Enjoi tv M/t tv

By tina foster

Published on Apr 18, 2013



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Enjoi tv

I'd left an ad on a site, a simple one, 'r u looking 2 enjoi tv? cntact me', then left a gmail address I'd just made, for the weekend's 'fun'; if it worked out as hoped. I'd not been on my hands and knees, for a man, in ages and, to be blunt I'd been feeling cock-starved, with my ass-pussy twitchin to be filled. Then a short while later, after a luxurious bath, I had dressed then entered the back room with my computer in it. As I'd sat on my comfy chair, before my cam, lettin the old perv down the way watch me, I'd trawled through my dozens of answers to see if any of them were worth responding to. Slipping my up the inside of my legs, stocking-clad legs, up to my little willie-encased in purple nylon, I'd continued to read one letter that caught my attention. I'd eased a finger-inside my well-lubed love hole, as I pinched my right-nipple through the light slinky lilac slip and opened my lipstick-coated lips, gasping with pleasure at my penetration and, the sweet pain. The message from had been from someone living local and, I couldn't help but fantasize about all the studs I'd see round Bebington and Spital, who might have answered, little imaging the reality of it then. And as I played, I'd closed my eyes, thinking of that response again and again; 'I wnt a tv to watch n enjoi evry way. If u rply b4 8, I no u want it, really want it, as well.' "Well, he's right," I'd mused aloud, "I really do want it, 'every way' he can give it..." And smiling I'd continued to play, two fingers now deep inside me and, I'd closed my eyes and, thought of the many ways in which I could please a man, who liked to enjoy using and abusing a willing tv. As I played, I had briefly wondered whether the old leche at 73 was drooling, watching me. He would be at home, after tea, I'd reminded myself. 'After tea?' I'd considered. ''The time? What was the time?' I'd panicked, recalling the mention of eight in the reply. My eyes had snapped open and, I'd looked to the clock, relieved to find that it was just past seven and, my Mum would be watchin Emmerdale. So, pressing 'New', I had typed out, 'If you want to enjoi this tv, give me details of where hun???'

Then I'd sat back and decided to please old man McClaren, with a little tease, as I had waited for my reply. I 'd stood, then turned round and eased up my slip, to display my long smooth legs encased in self-support hose, then my butt, that I'm proud out, in panties that I had eased aside; allowing old man McClaren to watch, as I fingered my ass-pussy, again thinking of pleasing a stranger, with my body. It had been a ding from my Blackberry that had got me to finish and I'd stood, turning off my cam, then sat to read again, imaging how frustrated McClaren would be: "But, maybe that won't be me," I muttered, reading a very positive sounding answer to my enquiry. He had sent his address.

Well, having noticed how close my ads respondant lived I had decided to slip a pair of jeans and, a jumper over my pretties, clean my face of make-up, then telling my Mum I might be late in, I'd run to get the bus from the Avenue, round the corner from where I live, my heart hammering with nervous anticipation, every interminable minute I waited for my bus. Then when it arrived I'd paid my fare and sat down, my bag on the seat, with a few things in it that my stranger might like to use, or not as he chose. After all, when I play, its man's satisfaction I seek and, so find mine: I do so like feelin girly and submissive. But, I digress. The journey hadn't been long and, soon I'd been on Brombrough Road and facing one of the big houses opposite the nature reserve. I'd checked the house numbers and found the one I'd been looking for and made my way up he path, toward the front door. Studying the buttons I'd pressed the bell, for the second flat and had waited for something, anything to happen. "Who is it?" a voice crackled over the speaker by the door. "I'm here about the message," I responded and, there was a buzz and, a click, as the door-lock opened. I had entered the house and the gloom of the hall, looking up as a voice called down, "Come up." My heart hammering much as it had earlier, I made my way up the stairs to the next floor and, the door already open a little, waiting for me. I had knocked twice timidly, then hearing my stranger call 'come on in, I'm here' I had followed the sound of his voice, that led me to the second room on the left off the dark long hallway, being sure to close the door behind me.

I entered, finding myself in a room about eight by twelve and filled with all the boytoys someone could want. The curtains were closed and, I had to be careful where I'd stood as I'd approached the bed, where the owner of the voice lay, on his single bed, one leg casually crossed over the other; the light of a smoke in his mouth shining a deep red, as he inhaled and, I smelt the marijuana in the air. A lamp on his locker came on and the young man looked at me, "Hi man, I'm Paul..." he had said and smiled. He been naked and smilin and ever-so young and sexy, with thick wavy short blonde hair and blue eyes and yes, he was young. "You close the door after you?" He had asked as he bid me enter, with a crooked finger. "Oh yes," I had told him, looking around, at the clutter of a teen's room, with posters on the wall and dirty laundry on the floor.

"My folks are away for the weekend and, my sister won't bother us, so why don't you get ready?" Paul had suggested and offered me the smoke. I'd taken it and smiled my thanks, before inhaling deeply, panicking again, thinking of all that I'd just learnt in a short space of time; he was a teen, living at home and his sister was in and... 'the smoke is gettin to me.' And, it had been. Just a few tokes and, my mind had been whirlin, very much in part at the situation I'd found myself in the midst of. And, with cloudy eyes, I had gazed at Paul's lean torso, wishing he would uncross his legs, to see what he had, to hopefully take me with.

"So where shall I get changed and, some lippy on?" I'd asked of my young paramour. And, he'd just grinned, a hand moving between his legs, as he took the smoke back off me: "Here, now. I told you, my sister ain't gonna bother us. So, get undressed... Alright!" Well, I hadn't expected someone so young to sound so demanding, so obviously he knew what he wanted and, truth be told, it did seem to be the same as me. So I undressed slowly, to reveal my pretties, then applied red lipstick as artfully as possible, in the dim light, using his shaving mirror, which I imagined was rarely used. "Now that's cute," Paul had enthused, stubbing out the smoke and running his hand up the inside of my right leg. I had briefly closed my eyes and then sighed. "Can I use poppers when you fuck me? And, will you play with my nipples please, before you do, 'coz I get all-so girly when they're play with..." All came from my lips, as I had opened my eyes and noticed the look of desire in his eyes, as I tingled at his gentle touch, when it reached my thigh flesh at the top of my stockings.

"Poppers? What are they?" He had asked curiously, as his fingers brushed against my little willie and my eyes had opened wide, all of a sudden. "It's a buzz, for the body and mind, that enhances sex and..." I'd sighed, as his eager fingers brushed inquisitively against my little willie. Then, he'd clutched hard and, I'd groaned, "Sounds cool," he'd said, "but I like to play rough sometimes, so nipple play is okay with me." And, looking up at me, he clenched his hand, as I stood still for him, tears welling in my eyes. "Hell," he muttered, "you are a bit of a painslut, arn't you?"

He had been right, of course. I can be a painslut and, have been ever since an ex-fiancee used to bind me and, fuck me with her eight-inch dildo, whilst I was dressed in pretties, clutching at my tits and raking my nipples with her long nails. And yes, I am bi. So anyway, I'd nodded at Paul, then smiled a little to let him know that pretty well anything he did, was alright by me.

His fingers had relaxed their grip and two fingers had slid into my well-lubed ass-pussy and I'd watched a look of concentration cross Paul's face, as they wormed away inside me. Finally he looked up to me, a bright smile on his face as he declared, "Well, you are ready for a good fucking, arn't you... hey, what do I call you?" And as he drew his fingers out of me and left me feeling a trifle disappointed, I smiled to him again and told Paul, "When I'm dressed I do like to be called Tina.' And, I do kinda like what one man called me once and since, 'Sissy Slut Tina.'

But, hopefully Paul would want to learn more of her, as the evening wore on, I'd hoped; feeling good, as his hand caressed my left buttock, with a firm hand. 'A firm hand?' I'd wondered, at his touch: 'would he want to spank me?' I'd hoped so. "Well Tina, come lie next to me," he told me and, with an eagerness to please, I did as he had suggested, revelling in the feel of his hard young body next to me, as Paul took me in his arms.

I had kissed and suckled on his right earlobe, looking down to an erection that belied the youth's age, it was massive and lying against his belly. "You like what you see?" he had whispered. "Oh yes I do," I had assured him, reaching down and caressing its length. "It's beautiful," I had added, enjoying being next to this young man, with a prodigious manhood.

"And, are you ready to enjoi t.v?" I asked with a light grin, running my fingers up; to the crown of his cut length, already leaking pre-cum, then further upward, to his nipples. He had sighed as I teased them with a loving touch and then told me with a sigh, "Oh yes?" I had leaned over him, feeling him up with my right hand, as I sought out his left nipple with my mouth. I licked and nipped and suckled on his hard nipple-flesh, delighting in the groans of pleasure elicited from him,

"I'm going to enjoy your cunt Tina?" he hissed through clenched teeth, as I had continued my oral ministrations and, I'd thought, 'I hope so.' And, as if to emphasise his point, Paul's dexterous digits entered me again, as he pulled me into him, with his free hand. "I like it when you nip at me with your teeth," he told me. So I nipped at the skin around his hard nipple and, then bit down. "Oh yes," he sighed and, those fingers inside me found a certain somewhere that fired a jolt through my thighs and, down to my toes.

Lifting my eyes up a little I caught our reflection in his small mirror, wishing I could have seen more; wishing I was watching us, as he took me, in as base a manner as he wanted; or even perhaps, tenderly and lovingly. But, judging by his need made manifest, it was hardly likely to be the latter,' I'd mused, as his fingers continued to work their magic, inside my body.

Then, as before, he had withdrawn his fingers and left me feeling empty and very needy. "I want you to turn over and face the wardrobe," he told me. So needless to say, I'd done as he told me and quickly found myself moaning at his touch, as his right hand slid beneath me, to toy with my right nipple, as his left hand caressed my nylon clad legs. I could feel his hardon against my panty-clad buttocks and could feel his arousal and need, for my ass-pussy.

"Can I get something from my bag?" I had asked him and could imagine him grinning, as he'd answered, "Yeah sure, but don't expect me to stop doing what I am, alright?" 'Alright? It was definitely alright by me,' I had thought wryly, as his began to twist and pull on my nipple, the crown of his fine erection pressing into the crease made in my panties. "Yessir," I retorted, in a quiet voice, a quiet submissive voice, which only my ex used to hear, until I began to seek out lovers, as Sissy-Slut Tina.

I reached to my bag and, his fingers seemed to go deeper as I had and, I couldn't help but groan with pleasure as he continued this dual assault on my nipples and, my ass-pussy.

Findin the poppers I unscrewed the lid in one hand holding down a nostril with the other and I'd inhaled deeply on the heady fumes. An as he touched me up and, his fingers searched in me, for certain something and, they found it and I moaned with pleasure.

The I had exhaled, my thumb over the neck of the bottle, as his fingers worked me and, my head had filled with a euphoric whirl and, for a moment, I closed my eyes and arched my back, my fingers playing with my own hard nipples.

I gasped heavily, creaming my panties, as he had withdrawn his fingers and slapped my buttocks hard, first the left then the right.

Suddenly he had gripped my shoulders and turned me over and I'd opened my legs as wide as possible, as Paul had lain over me.

"I want you now," he'd told me and, I'd lifted nylon clad-legs, to wrap round his lower back. Then, with my left hand, I'd directed him where we both wanted him to be.

I'd held him with my right hand on his neck, looking up into his handsome face, as he had entered me and, for a moment, just a moment, there's been pain; then none. I'd lubed well before arriving.

And, he'd been slow at first; almost as though he were finding his pace, but when he had he was magnificent. Paul had fucked me slow and lovingly at first, then hard and fast, with sweat dripping from his powerful young body.

"Play with my tits," I'd entreated. And, true to his word, he had.

Paul had found my hard nipples, then toyed with them, teasing them and pinching them hard, as his hot length of manhood drove in and out of my hot willing ass-pussy and, my young stud had given his all, wild-eyed and panting.

And, that's when the door had opened. Not that I'd noticed, I'd been too busy pressing my face into my young lover's neck, when a girls voice asked, "Can anyone join in?"

I had turned to look to the doorway, as Paul had looked up and scowled, yet continued to drive his hard flesh into and out of me, which I found distracting, to say the least, as I looked at the young woman, a girl should I say, of about fourteen, with hair like her brother and, in a wheelchair.

"Do you mind?" Paul had been good enough to ask, as she continued to enter the room and, I'd said naught, just looked to him and shook my head, 'I didn't mind.'

"But? uh? ask her to? uh? undress to her pretties and, hold my hand?" I'd asked, as Paul had continued to thrust, driving his hips back and forth like a man possessed.

Abruptly Paul had paused and undraped my legs, which he lay over his thigh's, then gently gyrating against and in me, looked to his sister and said, "You heard the sissy. Do you still want to join us Marianne?"

She had just smiled and then begun to strip, saying to him, "I knew you had company over?"

Within minutes Marianne had been down to a black bra and panty-set. It was apparent that her legs were not useful, but the rest? looked good. And, she did as I'd requested, stretching out her right hand to hold mine, as her brother slowly pumped his hard flesh in and out of my ass-pussy.

And, as his eyes grew wider and, his mouth turned up a little, the tremor in his thighs told me his climax was forthcoming. I just lay back, his fuck-doll to use and, when I groaned with pleasure Marianne squeezed my hand.

I had tossed my head back and forth clutching Paul to me with my right arm, as he began to pulse deep inside me, as he deposited his creamy load, deep in my bowels. And I groaned again, pleased that Paul had found satisfaction from my body.

My only question had been simple and, I'd asked it: "We are going to do this again, aren't we?"

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