End of Innocence

By Mirage and Rowan Taranthia

Published on Jul 31, 2000


Disclaimer: We do not claim to know anything about NSync, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Reese Witherspoon, and Ryan Philleppe. Any resemblance to anyone alive or dead is purely coincidential and is not meant to imply anything about that person.

Before we let you get to the story, we'd like to say thank you to the authors of "One More Try" and "Deceiving Secrets" for without them we wouldn't have had the inspiration to write such a trashy harlequin novel. ;)

We plan to post at least two installments a week and would like you to write to us at: yougottaloveus@loveable.com

Such a cute email, don't you think? ;)

Thank you! Hugs and Kisses from Rowan and Mirage.

Chapter 1 By: Mirage and Rowan (Notice who's name comes first!)

Justin stared at his pride and joy as he slept peacefully, his arms curled around the pillow. Blonde curls messed against his pale cheeks. Justin beamed with pride and ran his fingers along his lover's cheek.

Ryan stirred at his touch. His eyelashes fluttered as they revealed his stunning, diamond blue eyes.

"Hi." Ryan said, his beautiful white teeth were revealed as his eyes made contact with Justin's deep orbs of azure blue.

"Hi." Justin returned, leaning down to kiss Ryan's cheek. His angel. His beautiful young angel. Ryan blushed and snuggled into the crook of Justin's neck. "Let's just stay like this for the rest of the day, Juju," Ryan giggled at the much-used nickname for his love.

"Not today, Angel. We promised Reese, Britney, and Christina that we would go baby shopping today," Justin reminded. Ryan groaned as his lips curled into a cute pout.

"I don't wanna go." Justin grinned and kissed him until the pout slipped into a grin.

"I thought I might be able to change your mind." Ryan threw his arms around Justin's neck and pulled him deeply into the fluffy oblivion of blankets.


"C'mon you three, wake the fuck up!" A deep booming voice echoed through the three young women's ears. The three women let out a unanimous groan and slowly started to untangle themselves from each other.

"Just let us sleep!" Britney called back to Reese's cousin, Cesar Keegan.

"Puh-lease, if I let you sleep you guys would be in there for the next four hours. I know you just as well as I know that Justin and Ryan are probably making out in MY bed." Cesar started to grumble under his breath before Christina called out something. "What?" He asked again.

"It's your own fault." Christina called out to Cesar, again. She was the first of the three to reach the edge of the bed and stand up straight.

"I'm coming in!" Cesar threatened, "If I do not hear you guys getting dressed."

"Puh-lease, like you'd come in here and see your cousin and her lovers naked," Reese called out over her shoulder. Britney started to protest but Cesar had already opened the door and was there leaning against the wall watching them untangle themselves before she could even get the words out.

"Get out of here, pervert," Christina glared at him, throwing a robe over her shoulders and tying the rope to hide her naked body. Reese still sat on the bed, holding her head, trying to wake up.

"Rez, honey, are you okay?" Britney asked, squatting in front of her lover and taking her hand. Christina hurried over as well.

"Yeah, I think so. I just feel like," She didn't finish as she got up and ran to the bathroom, holding her stomach as her other hand was clasped over her mouth.

"Morning sickness," the two girls groaned together. Sounds of Reese's vomiting echoed through the bedroom. Christina's face turned a pale green color.

"You okay, sweetie?" Britney asked, rubbing her back. Christina nodded.

"You know how weak my stomach is when it comes to hearing other people throw up," Christina replied weakly.

"Aw, sweetie," Britney kissed Christina's cheek. "Let's get dressed."

The two stood up and pulled out clothes for themselves and Reese. She soon returned, face a bit pale, but in otherwise good spirits. She grinned at the long black skirt and blood red tank top her lover's had picked out for her.

"Just because your pregnant doesn't mean you have to look it," Christina laughed. Reese beamed and giggled as she pulled the garments over her body. The three stood in front of the mirror, all had a hand on Reese's stomach. They all grinned as the baby kicked. Their own pride and joy.

"I love you," they all whispered together before breaking out into girlish giggles.

Laughing to himself, Cesar shut the door to the girls' room behind him. He fixed his pants and then proceeded to step toward his room. He stopped when he heard a light groan come from his bedroom. 'Oh no they don't!' Cesar thought to himself.

"I swear to whatever God you two believe in that if you do NOT stop that crap in MY bed, I'm going to bust in there and cut off a few vital parts!" Justin giggled to himself as he had just heard Cesar's annoyance with their making out in his bed.

"Angel," Justin said, breaking off the make out session. "We have to get up. You heard Cesar."

Ryan nodded softly and kissed his baby one more time, "All right, Juju." Ryan said softly. "Let's get dressed."

Cesar slowly turned the knob to his room and peeked in slowly before breathing in a sigh of relief. They were both dressed and they weren't making out. 'Thank the Gods.' He muttered to himself. "Guys," Cesar said softly, "We have to get going before that floatation device my cousin calls a girlfriend starts to throw a fit." Justin and Ryan started to laugh and they were still laughing when Britney showed up at the doorway with a puzzled expression on her face.

"What's so funny?" She asked, dumbfounded.

"Nothing." Cesar said shaking his head. "I was just commenting on how safe it is to have you around." He smiled at her and walked passed her. He kissed her cheek briefly before adding, "You'd be a great dildo. You're white, you're made of plastic, and you even make sounds!" He then ran away from her quickly before colliding into his lovely cousin, Reese.

"Hi." He said sheepishly.

"Hi." Reese said suspiciously. "Were you just harassing my girlfriend?"

"Who?" Cesar asked innocently. "Oh! You mean the inanimate object?"

"Yeah." Reese said tightly. "Britney."

"That melted piece of Barbie is just too easy of a target. And she loves it, so don't complain." Reese laughed and shook her head.

"Sometimes, Cesar, you can be a real dick. But other times, you're such a sweetheart." She kissed his cheek and grinned. "I just wish you were the latter more often."

"Well," he said getting up from off the floor. "Can you settle with a smart ass? It's a little in the middle, you think?"

"C'mon." Reese said chuckling. "Let's go shopping!"

Cesar jumped up and down like a little girl. "Ooh! Mommy! Can we go to the candy store? I want to go to the candy store. Can we Mommy? I really want a lollipop. Mommmmmmmmmy!" Cesar started to fake a whine.

"Oh God," Britney said walking toward the two cousins. "What is that god-awful screeching."

"I do believe it's your voice." Cesar said before shooting Reese a look and running to his room to get changed.


Before Chris opened his eyes he could feel the pain in his head and the glare his boyfriend was shooting at the ceiling. "Please don't yell," Chris begged, still not having opened his eyes.

"I'm not going to yell." JC said, he was lying on his back and staring at the ceiling. "Yelling doesn't work. There's no point in doing much of anything anymore."

"All right, I know I fucked up this time." Christopher Kirkpatrick said as he sat up and swayed a little. The hangover from the night before was horrible. He must have drunk quite a bit of alcohol. "But I was drunk! I didn't know any better."

"That's no excuse, Christopher." JC said softly, still staring at the ceiling.

Chris swung his feet out and braced them on the floor. He placed his hands on his thighs and sighed. "I really fucked up." Chris repeated as he stood and started to walk to the bathroom. He was stiff and staggered quite often, for the hangover was his worse one yet.

"I'll say." JC said softly. "You kissed another man!" He said again, loudly, and barely able to control his anger.

"I was drunk!" Chris yelled back, finally tired of the fights they'd had in the two years they'd been on and off.

"That's no fucking excuse, Christopher! You kissed another man! You betrayed my trust in you. I trusted you again, Chris," JC stood up from the bed and secured himself in the doorway of the bathroom. His legs were wobbly and his strength was waning. "You hurt me again, Chris. You hurt me..." JC looked down at his feet and watched as they collapsed out from under him. Tears poured from his eyes like water from a leaky faucet. "I can't take this anymore." JC said sobbing and shaking his head from left to right. "I...can't."

Chris looked at his lover, ex-lover, whatever he was the moment. Chris loved that man with all his heart but he always ending up hurting JC. If it wasn't Chris hurting JC that week, it'd be JC hurting Chris. They couldn't work anything out. They were off again, on again. They really did love each other. They were just...incompatible with each other. 'Like oil and water,' He thought. 'One floats on the other, but they never mix for long.'

"I'm...sorry." Chris said, tears escaping his own eyes. "I try so hard to make this work, and then I fuck up and do something stupid." Chris started to sob openly. "If it's not me, it's you. If it's not you, it's me." Chris looked at JC's sobbing form and hefted him up. "C'mon, Baby." Chris said softly. "Let's get you in your bed. We'll talk about this later." Chris said as he slid JC under the covers. Chris' head ached from the hangover, although it was forgotten as he saw his lover in pain. He tucked JC in and kissed him on the forehead before whispering, "I love you." And disappearing out the door into his own bedroom.


The sun beamed through the open curtains creating a halo of light across the deep green carpet. The two adults were snuggled deeply into the soft mattress. Joey Fatone's arm was draped loosely over Lance Bass's waist. Both had brilliant, sleepy smiles on their lips. Lance scrunched up his nose and sucked in a sharp breath before opening his sleepy green eyes. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes before turning over and staring at Joey's sleeping form. A love-struck grin spread over his being. Lance wrapped his arms around the slightly older man and snuggled closely to him, sighing contentedly.

"That tickles," Joey grunted and giggled.


"Your cute little spikes. They tickle," Joey explained. Lance snickered before rubbing his head into Joey's neck, creating a feather of soft spikes. Joey laughed and gently pushed Lance away. Lance grinned at him. "I'll get you for that," Joey said in a menacing tone.

Lance shrieked and pretended to be terrified. Joey laughed and snuggled closer to the younger boy. "What are you gonna do?" Lance asked.

"Just this," Joey said, running his fingers along Lance's bare chest, finding the spot between and just below his pecs that sent Lance into spasms of giggles. As predicted, Lance eyes became wide before giggles erupted from his vocal chords and he frantically tried to swat Joey's hands away.

"No. No. Ahh. Stop," he giggled, breathing heavily.

"Why should I?" Joey asked, continuing his assault.

"Because I love you," Lance grinned.

"Well, that's a pretty good reason," Joey said, stopping and thinking.

"I guess it'll have to do for now." Lance smiled and snuggled close to Joey, who wrapped his arms around Lance's slim waist.

"I love you."

"I love you too, James."


"C'mon girls!" Cesar bounded down the steps of the front porch and into the driveway. "I wanna shop!"

"Sometimes," Reese said shaking her head, "I think you're gay."

"Well," Cesar said smiling at widely, "Sometimes I think I am too. Think about it! I have fashion sense," He said waving his arms about his wardrobe, which consisted of a pair of khakis and a tight wifebeater. "I have many female friends." He shot a glance to Reese and Christina. "I have the BEST insults!" He shot a glance at Britney and smiled at her malevolently. "I'm extremely cute, I can cook, I don't have an ego..."

"No," Britney said rolling her eyes and stepped down next to Cesar. "No ego at all."

"I'm modest, I'm friendly, great judge of character...I can clean..." He glanced at Christina and smiled. She giggled and shook her head.

"You're a trip, Cesar." Christina said grinning. "I don't know why you and Britney don't get along."

"Don't you think people would look at me a little weird if they saw me talking to a chunk of plastic?" Cesar said glanced at Britney before walking to his car. Britney just rolled her eyes, obviously used to his antics.

"Puh-lease," Britney said shaking her head, "Don't you think people would look at you weird anyway?"

"Oh, that's funny." Cesar said pointing at Britney.

"What's that?" Reese said as she unlocked her side of Cesar's car.

"Your girlfriend. She's funny." Cesar said with a grin on his face.

"Who? Britney?" Reese asked, confused.

"Yeah. She's funny." Cesar repeated.

"Why is she funny?" Reese asked, shooting a glance at both Christina and Britney.

"I donno." Was Cesar's reply as he jumped in the passenger seat.

"Good one." Britney shot at Cesar as she got in the backseat behind him.

"So where are we going?" Christina asked as she spied Ryan and Justin stepping onto the porch.

"Probably going to get a light brunch and then hit the mall. They have good baby stores, right?" At everyone's nod, they all piled into Cesar's black SUV and waited for Ryan and Justin to arrive. As soon as Justin and Ryan arrived and made their way to the far back seat and cuddled together, glancing at each other lovingly from time to time.

With a smile and a hand resting on her belly, Reese drove off toward the restaurant.


Chris hovered over the toilet bowl as he threw up his intestines. Not only the liquor he had consumed the night before but the pain in his heart. He wiped his mouth gingerly and stared at his reflection in the mirror with disgust. Tears shimmered in the corners of his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Josh. I'm so sorry," he whimpered. "Why do I keep fucking up when I love you, so much."

"I love you, too," a small voice replied. Chris turned toward the bathroom door to find JC leaning against the frame, tears trickling down his perfectly chiseled cheeks.

"Josh?" Chris supported himself against the vanity. To Chris, JC looked like he was floating on air, as he was soon only inches away. Chris fell into JC's arms, his shoulders shaking as he wept.

"Shh, everything is okay," JC soothed.

"I'm sorry, Josh. I never meant to kiss that guy."

"I know you didn't, Baby." Joshua said as he soothed his boyfriend's tears. "I know you didn't."


Ryan's arms were curled around Justin in a protective embrace as they tried to ignore the bickering going on between Britney and Cesar.

"I am NOT a flotation device! Don't you DARE try to sit on me you fat tub of lard!" Britney suddenly shrieked.

"Please!" Cesar shrieked back. "I wouldn't sit on you if the world was all water! I'd take my chances and drown."

Justin traced his finger along Ryan's leg in a pattern of shapes and squiggly lines. "My Angel," he whispered and sighed.

"You okay, Juju?"

"Couldn't be better, Angel." Ryan smiled and stared out the tinted windows. The scenery passed them by in a blink of an eye.


"You're nothing but a walking piece of plastic." Cesar said as Britney flicked him in the ear.

"Yes, Angel?"

"What's today?" Justin snickered at his love's forgetfulness.

"November something."

"Ew!" Britney shrieked. "Put that candy bar away! You need to LOSE weight, not gain it."

"Are we going to your parents' or mine for Thanksgiving?"

"I thought we'd just stay with the guys, here. I'm not ready to deal with family yet."

"You did tell your parents, didn't you?" Ryan asked. Justin cursed himself.

"Of course, Angel," he felt awful for lying to Ryan, his Angel. "Mom sends her love."

"You know Britney," Cesar began. "I feel so much safer when you travel with me."

"I'd like to see Lynn again," Ryan said half to himself. "And Jonathan. How is the little scamp doing?"

"Good. He got an A on his math test the other day."

"Really, Cesar?" Britney asked finally. "Why's that?"

"He's a smart one. Just like his brother," Ryan kissed the top of Justin's head.


"Because with you around, I don't have to worry about drowning!" Cesar snickered.

"Brother nonetheless." Justin giggled and snuggled closer to his lover's body.

"At least they don't assign guards to the food supply when I travel." Britney murmured.

"No," Cesar shot back. "They just tell everybody, 'In case of crash, grab a tit and hold on for dear life!"

"I love you, Angel."

"Shut up!" Everybody in the car screamed at Cesar and Britney at once.

"I love you, Juju."

"Why don't you two get along?" Christina said shaking her head. "Gods, you two are like children!" The instant reminder that Reese was pregnant put a smile on all of their faces. Britney and Cesar sat back in their seats and smiled slightly.

Lance and Joey lay on the couch in the living room. Two steaming cups of coffee sat on the small coffee table. Joey was leafing through a magazine, trying to spot some superman memorabilia he didn't already own while Lance lay reading "Sense and Sensibility" by Jane Austin. Joey mindlessly ran a finger through Lance's hair causing a smile to curl over his lips. The mere presence of the other was comfort enough for the both of them.

'Perfect' they both thought.


"I am NOT a floatation device! Stop trying to sit on me! First in the car and now here while we're eating? Please! Grow. Up." Britney said, seething and staring at Cesar.

"Me? Trying to sit on you? Gods! That's a laugh. You're the one that keeps scooting over and nudging me with your elbow. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you liked me!" Cesar shouted back. Everyone in the restaurant was staring at them, but they didn't care.

"Well if you'd move over and maybe lose some weight, maybe THEN I could afford some space in this booth!" Britney and Cesar were shouting rather loud now, and the customers were very amused. Even the manager sat back and watched the two customers bicker repeatedly.

"Guys," Christina said shaking her head. "You two have to stop acting like children, besides, the customers are staring at us."

"I don't give a damn." Cesar said pushing Britney over quickly and laughed when she hit the floor and bounced up few centimeters. "See!" He pointed. "I TOLD you she got some of that rubber stuff in her arse! And you didn't believe me."

Britney growled as she dusted herself off and sat back in the seat.

"Better rubber then fat." She shot at him.

"For the last time, I'm not fat." Cesar narrowed his eyes.

"For the last time, I'm not a floatation device." Britney narrowed her own.

"Glad to agree." Christina said smiling and reaching for the catsup. "Now shut up and eat."


JC and Chris fell onto the bed in a mad fit of passion. Articles of clothing fell onto the wood floor until the two adults were left as naked as the day they were born. Their lips seemed to have melted together as neither one made an attempt to release the other. JC rolled on top of Chris as he ran his hands along the older man's chest. Stopping momentarily to run a thumb along his nipples. Chris let out a moan between the kiss.

"God I love you," he panted, reveling in the feel of his lover's touch. JC grinned and bit his earlobe lightly.

"I love you," he growled before kissing his shoulder and down his chest. He blew lightly into Chris' belly button. He gasped and writhed at the feeling.

"Oh Josh." JC kissed down the light trail of hair to his treasure. Something only he would ever experience. He observed it's compatibility with the rest of his lover's body. It was perfect along with everything else Chris had to offer. He kissed the swollen head, receiving a deep moan from Chris. His long slender fingers wrapped around the base as he slowly stroked, up and down. The head dripped a thick trickled of precum. He hungrily licked his lips, glancing up at Chris. His eyes were closed and his mouth slightly open with a silent moan. JC took that as his que and took Chris into his mouth.

Chris inhaled a sharp breath and exhaled a loud moan. JC dropped his hand from Chris' throbbing penis and cupped his testicles in his palm. He continued bobbing up and down while massaging the plum-sized balls. Chris gripped the sheets as beads of sweat slid down his body. He gasped and moaned at JC's touch.

"J-Jo..." he tried to warn his lover of his current state of being. "I..." Josh picked up on the change of his lover's breathing and braced himself, while speeding up his motions. Soon, JC felt the warm substance splash into his mouth. He swallowed it hungrily until Chris was dry. He kissed his way back up his stomach. Chris wrapped his arms around JC and kissed him sweetly. JC cuddled closer to Chris.

"I love you."

"I love you, too. But what about you?" JC chuckled.

"I'm fine. I just want to hold you." Chris happily complied. The two sighed contentedly. Chris lazily dragged a finger along JC's forearm. Soon the two were sleeping peacefully in each other's arms, both forgetting about the argument earlier that morning.


"Oh!" Cesar squealed with delight just like a little boy in a candy store. He swung his seven bags filled with baby clothes and toys toward yet another baby store.

Everybody had at least one bag for the baby, but Cesar had the most by far.

"Cesar," Reese said with a slight chuckle in her voice. "You're going to spoil this baby to no end, aren't you?"

Cesar nodded his head enthusiastically as he entered the baby store and picked up various toys. "There's no doubt about it."

Britney smiled and reached for an outfit. "This would look cute on any baby. I hope it's a girl." Reese giggled and nodded.

"I want a little girl, too." Cesar said sighing. "I'd teach her all the best insults for her other mother, Britney." Cesar grinned at Britney and hefted another toy.

"You got a lot of clothes." Christina said grinning at Cesar. "You sure you're not the father?"

"Ew." Cesar said chuckling. "Reese is my cousin, you know. But I'd like to be a big part of the baby's life. No matter what." He said nodding and looked at Reese.

Reese, being the perfect lady, put a hand to her face to hide the smile that so very threatened to grow broadly.

"Of course you can be a part of the baby's life. For as long as the baby wants you." Christina said hugging Cesar. Cesar blushed and grinned.

"I want a child so bad." Cesar said wistfully. His smile was like a ghost that disappeared and reappeared, and was always ever so faint.

"You'll meet the right girl." Reese said placing an arm around her cousin's shoulders. "You will." He turned his head to look at one of the isles as he smile that was on his lips died away into a sad frown. He lifted the little train he looked at and put on a fake smile.

"What do you think?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't think so." Britney said chuckling.

"No, you don't think." Cesar shot at her. Britney shook her head.

Christina suddenly let out a gasp and grabbed Cesar by the arm..

"We'll be right back." She said as she dragged Cesar to the aisle she wanted. When they were standing by the bikes she stopped abruptly and stared at Cesar. "Okay, what's wrong?" She asked.

Cesar shook his head.

"Nothing, Tina." He said softly. "Just a little upset and lonely." He chuckled and shook his head.

"That's not all." Christina pointed out.

"That's not all." Cesar echoed and sighed.

"C'mon." Christina urged. "You know I'll always be there for you. You know we'll always be there for you." Cesar sighed and sat on one of those red bouncy balls.

"I've got a secret." Cesar teased. Christina raised her eyes.

"What's that?" Christina asked, innocently.

"Okay, don't tell the others. I'm not quite sure about this yet either." Christina nodded and put an arm on Cesar's shoulders. He took a deep breath and sighed.

"I think I might be bisexual." He said quickly. So quickly, that Christina had to ask him to repeat it. "I said, I think...that I might be bisexual." Christina nodded and kissed his cheek.

"Good for you." She said beaming with pride. "People have a hard time realizing it themselves until it's too late."

Cesar smiled and hugged her.

"Thanks, Hon." He said kissing her cheek. Just so they didn't look stupid he grabbed a toy off the shelf and dragged her back to the other two.

"Ew." Britney said once she spied the toy. "That is so..."

Cesar looked down at what he grabbed and threw it at the floor as if it was lightning.

"Ew! It's a mini Britney!" He said, referring to the Barbie doll that he had grabbed. "Kill it! Before it multiplies!" He started to jump on it repeatedly, and once he was satisfied that it was dead, he picked up and made his way to the checkout counter with the many more toys he picked up while in Baby's Palace.

"What happened to this?" The cashier said, looking at the Barbie doll. Cesar chuckled and started to say something but Christina put a hand over his mouth.

"It was like that when we found it." She said quickly. Shooting a glance at Cesar. Knowing full well that he was going to crack on Britney. Once Christina was satisfied that Cesar wouldn't say anything, she took her hand away.

"Actually, I jumped on it and made it look like that. I figured it needed to be melted down to add to her." He said pointing to Britney.

Christina slapped Cesar on the back of the head and grumbled something about childish males. The cashier just shook her head and smiled.

"Seventy-two forty-eight." The cashier said after she rang up all the clothes and toys. Cesar handed her his platinum visa and charged it. All in all, he spent over five hundred dollars on the baby alone. And he STILL wasn't satisfied that he had bought enough.

'Ahh,' he thought, 'There's always the many hundreds I'll spend as the child is growing up.' He chuckled softly and grabbed the bag, not forgetting to thank the cashier heartily before leaving the store. The others were following behind, each with a smile on their face as they thought about the upcoming baby.

Next: Chapter 2: End of Innocence 2 3

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