Enjoying My Humiliating Cock Tortures

By William RS

Published on Feb 7, 2017


Enjoying My Humiliating Cock Tortures-3

"Hey, birthday boy!"

It was Jeff.

"How 'bout a little party for your birthday in Mr. O's shed on Friday, say, around 9? Can you make it?" he asked.

Without much thinking and my cock already hardening, I squeaked my answer in the affirmative.

"Great! I'll be sure to have some 'gifts' and some birthday stuff to eat! It'll be fun with a few surprises, too!" Jeff responded with a devilish grin and a reassuring pat on the back.

My mind was racing as I could hardly wait to experience what was in store for me and my genitals on my "special" day!

Business before pleasure: The standard disclaimers apply. No children or animals (other than a few insects) were harmed during my writings. Please consider being a good guy and donating to Nifty so writers like me can continue to explain our sexual experiences.


This writing was related to me by "Frank," a man that wrote me in response to my recent "Penis Punishments" series:


This is an account of Frank's sexual awakenings and experiences as he related to me. He is a real person and I believe him to be honest. This series was inspired by his boyhood memories and are "based on true events," although there are some erotic embellishments I have made with the dialog and story progression, with his approval, to make things interesting.

The Birthday Party

It was now Friday morning as I raced on my bike along the rural highway, the short distance to Mr. O's property. As I rode down the long driveway on Mr. O's property to his shed, I noticed Jeff's bike already leaning on the outside wall of the shed. It was summer break and it was my 12th birthday. Almost a teenager!

I was a little early and I didn't want to surprise Jeff, just in case he was still preparing the shed for my party. I gently rapped on the door.

"Come in, Frankie."

I entered the shed. Jeff had brought his German Shepherd dog, 'Samson' who greeted me with a friendly wag of his tail and a playful stance. There were some boxes on Mr. O's work bench, neatly wrapped with butcher paper that Jeff had decorated with crude color crayon drawings of penises and girl parts. These were my gifts, obviously. There was a can of frosting and a box of birthday cake candles. Strangely, there was no cake, however.

"How'd you get in?" I asked. "I thought Mr. O. worked today. How'd you get a key?"

Jeff answered, "Easy. I asked Mr. O., last weekend, if I could clean the shed today and he gave me the key."

He continued, "I wanted to be sure we were going to be alone for your party."

Just then, there was a knock on the door that startled me.

Jeff gleefully smiled, "What would a party be if there were only a 'birthday boy' and one guest?"

He opened the door and his two buddies, Kevin and Scott, entered. They were both the same outcast type as Jeff but they weren't mean. In fact, Jeff and his friends went out of their way to "protect" me from a few of the bully types at my Jr. High School.

"I hear this is going to be a wild party," remarked Kevin.

"Then let's get this party started," said Jeff. He continued, "Time to strip for us, Frankie. We want the birthday boy to show off his birthday suit!"

"Oh, and since we have guests, I want you to do a slow strip tease for us," Jeff added.

Okay. The guys sat down in front of me and I started my show.

I danced and pranced around, thrusting my hips and fondling myself through my pants. I tried to be that sexy boy I knew I was. I removed my T-shirt and threw it towards Kevin, where he caught it and stammered for more. I rubbed my chest and nipples as my hips gyrated. I kicked my shoes and socks off. The guys were clapping in unison, giving me a beat to dance to.

I slowly slid my pants down and off to the gleeful encouragement of my audience. Now I only had my undies on. On the front was a wet spot where my tent pole penis couldn't wait to reveal itself. To tease them, I pulled my nut sack out one of the leg holes of my undies to the hoots of the guys.

"More. We want more!" they pleaded. Boners were stirring in my audience's pants.

I turned around and slid my undies down to reveal my cute 12 year old butt. I danced close to each boy, slapping Scott's hand when he tried to touch my still hidden boner. I danced in front of Kevin, my tented undies just inches from his face. He smiled and adjusted his own plumbing as I did this.

Then I danced in front of Jeff. I let him reach up and pull my undies down and, POP, my boner sprang free, pointing upward and pulling the nut sack at its base up. They continued clapping a beat and I danced for another couple of minutes.

"Nice boner!" "Look, its sprouting hair." "Look how his balls jiggle!"

The guys were giggling and egging me on. Jeff's dog was panting and appeared to enjoy the fun, also.

Jeff then got down to business, "Like I told you guys, Frankie likes to have his little boner "tortured" and we wouldn't want to disappoint his cock on its birthday, would we?"

"Kevin, go grab that mattress." There was an old mattress of Mr. O's in the corner of the shed. Kevin plopped the mattress down in the center of the shed.

"Scott, prepare the birthday boy for his birthday tortures."

With that, Jeff handed the ropes Jeff and I had used for my previous tortures and secured both my arms and legs, utilizing posts and the work-bench table legs. I now laid there, spread-eagle. No escape, totally vulnerable.

"How old are you now, Frankie?"

"12," I answered excitedly.

Jeff grabbed the box of birthday candles. He took his fingers and gently fondled my cock head. Then I felt my piss slit being coaxed open. It was a little painful. He made sure I was watching as he took a candle and worked it down my piss hole.

"Ouch, that hurts!"

Jeff said nothing. The other boys watched attentively.

Then a second candle was inserted, with greater effort, in the tight hole of my piss slit. The pain was pretty intense. Jeff twisted the wicks together at the top of the candles and got out his cigarette lighter.

"Happy Birthday, Frankie!" and all three boys started singing the song as Jeff lit the candles.

They then sat and watched. Oh gosh, soon the hot wax was dribbling down the candles. I squirmed, but this made more wax dribble, so I tried to keep as still as possible.

"See, I told you Frankie loves cock torture! Look how he's learned to take his torture like a man," exclaimed Jeff.

Hot wax was flowing over my cock head and dripping from its edge onto my penis shaft. Soon, the candles were burning down closer to my cock head. I could feel their heat. I started to squirm again as the heat became uncomfortable.

Jeff blew the candles out.

"Two down, ten to go."

He lit more candles, two at a time. Wax was flowing. Cock head covered with wax. The wax was becoming layered which spared my cock head as the hardened layers beneath protected it from further stings of fresh hot wax. This did NOT protect the length of my boner, however, as stream after stream of hot wax flowed down my boner like lava flowing down sides of a volcano. The wax would settle on the base of my cock and the streams that flowed down the front side of my shaft continued on to my nut sack which tortured the sensitive skin and made me squirm and yelp with each new flow.

Seeing that Kevin and Scott were totally enjoying the show, Jeff encouraged them to 'get comfortable.' All three were soon naked. I became more excited and turned on by the sight of three pre-cummy big boy bonered cocks with lots of pubic and nut sack hair within a few feet of my eyes.

As the last two candles burned down close to my wax covered cock head, the guys broke out singing, again; this time singing the Beatles' "Today is Your Birthday."

Jeff gently pealed the now hardened wax off my stinging genitals.

"Time to eat some cake," said Jeff. "Kevin, hand me the can of frosting on the table."

"Where's the cake?" asked a curious Scott.

Jeff just giggled and took a putty knife and dipped it into the vanilla frosting. He took the first gob of frosting and gently applied it to my cock head.

"We're gonna have to blow Frankie??" stammered a protesting Kevin.

"Nope. That honor will go to Samson!" Jeff exclaimed triumphantly.

Samson was curled up in the corner, napping; all a little bored with the goings on during my candle torture.

"Samson. Come here, boy!" called Jeff.

Jeff led his dog over to my crotch.

Sniff. More sniffs. Then a tentative lick. Then Samson's tongue lopped the dollop of frosting off my cock head. His warm tongue felt wonderful and I moaned in this delightful pleasure. Jeff slathered more frosting all over my cock and nut sack. Then he let Samson go to work, cleaning the frosting off every inch of my boyhood parts. His tongue tickled and cajoled. Its wet warmth made me squeal like a girl as it massaged and licked the frosting. The dog worked over my nut sack. I was getting close to cumming! Sensing this, Jeff ruined my climax by putting a stop to my pleasuring.

"OK, Frankie. Samson gave you a nice blow job. Guys, what can our birthday boy do to return the favor?"

Oh shit! Was I going to have to blow Jeff, Kevin and Scott? NO! Jeff was going to have me blow Samson!

"Watch this, guys."

Jeff had Samson roll over on his side near my head and he started massaging his dog's dick covering. Soon, a pink dog penis emerged. It looked like the tip of a woman's lipstick as it slid out. Jeff coaxed it further. Six inches. There was a slight double enlargement at the dog's penis that looked like a "knot" or a nut sack. But it wasn't a nut sack as I would soon learn! Jeff has Samson stand up and he led him to where I was staring up at the dog's abdomen. His pink and shiny wet dog wiener was at my mouth.

"Take it, Frankie. You know you want it."

Yes, I was so turned on I probably would have sucked on any animal's cock! I licked it. It had a taste that was different but not too unpleasant. It was already hard but didn't look particularly swollen, like our cocks did when we are boned. Samson's canine cock glistened in its wetness and its skin had lots of little blood vessels visible, woven all over it.

"Suck on it, Frankie. Take it into your mouth; all of it."

And I did. Samson instinctively started humping my mouth with his doggie dick. I soon learned about how a dog's penis works. Within seconds I felt Samson's cock swell a little deep inside, at my throat. But the real surprise was what was going on just inside my teeth. The thing that looked like a 'knot' was swelling. And swelling. HUGE! Samson continued to hump my mouth. The size of this dog's 'knot' made it impossible for Samson to pull out of my mouth! Not that he particularly wanted to. I couldn't have spit it out, even if I wanted to. Not that I particularly wanted to.

"Don't you dare bite my dog's dick, Frankie," warned Jeff.

All three boys were obviously fascinated and stroking their own boners as Samson continued to make doggie love to me.

"Dude, this is hot," said Kevin. "Yeah, freakin' nasty," Scott added. Jeff just laughed. All three continued stroking themselves as they watched Samson hump.

Then Samson came. And he came. Gobs of cum! A lot more than human any human boy, I figured. I moaned. Couldn't yell it out because of the 'knot' but my mind was screaming, "Oh my God!"

"Swallow it, Frankie. All of it."

It took a couple minutes for the 'knot' to subside and soon Samson was able to pull out. I had blown a dog. Relieved him of his canine sperm. I was both very embarrassed AND turned on at the same time.

"Pretty good, huh, Frankie?"

Why did I get the feeling Jeff had tried this on himself?

The Birthday Party will be continued in part 4....

Comments and constructive criticisms are always welcome.


Will S.

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