Enslaving Jason

By Pete Smith

Published on Jul 14, 2023



By Pete Smith

Like I told you, I've learned to take with a grain of salt the e-mails I receive from the faggots who read my stories. Most of these silly girls don't really know what it takes to satisfy a real man. They often have a naive fantasy about being enslaved and married to a real man. This desire really is just a variation on the conventional desire of any other kind of girl to find and marry her ideal man. The only difference with a faggot is that the faggot-girl knows more explicitly that she is worthless without being attached to a real man. Although all women feel incomplete without a real man, only the faggot type of girl typically has a conscious realization of this fact and compulsively, anxiously and desperately seeks to satisfy the craving. Unfortunately for the faggot-girl, while society has literally built itself around the appropriateness of a conventional girl seeking the man of her dreams, the desperate need of the faggot to become an appendage of a real man is not only not recognized by society, it is met with universal revulsion whenever it rears its disgusting head.

You see, then, the faggot's dilemma, dude. She is a submissive woman trapped in a man's body, trying desperately to make her way through a world willingly blind and hostile to what she really is. She must pretend to be a real man -- in work, relationships and all other things. No wonder these sad girls get so fuckin' twisted and desperate. Shit, dude, I would pity these sick motherfuckers -- that is, I would pity them if I weren't so interested in exploiting their desperation for my own twisted ends.

Anyway, dudes, I know this is supposed to an erotic story, not a fuckin' explanation of the faggot mentality. But the truth is, you can't be a Master-Husband without knowing, and acting from, this fundamental truth: Faggots are submissive girls who NEED to serve a real man in order to be complete. What you want as starting material is a faggot-girl who recognizes what she is and presents herself sincerely for full transformation into a faggot bitch. It's in the nature of this process that she herself will not fully understand at the outset what the transformation will entail. You are working with her raw and desperate need to finally learn why the Universe put her on Earth. This is what you are shaping and training, dudes. This is what allows you to use her hard and relentlessly and to transform her mind, body and soul into the submissive appendage to your superior will, mind and body she was meant to be. The beautiful and natural result -- when the girl is properly handled and trained -- is that she will both NEED and WANT to be used by you exactly as you demand and desire. Her own weak, inferior individual personality and identity will forever be lost and subsumed by your greater and superior mind, body and will. This is the name of the game, boys!

So, I assumed that this faggot Jason would turn out to be just another in a long line of weak, useless queers who claim they want to be enslaved, but who do not really understand the nature of true enslavement. Not being completely selfish (shut the fuck up, bitches!), I decided to throw the faggot a "bone," so to speak. I explained to her that most queers do not really understand what it takes to serve a real man and that I doubted she did either, particularly because she was (or at least claimed to be) so young and inexperienced. (Naturally, this faggot, like all the rest, protested that she did really want to learn whatever it takes to satisfy a real man.)

I started out giving her some of the standard Master-slave bullshit queers like this always seem to lap up. First, I explained to her that she was never to refer to me as "Master," because I WASN'T her fuckin' Master, and probably never would be. I instructed her to ALWAYS -- without exception -- address me as "Sir." In communicating with her, I would address her variously as "girl," "bitch," "whore," "cunt," "faggot," "asshole" and "shithead" to begin engraining in her weak mind what she really was to me.

Whenever she tried to tell me in what ways she wanted to be used by a real man, I would instruct her that I didn't give a fuck what SHE wanted. Now, pay attention here boys and know this: It is truly impossible to train a faggot bitch unless and until she finally gets it into her fuckin' useless head that a whore like her exists SOLELY to satisfy the demands and desires of the man, and not the other way around. A faggot who is about getting her own fantasies and desires met is TRULY USELESS to a real man. She needs to break through the sick mess that is her own psychological, emotional and sexual needs until these come to be fully identified with, and indistinguishable from, the man's demands, desires and whims. Once she achieves this breakthrough, with the firm and unyielding guidance of the man, she will live and breath solely to satisfy you and make you happy. This is the transformation I was referring to earlier, dudes: When the faggot bitch comes to know no satisfaction or fulfillment apart from you, her Controller, Leader and Master.

Like I said, one thing that distinguishes faggots from other kinds of women is that their need to be controlled by a real man is usually more conscious and near the psychological and emotional surface than it is with conventional women. That's what allows them accept the superiority of a real man more readily than conventional girls, some of whom insist on being treated "equal" with the man (or some similar such politically correct bullshit).

The other thing that distinguishes faggots from other types of girls is this: they have a hypercharged female sex drive. Unlike other types of girls, faggots have a sex drive comparable to many men. Don't get me wrong here, dudes. I'm not saying faggots HAVE the male sex drive. They most assuredly do not, as they are not really male. But the fact that the Universe has put these girls into what appears on the outside to be a man's body means that their female sex drive is channeled the supercharged sexual energy of a male body. As I'll explain more fully later, this fact is a thing of beauty for a dominant man: unlike many other whores, faggot bitches CRAVE and NEED sex almost as much as a real man. We can and should use this important fact to our advantage, dudes. These girls' intense sexual energy and needs make them readily malleable to the demands and wants of real men like us.

The first time faggot Jason seemed to be getting herself into a sexual lather, I gave her my standard instruction about her condition:

"Girl, bitches like you need to learn to keep your stiff, leaky bitch clits under control. There are few things a real man hates more than having a sick, freaky bitch leak her cunt juices all over his floor. So unless you want to receive a brutal beating at the hands of a real man, you fuckin' need to learn to get control over your womanly parts.

"I prescribe the following treatment for your submissive bitch cravings: Twice a day, tie up tight your oversized clit and external ovaries with a leather shoe lace. Hit them HARD six times with a wooden ruler. After each hit, say with boundless enthusiasm, 'Thank you, Sir!' Then play with your stiff, leaky clit until you spurt your girl juices onto your soft womanly belly. As you are climaxing, say over and over, 'Thank you, Sir! THANK YOU, SIR!!!'

"Whore, if you follow this treatment religiously twice a day, it will help keep your submissive bitch cravings under control until you can find a real man to dominate and enslave you.

"Try to get it into your stupid whore mind that your SUPERIOR MASTER will control you and will control your weak and inferior mind, body and sexual response. You will live to serve, worship and honor Him and Him alone. Know that a slave is useless if s/he cannot understand this.

"Understand me, cunt?

Master Peter"

Over the next several days, I was pleasantly surprised when "my girl" (as I had begun to refer to her) seemed to be following eagerly and thoroughly whatever instructions I gave her. In particular, she reported to me that following my twice-a-day prescription about tying up and beating her clit and external ovaries until she spurt her girl juices seemed to provide her effective temporary relief from her submissive bitch cravings. The way she described her self-administrated sessions to me convinced me that very importantly she had begun to associate her own sexual and emotional pleasure and release with satisfying me and my instructions to her.

Her obedience and gradual but sure progress in yielding to my wants and instructions pleased me. By the end of the week, I knew it was time to give her an instruction to further test her building trust in me:

"Girl, this weekend I want you to make a list of the things you secretly fantasize a Master doing to you. You will be COMPLETELY HONEST with me. You are to hold nothing back from me. For example, if it turns you on to think of a real man draining his hot piss down your throat into your queer tummy, you will include that on your list. Here's a tip, girl: If thinking about a particular thing you want a real man to do to you makes your little clit very stiff and wet, that's a good item to put on the list. You will provide me with the list by 8 p.m. on Sunday.

"Got it, faggot?

Master Peter"

The faggot quickly replied, saying she understood my instruction and would comply. My dick got rigid reading her statement of compliance.

I was helping a friend move that weekend and was too busy to give the matter much thought. But when I did think about how this submissive new girl seemed to be coming along so nicely, my dick would get very hard in my jockstrap and would leak precum into the cotton pouch. By Sunday night, I was totally exhausted from helping my friend move and my jockstrap totally reeked of my sweaty, musky crotch smell and lots of dried precum and piss.

I waited until precisely 8 p.m. (real men are patient, dudes) and checked my e-mail for a message from my submissive new girl.

To Be Continued. . .

Next: Chapter 4

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