Enslave Boss After the Apocalypse

By Clay Bottom

Published on May 27, 2020


I Enslave My Boss after the Apocalypse Part Two

Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of coerced consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Author's note:

I love to hear from men who read my stories. Story ideas and suggestions welcome. Please consider donating to Nifty

I work 12 hours a day keeping the fermentation vats turning shit and piss back into food water and air for the Domed City that is our life boat in a pandemic sea.. When not working, I'm using Paul as my cumdup, urinal, and toilet paper. This is my routine 9 days out of 10. I get a day off every 10th day. I love the play days and metering out to Paul the punishments he has earned. As I explained in the first chapter, Paul deserses this and much

more. He was and probably still is a sociopath and monster at his core. If I believed in Karma, then I would say Karma put Paul in my hands and I am doing Karma's work.

But I play it fair, and in the weeks he earns no punishment, he gets none. After a week when he has been a good cumdump, I just relax and watch the entertainment monitors (premandemic TV, movies, and porn) and dump 5-10 loads in Paul. By the end of the day I'm rested and relaxed with empty balls. Paul is so full and high on my cum, he looks like he could OD. I know his fuck hole is sore by the way he moves, but he keeps begging me to fuck him again. Whatever the blue skin Aliens did to Paul's brain chemistry, made him an addict and nympho for my cum, and he can literally never get enough. God help me if I'm ever at his mercy again. I think he would milk me to death.

I played a fun game with the cumcump once. I dumped a big lad in his ass then made him milk my cock with his cunt till I was ready to fuck him more. I put a total of 3 loads up

his ass without ever taking my cock out of his cunt. He was so happy, until I started pissing. His guts were stretched wider and wider with three big loads of cum and my hot rank piss. I told him he had to keep all my cum and piss in hisass for 30 minutes without losing a drop or he would be punished, An ass whipping to start and then no cum for him for a week. Why should I waste my cum on a slave that would disrespect me by wasting my cum and let it spill? Some how some way he did not spill a drop when I pulled my fat cock out of his fag cunt. I enjoyed watching him strain to hold his pussy lips closed tight and bottle up the gold treasure I deposited in him. The desperate look on his face was so entertaining. When the time was done he waddled toward the toilet. I aske him what the fuck he thought he was doing? He looked so scared, confused and desperate. I had pity on him and asked him what he does with my cum? He was almost sure he knew what the right thing to do was as he squatted over his water bowl. I gave him an approving nod and told him toempty the water out first, he had a BUTT LOAD of cum and PISS in him. Hilarious. The mixture of lust, hunger and disgust on his face as he lapped up the filth from his bowel

was hilarious too.

But most weeks, he's earned at least some punishment. I can't beat him black and blue. Our blue skin rescuers would not allow that, and only suicidal men risk their rath. So whatever I do can't leave marks. Slapping his ass with my open hand or squeezing his nuts

till he begs for mercy and promises to be a good cumdump is enough most of the time. At some point he's going to piss me off enough to get fisted up to the elbow, and I'm looking forward to that.

The most interesting punishment came at the end of a week after Paul closed his mouth and turned his face from me while I was pissing in his mouth. Piss went everywhere and my closet sized "apartment" smelled like a dirty gas station Men's room. With water rationed

so tightly, there was no way to properly clean the mess up, but Paul was definitely going

to give it his best effort licking it up. The worst part was he DEFIED ME. I backhanded

him much harder than I should have. He sprawled on the floor with a shocked look on his face. I guess he thought I wouldn't do more than open hand whipping on his ass. He scrambled

back to his knees and opened wide. As I finished pissing in his mouth I examined the mark on his face. He would definitely have a bruise. I was even more angry at him for provoking

me into a mistake. I knew the blue skin aliens would notice the bruise even if they were not

monitoring my "apartment" when I hit the bitch. I had no idea if I would be in serious trouble

or none at all. The Aliens do not understand our psychology and we have no fucking idea what

makes them tick. I had to think of an appropriate punishment he would never forget and leave

no mark on him. I decided on tetrahydrofuran. It is a common solvent and cleaner we use in the recycling lab, and it is pretty harmless stuff, not corrosive or particularly toxic. When it is pure, it feels like hand sanitizer on your skin, but if it is contaminated with almost anything like the stinking oil floating on the top of a shit digester vat, it has a horrible side effect. It soaked into the skin and feels like a cross between bengay and eating a habanero, but 10 times worse. Once the burning starts, nothing makes it stop for 2 to 3 hours. No blisters or permanent damage, but intense mind numbing pain. Almost everyone that works with the stuff accidentally experiences a drop or two on their skin, and is so very

careful to make sure it never happens again.

On my rest day, I had Paul on his knees and tied his hands to his ankles. Wearing rubber gloves and using a cotton cloth, I painted his balls and both tits with the stuff. The stuff had started to soak into the skin on his nuts by the time I finished rubbing it on his nipples. He started to flop on the floor like a fish out of water. Rubbing the affected skin relieves the pain a some waht, but the pain comes right back when the rubbing stops. I enjoyed watching him try to rub the chemical

of his nipples and balls onto the floor. He dragged his chest and pelvis on the floor like a human inch worm working its way over the floor, so entertaining. He begged me to make the burning stop, for an antidote or to knock him out. All I did to help him was ask if he was going to be a good cumdump

for me? Did he want to be my personal urinal? Would he disobey again? Would he do anything and everything to please me?

"Make me believe it bitch or this could last for days. I wonder if tetrahydrofuran would feel good as a douche for your cunt? Get honest real fast or we'll find out."

He started with unconvincing lies, but as the THF/shit-oil combination absorbed deeper into his skin,

he had a revelation of pain and started begging for real. I moved him up onto my mattress so he would

not damage himself flopping on the hard floor and sat on his back to keep him more or less still. He promised anything and everything if I would just give him an antidote. He freely confessed to sadistically and methodically mind fucking me when he was my boss, but he was "sorry" for what he did. With a little encouragement he said destroying my marriage was part of the plan to isolate me. Crippling my career was to make me know I needed him. Alternating kindness and abuse in the "coaching" sessions was to condition me. When I asked why, he told me he had done this several times before. First in junior high when he broke a younger kid who idealized him to make him his suck boy. He blakmailed the boy at first till he convinced him he was a wothless queer who was luck Paul fucked his mouth and ass. He outed the kid as a fag the week he went to college. He knew he could find another target among all the young vulnerable freshmen in the dorms, and he had new training techniques he wanted to try. He got lucky and found just what he wanted in his roommate. After a month the young happy go lucky hard bodied blond man was a wreck who would and did everything for Paul and did anyone for

Paul. Paul pimped him fo personalfavors, spending money, and because he could. Paul wasn't sure whos

cocks the fag was sucking after Paul dumped him at graduation. When I was eager to be his friend in an isolated backwater town, he knew who his next fuck toy would be. When he was promoted to my boss, he knew I'd soon be his literal brown noser. He thoght the others might have been a little queer to start with. This time he wanted to condition a straight man kiss his ass. Even though he kept saying how sorry he was, and how he had learned, I know his only regret was that he did not have a little more time to put me willingly on my knees.

After about 2 hours, I knew Paul would reach peak pain soon and then the pain taper off, So I told him the antidote came in two parts, First my piss then my cum. A lame idea I know, but at this point he would believe anything. He would have eagerly sucked turdes out of my shit hole to make the pain stop . I propped him up over the shower drain and he opened wide. I pissed into his eager open mouth. I watched my piss fill his urinal hole almost to his teeth then stopped to let him gulp down the sinking dark yellow piss. His face, I can't describe the expression. Pain yes, but so much concentration too. Trying so hard to say still and calm enough to get every drop in his stomach as fast as possible. After my bladder was almost empty, he started to tremble some, then I turned him on his side and spit on my cock and his fuck hole. It was almost a dry entry, but he barely noticed the pain of my fast hard entry. His normally tight fag pussy was almost virgin tight now. His ass lips squeezing my cock involuntarily and his cunt walls moved in a serpentine motion. If I had known chemical fire on his balls and tits would make his cunt walls dance on my cock, I would have punished him with this much sooner. I was so turned on, I knew I would not last long, so I just kept my long fat cock buried in his milking hole for a few minutes to enjoy it. My enjoyment was somewhat spoiled when he started telling me how sorry he was again. How he would be a perfect cumdump for me, and begging me to fucking breed his ass. I corrected him when he said ass and made him beg me to breed his fag cunt. I could not hold back any longer and fucked him sast and hard. I dumped ropes of thick jizz in him. As always taking my load in him released

endorphins into his blood. I have no idea how the Aliens bioengineered my cum to act like cocaine and/or heroin to the cumdump, but Paul was so grateful that day. One final touch, I pissed what was left in my bladder up his ass. Told him to keep his ass tight and not let any spill so the pain relieving piss could soak in. I went ahead and united him and he immediately started

rubbing his balls and tits. I made him stop moving long enough to lick my cock clean. The bitch knows he always has to mouth clean my cock after I give him the joy of my cock in his cunt.

"See? You feel better already. The pain will be completely gone soon."

He actually thanked me while he laid on the shower floor and moved his hands in a blur over his nuts and tits to reduce the burning. He thanked me for pissing and cumming in him and making the burning stop. Thanked me for disciplining him. Thanked me for choosing him to be my "companion" when the Aliens gave me a choice. I think he meant every word. Within an hour the burning was completely gone. It would have been with or without my piss in his belly, but Paul did not know that. No slave was ever more eager to please than Paul was after that. After that day, he even l icked my ass hole clean with enthusiasm after my morning dumps. Life fell into a good routine (for me anyway) after that. Then a random event changed the routine as it always does. Still good for me and the Domed City, but not good for Cumdump Paul. Excellent!

Next: Chapter 3

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