Enslaved on Vacation

By Kyle Johnson

Published on Aug 21, 2023


Enslaved on Vacation, Chapter 5 (Gay, authoritarian)

Drew was lounging on the couch watching ESPN, his bare feet propped up on the coffee table. He had changed back into his nylon basketball shorts, and just the faintest outline of his cock had me drooling with lust. He truly was a boy God, and blackmail or not, I was pretty willing to put myself through almost anything to get my mouth on his cock.

"About time you got here, fag. That kitchen must be fucking spotless."

"Yes Master," was all I could manage as I knelt there.

"You've got a long night of initiation ahead of you. But before we get started, we still have some business to take care of. You still have to be punished for ruining my god damn dinner, bitch," he said laughing. I had forgotten about that, and was not looking forward to the prospect. Master Drew swung his feet to the floor and gave a playful pat on his thighs. "Does the little boy need a spanking to teach him not to be such an incompetent cook? You better ask me very nicely," he said in a mocking baby voice.

I knew what he wanted to hear. "Please spank me, Master."

Drew burst out laughing. "Alright, boy. Get up here, pull your pants down, and lay over my knee." He continued to laugh at his own joke, as I clearly hadn't been allowed the privilege of wearing pants. I rose and did my best to climb onto my Master's lap, exposing by bare ass. I couldn't believe I was laying over his knee about to be spanked like a misbehaving little boy. I was twenty years old, for Christ sake. Nevertheless, I couldn't help but love the warm feel of his body touching mine, and my horny mind was just loving the contact. Master interrupted my lusty stupor: "Okay, faggot. Every spanking you get, you have to count out the number, thank me for it, and ask for another one." At that, his strong right hand slapped down across my right ass cheek. He wasn't going easy, and the sting was intense.

"One. Thank you Master may I have another?"

Although Drew had made me spank my own ass earlier this afternoon, it had been nothing compared to this. He continued to whale away on my helpless butt cheeks. I could feel them reddening up as I got to "Thirty-seven. Thank you Master may I have another." The painful heat was intensifying, and I was struggling to avoid crying out in pain. At last, after spanking number sixty, he abruptly stopped.

"Alright, slave. You're getting off easy this time because my hand is starting to hurt. Get back on the floor where you belong." He shoved me off his lap and I hit the floor with a thud. He got up off the couch and began to strut methodically around the room, circling me like a vulture eyeing a fresh piece of road kill. As he paced, he told me about what the night would entail: "Now that we've got that punishment out of the way, we can officially begin your initiation. As you know, I have gathered some supplies. All sorts of fun shit to keep you busy. My big brother Tom was pledge master of his fraternity in college, so I know all sorts of shit to torture you. And I'm pretty creative myself, so I guess what that all means is...you're just fucked." He chuckled. "Now I have taken the liberty of drawing up 13 tests for you to prove that you are worthy to suck my cock and be my complete slave. Thirteen ordeals. Thirteen horrible, degrading, painful, and humiliating demonstrations of just how much fucking power I have over you, bitch. If you succeed in them, you will gain the privilege of serving my sexual needs. If you fail...well, your life will just be hell. But either way, its going to be entertaining as fuck for me." Drew was beaming ear to ear, now. He really seemed to get off on ordering me around. "Now I suggest you take a few deep breaths and a minute or so to prepare yourself and think about what lies ahead, fag. You just tell me when you're ready to start your first ordeal."

At that, Drew plopped back on the couch. I knelt there, shaking a little. I was really getting nervous. I had no idea what he had in store, but I couldn't imagine any of the thirteen challenges his mind had devised being easy. But then again, what choice did I have -- I had given him all the power. He could probably get me thrown in jail if he wanted to, so I was at his complete mercy. I also thought about how horny I was, and how hard this all was making me. Apparently, I enjoy being dominated far more than I ever had known before. So I guess in some horribly twisted way this was all working out alright. Honestly, it was all very confusing. The meaner Drew got, the more I seemed to want him. The more he degraded me, the more my cock felt like it was going to burst without being touched. Looking up at my sexy dictator, I knew that I would try anything to be allowed to service his cock. With a deep breath and one final moment of rest, I spoke the words: "I am ready, Master."

... As a side note, this is my first story n Nifty, and I would love to hear your feedback. I have the first 10 or so chapters written, and they will be forthcoming soon. Check back!

Next: Chapter 6

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