Enslaved on Vacation

By Kyle Johnson

Published on Aug 21, 2023


Enslaved on Vacation, Chapter 6 (Gay, authoritarian)

Drew smiled down at me. "Good slave." I could tell he was excited about this. He had obviously done a lot of planning as far as ways to "initiate" me, and his little smirk was making me melt, even as I feared his wrath. He walked over to the table in the entry way where he had put the bags of supplies he had bought earlier. Rummaging through one of the bags, he pulled out a smaller paper bag and brought it over to where I knelt. I wondered what was in it.

"Alright, Matt. Your first ordeal is very simple. Look at your crotch and tell me what you see."

I looked down at my aching cock, unsure of exactly what he meant. "Um, Master. What do you mean?"

"Just tell me everything you see, you dumb piece of shit."

"Well...I guess I have kind of a small penis. It's about 5.5 inches long, which is obviously tiny compared to yours. It's rock hard and leaking precum because you make me so horny, Master."

"Good. What else, fag?"

"Um, I have a tight nutsack. Pretty good sized balls, I guess. And a nice bush of pubes."

"Aha!" Master exclaimed. "That's right." Now Drew lowered the front of his shorts, giving me a second glimpse of his wondrous cock. It looked even more beautiful this time. He was still semi limp, but showed signs of hardness. "What do you notice about mine, slave?"

"Well it's a lot bigger and a lot sexier. But you don't have as many pubes I guess because you are younger."

I had given the answer he wanted, and he snapped the elastic back up to his waste, hiding away his jewels from my wanting eyes. "Exactly. Now do you think it's fair for a worthless slave bitch to have more fuckin pubes than his great and powerful Master??"

I hung my head in realization. I had always prided myself on my nice bush. Since my cock wasn't too much to brag about, at least I had the hair of a full grown man. But I was catching Drew's implication, and knew what he wanted. "No, Master. It's not fair at all."

With that, he removed from the small paper bag a can of shaving cream and a razor. "You're going to have to shave all of your pubes off, bitch. Your cock and balls will be completely bald. And while you're at it, I think your body hair should go too. Yeah, that's right. Shave your pits, your chest, your ass, legs. The whole works. Everything below the neck should be bare. You got that, faggot?"

I was not ready to shave my entire body. The pubes I could live with, but the rest was far more noticeable. I started to protest. "Please, Master, can I just shave the pubes and leave the re--" I was quieted by a slap across the face.

"No arguing, slave. Just feel lucky that I am letting you keep the hair on your head and your eyebrows. If you piss me off, I'll shave a stripe bald right down the center of your head, and I'll take one of your eyebrows. You want to complain any more??"

Holy shit. "No Master. I'll do what you say," I said meekly.

At that, he slapped my ass and told me to get moving into the bathroom. He led as I crawled behind him. I admired his cute bubble butt and the way his smooth heels rose and flopped over his sandals as he walked. God, I was pathetic. When we got to the bathroom, he handed me the razor and shaving cream and told me to get in the tub and get to work. He sat on the sink and watched in amusement as I started the process. The actual shaving took a little time, and mounds of hair began to accumulate on the tub floor. Even though I'm not a particularly hairy kid, I guess when you add up all the hair on your entire body, it turns out to be quite a bit. My balls and pits and chest relatively bare, Master had to help a little with my back and ass. He didn't seem to mind exerting himself a little, and seemed even more amused as he shaved me, taunting all the while to rub in my new status in life.

Finally we were finished, and Master Drew poured a couple of cold glasses of water over my body to rinse off the remaining cream and hair pieces. Needless to say, my dick was still standing at attention. I was then given a towel and instructed to clean all the hair out of the tub. After doing so, Master took me into his bedroom and stood me in front of a full length mirror. "Look at yourself, bitch. How do you like it?"

I examined my body, which now looked horribly different. My barren crotch emphasized the size of my dick, and it seemed even smaller than before without the patch of brown hair to accent it. I lifted my arms and looked at my empty armpits. The air moving over my body felt cold and strange, and overall I was overcome with a light tingling sensation. I now looked much younger, though still older than my boy Master. "I look...naked," I finally managed to say. "Like a little boy."

"Yep," Master replied. "Well the good news is your first ordeal is completed, bitch. The bad news is they only get harder and there's a hell of a lot more of them," he continued, laughing. "Now stop admiring your weak little boy body and get back on your knees where you belong. We've got a lot of work to do."

With that order, Master strode off to the living room. I crawled behind him, looking down at my newly shaved arms where hair used to be. Determined, I thought, One down, twelve to go.

... As a side note, this is my first story n Nifty, and I would love to hear your feedback. I have the first 10 or so chapters written, and they will be forthcoming soon. Check back!

Next: Chapter 7

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