Enslave Boss After the Apocalypse

By Clay Bottom

Published on Aug 24, 2021


I Enslave My Boss after the Apocalypse Part Three

Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of coerced consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Author's note:

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The recycling system is life and death to the Domed City, so the critical systems are redundant with backups for the backups. The mono pumps move almost un-pumpable sludge (shit and dead organisms) to keep the digester vats circulating through heat exchangers and scrubbers to remove heat and poisons. If the circulation stops for more than an hour, irreplaceable genetically engineered microbes could die, and the city would quickly run short of clean water and fresh air. Not to mention the shit has to be processed or we have to live in it. Not surprisingly each recycling vat has two spare mono pumps plumbed in and ready to go at a moments notice.

I was more than surprised and worried when the mono pumps and all the spares on half the recycling vats seized up. This could not really be happening, There are standard operating procedures to break down and clear a pump with an estimated completion time of three hours per pump. To make matters worse it was almost shift change on the last work day of the week. The crew did not even want to start the filthy job, but wanted to push it off onto the next shift, I'm in charge, but the men don't get paid and can't be fired, so I did not have leverage to make them bust ass and at least get started on one pump. Every minute was critical, maybe even life or death. The Aliens might give me the ultimate punishment and feed me to the virus outside if half the recycling vats died on my watch. I was desperate. The shift leaders name was Clark.

Me: " Clark, we're in a bad spot, I need you and your guys to start breaking down and troubleshooting the # 1 Pump now before your shift ends. If you and some of your guys would volunteer to work over and help the next shift, I would consider that a major favor."

I thought Clark was going to laugh in my face, but he managed to stop himself and answer me in a way that was satirical and not blatantly rude.

Clark: " Will you pay us overtime? Double time even? What is two times zero? Offer me a promotion maybe? That is a good one. We're not in a bad spot, you are and maybe the City too, but it will survive. You're asking for a huge favor from men who have lost everything and owe you nothing. You need to offer us something if you want us to "volunteer".

Me: "You know there is no money here and nothing to buy if there was, I lost everything too. I have nothing to give or trade. If I had something to give or trade I would. Letting half the recyclers die puts everyone at risk."

Clark: "You have something to trade, For one thing, you have a handsome face and a nice ass, but that is not what I'm interested in, but some of my guys might be,"

It was all I could do not to pound his face into the floor and kill him. He was in good shape like everyone else, but I out weighed him by at least 50 pounds and he was only about 5'8". But I needed his help. I was desperate for his help actually.

Clark: "What you have that we don't have is a tiny bit of private real estate and your own private cumdump. A warm wet tight hole to fuck and breed is like gold. We don't want to take it from you. We just want you to share it with us tomorrow on our rest day. Seems like more than a fair trade to fix the pumps. Loan us your room and pressy fag for an hour for every pump we get running before shift change."

Me: "You will be lucky to get one going by shift change, so will you work over to help get all of them working? Guaranteed 4 hours of limited use of my faggot if you work over 4 hours, Limits are, no permanent damage, no permanent marks on her or bruised that show, and the pussy can't be ruined. I won't touch it tomorrow, but I want it tight and fuckable the day after,"

Clark: "Deal, but with one condition, you have to help us fix the pumps. If we get shit on our hands, so do you. We'll be careful not to ruin the fag hole, since you might share it with us again sometime"

I suspected this was a set-up from the beginning, What are the odds that all the spares would fail and near shift change? I was almost sure it was a set-up when the guys completely ignored the standard operation procedures for the repairs. Rather than concentrating on one mono pump and getting it going, they broke up into teams of two and attacked multiple pumps at once. It was odd that they only loosened the bolts and flanges rather than removing them. When they hooked-up makeshift fittings and 20 bar steam hoses, I was horrified. Over 200 C and 20 atmosphere pressure, the piping and pumps are not rated for that. It worked with jets of boiling water and shit spraying from every loosen flange. I won't try to describe the way the area looked or smelled. Nove of us got hit with boiling shit, but we could not avoid the filth as we tighten the bolts back for a restart. Every pump started with little to no problem and every recycling vat was back on-line. It was not even shift change yet. Oh yea, I was set-up, but it was OK. Paul's holes would pay the price and not me. I had no problem with that. I kind of thought I would enjoy seeing it.

Me: "Clark, I'm not going to ask how you did this, but don't do it again. I have a favor to ask too. I want it to be a surprise. When you guys come into my place and take what you want from cump-dump-paul, make it look and feel like rape. He has no right to refuse me anyting, so rape is impossble, but he can be terrified and it can feel like rape to him, That is what I want, I'm going to watch the video of it, make it good and make it real."

Clark: "You don't remember me do you? From before the pandemic. Look at my face and picture me at 50. I look familiar don't I? I worked with you when you were young and first came to Graham. You were at my party for my forced retirement, I know Paul very well, do I need to say more? A story for another time, but when Paul sees me and my crew coming for his ass, he'll be terrified, count on it. I only wish there were no limits."

Me: "I have a video of Paul with his nuts painted with THF. After you clean up, come by and I'll show you. Sounds like you might enjoy watching him writhe on the floor almost as much as I did. This is the beginning of a partnership my friend."

Despite what I told Clark, I fucked cum-dump-paul the next morning. He and his guys were getting to use my cumdump, but I wanted them to have to take my sloppy seconds. As usual, he licked my ass clean after my morning dump, so his breath smelled shitty too. I was loaning out my most personal toy, and both it's holes smelled like me in different ways. If any of the guys planned to kiss or eat it out, they'll get a present from me. Very unlikely, but will be so hilarious if it happens.

The surveillance cameras will record it all. I went to my office, so I could watch at least the beginning of the action on my desk monitor. I saw that Paul was high on my cum and content when the door to my room opened and nine men rushed into the small space. His face said "this does not compute" like his brain had locked up. He didn't resist as he was pushed onto his back on the floor. Clark sat his hairy ass crack on Paul's face with his knees on his arms. Two other guys held him by his ankles spreading his legs wide and exposing his cum wet hole. The first dude was not super hung, but he slammed it home with no preparation or lub other the the cum I left in the fuck hole. Not sure if it was pain or suprise, but the bitch finally started kicking and fighting back. Enough so that the fucker pulled his cock out and wrapped his big fist around Pau's nuts to give him some persuasion. The guy's fist did look huge next to Paul's shriveled soft cock. I turned up the audio that was on mute (I was at my office after all).

Clark: "We know he uses your tongue for toilet paper every morning and your ass for his cum dump. so don't play shy, Lick a week's worth of grunge off my ass hole and open your cunt for the men. Your only job is to be a whore, we're putting you to work today. Do it easy or he crushes your balls first, either way you're servicing us all just like you service him. Struggle if you want, I want to make you hurt. Do you remember me yet? Listen to my voice and remember me. You think I won't hurt you? Remember what you fucking did to me and my family? I guess you do since I feel your tongue on my shit hole. Lick the outside clean while he fucks you then you can lick inside my shit hole while the other men use your cunt."

The ass fucking started again, I wanted to keep watching, but my cock was painfully hard and I did not want to stroke out a load at my desk, so I turned off the monitor and walked around to get the scene out of my mind, He deserved what he was getting, but still, it bothered me that I was so turned on watching an almost rape. It was not rape. I had given the men permission to use cum-dump-paul, and I owned his holes. The Aliens had given him to me, and he had surrendered everything to me when the THF chemical fire was torturing his tits and nuts, The cum-dump did not have the right to refuse or consent, so raping it was impossible, but it did look like it and feel like it to the cum-dump. I could not help myself, and I smiled and felt my hard-on as I thought about it.

I walked around the domed city. Not much to see. I ended up in the so-called gardens. Really just racks and racks of edible plants fed with artificial light and the dregs from the recycling tanks. Still, it was nice to see living plants even in an industrial layout, The closest I'll get to a walk in the park for years. I noticed something off on the bottom row of one of the racks. When I moved some tall lettuce aside, I saw a man sleeping. This kind of shit did not happen here. Everybody pulled their weight or was fed to the virus outside. The men here were hard and lean from work and limited rations. Being here and alive is a privilege, and no one rides for free. After disbelief, rage took over. I dragged the bastard up by his hair then knocked him to the floor with my fist. As he lay on the floor, I saw it was Badley. He was a worker in the gardens. He was as tall as me and should have been fit to fight, but he just laid there and did not fight back or try to move. I noticed he had a little bit of fat on his hairy belly. Obviously he had found a way to steal food and/or sleep on his work shift. I wanted to beat the lazy bastard black and blue, but I controlled myself. The Aliens do not put up with violent trouble makers either. I ordered him to go back to his bunk room since he was not working even though I had no authority to order him to do anything. He went.

I stomped around for another hour in the garden, and thought about what I had done. There was no way the blue skin Aliens would not notice Bradly in the bunk room during his work shift, His bunk was not even empty, another man was using it during this work shift, so Bradley would stand out. The blue skins would investigate, and Bradley would disappear. When I sent him to the bunk room, I gave him a death sentence. I didn't think that at the time, I was just angry. I probably just hastened the inevitable, but I still felt like a murderer and somehow helpless too. I went back to my office and watched the last of my cum-dumps's gang bang.

The thin mattress from my bunk was on the floor, Two men were laying on it face up with their legs scissored together and their fat hard cocks touching, My cum-dump was riding both cocks and had a third in his mouth, A fouth man had his hands under his armpits to help him move up and down and fuck himself. His face looked like the guys had bukakied him, or maybe they just shot so much cum, some had missed his mouth, His eyes were almost glued shut with jizz, but looked frightened all the same.. Maybe cum-dump-paul had finally had enough cum to satisfy him. He never seemed to get enough of my jizz.

The man using his face stepped away, so was probably just washing his cock clean in cum-dump-paul's throat. Now that I could see him better, I noticed the right side of his face was red and maybe swollen. One if the men must have given him some encouragement to work harder. I'd soon find more red hand prints on his body. His cock was soft and flopping as he fucked himself on the dicks he was servicing, I figured he had cum so many times he could not get it up for the end of his gang bang.

The time was almost up, so I headed back to meet the men as they exited my place.

Me: "Was he a good fuck? Did everybody have a good time and empty their nuts?"

Clark: "All the men had a great time. The pussy got ruined. Do you care if the pussy enjoyed it?

Me: "The bitch always cums when I use it, but that is just a side effect of me getting my nut. Still I can't imagine how low a man would feel if he got the cum fucked out of him everyday. Cumming just from getting fucked and used. "

Clark: "I thought we were talking about fag pussy ant a man? I hope it is not permantly streched out to wide to fuck, but shit happens. The blue skins will let you pick out a new "service companion if Paul is worthless now and disposed of"

The smile on Clark's face was evil. He enjoyed himself and wanted more,

The smell was the first thing I noticed when I went into my room. I've been in locker rooms and adult arcades, but neither were as strong as this. Sweat, testosterone, and cum filled the air. Cum-dump-paul was on his back on the floor. I would always think of him as cum-dump-paul now. His hole gaped open wide and cum was puddled around it.

Me:" Looks like you had a great time. How many times did you cum when you were fucking youself till your hole was worn out? I can fucking see inside you and the cum lining the walls of your cunt. I think I could put my fist in that gash."

Paul: "They made me. I had to do what they wanted. They fucked me while I licked Clark's ass then they fucked me again while I kissed everyone's ass hole. They said I was too loose to fuck after that and DPed me till everyone came again. I had to suck every cock clean when they were done fucking me. It hurt so bad I thought they would rip and tear me !

Me: "So you had the best time of your life, but how many times did you cum, How much of all this cum on my mattress is yours?"

Paul: "None of it. I never got off, It felt good getting fucked with your cum in me at first, but I could not cum, The pleasure turned to pain fast, It hurt so bad ! Please fuck me ! Make me cum and shoot your load in me to make the pain go away, Please !"

He looked and sounded pathetic, I loved it and decided to go for more.

Me: "Sure I'll give you my load in your worn out gash, but first you have to do something for me. Beg me to fist you. You are already stretched wide, so just a little more and you can have my whole hand in your cunt. I will fist you someday no matter what. Beg for it now when it will be easy for you, More pain for sure, but nothing compared to the pain if I fist you after your cunt lips tighten back up. I have four fingers in you now. Just a little push and you can have my whole hand fucking you. When I'm done you'll get my load straight in your hole to make you feel so good.

Paul: " It hurts, please don't make me do this now, Please! Just fuck me with your cock and breed me, I need it. Please !

Me: "I'm not making you do anything, but if you want my cum, beg for my fist and make me believe it. You have five seconds before I walk out of here,"

He did beg nicely. I didn't believe him except for the parts where he said he needed my cum. His cunt put up a little resistance as I pushed my fist into his hole. He tried hard to stay still but thrashed around some anyway. Every move seemed to be his pain, Beautiful. Flexing my fist made his face tense. The warm tight guts wrapping my hand was awesome. The power was the best, that is what made my cock diamond hard. A little movement was tourture. With one big thrust up to my elbow, I could tear his guts and fuck him literealy to death. What fucking power. If he had any part of his brain working right, he had to wonder if now was the time I would pay him back for good. He whimpered like a dog when I pulled out of him.

Me: "Roll up on your shoulders so your ass is facing the ceiling. I'll jack-off and dump my load in your hole. Nice big target to aim for."

Paul: "You are not going to fuck me ??!! "

Me: "Even a dick as thick as mine can't fuck a streched out cunt like yours. Just be glad I'm pumping a load in that gash."

He looked like he would cry, but did as he was told. I was hot after watching the video of his gang bang and then fisting him, so I need not last long. Rope after rope of my thick jizz ejected from my piss slit and into his guts. Some made it all the way to the bottom but most stuck to the red walls of his cunt. My cum joined the cum of the nine other men who had used this cum dump. He seemed to be responding to my magic milk elixir almost at once.

Me: "Stay just like that. Start jacking your faggot dicklet. Aim for your face and open your mouth to catch your cum. You have just been used by nine men for their fleshlite and cum dump. You have who knows how many loads in your slut holes. You begged for a fist just to get one more load in you. Show me what that does to you faggot."

I used two fingers to smear my cum around his cunt walls and put one of my size 12 stinking feet on his upper face, That was all he needed. He took another load down his faggot throat, his own load.

Me: "Rest like that for 30 minutes so my load has time to be absorbed into you then clean this place up. Don't waste water cleaning up your mess. Suck it up or lick it up. When I get back, all this cum better be in your belly or in your food bowl."

Next: Chapter 4

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