Encountering Nick

By Kevin K

Published on Nov 24, 2002


Obligatory warnings and disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, go away. You shouldn't be here.

  2. I don't know any of the celebrities in this story, and this story in no way is meant to imply anything about their sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Hey all! I want to take this time to thank all of you for the great support I received from you all when I returned back to nifty. Especially ND and Joel. Thanks guys. Anyways, as ND would say, "Encountering Nick is back with a vengeance." So expect to see a lot. "Interchange" coming soon...

Questions and commentary can be sent to "kdawg96@hotmail.com".

*** Encountering Nick - Chapter Sixteen

"Got to use this lonely time, to change the picture in my frame of mind. Outside the window there's a sunny day. I want to feel it on my face.

"You and I are out looking for the same thing. And these walls of wondering, waiting for someone to share this feeling.

"And if she knocks on my door, I'll give her the key. Just one look in her eyes and I know I'll be, everything that she sees in me. More than I ever thought I could be but...

"These are the days, when all that I can do is dream. But I don't want to spend forever living in the in between. I'm stuck here in a place without love and I just can't let it stay this way. But for now I'm going to have to face it. These are the d..."

Click. Silence.

"Hey! I was listening to that!"

"I know. That's why I turned it off."

I was laying on the bed, in our hotel room, listening to the radio playing from the stereo across the room, where Nick now stood. I looked at him puzzlingly, and he just grinned at me. A smile arose upon my face as well.

"Dick." I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" Nick said from across the room. "What did you say?"

The smiles remained on both of our faces as I got up from the bed and started making my way towards Nick.

"You didn't hear me?" I said teasingly, "I called you a dick, you dork."

"Oh you did?" he said jokingly. "That's what I thought. But I didn't think it was an insult. I took it more as a request."

"Oh really?" I said evocatively, now standing in front of Nick. I moved in closer to him, and took his soft angelic face in my hands. Nick was anticipating a passionate kiss as I gradually leaned in closer. Our lips were an inch apart, practically touching. I held that position for a moment, and then swiftly redirected my mouth to his ear, whispering, "Well, you were wrong, dick." I then turned around and walked away from him, leaving him wordless, with a look of both astonishment and disappointment across his face. I put the radio back on, except the O-Town song I was actually enjoying, These Are The Days, had ended. Instead, Coldplay's Warning Sign was now playing.

"Damn, it's over." I bleated.

Nick, now salvaging him from my tease, said, "I thought you didn't listen to anything but me."

"And you say you don't have an ego..." I said.

"I don't!" He laughed. "But I would like to think my devoted, loving, adorning, beautiful, sexy, smart, magnificent..."

"Shut up." I kidded.

But Nick continued. "...handsome, faithful, affectionate, kind, perfect boyfriend wouldn't want to listen to some wanna-be band in front of his superstar boyfriend."

"Superstar?" I inquired, raising an eyebrow. "Who are you, Molly Shannon?"

Nick laughed, but continued to make his 'un-egotistic' point. "Yea. Wouldn't you rather be listening to my new CD, or at least some Backstreet?"

"And boost your self ego? I think not." I said, slowly moving back towards the bed, with Nick following leisurely in my steps.

"What about my happiness?" Nick teased, obviously not minding whether or not Geoff actually listened to his music or not.

"Honestly, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I actually made you happy. Come on Nick, be realistic here. I am supposed to make you miserable."

"Then you're a horrible boyfriend," Nick said through his smile, "Cause I am the happiest, luckiest guy in the world thanks to you."

"I'll have to work on that then." I replied.

"Okay, but later. There's something I've got to do first."

"And what's that?" I asked.

"This." He said, taking my face in his hands and engaging us in a long, passionate kiss. It was tender, but assertive at the same time. His tongue invaded my mouth, battling with my own. A moan escaped from me, which just seemed to fuel Nick's passion.

"What was that for?" I asked as our lips parted.

Nick smiled. "I've needed to do that ever since you little tease back there."

"I'm glad you did." I said, as we lay together in each other's arms on the bed.

We lay in silence for a moment, staring up at the ceiling. Although it was a very comfortable silence. One of those enjoyable silences. You know it true love when you don't have to worry about thinking of something to say to the other every second, every moment of every day, but instead just take pleasure in being with each other. Just knowing the other one is there with you is all you need. That's all that matters.

Nonetheless, I did eventually break the silence. "They're not that bad."

"What?" Nick asked, absolutely clueless to what I was talking about.

"O-Town. They're not that bad."

"I know." He said impassively.

"They're nice guys. We met them at that awards show not too long ago, remember?"

"Yup. They are nice guys." Nick said. It looked as though he was counting the bumps on the rough ceiling of the room. He looked very concentrated.

I rolled over to face him, looking at his face and no longer at the ceiling. "You really think they're a wanna-be band?"

Nick looked at me now. His face looked so angelic, so peaceful. He snickered. "No, actually I don't. I admit when they first were introduced, I did think that. You know I'm no big fan of Lou. But they've really made a name for themselves now. They've got talent. They're good. I confess. I like their work."

I giggled. "I knew it! You're a fan."

Nick blushed. "Yea, so what. So are you!"

"I know. I know. But that was probably the first time you admitted it." I laughed at him.

"Yea." Nick laughed. His voice then changed into a serious manner and his smile faded. "But it's nice to know some boy bands can still manage to stay together. Let's hope what happened to us doesn't happen to them."

"Yea." I agreed quietly. "Let's hope."

God, the things Nick had to go through with Backstreet not that long ago would have torn any band apart had it happened to them instead.

The road to the end of Backstreet pretty well started once we arrived in Orlando, around the same time Nick and I had resolved our fight. Although, come to think of it now, in truth to be told, it started long before, embryonic from a cluster of lies, deception, and dishonestly.

Orlando was supposed to be a time for us to all rest. Similar to a mini vacation, except in the band's hometown. Who would've thought, though, that they'd finish in the same place that they began.

It was a random event that truly started to get the wheels turning. It had been a couple days after we had arrived in Orlando, and Nick and I were enjoying our time together at his, now our, Florida home. It is the most magnificent home I'd ever seen. Despite the fact that the house I grew up in was a lot bigger, due to living under the roof of one of the richest men in the country, if not the richest, this was different. I don't mean to go all 'Great Gatsby', but that was old money, and this was new money. And it showed. The house was perfectly suited for Nick, and accentuated his personality. Accentuated him. It was perfect.

We were sitting in the kitchen one afternoon when the doorbell rang, and we both got up to see who it was. We weren't expecting anyone. I opened the door, and we were both surprised to find Jack before us.

"Uhh... hi Jack." I had said uncertainly, and noticeably unfriendly.

Nick, recounting the time he bumped into Jack in the hall and realizing he needed help, still felt somewhat sorry for him, and didn't use as harsh of a voice as Geoff had. "Can we help you with anything Jack?"

"Actually, I was hoping I could help the two of you." He said, trying hard to keep back a sadistic smile. I had the feeling he was up to something.

I looked at Nick tentatively, but he invited Jack in nonetheless. We all headed to the living room, where Nick and I sat together on one couch, and Jack sat opposite us on another.

"What's up Jack?" Nick asked fairly nicely.

"Nothing too much, you?" He responded politely.

"Uh, nothing." Nick replied strangely. "But that's not what I meant, Jack. What's up? What do you have to tell us?"

"I don't really know how to tell you this, but...umm..." Jack hesitated.

"Just come out and say it." I interrupted impatiently.

"Fine." Jack said aggressively. "Someone's trying to break you up."

"What?" Nick said baffled.

"Who? You?" I said, enraged with anger at Jack. I knew he was up to something. He always is.

"No, you idiot." He said, staring coldly at me. Jack turned back to face Nick, realizing Nick was a lot more accommodating towards him. "I know you won't believe me, but it's Kevin."

"You're right." Nick said impassively. I turned to him in astonishment, staggered that he was actually listening to Jack. Nick continued, "You're absolutely right. You said I wouldn't believe you, and I don't."

"You have to!" Jack said with poise.

"No we don't!" I replied irritably, losing my temper. "You have no proof Jack. You can't just come in and barge into Nick's home and start fired out these lies at us, expecting us to believe you. You're fucking ridicul..."

"I have proof," Jack cut in. "But first, I need to ask you a question Nick?"

"What?" Nick said heatedly.

"No need to get mad." Jack said calmly. "I just want to know whether or not you purposely requested for you and Brian to be paired together to specially take care of promotional events alone?"

"What?" Nick said bemused and angry. "Of course not."

"Then there's my proof." Jack said. "Because that is what I overheard Kevin tell management the other day. Apparently, for past two weeks, he has been altering the band's schedule just about every day just so he could purposely put Brian and you together."

Nick was speechless, and didn't know what to say. He was shocked. He believed Jack. Surprisingly, so did I. There is no way he would've known about the band's schedule unless he actually did overhear Kevin. Except, regardless of whether we believed him or not, there was only one way to discover if what Jack said was the truth. We had to confront Kevin.

We had asked Jack what else he knew, but that was about it. We had thanked him for telling us, and apologized for getting angry with him. As soon as Jack was out the door, Nick broke down and I took him in my arms, trying to calm him down. One of the people he trusted most in the world, a brotherly figure in his life, Kevin, had completely betrayed him. Broken his trust by trying to break us up. I couldn't believe he would do such a thing. What reason did he have? To this day, I don't really know for sure.

Once Nick had calmed down, he realized he had some work to do. He called Howie and AJ, and asked them to contact both Brian and Kevin, and have them all come over to his house tonight. He said he needed to talk to them all about something really important.

"Is there anything I can do, Nicky?" I asked as he hung up the phone, and then picked it up and began to dial another number.

"Um, could you get me a glass of water?"

"Sure." I smiled. "No problem."

I walked over to fridge and opened a bottle of water and poured it into a clean glass. I walked back over to Nick who was on the phone again. He looked up at me, weakly smiled, and took the glass.

"Hi, I need to speak to Jesse or Amy please." Nick said, taking a hold of my hand. "Thank you." He said to the receptionist on the phone, but at the same time to me as well."

I squeezed his hand to let him know I loved him, and that we'd get through this together, no matter what.

As the time drew nearer to the confrontation, Nick grew increasingly anxious. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to go through with it. He was hurting so much inside because of Kevin. And because of Brian. He would have to confront both of them now, and the closer it came to the time, the more apprehensive he became.

But in due course, the time came. AJ, Howie, Kevin, Brian, Nick and I sat in Nick living room, everyone confused why they were there except, of course, for Nick and I.

"Why did you call us here, Nick?" Howie asked.

"We all need to talk." Nick said.

"I don't mean to be rude," Kevin began, "But if this concerns the band, why is Geoff here?"

"Because it involves him too." Nick replied frigidly to Kevin.

Kevin was taken aback by the harshness in Nick's voice, a confused by it as well. Meanwhile, Brian kept quiet, not wanting to upset Nick further. He felt extremely guilty for what he had done, and found that it was best for him to say nothing at all unless forced to do so.

"Okay, Nicky. Tell us what's on your mind." AJ said receptively.

"Okay." Nick said. He paused for a moment, took in a deep breath. Then turned to face Kevin. "I have a question to ask you, Kevin."

"What is it Nicky?" Kevin asked confused.

I grasped Nick hand, as he was sitting next to me, encouraging him to continue.

"Have you been deliberately changing the band's schedules so that Brian and I are always together?"

"What?" Kevin said innocently. "Of course not."

"So you haven't been purposely booking promotional events for Nick and Brian to take care of alone?" Nick asked crossly.

Brian's face was completely perplexed, and kept switching between Nick and Kevin.

"Nick. I just told you. I would do no such thing!" Kevin insisted.

"Really? That's the truth?"

"Yes Nick, I promise."

"Okay." Nick said getting up.

"So, is that it?" Kevin asked.

"I'll be right back." Nick said, walking out of the room. Moments later he returned, and behind him walked both Jesse and Amy from the band's management team. They stood next to Nick as he took a seat on the couch next to Geoff. At that moment Kevin's whole demeanor changed.

Self-assured, Nick asked his question again. "Kevin," Nick said very sternly. "Have you been deliberately changing the band's schedules so that Brian and I are always together? And fuckin' answer the question honestly this time!"

Kevin did not answer.

"If you won't answer," Nick said furiously, "then maybe Jesse or Amy would be happy to answer for you."

"Sure Nick." Jesse replied, also angry with Kevin for his dishonestly towards him and Amy. "If I am not mistaken, and Amy can correct me here if I am, Kevin has for the past two weeks been altering the band's schedule just about every day just so he could intentionally put Brian and Nick on projects alone."

"The thing is," Amy continued for Jesse, "Kevin told us it was at the request of both Brian and Nick. Now interestingly enough, we discovered from Nick today that he made no such request. What about you Brian?" Amy asked firmly.

Brian, completely baffled by all of this, simply shook his head.

"Yet another interesting tidbit, wouldn't you say so Amy?"

"Yes I would Jesse."

"Fuck you Kevin!!" Nick exploded.

Kevin just sat there, saying nothing. He was in absolute shock.

"I trusted you. I trusted you with my life! And what do you do!? You try and break up Geoff and I? I hate you!" Nick began to cry, but continued to express his anger. "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!"

AJ and Howie got up and came to stand by Nick, console him, and support him. It was quite obvious whose side they were on. Yet Brian, while in the same room, sat apart from everyone, still keeping to himself and excessively stunned by everything.

"Say it isn't true." Howie pleaded to Kevin harshly. "Say you didn't fuckin do this."

"I can't." Kevin whispered, tears welling up in his eyes.

"You fuckin' miserable bastard!" AJ said, looking as if he was ready to strike Kevin at any second.

"I'm sorry." Kevin said quietly.

"No you're not! Shut the fuck up." I said, finally becoming a part of the conversation as well. "I can't believe I didn't figure this out before! You were the one that planted those seeds of distrust in my head about Nick and Brian! You fuckin almost made me loose Nick! I hate you, you fuckin' jerk!"

"That's it!" Nick said seriously, regaining control of himself. "I've had enough."

"What do you mean?" Howie asked Nick with concern.

"I have enough of this." Nick said gravely. "I'm out. We're finished! I quit."

A seemingly everlastingly silence infested the room.

"What now?" Brian asked, finally saying something.

No one answered.

"Can everyone please leave? Now." Nick stipulated.

Everyone seemed to impassively get up and one by one leave the house. Kevin and Brian pretty much left right away. Jesse and Amy told Nick they'd be calling in the morning, and then left too. AJ and Howie came up to Nick and gave him a much-needed hug, showing him they support him no matter what, and will forever be a part of his life. They both said they'd call soon, and come by also.

It's tough thinking back on that. It was tough on all of us.

"It won't happen to them. I doubt it." I said to Nick. "O-Town seems like such a together band. I bet they have no problems at all."

"People thought the same of about us." Nick said uncertainly. "Every band has it problems."

"Oh. That sucks." I said bleakly.

We laid in each others arms on the bed of the hotel room, still staring up the ceiling, just enjoying the other's company."

"So," I said to Nick, "have the told you yet who your new opening act will be?"

"Nope." He replied. "I won't know until tomorrow."

End of Chapter Sixteen

Please e-mail me with all questions and comments at kdawg96@hotmail.com - and I'm always open to new and fresh ideas. Remember, "Interchange" coming soon... I look forward to hearing from all of you. Check back (optimistically) shortly for Chapter Seventeen.

Next: Chapter 19: Interchange 1

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