
By Mel Mac

Published on Jan 17, 2001


I'm sooooooo sorry that I haven't been able to go back and answer all of you guys' e-mails. I've been having some major issues with hotmail so I ditched their service. My new e-mail is vocal76@yahoo.com so please make sure to update your address books if I'm in there. I betcha all thought that I was going to leave it at the last chapter, huh? Not really... I hate hate hate sad endings like that. I did plan this out to be a bit more than just 3 chapters. So here it is...

Evil Disclaimer:

Any resemblance blah blah blah is coincidental... at least I think it is anyways. If you're under 18 please leave as you shouldn't be reading this anyways. If you're offended by homosexual material then you've come to the wrong place.

Endless 4


A knock on his door startled him.

"Yeah?" He called out timidly. His voice cracked a little.

"Michael? Can... can I come in?" It was his sister Lisa.

"Um... hold on... give me a few minutes." He called out as he folded up the letter. He stuck it underneath his mattress and then climbed back into his bed. He tried to wipe away some of his tears but they kept coming.

"Um... yeah.. come in." He called out as he turned his back to the door.

Lisa came in and laid down behind Mike. She wrapped her arms around him and cried too.

"I'm sorry Mike... I'm sorry... I know you two were close... I can't imagine how hard this must be for you." She let him turn around so he could cry on her shoulder.

"How... how did they find him?" Mike asked after he calmed down a little bit.

"Ray found him. He went to get his car fixed and the garage was open and he heard water in the bathroom but the door was open. When he... when he opened the door he saw Marc laying there... bleeding." They both started crying again.

"How... how... have you talked to Auntie Dee yet?" How... how is ate Mae and Kuya Marvy holding out?" Mike asked.

"They've... they've all been at the hospital with him since last night... I think they're still there. Ate Mary is supposed to fly in from North Carolina tonight so she'll be there too." Lisa answered. She ran her fingers through her brother's hair as she attempted to comfort him.

"He... he's still in the hospital?" Mike asked in a hoarse whisper.

"Yeah... they're hoping he'll make it. The EMT said he didn't think it was too late when they got there... but they've been waiting forever for an answer." Lisa spoke softly. She still had a few tears she had to choke back.

"He's still alive... oh thank you god he's still alive..." Mike thought to himself relieved. He wiped away the rest of his tears and smiled for Lisa.

"Can... can I go see him... will they let me see him tomorrow?" Mike asked shyly.

"I think its closed to family until he gets out of the ICU." Lisa said regretfully. "But he'll be out of their in no time. He's a fighter... he's stubborn... you and I both know that." She tried to sound reassuring.

"What... what if he doesn't want to fight... what if he doesn't want to come back to... to me... to us..." Mike started crying again.

"He will... he'll come back to you... you're his best friend... he loves you... he's not gonna leave you." Lisa started crying again as well.

"But I wasn't there for him when he needed me... that should have been me finding him... not kuya Ray... it should have been me... it should have been me..." Mike mumbled. He sobbed loudly. Lisa laid there and held him until he fell asleep again.

Mike walked into the hospital. He peered around the corner to see Marc's family all sitting in the waiting room. He stopped moving. He couldn't bring himself to face them so he turned back and left.

"They'll hate me... its my fault he did this. If... if I could've been brave he wouldn't be here. If I would've told him I felt the same way he'd be with me now." Mike thought as he made his way to his car. He wiped away the few tears that slipped through then drove off back home.

"So how is he?" Mike's brother Mel came bounding down the stairs once he heard Mike enter the house.

"I... I don't know... I couldn't see him... I couldn't face his family..." Mike turned away. A few more tears slipped as he slipped off his shoes and made his way up the stairs. Mel followed him up.

"Kuya... its okay..." He hugged his brother and let his brother cry on his shoulder.

"I... I don't know if I can face them... its my fault... I... I shouldn't have been ignoring him... I should have... I should have been there for him. Its my fault..." Mike sobbed as his baby brother held him.

"Its not... don't say that..." Mel tried his best to comfort his kuya but couldn't think of what to say.

"It is... it is... its all my fault... If I... If I... nevermind..." Mike pulled away and wiped his tears away. He laid down on his bed and pulled the covers up over him.

"I... I need to be alone..." He wanted so much to tell his brother what had happened in the past few days. He wanted his brother to hate him for doing what he did to Marc. He wanted his family to hate him for what he did. But at the same time he didn't want it.

Mel turned and left the room that they shared. He closed the door and walked down the stairs quietly. His sister was sitting on the couch when he got down.

"Did Mike talk to Auntie Dee and the rest of the Arcino family?" Lisa asked from her seat on the couch.

"Kuya said he couldn't face them. He thinks the whole thing is his fault ate. I'm worried." Mel went and sat by his sister. He slumped on the couch frustrated.

"I think we should talk to him about... you know what..." Lisa asked Mel.

"Do... do you think kuya did... I mean told... you know kuya Marc... I mean... you still think they both are, right?" Mel asked her seeming a little confused.

"Yeah... well... I'm pretty sure Mike is. He absolutely adores Marc, we both know that. The way he talks about him, the way he stares at him, the way he is when he's with kuya Marc its... its... well... it shows." Lisa turned on the TV and flipped through the channels, stopping every so often.

"Do... do you think that had anything to do with kuya Marc doing... doing what he did." Mel looked off towards the wall not wanting to think too much about Marc. It still hurt him and scared him that Marc could feel so out of it to do such a thing.

"I... I don't know." Lisa paused a bit. "I hope not." She looked at her feet as she thought. She hoped to god that it didn't have anything to do with Marc being in the hospital.

"I... I think it did..." Mel looked away from his sister then tried to refocus on the TV and avoid the conversation he himself was bringing up.

"Why?" She said plainly.

"I... dunno... I think kuya Mike came onto kuya Marc or something. And kuya Marc might have got scared... and then kuya Mike was too embarrassed to talk to kuya Marc after that and so thats why kuya Mike was ignoring him... and then I don't know... I think something happened to kuya Marc... because kuya Marc's... um... note... it said something about some things that came up that he couldn't deal with and stuff... and I don't know... maybe kuya Mike ignoring him scared him enough to push him over the edge. Slap me if I'm talking out of my ass here." Mel ended his little rant not wanting to think about it anymore.

"I should slap you... why would you even think that Mike would come on to kuya Marc?" Lisa looked over at Mel seriously.

"I don't know. Maybe the way he touches kuya Marc... I don't know... its like he always looks for a reason to touch kuya Marc... and maybe he just couldn't take it anymore... I don't know... kuya Marc doesn't seem like the type that would come onto anyone... he's like too collected and stuff when he hangs out with us... I dunno... sorry... I'm just making myself look like an idiot now." Mel tried to get up and avoid talking to his sister further.

"No... sit down." She commanded. "Did you... did you hear anything else? I mean... what made you think?"

"I dunno. And cuz... well... I know that sorry bitch Jannette broke up with kuya. Maybe kuya finally really admitted it?" Mel tried to fish up an excuse for his thinking.

"When was this?" Lisa asked surprised. "I thought they were gonna work through the whole distance thing."

"A few days ago. She left a message for him on the answering machine. You know you'd rather see kuya Mike with kuya Marc anyways." Mel told her.

"Yeah... but its just getting those two to finally admit what they have." She slumped in her seat and pouted. Her brow furrowed as she sat in thought.

"Do you really think that something like that could be the reason why kuya Marc is in the hospital right now?" She finally asked, trying not to really think about it at all.

"I dunno... but I hope not." Mel answered. "I hope not."


Yeah yeah... I know I took a while to get this one out too. But here it is. There will be a few more chapters too so don't despair. Also... nah... nevermind... =) just mail me vocal76@hotmail.com... peace and adobo grease!

Next: Chapter 5

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