Encountering Nick

By Kevin K

Published on Jan 28, 2002


Obligatory warnings and disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, go away. You shouldn't be here.

  2. I don't know any of the celebrities in this story, and this story in no way is meant to imply anything about their sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "kdawg96@hotmail.com".

This is my first attempt at a story. I'd like all the feedback I can get! Thanks and here it goes...

*** Encountering Nick - Chapter One

Of all the places to meet your true love, no one ever suspects the washroom. But hey, it could happen.

My name's Geoff, and I'm a 22-year-old guy and an unemployed dancer. I'm proud to say I'm pretty good looking. I'm about 5'9 with short blond hair. I'm also not ashamed to say that I have a great body, but that's what you get from sixteen years of dancing! I just got off touring with Britney Spears, and I should still be with them if it wasn't for this incident that wasn't my fault! You see, I happen to be a klutz some of the time, not usually, but occasionally. And during a rehearsal before a concert, we were going over our routine on stage, while the production crews were setting up the stage for that night. And I just happened to get fucked up with my steps and stumbled into two of the crewmembers that were connecting the lights. One thing led to another and the damage "I caused" was costing at least a couple thousand dollars. So they fired me, and sorry if I sound a little pissed off, but I kind of am.

The tour went on without me and I stayed behind in Manhattan, NY in the Plaza hotel. I wasn't a poor guy at all; so staying at a fancy hotel like this one was no big deal. My parents were filthy rich, and when they died I inherited it all. It's not something I'm proud about, because I'd trade it all just to have them back in the world with me. But anyways, I didn't need to dance for money; it's just something I loved to do. It's my one true passion, and now that I got fired, I need to find employment.

I'd been off the tour for at least a week, but I stayed in New York because I had no place to go. The Plaza was to die for! Everything was unbelievably fancy and incredibly elegant, even the washrooms!

I was sitting in the lobby one afternoon just watching the people go by. That's the type of person I am, always very curious and interested about people. Just by watching them I could tell what they were like. I'd been sitting in the lobby for over an hour already and I thought I'd go for a walk along Fifth Avenue soon. I headed to the washroom first, and went into one of the stalls. While in there, I heard someone else come in and go into the stall next to mine. Like I said before, the washroom was as fancy as hell. There were colognes to sample and wear, classical music playing through speakers that weren't even visible to the eye and there was also a lounge with couches and chairs. When I got out to go and wash my hands, the person next to me did as well. While washing, I looked up into the mirror to see what they looked like. Being gay and all, I never give up an opportunity to check out a guy.

He had the greatest blond hair. It wasn't too short, but not too long either, and all spiked up too, which I absolutely love on guys. He was pretty tall as well; I'm guessing around 6'1, probably 6'2.

And the he looked up and our eyes met. They say the eyes are the windows of the soul, and I looked into his deep blue eyes and swear I saw a loving face. He looked so familiar to me. I swear I knew him from somewhere. So I smiled and he smiled back. Then it hit me. 'Holy fuck! That's was Nick Carter, of the Backstreet Boys!' But there's no way I'd say that out loud. So I kept me cool.

"Hey, how's it going?" I said pretty nonchalantly.

"Not bad and yourself? Where you from?" Nick replied.

This was going pretty well. He was asking me questions too. He actually wanted to talk to me. But I was just scared I was going to blow it, so I was careful what I said. "Oh, I'm alright, thanks. I'm from Toronto, up in Canada, but I travel a lot. You see I was a dancer."

"Was? You're not anymore?" Nick inquired.

I was surprised someone like him wanted to talk to someone like me. But I wasn't going to stop him. Hell, this was almost a dream come true. I've always had a thing for him, but he couldn't be gay. Could he? But I continued, "No, it's a long story but I kind of got fired. It was totally not my fault. You see, I was on tour with Britney Spears and..."

Nick cut me off before I could finish, "Really, Britney Spears? You must be pretty good!"

"I like to think I am," I didn't realize it at first, but we'd been standing there for at least five minutes, just talking. We were both done washing our hands, but neither of us wanted to leave. I was about to ask if he wanted to head over to that mini lounge and sit down. But it was almost as if he read my mind and knew what I was thinking and he sat down before I could even suggest the idea. Then, after I sat down, I continued. "Yea, but they fired me for some minor error." I wasn't going to tell him the whole story, because I'd just end up embarrassing myself.

"I'm sure it wasn't your fault," he was being so nice to me. I wondered why. But he kept talking, "I'm Nick, by the way. Nick Carter."

"Yea, I know, I recognized you earlier, but I didn't say anything. I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything. I'm sure people do that a lot. I know Britney would get fed up a lot of the time. My name's Geoff."

"Thanks Geoff. It's really nice to actually meet someone who treats you like a person and not a celebrity. You know, we're looking for another dancer if you're interested in trying out. You seem like a real nice guy, so if you want I can try get you and audition or something?"

"Wow! Really? That would be incredible! Thanks Nick. I really appreciate this." We were becoming friends very quickly, and Nick was a real nice guy. I was beginning to like him a lot. We exchanged numbers, and I gave him a whole bunch of information about myself, like job experience and other stuff to tell his choreographer, or whoever hires the dancers.

We continued talk for another twenty minutes or so. He told me a whole bunch of stories and things that happened to him when he went on tour and I told him the few stories that I had too. The he glanced down at his watch and nearly jumped through the roof. "Holy shit! I'm late! Listen Geoff, it's been great talking to you. I don't get to meet a lot a of genuinely nice people because of my career, but you seem like a good guy, so I hope we can be friends."

"Yea, I'd like that Nick," I replied.

"Great," he said, "Listen, you're staying in the hotel still, right?" I nodded, "Good. Do you want to come to dinner with the guys and me tonight?"

"Yea sure, that sounds great."

"OK, here's my room number," Nick handed me a piece of paper, "But I'll try call you because I might have news today about whether you can audition. Well, take care Geoff and I'll call you later."

Nick then reached out to shake my hand, and as I went to shake it he pulled me into a hug. It was very unexpected, but who was I to complain!

I went back up to my room, and was anxiously awaiting Nick's call. I waited around and basically did nothing. I worked out a bit, and watched TV a little. It was 4:00pm now, and I met Nick in the washroom soon after 11:00am. I was wondering why he hadn't called yet, and then my cell rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Geoff, it's Nick!"

"Oh hey!" I was so happy he called. I was in the greatest mood now, and I wasn't pissed at all now about loosing my job with Britney. I now had a good chance of being a dancer for the Backstreet Boys. I was in the greatest mood and nothing could ruin it!

"Listen, Geoff, I've got some bad news."

I was wrong.

Next: Chapter 2

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