grind frantically on top of his commanding officer.


The powerful blasts of semen shot out of Trip's cock and hit the headboard, as well as Jon's chin, chest and stomach. Each blast caused Trip to clench up his whole body, massaging the Captain's cock in a most wonderful way. Archer's moans and screams soon joined Trip's. A small part of Trip's sex-fried brain registered the spreading warmth of the Captain's seed as he filled his bowels full of hot cum.

"Ohhh...here it comes...that's it!...OHHHH...GOD DAMN!...GAAAHHHH!"

At the end of their climaxes, Trip collapsed on top of Archer...each of them absolutely wrung out by the powerful, passionate sex they had just shared. Panting on top of Jon's chest, Trip's tongue contacted the still hot seed he'd shot all over the Captain. Slurping it up, he followed the pearly trail up to Archer's jaw, were he lovingly cleaned Jon's face with his tongue. Slipping his tongue into Archer's mouth, Trip shared the taste of his own cum with his lover.

"Hey..." Jon whispered.


"Thank you...that was absolutely...amazing."

Trip looked up and smiled, "No...thank YOU...I love you, Jon Archer."

Jon returned the smile, looking thoughtful for a moment.

"And I love you, too."

As Trip snuggled down to rest his head on Archer's chest, the Captain murmured, "Hey...before you get all comfy, get up and grab a blanket, will you? Feels like it's going to be a little chilly in here tonight."

"Jeez, some people are never satisfied," Trip grumbled.

Wrapped in their blanket and in each other's arms, Jon soon felt Trip drop off to sleep. Little did he know that Trip would end up in his bed, let alone in his life. Yet here he was, feeling that comforting weight pressing down on top of him, Trip's head resting on his chest. Archer soon also drifted off to sleep, listening to the pattern of Trip's breathing and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

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