Enslave Boss After the Apocalypse

By Clay Bottom

Published on Apr 17, 2022


I Enslave My Boss after the Apocalypse (5)

Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of coerced consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Author's note:

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The next day and every day after that, Bradley was gangbanged by another 12 lucky young horny men. He was spit roasted continuously for half a day. I was not invited to the gang bangs, but enjoyed watching them like every other man in the city. I tried to estimate how many milliliters of cum Bradley was milking into his stomach. I figured the cum flowing out of his pussy was a good estimate, so maybe 750 ml. I'm surprised he can hold so much without puking up jizz. Probably all the nutrition he needs with a few vitamin supplements. The cumdump was living off cum straight from the source. If he had been a gay slut, it would have been heaven, but he was straight, so more like a nightmare. Maybe taking cock and cum in both holes for hours every day will make him turn gay? I don't care either way and no one else does either. He does not need to enjoy it, just take it.

I talked with Clark and we decided to have a Technician of the Week prize in our department. The winner gets to join us in a three way abuse of Paul's holes on our rest day. The first winner was Jim. I thought he was a nice guy, but I saw him in a new light after we fucked Paul together. Clark and I knew Paul from the pre-plague days, so we knew he was a monster and had every reason to torture him, but Jim didn't. Maybe he picked up on our vibes, or it was some kind of peer pressure that made Jim join in with such gusto. Maybe he just had a sadistic streak. I could tell right away by the way he squeezed Paul's nuts while he fucked him. Using his balls like a handle to push and pull Paul's ass back and forth. He loved making Paul swallow his spit and snot. Blowing snot straight into Paul's open mouth. I had never done that to him, but the face Paul made each time he swallowed a luggie or snot ball made me think I should start. Paul only cared about one thing, my cum. He was in full whore mode and desperate for the high that only my cum can give him. He acts like a nympho crack whore for me everyday, but this was the first time he degraded himself and begged for my cum with an audience. Bringing in new men to use and abuse the cumdump was adding spice and variety to play time. I can't imagine how low he will feel when the high wears off late at night, and he remembers what he did. We took turns on his holes, but I withheld my jizz prize till near the end.

Paul had earned some punishment that week too, so not just fun and games on this play day. Nothing major, but he forgot to thank me after licking my ass clean after my morning dump. He was very sorry and apologetic after he realized the mistake, but it was too late. Not a terrible mistake, so I did not make his skin burn too much. Just a drop of dirty THF on both his nipples, and a drop on his balls, and finally a drop on his piss slit. Not nearly as much as the first time I painted Paul's skin with chemical fire, but Paul flopped and struggled to do anything and everything he could to make the burning ease up. I gagged him with one of my socks to keep the noise down. Clark fucking loved the show. Jim got off on seeing it too. With three of us, it was easy to pin Paul down and tie his hands so he could not rub his burning parts to ease the pain. Maybe the pain made his cunt muscles clench and release or maybe he was just trying very hard to please. Either way his ass fucking milked our cocks. Not as good as Bradley's cunt, but close. We all loved breeding his clenching cunt. Now that I know that just a drop of chemical fire makes his cunt even better, he will get this treatment after every little mistake.

I was the last one to breed the cunt because I knew my cum would soon get Paul high enough to ease his pain. But before the high kicked in, I generously offered Paul the "antidote". All he had to do was stay quiet and still, lay on his back, and open wide. I offered him my gold pain killing elixir. Clark and Jim even offered to contribute. Fuck it was so good to see the man who made my life hell on his back at my feet waiting for me and my buddies to piss in his mouth. There was no way he could swallow fast enough to keep up with three gushing piss streams, so his face and hair were soaking wet with piss. Jim used the last of his pee to cover Paul from face to crotch. He licked his lips without being told and wallowed on his belly in our piss as soon as I gave him permission to move. Wallowing in piss did nothing to help him, but he thought it did. What made the burning ease was my jizz absorbing into his gut with the other men's loads. That and time, the chemical fire only lasts a few hours at most and he only had a very small application this time.

Clark and Jim spread the word, and soon every man in the city heard the truth about my "service companion". A straight man who once had a wife and family had been turned into a literal cum addict. An unashamed whore who would eagerly swallow spit, snot, piss, and even shit just to get my cum in him. Paul used to be a man, but now was like a cat in heat only worse, more like a junky going through withdrawals and a bitch in heat combined. No faggot in history craved cum more than Paul needed mine. Now the men of the city knew the blue skin aliens had two ways to give a straight man hell on earth. The aliens could make a straight man into a life support system for two miracle fuck holes while leaving his mind intact like they did to Bradley. Aware of every cock using him and every load dumped in him but powerless to stop the abuse. Or they could make a straight man into another Paul. A cum addict with a mostly unaltered body but a mind that was totally fucked up. A slut willing to do anything no matter who nasty for a taste of jiz. The blue skin aliens could make a man into either kind of cumdump. A terrifying thought.

Bradley's daily gang bang became a welcome routine in the domed city. I even tried to up my game and improve the fermentation vat efficiency to earn one of the coveted 12 opportunities to use his miracle fuck holes. Sure Paul was doing his best to keep my balls drained dry, but I wanted some variety, and I got off on the public group fuck. My odds got better when the blue skins added a new cumdump, Kevin. I have no idea if Kevin broke a major rule or if he was just the least valuable. I barely knew him, but he seemed OK. Shorter and lighter built than most men. We all had young looking faces and lean bodies after our recoveries, but he had the body of a gymnast and an almost pretty face. The aliens may have picked him just because he looked kind of fem and had no other special abilities. Scary thought, but no way to know. Of course I felt sorry for him but there was nothing I could do for him. On the plus side, there were now 24 chances everyday to get a piece of miracle cunt, and I wanted to fuck Kevin pretty face hard like a pussy.

A couple of days after Kevin was turned into a human fuck toy, I had a surprise visitor to my tiny office, Cody. Cody worked on one of my crews. He was an average guy, not super smart but not dumb, not a hard worker, but not lazy either. Good sense of humor and most guys liked being around him. He was about 6 foot, blond, and would have been very handsome, but his big nose gave his face character. Like most of us in the domed city, he looked barely 18 and lean. He was taking too long to tell me what he needed, so I told him to just spit it out. Once he got started the words just poured out.

"I heard about what you, Clark, and Jim did to your slut. He used to be your boss, and the blue skins made him a mindless bitch for you to torture and fuck. Bradley pissed you off and the blues made him a fleshlite for 12 men to use every day till he is fucked to death. Did Kevin piss you off too? I don't want to end up like that, so I want to be on your good side, so you can put in a good word for me with the blue skins. Some insurance so I'm not made a cumdump or faggot whore."

"So how do you plan to get on my good side"

"Maybe I could give you some head when you want at work. I know you have a slut to use when you're off work, but you can never get too much head, right?"

"I never pegged you as gay"

"No, you got it all wrong. I'm straight. I just figured, it can't taste that bad or last that long, and it would be insurance against getting gang raped everyday with the whole city watching on the monitors."

"I see your logic, and I agree. I won't need you everyday, but when I do, you'll suck me off or give me your ass, and I'll do everything in my power to make sure you do not end up like Paul or Bradley."

"No! Wait, I'm straight. I don't want to get fucked."

"You don't want to get face fucked and swallow my load either, but we all do thing we don't want to do. It's not just Bradley's throat that is used for half a day every day as a pussy. Have you seen how the cum flows out of his cunt when the men are done with him? Can you even imagine how painful and nasty it must be to be ass fucked by 12 horny dudes for hours. The math seems simple. My cock in both your holes occasionally on the DL is cheap insurance against hundreds or thousands of cocks and cum loads in you for the rest of your life."

"I'll ... I'll do it."

"Great to hear. Let's get started. Just get on your knees and do your best."

"What? Now?"

"Right now. Here in my office. Don't worry, we'll start off slow, just head for now and I'll go easy on you this time if you quit stalling and don't piss me off."

He looked so damn sexy as he sank to his knees and looked up at me. The look on his face when he got a good look at my 10" long fat cock was priceless.

"Take it easy. You don't have to take it all this time. You probably can't anyway. Just rub your face on my junk and smell it to start. Not too bad huh? You will be inhaling my scent a lot now. Lick the head nice and gentle while you stroke the shaft. Yea, that is good. Keep doing that. You know you are doing a good job because I'm pumping out precum for you. Lick my balls too. Go back and forth between my balls and my head . Spit in your hand and keep stroking me nice and slow."

I gently stroked his face and hair as he pleasured my junk. His face looked good next to my cock and his lips were wet with spit and precum. I was in no hurry. I was getting a straight man's mouth cherry, and I was going to make it last. I was not going to gage him or make him puke on my cock either. He was willingly giving me his mouth, and I was going to take it slow and easy on him. I liked Cody. I was still going to blow my load in his mouth and make him swallow, but I like him. He may not have wanted this, but he was obviously giving my cock his best. After about five minutes of warm up, I started to fuck his mouth with shallow thrusts. I was not trying to go into his throat, not today anyway. I was just fucking his mouth. Even that made his eyes open wide. I touched the back of his throat a couple of times and he gagged with just that.

"You are doing great. Just hold the head in your mouth. Work it with your tongue and suck. Just like that. Spit in your hand again and stroke my shaft while you suck my cock head. Use your other hand to play with my balls. Just keep that up and this will be over real soon. You'll make me cum in your mouth and swallow my load and it will all be over for today."

Just in case he tried to back out of the climax, I held his head tight when I started to cum and sent jet after jet of my seed into his mouth. He did not flinch and did just what he was told.

"Keep stroking! Keep sucking! Don't slow down or stop till I tell you. Swallow!"

Fuck it felt too good to stop even after my cum gusher slowed to a trickle. I knew I was seeding virgin soil in his mouth and throat. I was making Cody a cum sucker, and he could never go back. If he never sucked another cock in his life, he would still be a cum drinker and marked with my seed. I had to let him stop sucking and get off his knees eventually. It was very awkward for him and he did not want to look me in the eye. I didn't humiliate him but did tilt his head up so he was looking me in the eye. I did not point out the tent in his pants,

"Not so terrible was it? You did good and will get even better with practice. I needed that," I'll need it again in a couple of days. Meet me here at lunch the day after tomorrow."

He seemed to like my approval and even smiled a little as he nodded his head and turned to go.

"You should do some prep before you come back. Work your fingers in your hole to loosen up, so it will be easier on you. Practice relaxing your muscle ring when you push your fingers inside you. The recycled cum we process here is good lube, You should start today"

"OK. I will. Thanks."

"Thanks for what?"

"For going easy on me."

I must have fucked more than just his mouth. I must have fucked his mind too. Why else would a straight guy thank the man who just coerced and used him? I was in Cody's head just like my cum was in his belly, and my cock would soon be in his ass. Cody was trading his mind and body to me for my protection, and I had no real protection to give. I had two days to anticipate busting his cherry, and he had two days to imagine what my thick long cock would do to his ass. He had to know there was no easy way to take a cock like mine balls deep.

I did not see him much over the next two days, but when I did, he looked kind of anxious. For his sake, I hoped he took my advice and worked his ass ring every time he had a private moment. I liked thinking about him fingering himself in a toilet stall imagining my fat cock head replacing his fingers. No wonder he was anxious.

When the time came, I had him take his pants off completely and bend over my desk. I sat behind him and admired his hairless white buns spread wide and exposing a small pinkish brown hole. There is no way in hell I'm putting my mouth on a dude's shit hole, but I eagerly explored his hole with my fingers. I used the recycled cum to lube my fingers and his hole. He was tight as shit. GREAT ! I finger fucked him with my index finger slow and deep for a few minutes then added a second finger.

"Just get it over with ! I'm not queer. I don't like my ass played with. Just fuck me already and get off."

"You don't want me to rush this. Once Mr Happy is in your tight hole, I won't be slow or gentle. You will be glad I took the time to open and relax your hole. Getting it wet and slick will make taking me balls deep so much easier."

In a way, I lied. It would not be easy in any way, but it could hurt much less if he was lubed and finger fucked first. Cody did not say anything more for a while but passively spread his cheeks as I worked his hole. I noticed but did not comment on his hard-on. I had three fingers forced into his tight muscle ring then I had to have it. Had to feel that tight hole on my dripping cock head.

"I'm going in. Get ready. Try to stay quiet. You don't want to attract the working guys' attention. They would want a piece of you when I'm done. Take a deep breath and push out with your hole."

He was tight as a virgin. I moved into him slow and steady and did not stop till my nuts touched his ass lips. I had one hand over his mouth, but that was unnecessary because he only made soft grunting noises. My hairy chest was against his smooth back, and I held him tight. My lips were almost touching his ear when I whispered

"Good. You did good. The hardest part is over. I'm just going to stay still in you for a minute or two, so your hole can open up more and reshape itself to fit my cock better."

With my cock totally inside him, I kissed the back of his ears and neck. I played with his chest and tits. I thought he was enjoying it, but when my hand felt his cock, it was soft. Fuck that, I was fucking him for the first time in his life, and he WAS going to be hard while I fucked him. I stoked his cock with my hand in time with my small fucking motions in his ass. His cock was at full mast in no time. Cody had big feet and a cock to match. Maybe 9" with very loose foreskin that was quickly becoming wet.

"What are you doing? I'm not queer ! Stop, I don't want to get hard. I don't want to enjoy this."

"This is not about what you want. It's about what I want. I want you to enjoy me fucking your ass. My cock is not leaving your ass till you cum. I can fuck you all day if that is what it takes. Use your best spank bank fantasy and get with the program and enjoy the ride."

I have no idea what or who he was imaging as I long dicked his tight hole, but his dick stayed rock hard as I fucked him. I jacked him with one hand and let my other hand roam over his soft white skin. I loved the way his loose foreskin moved over his cock head and blue steel hard rod. I whispered trash talk into his ear when I was not kissing his neck. Telling him how tight and good he felt on my dick. What a great job he was doing. How great he looked. How he was going to make me cum and flood his hole. I could have cum at any time but I held off. Waited for him. When he sent ropes of cum onto my desk, I took it home and pounded his hole. I think the rough fucking made him cum harder. I flooded his cunt with one of my biggest loads ever. Yea, I called his hole a cunt because after I breed it, I will always be a cunt.

As he was pulling his pants back on, I handed him an absorbent wipe.

"Wedge this in your crack. It'll keep my cum from staining your pants if my cum leaks out of you. I don't want the men to see or smell my cum on you."

He did not look me in the eye, but said thank you. I felt kind of guilty after he left. I had taken advantage of a guy who works for me and made him a bitch. Felt great as I was doing it, but it was in a very small way what Paul had tried to do to me. I decided I would not make Cody blow me or take my cock up his cunt again.

Good intentions, you know what they are worth. Two days later Cody came to my office three times for no particularly good reason. When he left my office the third time, his balls were lighter, and his cunt was wet with my load. Fucking Cody was totally different than the grudge/punishment fucks I gave faggot Paul. I liked it. No, I loved it, so I fucked his face or cunt almost every day. He gave head better each time, and the fucking got better as we learned each others triggers. Sure I was using a subordinate for a sex, but he liked it and got his rocks off too, so a win win deal.

Next: Chapter 6

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