Encounter in a public toilet

By edward peters

Published on Jun 22, 2006



Busting for a piss I had to make a stop at the motorway services which thankfully were open all through the night. As it was three o'clock in the morning I didn't expect to see anyone else in the toilets, but there were two other guys having a piss in the urinals and so I did the same. I don't know if it was a sort of sixth sense but I had the feeling that I was being watched by one of the guys as I took my much needed piss.I quickly glanced over at the guy nearest to me and instantly diverted my eyes back to what I was doing as I saw him openly staring downwards at my cock and he had a slight smile on his face, which really shocked me. I glanced over at him again, thinking I was mistaken and couldn't believe he was still ogling my cock. As we made the briefest of eye contact he blatantly stuck out his tongue and licked his lips which really unsettled me and I started to feel quite scared by this guy and his blatant approach. The other guy who had also been taking a leak, finished what he was doing and left the toilets, leaving me alone with this guy who was obviously coming on to me. I desperately wanted to finish my leak and get out of there as this guy was making me very nervous.

" Looks like you needed that" he said,

" Yes I was really busting" I replied, laughing politely, not wanting to seem rude by ignoring him.

" Long journey ?" he asked

" Yes about another hour or so to go" I replied.

I didn't really want this conversation but I certainly didn't want to upset the guy as he was physically bigger than me and quite intimidating with his shaved head and general appearance. I finally finished my leak and as I gave my cock a shake I was sure I heared the guy sigh.

" Anyway must be on my way" I said, zipping up my jeans.

He had moved away from the urinal and was now stood facing me and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He hadn't put his cock away and it was sticking out from his trousers, fully erect and I couldn't help but stare, because this guy had what could only be described as an absolutely enormous cock. It looked like something from a freak show, sticking out and curving downwards and it was almost as thick as my wrist with a huge head about the size of a smallish apple and it must have been at least twelve or more inches in length. I was totally mesmerised and had never seen a cock this big before and although I was totally straight I couldn't help but wonder what a cock like that would feel like.

" Why don't you let me suck you off, I promise you will enjoy it" he asked.

His offer of oral relief had certainly removed any doubts as to what this guy was after and surprisingly enough I felt my cock start to stiffen inside my jeans. I had often wondered what it would be like with another guy but had never had the nerve or opportunity to put it to the test and now here I was with that possibility being blatantly offered to me. This situation had become very scary and intimidating now and I didn't know what to do, to get out of it.

" Look mate this isn't my scene sorry and I don't want any trouble" I said, trying to let the guy know without offending him

" OK no problem, sorry if I've upset you" he replied, moving aside to let me pass. His change in attitude which was now less threatening was a big relief and as I moved past him I couldn't help myself from looking down for one more look at his huge cock which was still sticking out from his trousers. I carried on walking out of the toilets, realising there was no obvious threat now as the guy had let me leave and was quite shocked and very confused as to why I was so sexually aroused.

" Last chance if you want to change your mind" he called out from behind me as I opened the toilet door to leave.

I don't know what made me do it, but instead of exiting the toilets I stopped, holding the door open and whether it was just curiosity or whether it was my state of arousal I couldn't deny that his offer of oral relief was quickly becoming very inviting.

" The thing is I'm totally straight and I don't really know if I could go through with it" I said

" That's fine, you don't have to do anything except let me suck you off"

By stopping where I was rather than making a quick exit I knew deep down that I wanted to take him up on his offer and the thought of having my hard cock sucked right now was a very tempting thought even if it was by a guy which would certainly be a new experience for me and another strangely exciting thing about this was I wondered what it would be like to hold and stroke his massive cock which was a very enticing thought.

" But where would we go to do it?" I asked, obviously letting the guy know that I was now interested in letting him suck me off.

" Follow me I'll show you" he said, walking to the far end of the toilets. I followed the guy to the end of the urinals and around the corner there were four cubicles. I watched as the guy opened the door to one of the cubicles.

" You go in that one" he said, pointing to the cubicle next to the one he had opened.

I stepped into the other cubicle already guessing what was going to happen. I had heard of these ' gloryhole' places where gay guys would meet up and as I looked at the adjoining partition between the two cubicles I saw the hole that had been cut out. The tension and excitement of what I was about to do was really exciting me but the only thing was I wouldn't be able to play with this guys huge cock as he sucked me which I really wanted to do.

" OK slide your cock through the hole in the wall" I heared him say from the other cubicle.

I quickly unzipped my jeans and let them fall around my ankles, followed by my pants and I grabbed my hard cock which was by now leaking lots of precome. I stepped to the hole and slid my cock through.

" Oh yes nice and hard" I heard him say.

As his hot wet mouth engulfed my cock I let out a groan of pleasure.All my concerns and fears about the vulnerable situation I had let myself be put in, instantly disappeared as this guy expertly sucked on my cock and he was better at it than any woman I had received the same pleasure from. It felt weird feeling this intense pleasure and not being able to see who was doing it to me, which I guessed was the big attraction to these 'gloryhole' places. The way the guy worked my cock with his soft wet mouth was not going to last very long as I knew this wonderful feeling would have me spurting my come very quickly.

" Wish I could see your big cock as you suck me" I blurted out, surprising myself with my directness.

The guy stopped sucking and I thought I had put him off by my suggestion.

" Come and join me in here if you like" he said.

Remembering the sight of his huge thick cock earlier was enough to convince me to do as he suggested.

I slid my cock back through the hole and put it back inside my jeans. I let myself out of the cubicle and pushed open the door of the one he was in. I was surprised to see he was totally naked except for a pair of very skimpy, tight white briefs which had a huge bulge at the front where they held his large cock. His clothes were piled on top of the toilet and he picked them up and draped them over the partition wall.

" Why don't you take a seat" he said, pointing to the toilet.

I felt as if I was under his spell as I willingly did as he said and sat myself down on the toilet. He stood right in front of me and my eyes were glued to the enormous bulge in his briefs which was only inches from my face. A strange desire to bury my face in that bulge took me by surprise but was almost irresistable as I felt so horny at being this close to another guys cock.

" Would you like to stroke it" he asked

In response I placed my hand right onto the bulge and squeezed gently, feeling his thick hard cock through the sheer material of his briefs. I just couldn't hold back and slowly pulled his briefs to one side, releasing his enormous cock into view.

" Shit!" The expletive came out almost involuntarily as the sheer size of this guys cock amazed me.

The guy laughed and I just stared at his thick cock, curving out from his groin, the huge head almost resting against my face. I knew what I was going to do even before I did it. I moved my head forward slightly and licked the smooth hot tip of his cock. Initially I had only wanted to hold it but the strange desire to take it in my mouth was too much to resist. It tasted slightly salty and smelled really good, sort of musky with a faint aroma of piss which wasn't off putting, but actually very sexy.

" Oh yes do you want to suck my cock?" he asked

" Yes I want to try if I can get my mouth around it" I answered, not sure if I could stretch my jaw wide enough to take his huge cockhead inside my mouth. He held the shaft of his cock and rubbed his smooth cockhead back and fore across my lips. The strong scent of his cock was really exciting me and I opened my mouth slowly and felt the tip of his cock starting to slide into my mouth, stretching my mouth wider as it did so. I bobbed my head forward taking more of his cock until I felt my jaw fully stretched and starting to ache, but I had managed to take all of the huge head inside my mouth. Knowing my mouth was stretched to the limit I knew I wouldn't be able to take anymore and so I started to suck on his cockhead, with my tongue working from side to side on the underside where the head was joined to his thick shaft, which I knew was the most sensitive part. I couldn't really believe that I was actually doing this, sucking a total strangers cock in a public toilets and the reality of the situation was still a little scary, but also very exciting .

" Oh yes that feels so good" The guy moaned as he stood over me, making me feel really dirty and so horny. My mouth was getting wetter as I salivated from sucking on his huge cock which made it easier to slide my lips up and down over his cock which seemed to hit the spot with him as he started breathing heavier, letting out deep moans of pleasure which was giving me a nice feeling, knowing I was actually pleasuring this guy. I had no idea how far this was going to go and although I was really enjoying this guys cock inside my mouth I was starting to feel a little apprehensive that he may get over excited and end up spurting his come in my mouth. Strangely enough imagining this huge cock coming in my mouth gave me a thrill but I feared that it would make me heave if I did actually go all the way. I had no idea how it would taste and how it would feel and was scared it might make me throw up which wasn't a very nice thought. The guy finally made the decision for me by placing his hand on my bobbing head as he slowly withdrew his cockhead from my mouth.

" If you do that much longer I will come" he said .

" You can come if you want, just not sure if I could take it in my mouth though sorry" I replied

" That's OK I will give you a suck instead and I want you to come in my mouth" he said, which seemed like an offer that was too good to refuse.

I did feel a bit dissapointed that I couldn't taste his big cock for a bit longer but with my jaw feeling numb and aching it was probably just as well. We swapped positions with him now sat on the toilet with his huge cock hanging out between his spread legs and me stood directly in front of him.

" Want to slip your jeans down?" he asked.

I undid my jeans and pulled them down along with my briefs down around my ankles. My cock was hard and covered in precome and sticking upwards in full erection. He reached behind me and grabbedmy naked bum, pulling me towards him. In one quick motion he took my cock all the way into his mouth and I let out a gasp of pleasure as he started to suck me. I was surprised at how gently he sucked my cock, making little slurping noises as he gave me the best blowjob I could remember.

He must have only been sucking me for a couple of minutes when I felt the familiar surge of my approaching orgasm. He was just so good at it that I couldn't stop myself from giving in to his teasing tongue and mouth.

" Oh shit I'm going to come" I groaned.

He moved a hand onto my cock and started to pump my shaft hard and fast and that just took me over the edge as I spurted my come into his hot wet mouth. I heared him gulping my come down as my cock spurted more and more come into his mouth and he kept my cock tightly clamped in his mouth until he had drained every drop from me. I leaned back against the toilet door, feeling totally drained with my legs very weak I managed to yank my pants and jeans back up and got dressed.

" Thanks for that I really enjoyed it" The guy said, standing up and replacing his huge cock back inside his skimpy briefs.

" Don't you want to come?" I asked

" No it's OK I know you've probably lost all interest now after coming" he replied.

He was exactly right, I had no desire anymore to suck him off but felt a bit guilty that he hadn't come too

" Well I could wank you off if you like?" I suggested, thinking it only fair that he had some relief too

" No honestly it's fine I'm quite happy providing the pleasure so you don't have to feel bad about it" he said

" Well thanks for a really horny experience" I said

" My pleasure" he replied.

Feeling a little awkward I said goodbye and opened the door, leaving the guy to get dressed.

As I got back to my car everything that had happened in the toilet began to really sink in. I realised that what I had done had been really risky and although the excitement had taken over I realised I could have really put myself in a nasty situation. But I couldn't stop thinking about the guys enormous, thick cock and as I drove out of the car park I still couldn't believe that I had actually sucked another guys cock in a public toilet . Coming to terms with everything that had occurred would have to wait because for now I was happy to accept that it was the horniest experience I had ever enjoyed.

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