Encountering Nick

By Kevin K

Published on Feb 2, 2002


Obligatory warnings and disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, go away. You shouldn't be here.

  2. I don't know any of the celebrities in this story, and this story in no way is meant to imply anything about their sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "kdawg96@hotmail.com".

Thanks again to all who have written. I love hearing what it is you have to say. For other great reads, check out theses incredible stories as well: 'Nick and Ashley' and 'JC's Hitchhiker'. I recommend you check them out!

Also check out Dream Slash, at http://www.envy.nu/dreamslash/, who has kindly offered to co-host this story, along with many other favorites. Thanks Dream Slash!

For the past few days now I have been posting a new chapter practically every day. I'd just like to warn readers that I start school again on Monday, and that chapters will not be posted as regularly as beforehand. This will be my last chapter before I resume school, and I will try post chapter six as soon as possible. I will try my best to post two, possibly three chapters a week. However, some weeks possibly only one will be posted. Hang in there guys! Now lets get back to what you came here for.

*** Encountering Nick - Chapter Five

When you're staring out the window from thousands of feet in the air, it's amazing how tiny, innocent and harmless the world seems. But that isn't true. Although many people in the world just hope for peace and love, there are enough cruel people to ruin those desires for everyone.

Cruel people that get drunk and kill your parents. Cruel people that get you fired, and place the blame on you. Cruel people that fly planes into towers, and murder hundreds of people.

Thinking about all of this was making me miserable. A glanced over to the seat next to me, and saw Nick sleeping peacefully. That put a smile on my face. I was falling in love with this boy, and I think he was falling in love with me too. And after telling everyone about us less than twelve hours ago, and each one of them being so accepting, I realized my life seemed pretty good after all.

We were on our way to LA, where we'd stay for a couple of nights, perform a concert, and say farewell to Matt.

I glimpsed at my watch and noticed it was 5:00am, and we'd been flying since 2:00am. Everyone in first class was sleeping, except for me, as well as a couple of the flight attendants, who were constantly offering me drinks, pillows and what not.

I was guessing we'd arrive in LA within a couple hours, and we'd probably have a group rehearsal with everyone before the concert tonight. If I don't get some sleep, I'll most likely die from exhaustion at the end of the day!

But I couldn't sleep. Every time I began to doze off, I'd get this reoccurring feeling, like something bad was going to happen. I can't explain it. It just felt awful. I couldn't understand this. My life was as good as it could be right now, almost perfect. It's really bizarre.

I eventually pushed passed this eerie suspicion, and got a couple hours sleep before we landed in LA.

When we got off the plane, there was two tour busses waiting for us, which we'd use for the next little while for driving from city to city, before heading back to Orlando.

Luckily, two of the dancers go the ride with the guys, while management rode in the other bus with the rest of the dancers. I was allowed to ride with Nick, since everyone was aware of our relationship now, and Jenny got to ride with us too. Nick had told me previously that Jenny and AJ had a little thing going on, so it was nice that they got to spend some time together as well.

Once we arrived at the hotel, we all headed to our rooms to unpack, and to rest up before rehearsal, which was in a couple of hours. This time I shared a room with Nick, as did Brian and Leanne, Kevin and Kristen, and AJ and Jenny. Everyone else received their own individual rooms.

Although Nick and I finally had some time to ourselves, we were both too tired to get frisky. So we cuddled up on the bed and drifted to sleep in each other's arms.

I glanced around as I stepped through the doors into this large gymnasium, which was a part of the hotel.

"Wow, this place is huge." I said, and Nick agreed.

We quickly walked to where the rest of the band and the dancers were gathered, listening carefully to what Andrew and Jessica, the two choreographers, were saying. I was more familiar with Andrew, since he was the one that usually worked with the dancers, but since this was a combined rehearsal, Jenny, who normally works with the guys, was here as well.

"Ahh, glad you two could finally join us," Andrew said, obviously a little frustrated that Nick and I were late.

"Oh sorry," Nick explained, "We kind of overslept."

"Oh, is that what they call it now?" AJ joked.

"Hey! We really were sleeping!" I protested, and everyone laughed.

"Enough of this," Jenny said, "We have to get back to work. We have a lot to cover today, and only five hours to do it." Only five hours?! She makes it sound like that's too little time!

For the next five hours we rehearsed and re-rehearsed numerous dances to countless Backstreet Boys songs. It was my first time dancing along side Nick, and I never realized how good he was.

When we finally finished, Nick and I headed back up to our room.

"Yuck! I'm sweating like a pig." I complained.

Nick then leaned in and sniffed me, "Yea, and you smell like one too!" he joked.

"You're one to talk. You sweating more than I am!"

He lifted his arm, took a sniff and pretended to faint. I just laughed at him, and dragged him into the bathroom.

"OK, you sweaty boy, it's time to take a shower," I said.

"As long as it's with you," Nick insisted.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

We stepped inside the steaming hot shower and began to wash each other. We lathered each other in soap, and I could see Nick was becoming hard. I took some shampoo, and after washing his hair, I began lubricated his dick with it. I then pulled him into a deep kiss, and we made out frantically for a couple minutes.

Then I whispered into his ear, "Make love to me Nick."

"Are you sure Geoffy?" he asked.

"Yes Nicky."

I turned around, so my back was facing him, and crouched a little. I supported myself against the shower wall and then I felt his head pressing against me. I wasn't sure if this was Nick's first time, but he sure seemed to know what he was doing.

I felt him slide all the way in, and my I began to moan with pleasure, which accompanied his grunts and sighs. As the water beat down on us, Nick began to pick up his pace, and soon released his load inside of me. Feeling shot after shot fill my hole, I tensed up and shot my load all over the shower wall.

With him still inside me, he reached down, grabbed my head, and pulled my mouth to his. When we broke the kiss, he shot me the most heavenly smile.

"I love you Nick." I said finally.

"I love you too." He said.

"You need me like I need you We can share our dreams comin' true I can show you what true love means Just take my hand, baby please"

"I'll be the one I'll be the light Where you can run To make it alright I'll be the one I'll be the light Where you can run"

"I'll be the one Who will make all your sorrows undone I'll be the light When you feel like there's nowhere to run I'll be the one..."

"I'll be the one I'll be the light Where you can run To make it alright I'll be the one I'll be the light Where you can run To make it all right I'll be the one To hold you And make sure that you'll be alright I'll be the one"

The song ended, and a sea of teenage girls erupted with screams so loud they were deafening to the ear.

'Wow, that was intense' I though to myself we all rushed off stage.

"You know I was singing that about you," Nick told me as we got backstage.

"Yea, I saw you wink at me while we were dancing. That was sweet of you. I'll have to personally thank you later." I winked at him. I wanted to run up and kiss him so badly, but I couldn't. Although the guys wouldn't care, they weren't the only ones backstage. The place was also full of fortunate fans that were about to meet the guys, as well as the press, or what I like to call them, 'the enemy'. If they saw me kissing Nick, there's no telling what they'd do. I could just picture the headlines, 'Billionaire Boy Kisses Backstreet Boy!'

The concert was over, but we could still hear what sounded like at least a million of girls screaming at the top of their lungs. It was never this crazy with Britney!

My first concert with the Backstreet Boys went off without a hitch. I gave it my all, and danced like it was my last concert ever. But for some of us, it was our last concert ever. For Matt, who was leaving for Hollywood tomorrow, gave the best performance of his life. I'd never seen him perform in concert before, but I'd been dancing with the guy all week. And tonight, he was incredible!

"You ready to head back to the hotel yet?" Nick asked me after he signed a dozen or so autographs for the fans that were backstage.

It was close to midnight, and I didn't get much sleep in the past forty-eight hours. And although I would have liked to go out and party to celebrate my first concert with the guys, I don't think my body would be able to handle it. Plus I wanted to get up reasonably early to say goodbye to Matt before he left for the airport.

"Yea Nicky, I'm ready. Let's go."

We said bye to everyone and then took the limo back to the hotel. When we got to our room we both got undressed to our boxers, and then slipped under the covers. I spooned my back up against Nick, and he put his arm around me to hold me close to him, and that's how we fell asleep.

The next morning Nick and I awoke a nine, and each took a shower. I had taken a shower first, and while Nick was in, I decided to give Brit a call. She should be up now anyways, and it wasn't that early.

I dialed her cell, and it just rang and rang. 'Maybe she's spending the weekend with Justin, and isn't up yet?' Eventually, it got to the machine.

"Hey, it's Britney! I'm not in, but leave a message and I'll call ya back soon!" then it beeped.

"Hey babe! It's Geoff. I'm just calling to see how you are, and I'm heading out now. I've got rehearsal later today, but I'll be in this afternoon. Call me back on my cell then! Love and miss you lots! Bye!" I said and then hung up.

As soon as Nick was ready and dressed, we went to Matt's room to say farewell.

I knocked twice before he opened.

"Hey Matt!" I said as he opened the door.

"Oh hey guys, come on in," he offered.

We walked in, and saw that his cases were already packed and by the door. Greg, Jenny, AJ, Brian, Kevin and TJ were already here to say goodbye as well.

"Morning guys," Nick said as he entered the room from behind me.

"Morning," everyone replied.

Soon, the rest of the group arrived. One by one we went up and said our farewell to Matt.

When it came to my turn, I began to cry. I'm really going to miss Matt. In the few days I've known him, we became good friends. I could see it in his eyes that he was almost about to cry too.

"I'm going to miss you buddy." I said.

"You too Geoff. You're a great guy. Take care of Nick, you hear me?"

"I will. Don't worry. Good luck with everything, and don't forget to give Tom Cruise my phone number, ok?" I joked, and he laughed.

"You wish," he said.

"I wish you could stay, but I want you to do what makes you happy. Take it from me, nothing feels better than living your dream."

"Thank you," Matt said as he gave me a big hug. "Soon you'll have the new guy here, and everything will be back to normal."

"I guess so," I said, "Well take care of yourself, alright? And promise you'll come back and visit us?"

"I will," he told me. Matt gave me another quick hug before he said goodbye to everyone else and left for the airport.

After saying farewell to Matt, Nick and I decided to go out for breakfast before I went to a rehearsal. Today's rehearsal wasn't supposed to be long, because we didn't have a concert in the next two days. So today was mainly to meet the new guy, and go over a few quick steps.

Once breakfast was finished, I headed back to the hotel, where today's rehearsal would be.

When I arrived, Jenny, Melissa, Jody, Natalie, Greg and TJ were already there. Apparently, Andrew had to go pick up the new guy at the airport, and would be a little late.

I conversed in small talk with Teeg while we waited.

He told me how he got started in dancing. In fact, he started around the same time I did. I began dancing at the age of six, and he started at seven. He actually grew up in Ottawa, Ontario, which was about six hours from where I used to live. We discovered that we, at one point, probably competed against each other in a provincial competition or something.

We also went on to talk about my relationship with Nick. He told me that he couldn't remember the last time he saw Nick so happy. 'I guess I brought out the best in him'. TJ also mentioned, like Nick did previously, that Nick and him used to be very close, almost inseparable. He said they had something pretty good going on, but they aren't as close as they used to be. I was about to question him about that, but I didn't get the chance, because as I was about to we heard the door open from behind us. We turned and saw Andrew walk in.

"Hey everyone, sorry I'm late." Andrew apologized. "The new dancer should be here any minute, he's just picking up his keycard at the front desk for his hotel room."

Everyone was very eager to meet the new dancer.

"Now, I'm not going to keep you guys for rehearsal after this, because of my delay at the airport," Andrew explained, "But I'm going to call for a rehearsal tomorrow to make up for that. I have some new moves I want to introduce to you, and that might take up a bit of time. I also want to congratulate you guys on an incredible performance last night. Especially Geoff, who has only been with us for just about a week and caught on extremely quickly. Well done, all of you."

"Thanks Andrew," we all replied.

"No problem. Now where is this guy? Why is he taking so long with that keycar... ahh here he comes." Andrew said.

As the new guy stepped into the gymnasium, I felt my heart drop. 'No! It couldn't be! Anyone but him!'

It was Jack.

End of Chapter Five And so the scoundrel Jack is back! Please e-mail me with all questions and comments at kdawg96@hotmail.com - and I'm always open to new and fresh ideas. I look forward to hearing from all of you. Check back soon for Chapter Six!

Next: Chapter 6

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