Entering the New World

By ni.oc.oohay@evom_peed

Published on Nov 4, 2001



Do not read this story if you are in any way offended by acts of a homosexual nature.

Do not read this if you are under the legal age for accessing adult sites.

Always indulge in safe sex.

Thanks for all the responce you gave to my first part of story. Being in India,I don't have too many friends to talk about my sexual orientation i.e. about being a Gay. Only two of my friends know this. As you know a lonely Gay life is very bad life. So I need some Gay friend to chat and share thoughts. Feel free to mail me at deep_move@yahoo.co.in. The contents of the story are 90% true and 10% partly true. So you may call it a true story. Try to help someone like you in need of love and friendship. Any comments, suggestions are welcome at deep_move@yahoo.co.in.

Entering The New World - II Recap..

(I just put the phone and went straight to my room. I was unable to think what he supposed by word 'FUN'. I was unable to take the decision. It was clear that I never wanted sex with a guy but at this time, it was something different. The thought of Pranay's lips around my lips or may be my dick was telling me to go. Just by the thought of Pranay's sexy(!) body made my cock sprang up in my pants. I couldn't take any decision.)

I went to my room and laid on bed. It was clear that I never wanted sex with a guy. I tried to remember myself dreaming about a girl and jacking off. But I didn't remember myself doing this in past. But I remembered staring at male models in TV shows with bare chests and sexy bulges in their pants. I remembered getting uncomfortable in shower nude with other friends while camping.

"Do these things make me a gay?" I asked my self. "Am I a GAY?" next question in my mind. And if no, why I'm thinking again and again about Pranay's sexy body? Why I'm calling it as SEXY? My head was spinning and I slept tired of thinking and didn't go to Pranay.

Then through out the year I avoided contact with Pranay. I engaged myself in my studies and Indian classical music which I was learning from my childhood.

And today here I was, a lonely gay, not knowing where his first lover is. I dried myself and turned on my computer to check e-mails. It was my favorite time pass to check mails nude with cold bear or hot coffee. The inbox said I had 2 new mails. One was from my parents and other was from my college. The second one I opened first. It said something about a get-together of students of our batch. It was like an invitation. It was on weekend. I decided to attend it.

On Saturday I went to Pune (a city in India where the function was). I was wearing my favorite black pant and yellow shirt. I was going to meet everybody after about 5 years. So may things were changed. I had grown in every part of my body except my waist. I love everyday work out which keeps me in shape. The hall was full of boys and girls from our batch. Actually none of them were boys and girls at the age of 21.

I joined all my friends and found that everybody was lost in the memory lanes. The atmosphere was so great. I was so happy seeing everybody again and was equally curious to meet Pranay. My best friend from my childhood, Priya, announced that I was going to sing a song for all of us. As I was learning music from childhood I was a famous singer in college. I sung a Hindi song describing friendship. When I finished the song everybody was clapping and I was waving my hand in appreciation. As I was looking at crowd, I saw an incredibly handsome guy clapping and looking at me with a different look. Yes! Here he was. Pranay. I was just confused and couldn't react. I joined a group and the thoughts started to flow again through my mind. "Does he still remember me in 'that' way?" "Shall I talk with him or just give smile and ignore?" "Shall I leave the party?" I was totally confused. I lost in thoughts and just shocked when a warm hand patted my shoulder. I turned and again shocked to see Pranay there smiling at me.

He : "Hi Ashish! Your song really send me down the memory lane and I

remembered almost everything in our college life within a second."

What does he mean by 'everything'. Me : "Oh thanks Pranay."

I was shaking by his strange and sexy looks. He also had grown up to a really sexy hunk. Wide chest, broad shoulders, flat abs and a sexy mound in front of his tight jeans.

He : "Hey, what are you doing now a days".

Me : "Doing a job at Bombay with computers. What about you?"

He : "As you know I always wanted to be a jewelry designer. And so I am. Doing great at my own jewelry shop."

Me : "oh! Sounds really nice."

He : "Thanks! Anyway if you are not doing anything tonight why don't you join me at my place. I'm going to upgrade the computer system in my shop. And as you are a software professional and my best friend, you can give me some advices free of charge. Hmm!

Spending a night with Pranay at his house! Sounds sexy. But I decided to resist.

Me : "Oh! I'm going to return tonight"

He : "Oh Ashish! There is no need to worry about spending a night with me.

We were kids in the college days. You will be safe with me. What I did with you in college days was just...ust nothing. Now we are grown up and we know what to do and what not. Do we?

Me : "Oh sure! And I always like to do 'right' things. Anyway I will join you. But please don't drink too much. We need to talk about your shop, ok?

He : "ok"

I accepted it as a golden chance. When the party was over we went to Pranay's place. The house was really artistic. Pranay told me to take shower and offered me a pair of shorts and a tee-shirt. After shower we sat in couch sipping beer and chatting about the new system in his shop. Pranay was wearing a short and tee-shirt same as me. He noted down the points I told him. After discussion he showed me the guest room. He was alone as his parents were gone to his system for weekend. He said goodnight to me and went to his room.

I slept on my abs. As I was thinking about Pranay, I saw an old diary under the bed. I lifted it and cleaned the dust on it. It was completely blank except a page dated 3rd august. It was Pranay's handwriting. I started reading.

" Dear Ashish, why did you run away when I kissed you today? I know it was not right way to express myself. But what I would have I done. I'm really mad for you. I'm sure you will not misunderstand me. It's strange to be in love with a guy but you really deserve it...".

Tears started trembling through my eyes. I placed the diary on bed and headed to Pranay's room. When I went closer to the door I heard sound of sobbing. I knocked the door. Pranay answered it with wet eyes.

Me : "Why are you sobbing for Pranay? Is anything wrong"

He : "I need to talk to you Ashish."

Me : "But I don't. I just want to kiss you right now."

Saying this I leaned forward and planted a first ever kiss on Pranay's lips. He hugged me very tight. We went to his bed and sat down both with wet eyes in joy.

He : "I was waiting for you for 5 years Ashish."

Me : "now what are you waiting for. I'm all yours"

He again hugged me tightly. He took a break and removed our tee-shirts and pressed his warm body against my hot chest. I was so thrilled by the moment that I again started crying with immense joy and sheer bliss.

He : "now do you have any problem spending night with me?"

Me : "I'll if you sleep tonight."

He : "I won't. this is happiest night in my life."

Me : "same for me."

I made him sleep on his back and slept on him touching him all the way from head to toe. With our tongues playing in each others mouths I slid his shorts and underpants down his knees at once and grabbed my big prize of the night...


Please don't hate me for stopping here at this point of story. But I really want to go slow for next part. I need time to put the real feeling of the night in words. Any comments or replies are welcome at deep_move@yahoo.co.in.

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