England Cricket Boys: Bossing the Bess

By PCW Tosh

Published on Oct 26, 2023


Disclaimer: Hey folks, this story is just a fantasy and I have no evidence that this actually happened, but we can all dream.

Stay healthy and practice safe sex!

Happy reading.

England Cricket Boys 8: Bossing the Bess

Dom Bess stormed into the locker room seething and without thinking he swung his foot into the first thing in his path. A holdall went flying across the room, smashing into a set of lockers and came to a rest. Dom clenched his fist; how could Joe treat him like that?! Picking him for the match and yet he didn't even want him to bowl, how could the England captain embarrass him like that! Taking several deep breaths, Dom tried to regain his composure before the rest of the team followed him in.

The England team entered the locker room chatting, buzzing after their victory in Chennai. Dom grabbed his things hastily in order to make a quick exit back to the hotel before anyone had realised anything was wrong. "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MY STUFF?!!!" Ben Stokes bellowed. [Oh shit.] Dom gulped. The spinner panicked and hurried off to his room, his heart pounding furiously. The Yorkshire spinner slipped into his room and closed the door then dropped back against the door breathing heavily. After a few moments, Dom carried his bag across to his bed and dropped it to the side before dropping himself into the mattress.

The hotel room door clicked and swung open, Zak Crawley strode into the room and threw his bag to the ground beside his bed. Unexpectedly, the tall batsman burst into laughter, clutching his side's as he fell onto the bed. Dom glanced across at him, catching the big man's eye. "Dude, you'll never guess what." Zak started, "what?" Dom mumbled. "One of the cleaners must've accidentally trodden on Ben's bag, broke his glasses and smashed his phone screen." Zak boomed, rolling into his back then springing back up again. [Oh fuck] Dom gulped, "shit really, did they find out who did it?" The spinner asked tentatively. "Nah, he's livid though." Zak snorted.

Dom woke the following morning guilt ridden, was Ben still fuming, would he be making a complaint about the cleaners or worse, would he request to see the CCTV? No cameras in the locker room though, Dom sighed in relief, he was in the clear.

The players went out for a kickabout on the pitch, a gentle light-hearted loosener to relax their bodies and minds. Dom wasn't that skillful when it came to football, he wasn't as quick on his feet as some of the slimmer lads like Sam Curran and Rory Burns but it was his teammate Johnny Bairstow who he was really jealous of. The wicketkeeper/batsman wasn't the slimmest lad in the dressing either but the practice he put in on his reflexes made him as quick as a cat and very flexible.

The boys were divided into teams of 7 for the kickabout with coach Chris Silverwood making the 14th player. Dom blew a sigh of relief as he was teamed with Ben. If the England vice-captain did suspect Dom of breaking his phone at least he couldn't take his anger out on him during the kickabout. No such worries, Dom passed the ball to Ben who slotted it into the unguarded goal. Ben turned to Dom and applauded the spinner before jogging across to give him a high-five. "Nice pass lad." "Thanks." Dom smiled.

After the 7v7, Dom kept himself busy kicking the ball and forth with Sam as the senior players continued to discuss tactics with the coaches. The Yorkshire spinner could see Ben deep in conversation with Joe and Chis Silverwood, but he was sure that the England vice captain's eyes were watching him as he moved. "What's on your mind man?" Sam asked as they passed the ball to each other. "Nothing...nothing." Dom replied nervously, "Ok." Sam chuckled. "You hear, Ben thinks he knows which of the cleaners broke his stuff." he continued. "Huh?!" Dom blurted. "Yeah, supposedly one of the catering staff saw the whole thing." Sam explained. Dom felt his heart sink, had the catering staff member seen what Dom did, or had they made up a story that was about to save his bacon?

"Alright lads!" Ben boomed in their ears, throwing his arms over Dom and Sam's shoulder. "What are you bum chums talking about?" he continued, looking at each of them in turn. "Already told you Ben, I can't see you cos you got no soul." Sam snapped quickly. "HAHA!" Ben chuckled, punching Sam in the back of his shoulder as he did so. "Less of the South Park jokes you racist, jog on a sec I need to talk to Dom, tactics." he replied. Sam trotted off obediently and Ben cupped Dom in tight and whispered into the spinner's ear, "I know what you did."

The sound of his heart sinking thudded from Dom's chest into the pit of his stomach, and he gulped, [Oh fuck!] Ben could feel the youngster trembling underneath him. "I gotta tell you, I'm pissed." Ben continued. "And I really should kick the shit out of you, shouldn't I?" "Errr..." "Well, you didn't come to me first, and you didn't apologise to me before getting caught did ya, so really I should mess you up." Ben let the thought linger for a moment while Dom mumbled in agreement. "Rumour has it, you gave our Sammy a seeing to recently and he said you were pretty good." "Err, yeah." Dom admitted, "Good good, Sammy also tells me you've only been on the giving end of a `lads only' party." Ben smirked. "Yeah, I dunn..." "I'm gonna take your virginity lad. No choice in the matter." Ben cut in with a proud sneer. Dom was speechless, "Don't worry, I'll be gentle mate, at first." Ben giggled, squeezing Dom tighter, "My room after dinner yeah." Ben smiled before spinning away.

Dom forced down his dinner nervously, throwing glances towards Ben as he did so. Ben wolfed down as much as he could stomach, keen to pack his energy reserves for later. While he ate, Ben spoke busily to Joe & Jos, talking tactics, parties and bitches on tour, "Fucking sucks we can't pound a few locals." Ben scoffed through a mouthful of boiled potatoes. Dom could only see that Ben was in good spirits which he hoped was a good thing or was Ben just saving up all his rage for Dom's tight arse. "Sammy, what's it like when I fuck you, like how does it feel?" Dom asked. "Fucking amazing, your cock is great." Sam chuckled. "Haha, but does it hurt and stuff?" Dom laughed nervously. "Oh, you mean like the first bit, well yeah, but I got used to it pretty quickly." Sam giggled. "How'd you do that?" Dom replied. "By relaxing and letting you do your thing. The arse hole is so sensitive, it's really good having things in there, why do you think so many people do it?" Sam winked. "Haha, yeah." Dom nodded appreciatively.

With Sam's words still echoing in his mind, Dom gently knocked at Ben's door. The door flew open to the sight of the 29-year-old standing there wearing nothing but a pair of boxers and a broad grin. Dom stepped inside and closed the door behind him. "You alright lad?" Ben asked. "Yeah, think so." Dom mumbled. "Ahh come on mate, it won't be that bad, trust me." Ben chuckled, raising his arm towards the bed. Dom moved towards the bed and sat down on the edge looking back at Ben. The ginger all-rounder was in great shape, his lean body showcased his strong, defined muscles with a few tattoos to decoratively confirm that Ben was a bad boy.

"Clothes off lad." Ben grinned, he could see that Dom wasn't looking forward to this, but it was happening. The spinner reached under the hem of his shirt and pulled it up over his head while using his feet to push off his trainers. "Done anything for a lad before?" Ben asked. "Been sucked." Dom replied. "And did you like it?" Ben asked suggestively. "Yeah, it was pretty good." Dom nodded. "Hmm, so a good 69 should loosen you up." Ben finished with a malevolent smile.

In the blink of an eye, Dom found him on his back at a right angle from where he had been, with Ben easing his trackie bottoms over his feet to slide them off. The England vice-captain then moved around the bed so that his crotch hung above Dom's head and rolling forward to place a hand either side of the bed at Dom's waist, Ben's face hung just inches away from the spinner's grey CK boxers. Ben leaned in and kissed Dom through his boxers, causing the 23-year-old's cock to pulse. Ben administered another tender kiss before reaching for the spinner's waistband and pulling, lifting his hips, Dom allowed Ben to slide his boxers down and expose his growing meat.

Taking hold of Dom's boner, Ben teased a throb from the 23-year-old's cock. The all-rounder surveyed Dom's thick cock, studying the light blue veins climbing their way up to the spinner's foreskin covered head. Gently peeling Dom's foreskin back, Ben exposed the 23-year-old's growing dome and closed his mouth around it with a quick silent motion. Dom sighed as his cock suddenly became warm, surrounded by the vice-captain's juicy lips.

Lowering himself down the spinner's tasty cock, Ben ran his lips along Dom's shaft and sucked hard. The England vice-captain quickly found his rhythm sucking at Dom's throbbing cock and using his neck to manipulate the youngster's foreskin. The spinner was surprised by Ben's talents, the 29-year-old moved freely, choking himself on Dom's 8.5-inch cock while paying no heed to his own breathing. The New Zealand born cricketer used his tongue to apply more pressure to Dom's thick shaft as he moved. "Fucking hell." Dom hissed. The sound of the spinner's appreciation egged Ben on, sliding all the way to Dom's base and using his tonsils to stimulate the youngster's swollen head.

After 45 seconds of his full appreciation of Ben's oral skills, Dom finally started to unpack the all-rounder's undies. Pulling Ben's boxers down, Dom revealed his thick, fuzzy, strawberry blonde thighs and the 29-year-old's hard 7.5-inch cock. Carefully, Dom peeled back Ben's veiny foreskin and laid his eyes upon the all-rounder's deep pink and swollen head. Dom's heart pounded hard and fast as he opened his mouth and closed in on his teammate's cock. "Mmm yeah." Ben sighed encouragingly as his head became surrounded by Dom's warm, wet mouth. The spinner quickly settled into his action, pursing his lips gently while rolling his throat along Ben's hard rod. The sound of sucking and slurping began to reverberate around the room as both men focused on the meaty task between their lips.

Ever the show-off Ben decided to show the young stud how it was done and sliding his throat straight to to the base of Dominic's cock he deepthroated his teammate and held for 10 seconds. Dom felt his eyes swell in with happiness as Ben's throat swabbed his thick cock. Ben repeated the feat, pulling all the way to the tip and then descending once more holding for 15 seconds until he felt himself ready to gag. Dom spent several moments just enjoying Ben's excellent oral skills before returning to the strawberry blonde's cock to reciprocate as best he could. The spinner relaxed allowing Ben's cock to ease his throat open then focussing his mind on mirroring Ben's actions, Dom rolled his lips along the 29-year-old's cock but ensuring there was enough pressure to pleasure the England vice-captain all the way down.

Now that Ben was in his desired position, he could slowly begin to exert his control over the youngster. Continuing his reciprocal pleasure, Ben deepthroated Don's cock with long powerful dips into the spinner's neat but fluffy brown-haired crotch. While Dom built his rhythm under Ben, the vice-captain had begun to slow, pausing for moments between dips which gradually increased in length. Ben could sense Dom was feeling more comfortable with the situation and now it was time to up the ante.

Pulling off Dom's cock, Ben focused on his lower half, guiding his crotch down towards the spinner's face. The 29-year-old moved his toned body in a rippling motion, his thrusts starting at his shoulders and rolling down through his torso until they reached his hips, guiding his crotch into the young spinner's face. Although Ben preferred to be fast and aggressive with most things he did, experience told him this kid would need a bit of easing in, but he might get away with ploughing that face later, maybe.

Quietly appreciating the speed with which Ben led proceedings, Dom allowed the vice-captain's cock to roll freely between his lips. The spinner's initial fear was that Ben being the firework that he was, would go straight from 0 to relentless on his throat. Instead, with the gradual building of a rhythm Dom felt increasingly comfortable just allowing Ben's shaft to slide as far out as the all-rounder's head against his lips, then back in with Ben's head then stroking his tonsils.

The next goal for Ben was to begin the process of opening Dom's hole. Spitting on his right index finger, Ben smeared his phlegm across Dom's tight pink hole, glazing some of the brown hairs that led into his inviting entrance. Pressing his fingertip to Dom's ring, Ben gave the spinner a second to process what was about to happen next, then gradually applying more pressure, Ben leaned on the youngster's ring until it buckled to grant him entry. Emitting an uncomfortable groan through his nose, Dom offered a sign of his discontent knowing that it would have little effect on Ben's plans. The England vice-captain was known for his aggressive style, there was no way that a little moaning from the spinner was going to stop him. Dom's question was answered less than a minute later after probing carefully at Dom's hole, Ben used a second finger alongside his first to ease the spinner's hole a little wider. More moans kept Ben in check, ensuring the all-rounder didn't add the third and ram himself in knuckle deep, although Dom guessed the thought had crossed his mind. Rolling his fingers back and forth, Ben eased them further inside the young spinner, grinning at the irony. Being a finger spinner, it was Dom who was famous in the cricket world for his finger work but right now it was Ben's fingers which were working their magic.

With time, and with Ben's cock diverting his attention, Dom felt increasingly comfortable with his back end widening to Ben's beat. The 23-year-old was now fully in the zone, sliding Ben's throbbing cock to the back of his throat effortlessly, treating himself to a sniff of his vice-captain's copper pubes every few blows. The angle of the all-rounder gave Dom very little choice in the matter and the young spinner found it easier to relax and cope rather than allowing his muscles to complain, Dom ignored the discomfort. The reward for his patience was that Dom's cock felt harder than it ever had before. Ben's attention was half of the reason, but the other portion was definitely the feeling of a thick cock throbbing within his gullet.

The England vice-captain leaned over Dom's hole and dribbled down over the young lad's slit while his fingers continued to probe. Dom felt the trickle of saliva, then another larger wetter drop of mucus which Ben seemed to be stroking into his hole. The spinner could feel the difference in the movement of Ben's fingers, somewhat slicker than before and definitely less stressful to his ring, he felt relaxed but then Dom realised that once Ben had noticed the same thing then it was time for the next step. "Think you're ready for it?" Ben asked softly. The vice-captain's tone had a strange gentility to it, he was asking a question, but they had pre-agreed the answer was yes, Ben wasn't asking, he was telling. "Uh-huh." Dom agreed "How do you want it?" Ben asked, giving Dom the chance to pick his own poison. "Which way hurts the least do you think?" Dom asked timidly. "Ha, just pray, I'll be nice I promise." Ben chuckled tapping Dom's hip.

Following Ben's guidance, Dom rolled around and hopped up onto his hands and knees. The all-rounder grabbed hold of a bottle of lube and covered his shaft liberally, then Dom's ring in an extra helping of lubrication. The spinner watched behind him, braced and ready to deal with what was to come. Ben shuffled on his knees in between Dom's legs and took hold of the spinner's hip in his right hand, then his shaft in his left hand, the top placed himself against Dom's fluffy entrance. Ben gave the slick brown hairs a quick glance then pushing his swollen head into the pinkest point, Ben pushed forward and into Dom's abyss.

Biting his lip, Dom pushed out his ring and braced himself for the pain. As Dom expected, the stretching of his ring was excruciating. The top's bare head advanced between the tight lips of Dom's virgin ring, forcing them apart with the girth of his throbbing meat. "Look at me mate." Ben asked as he pushed forward. Dom turned his head to look back at the vice-captain knowing his face was doing nothing to suppress the pain he was currently feeling. A crooked grin spread across Ben's face as he saw the beetroot colour of Dom's forehead. Reducing the pressure slightly, Ben gave Dom the most respite he could afford to which was to continue pushing forward but allowed Dom's resistance to slow his progress. The demon inside Ben could easily have taken control of the top and demanded he plunge his cock deep and hard to really teach Dom a lesson but from the look on his face the young spinner had already got the message. Dom's gritted teeth shone back at Ben as he carried on regardless, pushing his hard cock in far enough now that he no longer needed his fingers to support his shaft.

The tightness of the bottom's ring made Ben's eyes wild with pleasure. For all the will in the world, even if he had wanted to really teach Dom a lesson and fuck this little bitch for hours it was never going to happen. Every stroke within the nervous youngster triggered such pleasure that Ben had to actively stop himself from racing to the finish. No, gripping Dom nice and tight on his hip and shoulder, the top had the perfect leverage points to maintain full control of the situation although his cock begged to differ.

The burning still raged on at Dom's ring but now that the muscle inside him was in transit, the experience felt more manageable. "You can wank yourself too lad, it will help to ease the pain." Ben advised. The spinner's hand had already been touching his shaft mindlessly and following Ben's encouragement he took hold of his semi-hard member with a tight fist. The first touch sent a jolt of pleasure through his spine at the same time Ben's cock pressed its invasive intent on his chute again. Suddenly the discomfort of having his hole opened up by another man's hard cock felt good.

Closing his fist fully around his uncut head and stroking firmly Dom took full advantage of the new pleasures consuming his body. Each shot of Ben's hard shaft felt better than the one that preceded it and in turn, every stroke of his hard cock took Dom deeper into his new realm of pleasure. All the spinner knew of sex was beginning to change. Before he assumed the best feeling for a bottom was ramming himself in hard and fast and whilst there was a little truth in that theory, Ben's cock taught him that for a receiver, length and depth brought extra pleasure through the use of friction.

The reduction of audible dissent hadn't gone unnoticed by Ben. The ginger top smiled feeling Dom was now firmly in his control. Everything felt smoother as the England vice-captain rocked into Dom's tight arse. The spinner had opened up nicely and with each thrust of his crotch, both were now taking pleasure from every movement. Ben's movements were smooth and straight, building himself up towards something a little more `Ben Stokes.' The spinner's tight ring unwittingly sucked Ben in after every thrust, the solid hardness of Ben's 7.5-inch cock was starting to become strangely addictive. It was the top's skill which made the whole ordeal increasingly bearable. Sacrificing his primal urges, Ben had given Dom's body all the time it needed to get used to being fucked and now that the top's cock carefully slid back and forth 6 inches at a time, the spinner felt relaxed and pleasured by every one of the top's movements.

"You wanna lie on your back?" Ben asked. "Yer, ok." Dom agreed. The key to his success so far had been care and that continued as Ben directed Dom around onto his back. Guiding himself slowly to his hilt, Ben started to turn Dom to his right, lifting the bottom's leg as he did so. Pulling back, Ben carefully edged the bottom around to spin Dom before completely the turn with another slow, forward thrust. Dom allowed his weight to hit the mattress as his shoulder made way for his back. "Careful lad, nearly popped out of you there!" Ben grinned, knowing that if his cock had come free of Dom's hole, replacing it would've been much worse for the newly converted bottom.

The spinner looked good with his broad frame spread nice and wide for Ben to pound. The top's goal was to fuck Dom so hard he got the spinner's nipples to jiggle. For now, Ben resumed his calm strokes, rolling his hard cock within the tight pinkness of Dom's tender hole. The beetroot colour of Dom's face had begun to lighten as the pressure in his skull softened. "Having fun yet?" Ben asked cheekily. "Yer, it's alright." Dom admitted, a calm resignation in his tone. "Don't sound too happy." Ben teased. "You try having a dick in your arse." Dom scoffed. "Might I remind you that I'm punishing you right now." Ben glared as he rocked. "Yeah, sorry." Dom blushed. "Hmm, I think I need to remind you how naughty you've been." Ben smiled wickedly. "Ahhh, nooo, I'm sorry Ben, I'm sorry." Dom pleaded. "Too late." Ben grinned, kicking it up a gear.

True to his evil humour, Ben rocked into a higher gear knowing full well that Dom had already dealt with the difficult bit. The vice-captain used 5 inches of his hard cock to fuck Dom with, pulling back and rapidly stuffing himself back in until his crotch clapped against Dom's arse. The bottom's pecs jiggled with the weight of Ben's body as the shots began to hammer hard. It hurt, but it wasn't unbearable Dom decided as each shot landed, sending strange vibrations of pleasure through his entire body. In fact, each time Ben jabbed himself inside, Dom could feel Ben's head smashing into something which triggered this strangest masochistic sensation inside the bottom's horny mind.

Expecting more of a protest, Ben beamed as he pounded away in the compliant bottom. "Not so bad, is it?" Ben grinned smugly. ["Fuck off you evil bastard!"] Dom laughed inside, but instincts told the bottom no response was the best way forward. The filling nature of Ben's rough cock felt increasingly satisfying as stroke after stroke pushed his own light brown nuts to the very edge.

The powerful top tightened his grip, driving deep and hard into Dom's belly bringing unwitting groans from the bottom who felt the horny session had earned its vindication. Every stroke of his long, hard cock now felt better than it had done at any point so far. Ben's cock felt magnificent as it dipped down into the increasingly forgiving flesh of Dom's tight insides, each stroke sending waves of pleasure the ginger top could feel all the way along his shaft and through into his sweaty ginger nuts.

"Ahhh fook!" Dom complained. "You like that don't you?" Ben grinned. There was no reply from the bottom, he couldn't reply, his senses were so overwhelmed that his next words were an incomprehensible mishmash of profanities as his balls erupted across his smooth torso. Like every other sex fuelled orgasm Dom had experienced, this one made his surroundings incoherent but for some reason today, everything was also blurred.

The surge through Dom's body was the pleasure of his first bottom induced orgasm and it felt magical. This was his first orgasm with something inside him and instantly Sam's words all began to make complete sense. Each time Ben's bare shaft stroked its way back inside him, Dom felt his balls grow in size, doubling the strength of his orgasm which sent hot cum firing across his broad chest. The bottom could see the fine Auburn hairs of his chest being covered in blasts of his pearly cream as another thrust of Ben's terrific cock forced another wave from his swollen head.

The tensing of Dom's hole was doing its job as Ben fed the naughty bottom with his hard cock. The spinner's tight ring sucked in Ben's throbbing pole as it slid up into Dom's orgasming body, taking Ben dangerously close to his own eruption. Oscillating his body from pecs down to his crotch in a wave motion, Ben resumed adding a little style to his technique as Dom groaned louder still. The change up in Ben's technique surprised Dom, suddenly there was a new perspective to his orgasm, and it felt delightful.

The beginning of the end was confirmed when Dom made a noise he'd never made before. A high-pitched squeak of approval accompanied the last large load to leave Dom's swollen head before the remnants of his seed dribbled down onto his warm body. "Foooookin' `ell." Dom whined as his fist came to a halt. A pulsing swell of his head continued as Ben's cock stroked further tremors of pleasure into the satisfied bottom. With Dom practically finished it was time for Ben to achieve his own climax and popping free of the spinner's hole, Ben took a firm grip of his own shaft and rapidly began to stroke. The red flushed features of Dom's normally pale face were a sign of Ben's excellent build up and now that he had his cock in his hand along with the memory of the spinner's hole around his shaft, within three strokes Ben's head began to spasm and he too grunted involuntarily. The surge of pleasure travelled from the vice-captain's swollen tip and swept through his sensitive body causing his jaw to fall, allowing him to deliver a long hard groan as the first bright rope squirted out across Dom's sticky torso.

The amount of cum Ben had to offer surprised the bottom who watched as the 29-year-old soaked him with an impressive load of steaming hot, pearly white cum. The last rope had barely settled on top of Dom's broad chest before the next one came to join it, covering the spinner in a second helping of warm man milk. Looking across at Ben's physique, Dom appreciated the ginger's impressive shape as his tensed bicep tugged at his hard shaft.

Impressed by Dom's ability to live up to his end of the bargain Ben finished himself off by surveying the cute spinner's sexy physique. Dom's average body had all the allure Ben needed to see, from his broad, slightly hairy chest, modest muscle tone and masculine bulk of a few beers. The sexiest thing about Dom right now was that the lad knew who his boss was, and Ben could sense the lad kinda liked it. Draining his cock of all the cum he owned, Ben enjoyed one last tour of Dom's hot body while his cream pooled around Dom's oscillating belly button. The final wad left Ben's tip travelling less than an inch before gravity dropped it straight down onto Dom's leg.

"Fucking 'ell mate, sure that was your first time?" Ben beamed, dropping alongside Dom on the mattress. "Deffo mate." Dom nodded. "Legend, there is no way I could have taken it that hard on my first time!" Ben laughed. The bottom will couldn't help but smile at Ben's words, he didn't want to be known as a bottom bitch but who didn't love a morale boosting good review? "Thanks, just don't spread that around the locker room, yeah." Dom smirked. "Deal mate." Ben grinned, patting Dom on the shoulder.

"For what it's worth though I really am sorry Stokesy." Dom apologised sheepishly. "I know you are lad don't worry, to be honest, I'm not even angry with you, we all see red sometimes. And it was only the backup phone" Ben smiled. "You're not angry...so you mean, you didn't actually wanna...?" "Nope, that was just a lucky break for me." Ben laughed. A flurry of emotions swept through Dom, mainly shock and hurt, he'd been used, and he'd given himself up for it, his precious anal virginity gone and the more he thought about it, the more ridiculous it seemed, bi-curious Dom gets his cherry popped after acting like a complete arse. "You fucking bastard!" Dom grinned. "You're telling me if I'd haggled you down to a quick handy you would've taken that too?" he continued. "Course, big Ben's happy for all the attention he can get.' Ben beamed, stretching and looking down at his cock proudly as he spoke. "Serves me right." Dom chuckled.

The pair lay together a little longer discussing England cricket and the future under captain Joe Root. The Yorkshireman was so talismanic to the Three Lions but was that holding back his captaincy. Time would only tell, and Dom wanted to know, was Ben in the hunt to succeed Joe for the big job. "Course mate, it would be an honour, but we gotta back Joe, the team comes first." Ben explained. "Yeah, I'm with you I promise. I hope you get it though." Dom smiled. "Even after today?" Ben winked. "Ha, yeah, you still got my vote." Dom laughed.


Thank you for reading, I really hope you enjoyed the story.

If you like what you've read, please let me know by emailing me on pcwtosh@gmail.com and/or for updates: Instagram - pcwtoshx Twitter - @pcwtosh

Here is the rest of my collection:

Sticky Blinders, After party at the OSCARs, Cole Me By Your Name, Happy 18th Bro, Coffee for John, An Audition to Remember, Breakfast Boot, The Queen's English, Brooklyn Learns a Lesson, Bad Panther, Bad to the Bones, The Twins Nextdoor, 13 Goo-uld Reasons Why, Gallaghers' Indian Takeaway, Now You See Cole & Black and Green

Gymnastics Fantastics 1, 2, Celtic Bond & Coach Crammer

Ripped Roses, Jack's Web & Naughty Neigbours.

Raging Scott, Swim Team, Swim Team 2, HRVY PTY & Swimnasium

Vamp-ing, Vamp-ing 2, Strictly Come Vamp-ing, One Direction to Dunkirk & Deep Dipping in Dunkirk

Stranger Boys: Stranger Mendes, Oral Things, Someone Stranger in the Fuller House & A Stranger Series of Events

Welcome to Beckingham Palace & HRVY-RM-TRLGY

No Dunes in Miami, Just Devil 86

North American Swedes & Fly Eagles Fly

Tennis series: Touring with the Next-Gen, Double Fault, A Break in the Bahamas, Bulging Bulgarian, Winner Takes All, Tennis' Masochistic Maple Leafs, Made in Russia, Revenge is Sweet, Austria v Germany in Chelsea, Sleeping Meadows, Team Building in Melbourne Park, Dominic and the Minaur & Rey of the Acropolis

Football series: Lilywhite Hoops, From Paris with Love, The Hero and the Zero, Austria v Germany in Chelsea, Return to the Wolfpack, The Tails of Two Nike Stars, Bayern Boys & Barca Buddies

Premier League Football Series

F1 World Series

Scrum Down - Rugby Series

On Ice - Hockey Series

England Cricket Boys Series

Diving Squad Series

Formula Football Series

BoysPlay Mansion Series

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Next: Chapter 9

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