Encountering Nick

By Kevin K

Published on Mar 24, 2002


Obligatory warnings and disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, go away. You shouldn't be here.

  2. I don't know any of the celebrities in this story, and this story in no way is meant to imply anything about their sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "kdawg96@hotmail.com".

Check out these fantastic authors as well: My buddy ND, author of 'Nick and Ashley' (a.k.a. 'All I Need Is You'), and my pal Joel, author of 'JC's Hitchhiker' and 'Brian and Tommy'. I recommend you check them out!

Thanks again to Joel and ND for writing the Kevin and Brian sideline chapters!

http://jcv.5u.com/all/worldofslash/ - Jayson Vascardi's website and also Dream Slash, at http://www.geocities.com/dreamslashuk/, that features my story and many other slash fiction stories. Go check it out.

Thanks everyone for sticking by me and supporting me throughout this series so far. Please send me all comments and suggestions. Let me know what you think. Now lets get back to what you came here for.

*** Encountering Nick - Chapter Eleven


"Backstreet Boy A.J. McLean has quietly gotten engaged. The boy band bad boy proposed to backup dancer Jenny Martin, spokesman Carlos Vega said. Vega said no wedding date has been set and offered no further details. In an interview with VH1 in Miami over the weekend, McLean said he and Martin planned to marry next year. AJ will be the third Backstreet Boy to tie the knot. Kevin Richardson married Kirstin Willits in June 2000 and Brian Littrell married Leighanne Wallace three months later. That would leave Nick Carter, who is said to be planning a solo album, and Howie Dorough as the only Backstreet bachelors. Just last year, the 24-year-old McLean entered rehabilitation for depression and alcohol abuse, forcing the Backstreet Boys to postpone the rest of their U.S. and Canada tour."

I grabbed the remote and turned off the television. "So you're a bachelor are ya?" I asked as I turned to my boyfriend sitting on the couch next to me.

He grinned. "Well Mary Hart seems to think so," Nick laughed, referring to Entertainment Tonight's television host icon. "But what the hell does she know!"

"Nothing apparently," I said through the smile on my face as I leaned in to kiss the man of my dreams.

It was only three days ago when the entire band, as well as Jenny, Kirstin, Leighanne and myself, were all hanging out in Kevin's hotel room enjoying a traditional daily breakfast.

Usually it was just the guys who all have breakfast together. They'd been having these breakfasts daily on the tours almost since the beginning, because it was a good way to spend time together while still getting work done. Yet that day was different because there weren't many work issues to discuss. Nick invited me to join them, saying Jenny, Kirstin and Leighanne would be there too, and who was I to say no? So I gladly came along.

The nine of us were spread around the room with plates filled with food piled high. There was enough food on these breakfast carts in the room to feed a party of twenty!

The room was full of chatter, everyone engulfed in their own conversations. I had noticed that Brian and Leighanne were avoiding each other, sitting on opposite sides of the room. I wondered if Brian had told her yet that he was gay. Nick and I sat on the floor, me sitting between his legs as my back lay against his chest, sharing a plate of breakfast between the two of us. We were discussing what we were going to do today, since both of us had the day off.

"How about shopping?" I suggested.

"We went shopping before we left Washington yesterday. You already want to go again?!" Nick exclaimed.

I laughed. "Hey! I never get tired of shopping! Well what else is there to do?"

"Well I can think of something. Or someone." He suggested.

"We did that before we left Washington too!" I snickered.

"You're telling me you're tired of sex?!"

"Hmm... let me think. Sure, I wouldn't mind fucking, but I was really looking forward to buying that new sweater I wanted. Ok, shopping it is!"

I started laughing at Nick as he playfully punched me in the arm. "Fine, if that's the way you feel."

"How about shopping and sex?"

"Fine," Nick giggled, "But that'll probably be difficult to do at the same time."

"Shut up." I said as I was the one to punch him in the arm this time, "You know what I meant!"

AJ then stood up, clearing his through loudly to gather everyone's attention. Within seconds the room fell silent.

"Hey everyone!" AJ began, "I just want to thank you for coming this morning, especially our non-regulars. Thanks Jenny, Kirstin, Leighanne and Geoff for being here this morning."

"No problem," I said, which was repeated three more times by the girls.

"So what's up J?" Nick asked, "As far as I know, speeches are mandatory at breakfast time."

A smile stretched across AJ's face, "Yea Nicky, I know. But today's different. Today's special."

Jenny then stood up and came to stand next to AJ. AJ threw his arm around her and then continued.

"Jenny and I have something to share. As you guys are all aware, the two of us have been very serious for a long time now. It's been almost a year and a half since we first got together."

'Wow, I hadn't realized they had been together for so long!' I thought.

"We love each other so much, and want to take it to the next step. We want our love to last forever. So, we've decided to get married."

"Wow J! Congrats!" Nick said as he got up from behind me and walked over to give his buddy a hug. I got up as well to congratulate him, as did everyone else.

Then yesterday AJ finally informed reporters at a press conference here in Atlanta about his engagement. The news spread rapidly through the media within hours, and just now I had switched off an Entertainment Tonight cover story on the issue. I wonder if one day it'll be Nick and myself in this position, being the ones who are the cover story on ET, and sharing our relationship with the world?

All of a sudden I was pulled from my thoughts from Nick returning the kiss I had just given him.

As things started to get hot and steamy Nick stopped the make out session and got up from on top of me.

"Wha...?" I said, very confused as to why he had stopped.

"Believe me Geoffy, I'd love to stay! But I have to meet Brian to go to that radio station, or Kevin is gonna have my head chopped!"

"Just the two of you? Again?" I asked, not letting Nick know I was unhappy about this.

"Yea, management double booked again! It's like the third time this week they've overbooked. It's strange, eh?"

"Yea." I agreed, not letting him see that I was upset about all of the time Nick had been spending with Brian lately. This past week he has spent more time with Brian than he has spent with me. It's always the two of them going off together, while the rest of the guys go someplace else.

It all started about a week ago when we were still in Washington. First Nick was supposed to meet me for dinner. I was waiting in the lobby for almost thirty minutes until Howie saw me waiting there and told me that Nick went to dinner with Brian instead. I tried calling his cell, but he had turned it off and it went straight to the voice mail. If he wouldn't bother calling me, or leaving his cell on, I wouldn't bother leaving a message.

Later that night, while rehearsing before the concert, Kevin mentioned something about being able to trust Nick being with Brian, since the two of them are so close. He said it was great Brian does not threaten me and then Kevin had told me Brian was gay. Should I be threatened by Brian? I do trust Nick, but something doesn't feel right. Was something going on that I'm not aware about? There couldn't be. They're just friends, best friends... well I hope.

I've never said anything to Nick. I never even said anything about him ditching me. He tried to say something after the concert that night. We were standing backstage after we performed the encore when he came up to me.

"There you are Geoff." He had said.

"Oh hey Nick." I said a little coldly.

"Geoff, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just exhausted from the concert I guess," I lied. "So, did you have a good time with Brian?" I said, still sounding icy.

"Yea, so you know where I was then?"

"Yea, I know. Howie told me." I said grimly.

"Are you sure you're ok? I sound mad about something." He asked.

"I'm fine." I told him. I had remained frustrated with him for about an hour after that, but it faded eventually and I forgave him. Then things went back to normal.

Well, not quite normal. Since that day it seems that Brian and Nick have been spending much more time together, and I am getting worried and suspicious. Still, this could really be nothing, no big deal, and there is no pointing confronting him if there is nothing to confront him about. Perhaps Kevin had gotten me worried over nothing.

"So what time you going to be back?" I asked Nick, as he was getting ready to leave.

"Umm, an hour or two possibly." Nick answered. "I should be back around five, and then the two of us will go out for dinner alright?"

"Alright." I agreed, content that I will finally be able to spend some more time alone with Nick.

"Great! I'll see you soon!" he yelled to me while walking out the door.

"Bye!" I yelled back.

Things will be fine. I'm sure of it. I can trust Nick. I know I can.


"That went well, don't you think?" I asked Brian.

"Even better than yesterday's interview I believe! I didn't think it'd be possible."

The two of us were in the limo, on our way back from the radio station. We just finished yet another interview together. Brian and I had spent the past week doing this and that for Kevin, from radio interviews to autograph signings.

I've really enjoyed spending all of this time with Bri, but something just doesn't feel right to me. How come it is always Brian and I, and never the other guys? Why is it when we split up, Howie, Kev and AJ go their own way?

Brian then interrupted my thoughts. "This past week has been great Nick. I've missed spending time with you." Brian said. He was sitting next to me, actually pretty close, but I didn't think much of it. We're best friends, obviously we'll be close.

"I missed you too." I replied, pulling him into a hug. This past week has been an emotional week between the two of us, full of hugs and feelings, but fun and laugher as well. I feel bad for Bri, with his impending divorce and all, but I have been trying to make him feel better through these tough times.

"So, do you maybe want to catch some dinner soon?" Brian asked me.

"Yea that'd be gre... oh wait I can't." I said, almost forgetting about plans I had made with Geoff. I don't want to have to cancel on him again. Last time we had real dinner plans I had to go visit a sick fan in the hospital. He said Howie informed him where I was, so he was well aware. But if I had forgotten about our plans tonight and gone with Brian to dinner, I can't even imagine how hurt he would be.

"Oh really." Brian said, sounding disappointed, "How come?"

"I promised Geoff that I'd take him out."

"Oh." Brian said flatly.

I couldn't just leave Brian alone, especially with all of the emotional pain he is in already because of Leighanne. Then an idea popped into my head. "Hey! Why don't you come to dinner with us?" Brian looked hesitant, probably not wanting to intrude on our dinner plans. "Come on Bri! I won't accept no for an answer."

Brian agreed, and when we arrived back at the hotel the two of us headed off to our designated suites to get ready for tonight.

As I was heading down the hall towards the room I was thinking about Geoff, hoping he wouldn't mind that Brian would be joining us for dinner. Geoff and I haven't been spending as much time together this week as we would have liked to, due to management and Kevin always having something scheduled for the band, or just for a few of us, or just for Brian and I. I've missed spending time with Geoff, and I think he has too, although he hasn't said anything to me yet. I'm sure he's noticed how busy we've been this past week. Doesn't he care?

All of a sudden I was thrown to the ground as another body came slamming into me.

"What the fuck?" I said from the ground. I pushed myself up, rubbing my head, which had struck the ground pretty hard. "Why don't you watch where you're fuckin' going man?"

"Oh sorry Nick." The man said.

I looked up at the guy who has just ran into me and saw it was no other than Jack, that dancer that had gotten Geoff fired from his previous job.

"Oh it's you." I said rather coldly. Although I didn't really know the guy, I didn't like him at all. Geoff has told me so much about this Jack guy, and never were they good things. From all that I know, he's such a horrible person. "Where the hell are you headed in a such a hurry?" I finally asked, as Jack just stood in front of me looking kind of panicked.

"Umm, nowhere." He said. "Why would you care anyways?"

"I don't, but you knocked me down causing me to hit my head, man, and all it did was make me pissed. Now where the fuck are you headed that you didn't bother to watch where you're going?" I said, my voice beginning to rise with anger.

"I don't know." He said weekly, "Just away from here. I can't take it anymore." Tears welled up in his eyes as he slid down the wall and curled up into a ball on the floor.

I stared down at him and I felt my anger beginning to fade. This guy was in pain, probably about his sexuality from what I know of him so far. He had told Geoff he was gay no too long ago, but I haven't heard anything about it since the day Geoff spoke to him. But I felt bad for Jack now. As much as I don't like the guy, he needs help. He needs someone to talk to. And if that someone is me, so be it. I leaned against the wall and sat down next to Jack.

"Listen Jack. I know we don't really know each other, and we haven't even really talked at all since you've started working for us, but can you tell me what you were running away from just now?" I asked very calmly in a gentle tone. I had to allow him to believe he could trust me.

"I told you, I don't know." He muttered.

"Then why are you crying? And you just said you were trying to get away from something. What are you trying to get away from?" I asked, but I think I already knew why.

"You wouldn't understand." He said.

"You don't think I would understand? Is it because you're gay, Jack?"

He finally looked up at me with a very shocked and upset look on his face. I guess he had never been honest with anyone other than Geoff about his sexuality, and there is no way he would have heard about my relationship with Geoff yet, so I kind of figured me knowing his secret would come as a shock to him.

"How do you..." Jack began but couldn't finish. He just stared at me looking so hurt and helpless.

"I know Jack. Geoff told me."

His eyes bulged when he said that. Maybe it was a mistake to tell him that Geoff had told me. This might just end up causing more trouble instead of solving any at all.

"Jack, you have to understand that Geoff tells me everything. We don't keep secrets from each other." Confusion then spread across Jack's face. "Jack, I'm gay too." I paused and the shocked look returned to Jack's face. "Yea, I am. And Geoff's my boyfriend. I love him, he loves me, and the two of us are always there for each other. You caused him a lot of pain, which I am completely aware about. The two of us will never forget that. But it seems to me now that you are in pain too. Will you let me help you?"

"I don't know." He said quietly as he started to get up. "Maybe." He started walking away and then stopped for a second. He turned back to look at me. "Thanks though." He said and then hurried off in the direction of his hotel room.

Maybe I had gotten through to him. Hopefully he'll realize that he needs help, and people are willing to help him.

I pushed myself up off from the floor and headed for my room. I opened the door to find Geoff waiting for me all dressed and ready to go for dinner.

"You're home, finally!" He said. "I was just about to call your cell and see where you were."

"Yea, sorry I'm late. I was kind of knocked off my feet for a few minutes there." I said, figuring I'd tell Geoff about my encounter with Jack later. Right now we were really late for dinner.

"Okay, well can we go now? I'm starving!" Geoff said rubbing his stomach.

"Yea sure. Let me just call Brian and tell him to meet us in the lobby, alright?"

"Brian's coming?" Geoff said. There was no hiding the disappointment in his voice. Was this a bad idea?

"Yea, that okay with you?" I asked, hoping to find out why he was so disappointed.

"No, that's fine." Geoff said impassively and then headed for the door. "I'll meet you in the lobby." He said and left.

When I walked into the lobby I found both Geoff and Brian waiting for me. They were standing next to each other but weren't talking to each other at all.

We headed to a restaurant close by to the hotel. Dinner was nice and enjoyable. For whatever reason Geoff sounded disappointed earlier seemed to disappear because he appeared to be enjoying himself as well.

"Will you boys be ordering any dessert tonight?" The waitress asked the three of us.

"No, I'm stuffed. I don't think I can eat another bite." I said.

"Yea me too." Geoff agreed, as did Brian.

"Just the check then please." I told her.

"Sure thing!" She said as she trotted off from the table.

Within a few minutes she was back with the check and placed it on the table.

"Thanks." I said while reaching for it, but Geoff grabbed it before I got he chance.

"My treat." He said.

A recollection of what Kevin had told me a week ago played inside my head. 'It just doesn't seem like he really respects his parents' memory. I mean, they died and what did he do? Just handed everything they worked for over to total strangers, like he didn't care at all about their lives or what was important to them. He sure seems to care about their money, what with the way he whips out that checkbook and all, but it just seems kind of like he didn't really care about them the way he totally threw the business away.'

"No Geoff," I said, taking the bill from his hands. "You always pay, and I think Brian and I will pay this time. We're not short for cash you know."

"But I want to pay." He said, taking the check back from my hands.

"No, stop it!" I said sternly taking it back from him again. This was getting repetitive. "Let us cover it this time, please."

"What's the big deal Nick?" Geoff asked seeming a little frustrated with me.

"It's not a big deal, Geoff. It's just it seems that you're always whipping out your checkbook or you wallet without giving it a second thought." Oh no, I shouldn't have said that.

Anger seems to flood into Geoff, but he said nothing. I could tell he was angry though. He stopped insisting about paying, and allowed Brian and I to split the bill, but didn't say much for the rest of the evening.

When we got back to the hotel Brian said goodnight and went to his own room. Geoff and I headed to ours, and he still seemed pretty angry with me. He didn't even say a word to me on our way up to the room.

When we walked into the suite he was still ignoring me. "Geoff, I'm sorry."

"I'm going to sleep, goodnight." He said bitterly as he walked into the bedroom.

I followed him in there, got undressed and slipped under the covers. I spooned myself up against him, and he didn't seem to mind. I wasn't sure if he was sleep or not, we had only been in bed for five minutes.

"I love you Geoff." I said, but go no response.

Eventually, I fell asleep.

End of Chapter Eleven It was a little different, I know. Nevertheless, what did you think?? Please e-mail me with all questions and comments at kdawg96@hotmail.com - and I'm always open to new and fresh ideas. I look forward to hearing from all of you. Check back next week for Chapter Twelve!

Next: Chapter 14

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