Enslaved on Vacation

By Kyle Johnson

Published on Sep 3, 2023


I had finished my bowl of water (foot water, as it were), and even though it wasn't enough to really satisfy my thirst, it nevertheless helped get a bit of the disgustingness out of my mouth. Master Drew strutted back into the room. "It's almost 3 in the morning, fucker, so there is only one more ordeal before I get some fucking sleep. Clean up your dishes and get in my bedroom," he commanded.

I quickly gathered the bowls, dishes, and glasses that had contained my terrible "meal," and took them into the kitchen, rinsing them and loading them into the dishwasher. Returning to my knees, I crawled into my young Master's bedroom. He had taken off his shirt and basketball shorts, and lay beautifully on top of the sheets wearing only a pair of Corona boxer shorts. He looked like a God, and I drooled at the sight of the slight tent in his groin area. He was literally perfect from head to toe, and he must have noticed me gaping at his body. "Like what you see, slut?"

"Oh, yes Master, very much so. You are amazingly sexy," I said, sucking up but telling the truth all at once.

"I know I am." His cockiness was amazing, but I guess he had right to be confident. He was perfect, and he had a personal slave at his command...what more could anyone his age want? "Now take off my boxers for me, fag, but don't you even think about touching my cock or balls, or it will be the last time you ever touch them."

That was the harshest threat he could have given me at that point. I carefully slid the elastic of his underwear over his hips and down his muscularly toned thighs, at last sliding them over his smooth feet. God, he was irresistible, and I felt lucky to finally be seeing him in his full glory, completely naked in my presence for the first time. He quickly stood up and turned his back to me. "Kiss my ass," was his simple command.

I knelt down and started kissing his ass cheeks. This was so degrading. I mean, guys say "kiss my ass" to each other all the time. It is the oldest piece of trash talk in the books, the catch-all response to any dig. But to actually, physically kiss another guy's ass, you have to be lower than low, completely his bitch, and that's what I was to Drew. After a couple of minutes, Drew reached his hands back and grabbed his two ass cheeks, spreading them wide.

"Now the hole, maggot," he barked. I paused a little too long for his liking, and he spun around and slapped my face hard with his cock, which had somewhat hardened. It was a mighty blow, and he continued to verbally undress me. "Don't you ever fucking hesitate when I give you an order, bitch. It should be an honor for a lowlife faggot piece of shit like you to get to kiss my asshole. This should be the highlight of your fucking life, now get to it."

He turned back around and re-spread his ass cheeks. It was an unavoidable new low, and I puckered my lips and started kissing. Thankfully, Drew's ass was clean, with only the faintest hint of musky odor. It was more the idea of actually kissing his shithole that was unbearable to what was left of my former ego. A couple dozen kisses later, Drew turned to again face me.

"That was a good warm up, slave. For your eighth ordeal, you will eat my ass. I have always wanted to feel what it's like, but I never dreamed anyone would actually be low enough to do that sort of thing. Thank god I found you, bitch. So for fifteen minutes, you will go to town. Lick it real good, all over it, and then bury your worthless tongue inside my ass and clean it out. Now get started."

At that, Drew dove onto his bed, laying comfortably on his stomach, clearly ready to lay back and enjoy being serviced. Staring at his two nicely rounded ass cheeks, it was hard to believe how far I had sunk. Twenty-four hours before, I was a cocky jock myself, talking trash as much as anyone, with a competitive streak to rival Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan. Yet here I was, exposed as a faggot slave, about to start licking the asshole of a younger guy. I couldn't imagine anything lower (although, at the same time, I figured Drew probably had some ideas). Not wanting to think about the implications any more and resigned to my fate, I climbed up on my Master's bed, spread his ass cheeks, and started licking at his hole. I heard a slight beep, probably a timer on his watch. My licking was tentative at first, but after a little while, I actually started to enjoy it. I know that sounds sick, I don't really understand it myself. It was great to be that close to him, though, and I got to feel his firm ass cheeks as I licked. Master Drew started to moan softly as I got into it more.

"Ohhhh yea, bitch. That feels so fucking good. Eat that ass, faggot. Get your tongue in there and clean out my shit. Oooh, ah yeea. Fucking amazing. What a lowlife loser you are, tongue-worshiping the hole that my shit comes out of! Hope you enjoy the taste, faggot." Master Drew was really getting off on humiliating me verbally. He started to hump the bed, and he slid his left hand under his crotch. It seemed that he was slowly starting to jack off, bucking his hips and thrusting his ass up into my face repeatedly. I had to really focus to keep licking and eating his ass out, so as not to piss him off. He was clearly enjoying my work.

As time went on, he started to buck his hips faster and finally, I could feel his ass muscles clenching on my tongue as he came. He moaned a soft sigh and he collapsed his body down onto the mattress. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see his left hand emerge from his groin area, holding a white ankle sock that he had just shot his load into. "Man, that was fucking great. You are one good faggot. Keep licking it nice and slow until time is up, bitch."

Despite the level of humiliation, I was happy to comply. I had really started to get into tonguing Drew's ass. Moreover, a part of me was glowing inside at the fact that my ass licking had given my master true pleasure and made him cum, and that he seemed genuinely pleased with the job I was doing. Pretty pathetic, I know.

Unfortunately, my pleasurable experience was short lived, as Drew's watch beeped to indicate the 15 minutes was up.

"Time's up, shit-breath," he announced with a little laugh. "You can stop licking, but don't move your face from where it is. You have done pretty well today with these first eight ordeals. Way better than I thought you would do, bitch. So, as a reward, you've earned a kiss goodnight."

This comment made me beam with joy, but also left me confused. Was my sexy, boyish, straight Master actually going to kiss me?? And if so, what did that have to do with me keeping my face buried between his nicely toned ass cheeks? But before I even had a minute for my mind to sort that out, Drew wiggled his ass just slightly, tensed up, and then let out a long, loud, disgusting fart, laughing hysterically as he did. My instinct was to flinch away from it, but even my short tenure as Drew's slave had taught me that that would be a bad move.

"Therrrrrrrre you go, fag boy," Master exclaimed with a beaming smile that I could not see, but could hear. "Take a niiiiiiice big whiff of that beauty."

I reluctantly inhaled deeply, and couldn't help but momentarily gag and cough at the putrid stench. Drew continued to laugh hysterically at the fact that he had the power to make me perch my nose over his asshole as he farted in my face.

"Well, faggot? What do you think? Did you enjoy your kiss goodnight?"

I knew better than do tell him that it had almost made me throw up, and simply answered, "Yes, Master."

"Well, what do you say then?"

"Thank you, Master."

He laughed again, peering back over his shoulder at me. He was still lying comfortable on his stomach, and I was still perched with my face just over his ass, since he hadn't yet instructed me to move. "Don't thank me, bitch. Thank the source of your kiss! And you better fucking convince it that you really are grateful for its gift."

Uggh. Drew loved this sort of thing -- making me do stupid little humiliating tasks to make me sink lower and lower. Addressing his asshole as a separate entity was just another in a long line. The stench of his fart still swirling around my head, I collected myself and again spread his ass cheeks wide so that I could properly see and "speak to" his hole. "Thank you so much, Master Drew's Asshole, for giving me such a delightful kiss. It was a real honor for me to take in the wonderful aroma and be so close to you. Thank you for letting me clean you and worship you with my tongue, and for letting me experience all of your manly texture and taste. Thank you, Master Drew's Asshole, from the bottom of my heart." I leaned in and gave it one final kiss, for good measure. Knowing that Drew seemed to always like it when I voluntarily kissed his feet while begging, I figured he would also like my kissing his ass without being told.

Master let out a chuckle, indicating he was pleased with my debasement. "Good job, slave. Almost bedtime. Stay here while I get ready."

At that, he strode off into the bathroom. I could hear him going to the bathroom and brushing his teeth as I laid on his bed, totally exhausted from the extremely long day and from the multitude of tasks I had been made to do. I couldn't believe how fast it all had happened. Twenty-four hours ago, I was just a normal, cocky, college soccer stud. Twenty-four minutes ago, I was having a conversation with a younger boy's asshole, and thanking it for farting in my face. It was surreal to think about how much had changed.

I was snapped out of my daydream by Drew marching back into the room holding a pair of handcuffs and commanding me to get off his bed. "I don't want your fag scent stinking up my sheets, bitch," he said, smirking at me. I quickly complied and took my (now normal) place kneeling on the floor at his feet, looking up at him with fearful but admiring eyes and awaiting his next command. He sat on the foot of the bed and peered down at me. He was still totally naked, and as he sat there, my face was just a foot or two away from his magnificent cock. As my eyes gravitated towards it and I admired it longingly, my master tousled my hair playfully and said, "I think you are starting to love being my slave, boy. And I know I sure as fuck am loving having a slave bitch at my disposal. Tell me honestly: how are you holding up? Would you want to be free even if I let you?"

I was surprised by this question, and had to truly think it through before answering. Since the time that I had voluntarily submitted to his blackmail this afternoon, Master Drew had put me through agonizing pain, humiliated me in public, degraded me to levels that I didn`t think possible, physically exhausted me, and made me wait on him hand and foot while he lounged around barking orders. He had laughed in my face and made me do absurd things purely for his amusement. Hell, he had removed all of my body hair and fed it to me in an sandwich. And he showed no signs of letting up in the slightest. But all the while, I had been hornier than ever, and my cock was still as hard as Mount Everest. I was falling in love with his boyish good looks and subtly toned body, and I seemed to be deriving great enjoyment from giving him pleasure. It was all too much for me to fully sort out in my head. After pondering it as much as I could, I looked up at his eyes and softly said, "I don't know, Master. I hate it and I love it all at the same time. My head and my heart and my cock might not all be on the same page, but I am holding up okay. Thank you for asking."

It was as honest of an answer as I could give, and pretty much summed up everything I could make sense of out of this day. Master Drew smiled and seemed pleased with my candid answer. To my surprise, he pulled my head towards him and gently held it against his crotch, my cheek and nose pressing against his semi-soft cock. He held it there, letting me inhale his scent as he spoke.

"You have been a good slave today, and your initiation is moving along well. Eight tasks down, and only five to go. But the last five are not easy, and they are going to be fucking hilarious for me. Don't think for a minute that I am going to take it easy on your faggot ass. You still have a long way to go to prove that you are worthy to suck the cock that you are so close to right now. And I know you want it more than anything, bitch."

"Yes, I really do, Master," I replied, my words softly muffled by his cock, balls, and thighs.

"I'm glad, slave. Well its fucking late, and we will both need our rest for another fun day tomorrow. Lemme tell you how sleeping will work, because I am sure you realize that a lowly slave who hasn't even passed initiation yet sure as fuck doesn't deserve to sleep in a bed. So here's what gonna happen. I am going to bed now, and you are going to help me relax and fall asleep by giving me an hour long foot massage while I fall asleep. You will kneel there at the foot of the bed and give my feet the great massage they deserve while I drift off to sleep in my big comfy bed. And you better massage for the full hour, faggot. It's 3:45 now, so you keep massaging until 4:45, even if you think I am asleep. At 4:45, you can kiss my feet goodnight, take these handcuffs, and crawl your fagboy ass into my bathroom, where you will handcuff yourself around the base of the toilet and sleep on the bathroom floor. Is that all clear, bitch?"

I nodded that it was, as he handed me the pair of handcuffs. I looked them over; they were the real deal. No kiddie lock releases or anything, just cold steel. I would be at his mercy for release once I locked them on myself. I put them aside as Master Drew crawled into bed, his naked body sprawled tantalizingly on top of the sheets. As he flipped off the lamp beside his bed, I started in on his foot rub. He didn't say another word, but did let out the occasional satisfied-sounding sigh. I am pretty sure he fell asleep within 10 or 15 minutes, but there was no way I could risk the punishment that would come with stopping early, so I continued to lovingly caress his feet for the full hour. I was exhausted and my knees were really aching from all of the kneeling and crawling around, but I was nevertheless incredibly turned on by the sight of my boyish master's body sleeping in the dim moonlight, which I hornily admired as I finished servicing his feet.

At 4:45, I gave each foot a worshipful kiss and crawled to the bathroom as ordered. The tile floor was cold and hard, and I knew it would be an incredibly uncomfortable sleeping surface, but given my level of exhaustion, I could probably fall asleep on a bed of nails. I cuffed my left wrist in the handcuff, and then stretched it around the back of the toilet to meet my right wrist on the other side. Taking one last breath of semi-freedom, I locked the right cuff on and slunk down onto the tile. My head was butted right up against the base of the front of the toilet, and I had to position the rest of my body at an angle to allow myself to stretch out. Despite all this, though. I fell asleep almost instantly, my mind drifting to dreams and nightmares of tortures I had encountered, or would encounter, at the firm hands of my boy-god Master.


Feedback greatly appreciated. This is my first story on Nifty. More parts coming soon!

Next: Chapter 12

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