English with Travis

By A G

Published on Nov 14, 2000


Copyright 2000 by andyinlou@hotmail.com. This piece of literature is of homosexual nature. If you do not desire to read such things or if they are illegal in your area, then do not procede. If you are under 18, you shouldn't be here but how the hell will I know. Enjoy. Send all comments to andyinlou@hotmail.com

English with Travis -- part 1

His name was Travis and my obsession with him started on my first day of English 102 in College. As he walked through the door I couldn't help but stare at his beautiful body. He was wearing a bright yellow Abercrombie and Fitch T-Shirt and a pair of cut-off Abercrombie shorts that just grabbed his tight, round ass. As he sat down in front of me I watched, as his shorts got tighter. He was awesome to say the least.

I guess should take a moment to describe my self. I am 6'3", 185 pounds, brown hair and brown eyes. I don't have a six-pack yet, but I am working on it.

For the first few weeks of English I did nothing but stare at him day in and day out. Every now and then when we would get into groups he would sit across from me and I could just barely see up the leg of his shorts. He was the epitome of a pretty boy. Eventually, it came time for our big class project. It was Friday and our teacher randomly (or as fate would have it) chose names out of a plastic cup and Travis and I ended up in a group together. Oh Shit. I hadn't even said two words to this hunk all semester and now we were supposed to do a project together. It was kind of a mixed blessing, but I wasn't sure how I would handle it.

After class, Travis came up to me and asked me, "Hey Andy, when can we get together and work on this project?"

"How about tomorrow afternoon, is that cool with you?" I replied trying to keep my voice in check.

"Yeah, that will work fine for me, how about 3 PM at my place?

"OK, works for me, where do you live?"

"Oh, I almost forgot, in the new apartments across University Place. Building 4, Apartment C "

"OK, I'll see you then Travis."

Wow, I just had a conversation with Travis and I didn't pop a chubby at the sound of his voice. Everything about him was so sexy; I just couldn't get over it. I couldn't wait until tomorrow.

After my last class at 3 I went back to my dorm and gathered up my dirty clothes to take them to the wash. I spent about three hours at the laundry mat cleaning my week's worth of laundry and then I headed back for the dorm.

I was lucky enough to have a room to myself, so I stripped to my boxers and I laid on my bed thinking about my day. As I thought about English class I started to think about Travis and my 8 incher began to plump up a bit. I started to massage my still limp cock through my boxers until my boner reached its full 8" inside my boxers. I pulled my boxers over my large knob and my woody sprung back leaving a spot of precum right above my belly button. I grabbed my cock with my right hand and began to stroke it slowly while my other hand played with my large nuts. My pubes are not shaved, but I keep them trimmed so they stay out of the way. As I continued to stoke my rock hard meat, I thought about Travis and how I would be alone with him in his apartment tomorrow. This cause me to speed up my pace on my stiff rod and kept picturing in my mind the times when I could see his bulge through his shorts or I could just barely look up his shorts. About that time I felt the tingling in my balls and before long I sprayed myself with a huge wad of cum. The first shot hit me in the neck and the rest laid a trail down my belly. I cleaned my hand off with my tongue and thought it tasted real good. After I cleaned up my mess, I took a shower then went out with my friends for dinner. Afterwards, I came back to the dorm and crashed on my bed.

The next morning, or I should say afternoon, I woke up and took a shower. When I got done, I looked at my watch and realized that I only had about an hour to get ready to go over to Travis's apartment. I combed my short brown hair and brushed my teeth, then put on my favorite GAP jeans and a snug white t-shirt with an Abercrombie vest. I was ready to go, so I grabbed my backpack and I left.

When I got over to Travis's, I climbed up the stairs leading to his door then rang the doorbell. He answered the door in a tight wife beater and a tight pair of gym shorts. I could see his basket clearly outlined through his shorts, but I tried hard not to stare. He invited me in and I sat down on a nice couch in front of the TV.

"You want something to drink dude, I got cold beer in the fridge or water?"

"No thanks, maybe later."

"Alright just help yourself. I hope you don't mind, but I am going to finish my workout then take a shower."

"No, go right ahead, I've got nothing to do."

"Ok, you can play around on my computer if you want or watch TV."


While he finished up his workout, I pretended to watch TV. In reality, I was watching him workout and how his fairly large package bounced as he moved. Finally he was done, and started to walk back to the shower. Once I heard the water running, I went and found his computer. It was in his bedroom, so I sat down and made myself comfortable. I decided to check my email and play around on the Internet some. I guess I didn't realize how long I had been playing, because I heard the shower cut off then a couple minutes later, Travis walked into the room totally naked. WOW! That caught me by surprise.

"Uhh, sorry dude I thought you were in the other room."

I couldn't help but gawk at his beautiful cock; it had to be 6" soft. As I admired his equipment, he interrupted me by saying

"Something caught your eye man?"

"Uhh, no, yea dude your cock it's fuckin huge."

"Yeah I know, you like it!"

I didn't know how to answer this question, so I just remained silent.

"I know you like looking at it dude" he said as he walked over towards me.


"What do we have here?" he said as he reached down and felt my hard cock through my jeans. I almost lost my load right there. "Some one is getting excited! Here let me help you with that.

I could still see his semi limp cock dangle between his legs as he pushed the chair I was sitting in back and got on his knees in front of me. He grabbed my vest and took it off. All I could do was sit and stare as this god undressed me. He un-tucked my shirt and ran his hands up over my smooth chest and he tweaked my nipples. I then helped him get my shirt off. Travis leaned forward between my legs and began to kiss at my neck and chest, putting small kisses everywhere and gently sucking on my nipples. He felt all over my stomach with his hands and then began to unbutton my jeans.

I sat up and helped him pull the jeans off of my ass and then you could see the tent in my boxers sticking straight up. He slowly began to play with the band of my boxers as if he were opening an intricate lock. I ran my fingers through his still damp hair. When he reached his hand down and grabbed my cock, I thought I would die. He pulled my boxers the rest of the way off and began to play with my nuts. By this point I was about to explode. About that time he leaned forward and engulfed the head of my prick in his warm mouth. He scooted his lips up and down and it wasn't long before I warned him of the impending explosion. With the warning he just sealed his lips tighter and I blew my load in his mouth. He was swallowing like a champ, but some of my immense load seeped from his lips and dribbled down his chin. I looked down at him and smiled. He smiled back with the cum hanging on his chin, he then leant forward and kissed me--mixing our saliva and my semen.

"Thanks", I said

"My pleasure"

"Now let me return the favor"


To be continued.

Should I continue this story? Tell me what you think. Email me at andyinlou@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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