Enslaved on Vacation

By Kyle Johnson

Published on Aug 9, 2023


Enslaved on Vacation, Part 2 (Gay, Authoritarian)

At 2:58, I knocked on Drew's door, trying to act casual, while deep down sincerely hoping we would continue to hit it off so I would have a chill kid to hang out with for the remainder of my three-week vacation. The door opened, and there stood Drew, wearing a long pair of light blue basketball shorts and a tight wife-beater tank top, with black Adidas sandals and a backwards, fitted Nike baseball cap. His exposed tan skin glistened and he looked like he had just stepped out of the shower, and as he smiled up at me, my cock again stiffened a bit. He had not aged or grown in the last hour, and still looked like he was about 15 or 16. So as he invited me in, I felt almost like I had come over to babysit rather than hang out. Nonetheless, I was happy to have something to do, and he was damn hot for someone who looked as young as he did.

I walked into the entryway of his condo, and Drew offered to show me around. It was quite big, three bedrooms with a spacious big central area for TV with an attached kitchen, and had two nice balconies. Although it wasn't trashed, there were clothes thrown here and there, and looked kind of like a bachelor pad. Drew's bed was unmade, and there were two Playboys open to the centerfold on the sheets.

"Ha, looks like you've been busy, you little perv," I said, punching his shoulder. "Better put those away before mommy and daddy get home."

Drew just laughed, and explained to me that the condo belonged to his Uncle Ted, and his parents had sent him to stay there every summer for the past few years. But his uncle was never around, as he lived in the city about 2 hours away, and basically let Drew have the place to himself, only calling or stopping in once a week or so. "It's basically my own private luxury beachside apartment," he said confidently as he plopped down on the leather sofa and offered me a Coke. He said it so casually, as if it was perfectly normal for a smallish 18 year old high schooler to be given his own place by the ocean to live uninterrupted for months at a time. I was amazed as I sat down to inquire more.

"So you mean to tell me that this place is ALL yours. That no adults ever bother you or tell you what to do?" I said, still bewildered by the amazingness of the situation.

"Yep, with the exception of Uncle Ted coming by every week or so just to make sure I haven't been arrested or anything, dude," he said laughing.

"Wow. What do you do for food and stuff?"

"I can walk to the grocery, or get rides with people, and my parents hook me up with plenty of cash at the beginning of every summer."

I was in awe of this kid's life. Although short and young looking, he was gorgeously put together, athletic and confident. Obviously he got tons of girls since they all found him "cute" and "adorable". And to top things off, his rich parents set him up with complete freedom in a beach house for the summer and let him roam free. This was every teen boy's dream, and he had it. "Damn, dude," was all I could say.

I must have been staring off into space still more or less in awe when I was brought back to reality by Drew's bare foot in front of my face. "Wanna kiss it again, bitch," he taunted.

"Ha, you can kiss my ass. Didn't you say you'd give me a chance to get you back from earlier?"

"Yeah, so I did," said Drew confidently. "I've been thinking that over, and I think I'll give you a real chance at something you can maybe beat me at, being so much bigger and all."

"What's that?" I inquired, genuinely interested. My desire to make my runt of a friend grovel before me intensified as I remembered what I had been forced to do by the pool earlier.

"Wrestling, dude. Right here, one on one, until one of us taps out and begs for mercy. Loser has to be the winner`s slave for an hour."

Now I was really happy with this idea, and I let him know. "You're on, but you've gotta be out of your fuckin mind, dude. Swimming is one thing, but there's no way I am gonna lose a wrestling match to a little pipsqueak like you," I said laughing at him. "Let's make the slavery 2 hours."

"Fine," he agreed confidently, looking me deep in the eyes. I thought about all the hilarious and humiliating shit I could make Drew do when I won the bet. He would be groveling at my feet, kissing my ass, and waiting on me completely, and the arrogant side of me loved the idea of that.

We cleared a coffee table from the middle of the room, and pushed the leather couch all the way against one wall, leaving a huge open space in the middle of the room that would serve as the "ring." Drew slipped off his sandals and told me to take my shoes off too, or it wouldn't be fair. I complied, jumping up and down a few times and loosening my arms a bit, wanting to make sure I was ready to kick his little ass. Drew on the other hand, did not warm up, but rather concentrated all of his efforts on taunting me. He continually posed and flexed his biceps, which were not huge like a body builder's, but were surprisingly well toned for a boy. "I may look like a little boy, but I'll have you over my knee and be spanking you like a little schoolboy before this match is over, bitch," he said with a smile. "You wanna kiss my biceps in worship, Matt?" he asked playfully.

"Nah, I'll pass, faggot," I taunted back, deep down thinking that I wouldn't mind kissing his sexy little body.

Drew, taking charge as per his usual manner, announced that the match was ready to begin, and told me to get ready. He told me to make my first move whenever I felt ready, but he cockily warned me "to be careful" and make sure I knew what I was getting into. I just laughed. We squared off, and I made an initial lunge at him, trying to lock up his shoulders in a grapple. Before I could even touch him he ducked a bit and darted to the right, tripping me as I went by. I fell flat on my face, and immediately, felt his elbow dropping firmly on my back. Damn, this kid was quick and I was already reeling in some pain. As I tried to scramble back to my feet, Drew grabbed my legs out from under me and held onto them both. He quickly rolled me over onto my stomach, still holding my legs and forcing my back into an extreme arched position. It was a move I had seen on television referred to as the "Boston crab." He had it locked on tight and the pain was overwhelming. As he let out a whoop of delight and started the taunting, I winced in pain, but was not ready to give up yet. The contact with his warm body had made my cock hard, and this only intensified my desire to make Drew my slave. So I struggled with my will power to keep myself from tapping out, hoping he would somehow let up and give me a chance to escape.

"Come on, tap out, bitch. What are you waiting for? You know you can't get out of this hold." I couldn't see Drew's cocky little smirk, but I could definitely hear it.

"er . . . Fuck you," I managed to get out.

He laughed some more. "Fine, have it your way, Matt. We can sit here with you in pain as long as you want." He tightened the hold a little more and I moaned in pain. But I still was resilient and put up with the harsh pain. Drew was growing impatient. "Dude, tap out. If you don't fucking beg me for mercy within the next 10 seconds, I will pull your fuckin shorts down and tighten the hold even more."

That got me a little worried. I was in agony as it was, and I didn't know what the hell Drew would say if he pulled my shorts off and saw my rock hard boner. My mind was racing as he counted down from 10. Before I could even really think, I felt my shorts being yanked off of me, as Drew tightened the submission hold on my already stressed back and legs. I moaned in more pain.

"Holy fuck dude. You have like the smallest dick in the world, and you've even got a fucking boner." He let out the loudest laugh I had heard him use yet, and tightened his grip even more on me. That was all I could take, and I started tapping the ground quickly. "I give up Drew," I managed to squeak out.

"Not good enough fag," he said with an obvious smirk. "Beg."

I moaned. "Oh god, please, Drew. Please have mercy and let me out of this. I beg of you."

He didn't let up. "That's a little better. Now . . . what are you to me?"

"I am your slave. Now please let me out, and I'll do whatever you say."

"Yes, and what does that make me?" He was really laying it on.

"You are my Master. Please, Oh Great Master, let me out of this horribly painful hold so I can serve you, Master." For some reason, my cock was throbbing more than ever. It seemed that, despite the fact that my own cocky personality and mind hated being treated so arrogantly by this kid, my dick was loving his cocky attitude. The more he humiliated me, the more turned on I was.

With a thud, he released my legs, letting my body fall flat to the ground. I lay there motionless, still recovering from the hold. Drew walked around to my head and stuck his bare feet, glistening with some sweat, in my face. "For the next two hours, you are mine, bitch," he announced with a chuckle as I heard the beep of his digital watch starting a timer. "You can start by licking my feet clean." This was so degrading. I was in intense pain and completely humiliated, lying prostrated and mostly naked (all but my smallish white tee shirt) at the feet of a kid who looked like he was 15, and to top it off, he wanted me to lick his feet.

"Ohh, please no Master. That is so nasty, Master." I raised up onto my knees in a proper begging position.

"No, bitch, you are gonna lick them, and you are gonna do a good fucking job at it too," he grinned. "And by the way, your little prick is still hard as a rock."

I looked down and my face turned red. He was right, and my humiliation grew to an all time high as I lowered myself and started to lick his feet.

"Yeah, that's right, slave. Lick `em real good. Make sure you get the tops, the bottoms, and definitely between the toes. Probably dirty in there. And keep calling me Master too. I like that."

Damn, Drew was cocky. He plopped down in an easy chair and ordered me to crawl to follow so that I could finish my foot licking. "And lose the shirt too," he added. "You'll have to earn the right to wear your clothes again."

As I continued to lick Drew's feet, all I could think about was how boyishly hot he was. He had perfect skin, a sexy young body, and a face to die for. Even his feet, which I was forced to give so much attention to, were perfectly proportioned and smooth, despite their salty taste. I desperately wanted to be able to lose my raging hardon, but it would not even begin to go down, and only seemed to grow as I got more into licking Drew's sexy feet. My cock was really betraying me, getting turned on by such a degrading act. I mean, I had looked at some S&M sites on the internet once or twice, but had never really thought of getting into a scene like that.

"Alright Matt. Get up on your knees with your hands on your head." Another command from Master Drew had me thankful to be done with the foot licking. "God dammit, you're still hard even after licking my fuckin feet, dude? You get off on this shit?"

I hung my head shamefully, not really knowing the answer myself. "No, Drew," was all I could say.

"No, Master, you mean, bitch. Don't forget you are still my slave."

"Sorry Master."

"That's better bitch. Now . . . be honest with me dude. I think it's pretty obvious that you're a fag and this stuff is getting you off. You'd probably even like to suck my dick. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with faggots, but you just better be honest with me. I might even let you suck it. I've never had head from a faggot before, after all," he said, grabbing his crotch.

Just the thought of sucking Drew's cock made me glow, and I'm sure he could see that. My eyes widened and my ears undoubtedly perked up. Here I was naked and boned, kneeling before an 18-year-old, and being forced out of the closet. There was obviously no point in lying. "Fine, Master. I am gay, but please dude, I have never told anyone before."

"Good, well at least you're not a liar. So I bet you REALLY wanna get a look at my cock and have the privilege to fuckin suck on it," he said with real condescension.

"Oh yes Master, very much so Master." I couldn't believe he had me begging like this, but like I said before, I was always horny as hell, and even thinking of having the chance to fool around with another guy was exciting, especially one as amazingly hot as Drew. I was still a virgin, and had dreamed of losing my virginity a thousand times.

"Well you'll have to work for it, slave. What are you willing to do?"

I didn't know whether I liked the sound of that, but I was definitely desperate. "Oh, anything you say, Master Drew. Please, just let me look at it and suck it Master."

Drew got up from his sofa and walked around me, as if inspecting a new piece of furniture and seeing whether he liked how it looked in the room. "I need to think about this for a bit. While I think things over, how about you provide some fuckin entertainment by spanking your ass. Keep your left hand up on your head, and spank yourself with your right, and make sure you spank hard. If I think you're going easy, I guarantee you'll never even see my fucking dick."

That was all the threat I needed, and I immediately started wailing on my ass cheeks. God it hurt, and the humiliation was extreme as well. For what seemed like maybe 15 minutes of solid spanking, Drew circled the room and pondered. He went in and out a few times, and smirked at me a good bit, occasionally telling me something, once telling me to "smile and act like I liked it." All the while my cock continued to stand straight up. I couldn't believe how much this had me turned on.

Finally Drew resumed his place on the sofa in front of me and told me I could stop spanking and return both hands to the top of my head. This came as a great relief, but my ass continued to burn with pain. "I've made up my mind, and maybe we can come to some sort of an agreement. I really fucking love the idea of having a personal slave around here. I mean, I could really use to have one around, cleaning up after me, cooking for me, serving me, entertaining me. And I sure as fuck love ordering you to do all this degrading shit. Makes me feel damn powerful. So, here's what I've decided. I'll let you suck my cock, probably multiple times, as long as you agree to be my complete personal slave for the rest of your vacation." He laid it all out there in plain terms. God I wanted his dick so badly, but I wasn't sure what kind of limits there would be to his "slavery."

"Master, would there be any restraints on what you could make me do as your slave," I asked hoping to read him a bit.

"Nope. None whatsoever. I can use you and abuse you however the fuck I want, and in return, you get the privilege of my company. The only restriction I'll put on it is that I can't make you do anything to get arrested, and I can't fucking kill you." He said that last part with a bit of a chuckle.

I thought about this for a bit, struggling to resolve the conflict between my raging sex drive and my equally enormous sense of pride. Finally, I told him I would do it. "Please, just let me suck your cock."

"Ah ah ah, not so fast. I need some sort of guarantee that you won't start disobeying me after you get what you want, bitch," he quickly interjected.

"Guarantee? What like a security deposit?"

"Eh, kind of. I want blackmail material, so here's what's gonna happen, fucker. I am gonna videotape you degrading yourself before me, begging to suck my cock, and talking about just how much of a faggot you are. Then I'll have the tape, so if you try to disobey me in the future, I can use it against you. You know, show your parents and shit, even show the police. Here, take this." He handed me a piece of paper on which he had written a rough "script" for the video tape. It had me groveling at his feet, begging for his cock, even offering to pay him $100 bucks just to let me touch it. I was supposed to say that I had paid a lot of other boys for sex in the past, and had even raped one.

I looked up at the confident look on my young Master's face, and couldn't believe he just expected me to consent to my own blackmail. "God, dude, you can't be serious. Please, Drew. I'll be your slave, I swear, just no video tape."

"You either do the tape, or you never see me again, fag. It's as simple as that." Damn, he really knew how to put the pressure on. I think he must have knows that I was really struggling with the decision, because all of a sudden, he just dropped the front of his basketball shorts, revealing the most beautiful cock I had ever seen. It was 6 inches long in its semi soft state, and I imagined it would grow to well over 8 or 9 when erect. Drew was circumcised and medium girth, with a perfect mushroom head and nice balls.

"Fine, Master. Please, I'll do the tape." I blurted it out almost without thinking, overcome with lust for this boyish god.

Drew quickly whipped the elastic of his shorts back up so I could no longer see his amazing dick and ordered me to practice my lines, because I couldn't be reading them on the tape. He left the room and came back with a nice digital video camera, and announced that filming would begin in 10 minutes, and if I fucked up my lines, I would be severely punished. I must have read them 50 times as I knelt there naked on the living room floor, trying to set them in my mind. I was nervous. Nervous that I would mess up my lines and be punished. Nervous that I would do something to piss of my new Master, and that he would reveal the tape. Nervous about the degree of suffering I would have to go through as his slave. But above all of this, I was overcome with the desire to touch his body in a sexual manner, and willing to do almost anything to earn that right. ...

As a side note, this is my first story n Nifty, and I would love to hear your feedback. I have the first 10 or so chapters written, and they will be forthcoming soon. Check back!

Next: Chapter 3

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