Enslaved by my Roommate

By tanner anderson

Published on May 11, 2023



Note: This is my first time writing a story. It's a combination of truth and fiction. This story starts off a little slow, sorry!

Chapter 1 Freshman Year

Part 1

I started my freshman year of college like any other. Excited, nervous, ready to tackle the world. I decided to test my luck with the random roommate selection and was already nervous. I received his name in an email and quickly went to Instagram to see what I had gotten myself into. Low and behold, he was an adonis. I quickly found out he was there on a lacrosse scholarship.

A little about me. I'm gay and I always knew I was. I've also always been a bit submissive. I just never knew how submissive I would become.

Move in day comes and I find out he has already moved himself in and picked out the side of the room he wanted. That was fine with me, I'm pretty easy going. He wasn't there while I moved all my stuff in and after that was over I laid on my bed.

"This is it", I thought.

I scroll through my phone for almost an hour before I hear the doorknob jiggle.

In walked the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my entire life. He's roughly 6'2" compared to my 5'5" and all muscle.

"Sup dude?" he asks, "name's Peter! You can call me Pete."

We bantered back and forth for a little bit until he declared that he was hungry and suggested we go off campus to get something to eat. We find this really cool steakhouse downtown and he gets the largest steak on the menu. After a little bit the waiter brought the check over. He looks over to me slyly,

"Ah shit dude, I forgot my wallet. Can you grab this one and I'll venmo you?"

"Uh yeah, that's no problem" I say rather ticked off. I wasn't expecting to drop almost $200 on this guy I just met. I text him my venmo in hopes he pulls through and keeps his word.

As we walked back to campus I mentioned that I didn't notice my venmo notification going off and he just laughed and said he'll get to it later.

Long story short, he never paid me back for dinner.

Part 2:

A few weeks go by and we fall into a routine. He makes a mess and a few days later I, reluctantly, clean up after him. On Thursday he comes back to the dorm after lunch and asks if I could finish his laundry for him as he's late for class. I act annoyed and finally agree. Little does he know that I've been sniffing his socks and briefs while he's gone the entire semester. As I'm about to go down to the laundry room to grab his clothes out of the dryer, I notice he still has clothes hanging around the room. I gather those and make my way downstairs. I toss them in the wash (I paid for it, of course) and grab his stuff from the dryer.

Once back in the room, I neatly fold his clothes, iron his shirts and some pants, and put them away. After that, I thought it would be a nice thing to do and I washed his sheets for him, too. After repeating that a few times all his laundry was put away, fresh sheets on the bed, and I was smiling ear to ear. It felt good to help him out.

He came back around 8:30 that night and plopped onto his bed, didn't say a word about his laundry or fresh sheets. Although it kind of annoyed me, I know I shouldn't complain. For whatever reason, the next few weeks I wouldn't let his laundry basket get half full before I did his laundry, without being asked.

After doing his laundry for a few weeks, he started leaving notes on how he wants certain things washed and when he wants them done. One thing he added was that his shoes start being shined and cleaned weekly, which I happily obliged.

The day after Halloween he was hungover in bed and ordered me to go down the street and bring him back a breakfast sandwich and coffee. Didn't offer me cash or anything.

I return to the dorm with his breakfast and he barks

"Finally you're back, give me my food!"

"Sorry, Sir!" I say. I'm not sure why I called him sir, it just felt right. He just smiled and ate his food. When he finished eating he tossed the wrappers on the floor and rolled over and went back to sleep.

Part 3

After Thanksgiving, things really started to take a turn. He let me know that he was taking a girl out but was a little short on funds. I suggested he get a job but he just laughed and said

"I have a better idea. Why don't you give me your credit card! You have an Amex, right?"

I do have an Amex card, with a considerable high credit limit. I come from a fairly well off family, but so does he. I'm very skeptical but I give in and I lie say there's only room for another $250 to be spent. He laughs and says okay, grabs my card, and leaves. No thank you or anything.

I'm anxiously watching the app tracking what he's spending.

$35 on an Uber

$325 on dinner

$1500 on a suite at a hotel

I'm furious. I call him demanding he reimburse me right away for his ridiculous spending! He's drunk and laughs and says "yeah okay faggot. Instead of looking at your credit card statement, why don't you make yourself useful and clean some sneakers? Talk soon" and hung up.

I'm shaking with anger. How could he do this? Why would he do this?

He comes back to the room the next day and doesn't say a word. He just plops on his bed and says "damn what an amazing night!"

I don't want to indulge on his conversation and simply ask for my credit card back.

He laughs and says "I don't think so. I'm going to keep it for a while. You have a $10,000 credit limit, I checked one day while you were in the bathroom. You left the website open. You know why I'm keeping the card, fag? Because I'm a real man and you're a pathetic excuse for a human. So shut the fuck up and learn your place."

I stand up and charge at him. I've never been this angry. I should have known better since two seconds later I was on the ground.

"Don't even think about fighting back, dude, you're puny compared to me. Things are going to change around here. You already do my laundry, clean my shoes, pick up my trash, but now you're my total bitch. I own you. Got it? I ordered a chastity cage, put it on it."

"Yes, Sir" was all I could get out.

"good. I'm pushing both beds together. You can sleep on the floor after you run out and get bigger sheets."

After returning with his new sheets, he tells me to kneel down before him. He's sitting on the bed and he plops his feet in my lap.

"Rub `em while I explain some things, fag. Like I said, things are gonna change. I'm going to start charging you for things. You got money, I know you do. Each load of laundry is $20 bucks, each pair of shoes you clean is another $20 (I regularly clean five pairs each week), and $100 a week to stay here, cash or venmo each week by 5:00 PM Friday, got it?"

I'm astonished. I easily do three loads of laundry for him each week. I pay the school to let me live in the dorm, now I have to pay him $260 each week? This can't be happening.

Apparently I took too long to respond because I received a quick slap in the face. "I'll take your silence as a yes. Now go" he said while he kicked me away and went to lay down.

I couldn't believe what was happening. The next few nights, I hardly slept. I slept underneath his new combined bed.

Friday rolled around quicker than I thought it would. I quickly ran to the ATM to get my roommate his payment. I did extra laundry that week so I had $300 with me. When I opened the door to the dorm he was sitting at his desk writing a paper. He looked at me and smiled.

"Got anything for me, faggot?" he asked

"Uh, yes Sir I have your money" I said meekly.

"Yes, my money. All your money is mine fag. You do not own anything. All your possessions belong to me, got it?"

"Yes, Sir" I say

"Good, now give me my cash, scum" I reach into my pocket and take out the $300 in twenties and hand it up to him.

"Good fag, now crawl under my desk and rub my feet while i work."

I crawled under his desk and he kicked me hard while I tried to get comfortable, which is impossible under that cramped desk.

After about 30 minutes of rubbing his feet, he gives me a quick kick and tells me to hand him my credit card.

"Sir, you already have my credit card, remember, you never gave it back after your night at the hotel."

"Not that credit card, bitch, your other credit card. I'm buying myself some Christmas presents."

Fuck. I didn't know he knew about my other card. I signed up for another card after he took my other one. I sheepishly gave it to him and went back to rubbing his feet. Later that night, I checked and he bought himself a massage, several pairs of shoes, new cleats, round trip tickets to Mexico, and an all inclusive resort for a few days.

This man is going to destroy me, I've never been so turned on but I still can't get hard. I think he threw the key away, but I'm not sure. I love every second of serving this man.

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