Enslaved on Vacation

By Kyle Johnson

Published on Oct 4, 2023


After several minutes tongue bathing my Master's sweaty armpits, I was hornier than ever with desire to suck his cock. A couple of days ago, I would have viewed the act of licking another dude's armpits as totally degrading, especially a boyish younger guy like Drew. But now, hairless, exhausted, and collared, I viewed it as an incredible reward. Amazing how 24 hours can change your perspective on things.

"Alright, faggot," Master Drew interrupted with a smirk. "I know you must be enjoying getting to know what a real man fucking tastes like, but that's enough for now. Get back on your knees cuz it's time for your tenth ordeal."

I quickly complied, at once reluctant and eager. There were only four more punishing ordeals between me and sucking Drew's cock, and despite knowing that they would probably all be miserable for me, I could nevertheless start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Master walked into the kitchen, retrieving a grocery bag from the refrigerator before returning and standing before me.

"Tell me, fag, have you ever been fucked?" he asked.

He said it totally matter-of-factly, and it caught me off guard. Like I said before, I sadly had never done a thing with another guy, not even so much as a mutual jack off session. In my sexual fantasies, I had always envisioned myself as a top, and frankly the idea of getting fucked was scary to me. In high school, I had experimented a bit with fingering myself, but I had never really gotten beyond two fingertips, and I hadn't found the experience pleasurable in the least.

"No, Master," I replied, the apprehension likely apparent on my face.

Master Drew let out a laugh and beamed from ear to ear. "Fucking awesome. A virgin fuck hole! That's gonna make this all the more fun. Now don't go getting your hopes up too high yet, slut. You sure as fuck haven't earned the right to get fucked by my magnificent cock yet. But we ARE about to find out just how tight your little boi pussy actually is!"

Now I was really getting nervous about whatever this was going to be. I had read lots of descriptions of guys getting fucked for the first time and the intense pain it involved. Even the notion of eventually getting fucked by Master Drew, who I was practically falling in love with, was only mildly appealing, as I much preferred the idea of sucking his cock. In any event, Master didn't give me any more time to think it over.

"I call this tenth ordeal `Ass Salad,' bitch," he exclaimed with an evil grin, emptying the contents of the grocery bag onto the coffee table. I understood the salad part immediately. There was a carrot, a stalk of celery, a hard boiled egg, a cucumber, and a bottle of ranch salad dressing.

"Now lay on your back and grab your fucking ankles while I explain this to you, slave."

I did as he ordered. I looked like a porn star begging to be fucked, but the worried look on my face told a different story. Master handled the various "salad" items as he continued.

"This one's really pretty simple, faggot. I am going to thoroughly fuck your ass with each of these items, and when we're all finished, I am going to make you a salad with all of this stuff and watch you fucking eat it. For your sake, I hope your hole is clean!"

At that, he grabbed the carrot and told me to "give it a little blowjob" to lube it up. God this was going to be bad. Not only was I going to have my ass deflowered by a vegetable patch, but I was then going to be fed a meal of makeshift dildos covered in my ass juices. As I fellated the carrot, I struggled to think of anything more disgusting. More worrisome was the girth of the cucumber, which I now eyed with extreme apprehension.

"Alright enough lube already, cunt. You'll get to eat it eventually," Master Drew said with a chuckle and grabbed the carrot from me. Without warning, he lined it up with my exposed hole and plunged it in about two-thirds of the way, locking his eyes with mine to catch my reaction. I let out an uncontrollable groan of surprise and pain. I couldn't believe how much it fucking hurt. As I had been sucking on it, I had thought the carrot wouldn't hurt too much, given that it wasn't very wide at all, but boy was I fucking wrong. I continued to wince and moan, trying to adjust to the unwanted invader. Master Drew laughed at my predicament and taunted me as he started slowly thrusting the carrot in and out of my ass.

"What's the matter fagboy? Can't even handle a little fucking carrot??? Jeez, I though faggots were supposed to enjoy getting fucked. You're sure as hell gonna have to get used to a lot more than a little carrot up your fagpussy, slut, because once you're fully initiated into slavery, I am going to be fucking this tight hole on a regular basis. Now start lubing up the celery."

After several minutes, I had finally adjusted to the feeling of the carrot, and although it was by no means feeling pleasurable, it was no longer nearly as painful. Luckily, the celery stalk was almost of identical girth to the carrot, so when Master Drew switched and inserted the celery, my ass was already adjusted and didn't seem to mind too much. As he continued to work it in deeper and deeper, he stepped up the intensity and really started to fuck me hard. I moaned uncontrollably as I got more and more used to the feeling, and some mild strains of pleasure started to creep into my mind.

"Pipe down, bitch. How bout you start choking on the cucumber to shut yourself up. This is just the fuckin warm-up round, after all," he said with his boyish smirk. He was really enjoying fucking my hole and degrading me like this.

As I started to lube up the cucumber, I panicked a little bit at its size. While I had certainly seen larger cucumbers before, this one was no runt. It was easily two or three times wider than either the carrot or the celery, and I had found those painful enough to start. This thing was going to kill me.

When Master Drew deemed me sufficiently celery-fucked, he laid it aside with the carrot and grabbed the cucumber out of my mouth.

"Brace yourself, Matty. This one is going to be good practice to taking my monster." He grabbed his crotch as he said this, and with the snigger, pressed the tip of the vegetable against my sphincter until it broke through. Not one to take it easy on me in the least, Master continued to slide it steadily into my hole until it was practically all the way in. I gasped and then yelled in extreme pain as Master Drew threw his head back and laughed hysterically. Amazingly, the pain was even worse than I had anticipated it would be. This was the anal equivalent of what my cock and balls had gone through the night before during the Ben Gay torture, as if something was on fire deep inside my bowels. To make it worse, Master barely gave me a moment to adjust to the size before he started driving it in and out in a fucking motion. It was slow at first, but as he got more and more into it, the intensity greatly picked up. Eventually, I felt almost like passing out and didn't think I could take much more.

"Pleeeeeeaaaaaase stop Master," I groaned. "Please have mercy on me, it hurts so fucking much Master. I'll do anything you want if you stop!!!"

"Of course you'll do anything I fucking want if I stop, slut," he said, laughing. "But you'll also do anything I fucking want if I keep right on fucking your brains out with this cucumber. Because you... are... my... fucking... pathetic... worthless... powerless... SLAVE." Master Drew drove the cucumber deep to emphasize each of those last words.

After a few more minutes of painful assault, he did finally remove the cucumber in one swift tug. He grabbed the hard boiled egg in his other hand, which was peeled, and lined it up against my hole.

"Alright, fag. You better do your best not to totally smash this egg inside you, cuz you're gonna eat it after all."

I was actually surprised he was able to press it in with ease, but I was now really nervous and tried to hold my ass as open as possible so my muscles wouldn't clench down and crush it. Once the egg was slightly inside, Master Drew used the cucumber as a sort of ramrod to push it in deeper. Jesus this felt weird. I winced in a bizarre mix of discomfort and nervousness as my sadistic young master continued to inch the semi-soft egg deeper into my rectum, smirking and calling me a pathetic faggot the whole time. Once he thought the egg was in deep enough apparently, he slowly removed the cucumber.

"Okay, hold that egg and stay right there, slave," he said, getting up and rushing off to the kitchen. He returned just a minute later holding a decent sized salad bowl and set it down on the floor just under my ass.

"I turned you into a dog yesterday, and now today it seems I've turned you into a slutty woman, bitch. Now that your pussy has been well-fucked, it's time for you to give birth and lay an egg. For your sake, I sure as fuck hope it's not a miscarriage! Now PUUUUUUUSSSSSSHHHHHHHH!" He mockingly yelled this last word, mimicking a delivery room nurse.

He laughed excitedly as he watched me try to gently ease the egg out of my ass without breaking it. This was so absurd and degrading, and Master Drew relished making me sink to new lows. I could feel the egg nearing the surface, and eventually, I heard and felt it plop into the waiting salad bowl. Miraculously, it was in one piece, just slightly smooshed and a little...tan looking. Master Drew again whooped with delight.

"Congratu-fucking-lations Matt-ilda on the birth of a newborn, ass-juice-covered egg. Mmmm, I bet that's making you awfully hungry. Well you're in luck cuz it's almost time for you to chow down."

Master grabbed the bottle of salad dressing and hocked a gob of spit onto the top of the lid. Abruptly, he lowered it to my ass and rammed the neck of it in all the way, smiling at me as I again gasped in pain.

"Be a good little bitch now and crawl into the kitchen so you can eat your salad. But don't you dare let that bottle of dressing fall out of your boi pussy. Keep those pussy muscles clenched tight, slut."

"Yes, Master," I managed as I rolled myself gingerly up onto my knees, trying to keep the bottle in place. Master gathered the carrot, celery, cucumber, and egg in the salad bowl and strode off into the kitchen as I crawled behind pathetically, moving slowly and awkwardly across the floor. By the time I got there, I found Master Drew with a knife, chopping up the vegetables and egg. He looked down at me and smiled. I must have looked ridiculous, sweaty and disheveled on all fours with the bottom half of a bottle of ranch dressing protruding from my asshole. Leaning down, he pulled out my makeshift butt plug, leaving my ass feeling strangely empty. It seemed that Master had finished chopping all the elements of the salad, although I couldn't yet see the inside of the bowl.

"Sit up at the table, faggot. I am going to let you eat like a big girl today," he smirked as he grabbed the bowl and a fork and walked the few steps to the table. He set them down with a thud on the placemat at the end of the table, and told me to "hurry the fuck up." I scurried to my feet and into the chair as quickly as I could. It was a bit odd and civilized feeling, since I hadn't even been allowed the privilege of standing up, let alone using furniture, in over a day. I looked down at the bowl of "ass salad" before me, and my stomach turned a little bit. It wasn't that it looked that bad outwardly; it was, after all, just a bowlful of simply chopped carrots, celery, cucumber, and hard-boiled egg. But it was the lingering knowledge that everything in that bowl had very recently been inside my own rectum. My mind flashed to images of the sexy, deviously joyful expression that had been on my Master's face moments ago as he fucked me senseless with the food I was now about to eat. As I examined the bowl more closely, I could indeed see some noticeable ass-slime on some of the vegetables.

"I'm sure you can't fucking wait to eat such a nutritious meal, shit breath. All you need now is some salad dressing," said my boyish master with a smirk, holding the bottle of ranch dressing and examining the label. "I was gonna let you use this tasty bottle of ranch, but now that I look at it, it turns out this has a shitload of preservatives in it. I think my bitch needs something a little more NATURAL, and just as creamy!"

Setting the bottle aside, Master Drew abruptly dropped his running shorts and his sweaty jockstrap to his ankles and whipped out his awesome cock, gripping it in his left hand and stroking it to life.

"Besides, watching your fagpussy get railed has me all horned up and I need to get off. And it would be a shame to let my masterful seed go to waste when there is a hungry fuckin faggot around, right bitch?"

I nodded silently in agreement, my eyes transfixed by his rapidly growing cock and swinging balls. Master kicked off his shorts and jock, and then picked up the sweaty jockstrap and put it firmly over my mouth and nose, wrapping the elastic waistband around the back of my head so that the warm, moist fabric was pressed taut against my face.

"There you go boy. Enjoy smelling my fucking crotch sweat while you watch me beat off, fag."

With that taunt, Master Drew edged up closer to the table so that his well toned thighs were pressed against it and started vigorously stroking his meaty cock. He wrapped his slender fingers fully around its girth and rubbed up and down the full length with increasing speed. Inhaling the manly scent of his sweaty balls through his jockstrap, I watched, transfixed, taking in the incredibly hot scene before me. His body still glistening with sweat from his run earlier, Master Drew honestly looked amazing as he worked to pleasure himself, the chiseled muscles of his pecs and abs on full display as his figure tensed. His muscles weren't bulging like a bodybuilder's, but his sleekly toned body was as hot or hotter than those of any of the dozens of high school and college soccer teammates I had secretly ogled over the years. This was also my first opportunity to fully watch my young Master doing something overtly sexual. He had jerked off the night before in my presence, but my face had been buried in his ass crack at the time. Now, despite having to peek around his sweaty jockstrap, he was in full view. My own cock throbbed as I continued to watch him, and I moaned quietly into my makeshift cotton facemask like a bitch in heat. I wanted more than anything to grab my cock and stroke it to what would surely be the greatest orgasm of my life, but I knew that doing so would bring on unthinkable punishment, so I sat on my hands to minimize the chances of my overwhelming lust overruling my good sense.

As I continued to drool in awe, it was clear that Master Drew was getting close to shooting his load. The vigor of his cock stroking grew, and his boyish mouth started to spew a string of demeaning insults in my direction, which I knew from experience often happened when he was supremely turned on.

"Oh yeah faggot...keep your eyes on this slab of meat, bitch...oh fuck yes I know you want my cream...you look so fucking pathetic over there all boned up and licking my nut-sweat out of that jock...bet you wish you could stroke your little fagcock and get off like a real man...hell yeah this feels fucking awesome...ohhhhh...oh fuck...here it comes, slave..."

With one last moan of ecstasy, he pulled the salad bowl directly under his cock head, aimed it down, and shot spurt after spurt onto my upcoming "meal." I couldn't believe how much cum this guy could produce! There were nine FULL bursts, plus a couple more straggler aftershocks. As Drew caught his breath and leaned on the table, we both inspected my salad. Almost all of his cum had hit its target, and the vegetables were now thoroughly doused in a semi-translucent layer of his sticky jizz. Only one burst had misfired and had landed with a splat on the glass top of the table. Smiling as he panted a bit, Master casually picked up the fork that he had brought out and used it to scoop the gob of cum off the table. He shook the teaspoon or so of viscous cum into the bowl and then handed the fork over to me with an amused laugh.

"Eat up, faggot," was all he said as he gazed down at me with a satisfied look of superiority.

I was still in a horned-up haze from watching my studly Master beat his meat just an arms length in front of me. Perhaps sensing that it would have difficult for me to steal my gaze from his softening cock, Master Drew pulled his athletic shorts back up, again hiding away the object of my immeasurable lust, and simultaneously grabbing his jockstrap off of my face. I turned my attention to the salad bowl and stared at it with intent trepidation. The massive amount of cum was settling and spreading out, oozing and dripping its way down through the layers of vegetables. Even though I had been allowed the "privilege" of eating a hamburger and a few French fries earlier, I was still REALLY hungry when I thought about it. But still, I couldn't get over the mental barrier that the food before me had all been inside my own asshole. I just started at it blankly. My fork did not move.

In my stupor, I didn't notice Drew step behind me, but I did feel the firm slap of his open hand on the back of my head.

"What the FUCK are you waiting for, cunt?" His tone was annoyed. "I give you a fucking direct order and you just sit there staring off into space like a dumbass?? What are you waiting for, slut? Not enough ass-juice for you? You want me to bend you over like a whore again and shove all this shit back up your pussy one more time before I make you eat it? Would that make it tastier for you, faggot??"

I shook my head rapidly. I definitely did NOT want that! "No Master!"

"Well then hurry the fuck up! Besides, I went to all that effort to whip up a fresh batch of salad dressing for you. I could have given you plain old store-bought ranch, but I decided to be oh so fucking generous and give you something juicy and homemade. With you being such a boned up faggot, I thought you would be diving face first into that bowl to lap it up. Remember, you voluntarily subjected yourself to this whole frickin deal with the goal of getting a mouthful of my cock and a stomach full of my cum. Now you can have your first taste, so fucking hop to it!"

It hit me that he WAS right. I had certainly drooled over his cock and the fantasy of sucking it, which would certainly result in a mouthful of his cum. I just hadn't imagined this would be the medium for my first taste of his sexual seed. Knowing I couldn't hesitate any more, though, I stuck the fork down through the greens and got a good sized bite. It contained most of the salad ingredients, as well as a huge glob of his cream on the top. As I put the fork in my mouth, Master Drew quickly moved back around in front of me so he could take in my expression, regarding me with his twinkling eyes and slightly upturned smirk. The taste wasn't bad, really. The vegetables were all pretty bland, and Master's cum had a slightly salty overtone to it. As I continued to eat bigger and bigger bites, the only things that stood out were the slimy, mucous-like texture of the cum (which stayed glooped together in each bite and often slid around greatly within my mouth before I was able to swallow it) and the occasional musky-tasting bite, which I could only assume was the taste of my own ass. Drew continued to look on and interject the occasional taunt as I ate, adding to the humiliation of the meal. Despite all this, (or maybe because of it) my cock remained stiff as a board.

Maybe ten minutes after my first bite, I reached the bottom of the bowl. The salad had actually been a welcome relief to my previously growling stomach, which was just thankful for anything that resembled real food. All that was left in the bottom of the bowl was a small amount of liquid, a watery mixture of vegetable moisture and remnants of diluted cum. I put my fork down on the table and looked up at Master Drew, hoping that he was pleased. He let out a satisfied little laugh and slapped me twice gently on my right cheek.

"Good job once you finally got started, slave boy. That meal combined the best and the worst of this world -- your asshole, which has to be one of the lowliest things on the face of planet Earth, and my cum, which is God's fucking gift to humanity. I sure as hell hope you enjoyed it, faggot."

Master took the salad bowl and put it down on the floor as he continued. "Now get back down on your knees where you belong and lick that bowl clean! No fucking hands, either. I'll be getting ready for your eleventh ordeal, which I just KNOW you're going to love, so hurry the fuck up."

As I sunk to my knees and lowered my face to the bowl, I watched his sexy figure stride out of site as I pathetically started to lap at the watered down cream at the bottom of the bowl. If this was indeed God's gift to humanity, I guessed I was a lucky slave to get such a hefty helping of it. I savored those last morsels before crawling off to find my Master and encounter my next onslaught of punishment, content in the knowledge that there were only three more ordeals between me and a second helping of "salad dressing."


Feedback greatly appreciated. This is my first story on Nifty. Sorry for the delay. More parts coming soon!

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