Encounter at the Chiropractors

By moc.loa@ASUmorfxelA

Published on Oct 6, 2003


As he wrapped his hands around the giant man's huge cock, he was amazed to see that it took both hands to wrap around the monster. He knew his hands were small for a full-grown man, but on this engorged meat they seemed positively little. And when he pressed into it, he was surprised that there was no give at all. The cock was hard as a steel pipe.

Then he felt a giant hand on the back of his head, slowly pushing his face closer to the source of the big man's pleasure. As his face got closer, he started to balk. He had never sucked another man's cock before and didn't want to start now. Especially not with this one. He wasn't sure he'd be able to open his mouth wide enough to take it in. So he resisted.

In doing so he pushed against the large man's massive meat pole. But even with all his strength, that pipe didn't move. The leverage he gained by pushing against that mighty rod was of no avail, as the giant hand that encased the back of his head continued the slow and steady pressure to go closer. He couldn't do anything about it. With his eyes widening, his mouth got closer and closer to the cock.

As inevitable as a wave coming to shore, his lips landed on the bull-cock.

"Good boy, Billy. Let me feel it," said Steve, the incredibly strong, muscular, younger man who had take away Billy's initiative.

When he heard Steve's voice, Billy almost froze with awareness. Here he was, a chiropractor, a happily married man with two kids, having just provided an adjustment and some massage therapy to his patient, now with his pants down, having just received a spanking (?!), and, incredibly, now being forced to suck Steve's cock. How had this happened? And why was his own dick hard? And why were his hands still squeezing and working on Steve's cock, as Steve instructed, when part of him was trying to get away and end this?

In a flash the whole interaction replayed in his mind:

"Your new patient is in Room C, Dr. Jones," said his secretary, Mary. "And I'm leaving now. So have a good evening, sir." Mary always spoke formally and respectfully to the doctor, in part because she was raised that way, in part because she understood that he expected to be treated as the authority.

Mary had intuitively perceived that Dr. Jones craved respect. He always introduced himself as Dr. Jones, never as Billy or even as Billy Jones. Even when people introduced themselves by their first names, he continued to refer to himself as Dr. Jones. With his patients he used their first names, even without being invited to. That built him up, made him confident, which he needed, because he had not been blessed with the attribute that inspires respect from the outset. He was below average in height, standing only 5'7". What's more, he had a slender build. Even though he was a lot stronger then he looked, he carried only 142 pounds of weight on his lean frame.

All his life he had struggled with feelings of inadequacy, because he usually had to look up to other men. Even though he could play, as a kid he always got picked toward the end for sports. And because he developed late, and even then not all that dramatically, the girls didn't pay him much attention and some of the tough guys would constantly pick on him.

So he worked hard at school, became a doctor of chiropractic, and opened his own practice where he would be the boss. And he loved it. Especially when he got to treat some otherwise healthy, fit, guy who was bigger than him. Because during an examination the bigger man would have to listen to him, which gave him a feeling of power. During the adjustment he would sometimes pause and enjoy having the larger man under his power, under his control. He would never intentionally hurt anyone, of course, he was a dedicated professional. But sometimes he would enjoy controlling the larger man a little bit more than necessary.

After Mary left, he opened the door and went in to see his last patient, a young man of 28 (even though he was only 35, in his mind Dr. Jones made a big deal of the age difference and really thought of a 28 year old as a young man). As usual he got a little excited because the patient was a man. He liked treating men better, because he liked bending them under his power.

As he went in and halfway turned to close the door behind him, he was still scanning the chart rather than looking at his new patient. "Good afternoon, Steve, I'm Dr. Jones," said Dr. Jones as he closed the door and the chart, took a step toward his new patient, stuck out his hand, and looked at his patient for the first time. There before him was a very tall man, of at least 6'6", who was also pretty big, although his clothes hid any definition.

Confronted by the sight of such a large man in such close quarters, Dr. Jones momentarily felt puny like he did when he was a teenager in gym class. That feeling continued when he felt his hand be enveloped by Steve's enormous, powerful hand. Dr. Jones had a flashback to being a kid and shaking hands with a full-grown man, since his hand was absorbed by the larger man's giant paw. "Hello, Dr. Jones," answered Steve in his resonant voice. "Thanks for being able to take me so late."

Recovering a little when Steve released his hand, Dr. Jones started to get that old excitement as he anticipated bending this tall man. "Tell me what you're feeling right now," instructed Dr. Jones.

"My low back is irritated and I feel a pain down my left leg that shows up in different spots at different times," replied Steve.

"Have you ever received chiropractic before," asked Dr. Jones.

"Yes, a few times, before I moved here. And it always helped. My back responds to the adjustment and to some massage therapy," answered Steve.

"We'll see what we can do for you," said Dr. Jones. "Go ahead and stand by the treatment table, so that I can examine you," instructed Dr. Jones as he turned to place Steve's chart on the computer table. When he turned back around, his breath caught in his throat. Standing before him was the most muscular man he had ever seen! Shoulders that spread several feet across, carrying a chest that expanded out like a gorilla's, biceps and triceps that were cut even though Steve was not pumped up, all over a waist that narrowed to 31" and was marked by statue like abs. Steve's bulky sweater and shirt had hidden his definition and strength.

Stunned by the sight of this massive man standing before him without a shirt on, Dr. Jones could only stutter a couple of times before finally asking, "Why did you remove your shirt?"

"I've always taken off my shirt for the exam and adjustment. I've gone to several different chiropractors, and they all had me take it off," responded Steve. As he was talking, he unconsciously flexed his pecs. When he noticed that Dr. Jones's eyes stayed straight ahead, which because of their height difference was at his chest level, instead of back on his eyes, Steve nonchalantly flexed them again, first the right, then the left. He had seen the look before, plenty of times.

Dr. Jones was mesmerized by the juice flowing through those pecs. They were right in front of him and filled his vision. Up the flow went on the right side, then on the left. Without even touching him, Steve played with the little doctor like a spider teases a fly.

Finally Steve said in a quiet but firm tone, "Give me my exam, Doc."

"Yes. Yes, sir," responded Dr. Jones once his salvia started to flow again. "Yes, let me examine you." "Would you please turn around so I can look at your back," asked Dr. Jones uncharacteristically. He usually gave simply told his patients what to do.

"Sure thing, Doc," said Steve as he turned around. When he had finished turning around, he heard a sharp inhalation of breath from behind. Dr. Jones was stunned by the enormous spread of Steve's back and shoulders, tapering down to a narrow, tight waist. Immediately Dr. Jones thought Steve was twice as wide as him in the shoulders.

Tentatively, Dr. Jones asked, "May I touch you, sir?"

Noting the delay in hearing from the little man behind him, and understanding the reason, Steve just waited, letting his relaxed yet etched delts, traps, and lats talk for him. When he heard the previously presumptuous doctor ask permission even to touch him, he smirked, then extended his dominance by replying, "Have at it, Billy."

Not objecting to the diminuitive from this huge man, Billy began his examination. To his surprise, his strongest pressure didn't move his patient or throw him off balance. He had never felt such firm flesh before. He then asked, "Would it be alright if you got on the treatment table so I can do the adjustment?"

Once Steve was on his left side on the table, Billy started to regain his senses. Here was a comfortable set-up, where he was standing over a larger man, ready to bend him by doing his adjustment, thereby establishing his control. Billy bent Steve's legs and arms in the contortion chiropractors use to then do an adjustment. As he looked down at the tight, firm, powerful flesh below him, he regained a little of his arrogance, and he confidently placed his hands in position on Steve's back and shoulders. Then he applied a burst of pressure to Steve's back, which shifted things appropriately within him.

The adjustment was not without an initial stab of pain for Steve, who responded automatically by lifting out and up with his right arm. "Uhhh," said Steve. "That didn't feel so good, Billy. What did you do?" he demanded.

At that moment Billy couldn't answer, since he was off the floor, held up by the huge, powerful hand and arm of his muscular patient. Steve's reaction swept Billy off his feet, a position he'd never before experienced. At that moment Billy could only hold on to the unyielding flesh of Steve's sinewy right arm and hope that the giant man would be gentle with him. His arrogance gone, Billy said quickly, "Sorry I didn't tell you to be prepared, sir. It's normal to feel a little pain from the nerves and muscles. But the adjustment went well."

"Ok. It does feel better," growled Steve. "What's next?"

Looking down, Billy could see that Steve's eyes were closed. It dawned on him that the muscle man didn't even realize he was holding Billy in the air. Billy marveled at the power and asked, "Would you it be okay if you put me down?"

Opening his eyes, Steve looked up at Billy, who was suspended in the air by his right arm. Smirking, he looked at Billy's eyes and said, "Sorry, Billy. You weigh so little, I didn't even realize I was holding you up. Here, let me set you down." With that he lowered Billy's legs to the floor, with Billy anchoring himself on Steve's upper arm.

Steve then stood up as Billy explained that the adjustment was successful, then turned to the tabled to record his note in the computer. "I want you to massage my left leg, Billy, since I've also had a stabbing pain there," said Steve.

"Yes, sir," responded Billy, even though he didn't often do massage. "If you would please lie back down on the table, I'll do that as soon as I finish this note." The note took him only a few seconds to do, then he turned back to the table. Once again he was frozen by the sight that greeted him. Not only was Steve lying face down on the table, but he had removed his pants and underwear, revealing the biggest, most muscular glutes and enormous legs that Billy had ever seen! Even relaxed they looked like mountains of rock. Billy couldn't move. He had never massaged anyone completely naked before, especially not without a towel cover.

After a bit, Steve said authoritatively, "Come here and massage my leg."

Hearing that tone, Billy moved beside the giant and tentatively made contact with Steve's hamstring. Gradually increasing the pressure, Billy could not dent it. Even relaxed it was incredibly dense. Finally Billy leaned his whole upper body weight into the massage, and was finally able to work the muscle. "That's good, Billy," said Steve after a few minutes. "Now move up to my left glute, because the stabbing pain is located there sometimes."

Following orders, Billy moved his hands up to the rounded mountain of a muscle that was Steve's left glute. As hard as he pressed, he couldn't dent it. Even his technique of using his upper body wasn't enough. Hearing Billy's exertion, Steve asked, "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, sir, but I can't get enough leverage to work your muscle," replied Billy.

"Yeah, the other chiropractors all had the same problem when they massaged my glute. I figured out how to get it to work. I have to help you. Start and keeping pressing, as hard as you can. Ready?" asked Steve.

"Yes, sir," replied Billy. As soon as Billy said that, Steve lifted his left hand, with Billy in it, up and positioned it and Billy over his butt, effortlessly holding Billy in the air as he massaged Steve's massive glute. The additional leverage of Billy's whole body weight, along with all the strength he had in his arms, gave Billy enough to work over the boulder like glute. "Good boy," said Steve.

After a couple of minutes, Billy's hands and arms were aching. But he could tell that he needed to continue a little longer. Finally, in a last bit of exertion, he pressed harder than ever before, and after a moment, his strength gave out and his arms could no longer hold his upper body (Steve's massive left hand still held Billy up from between the legs). In his collapse Billy's face went down, right down between Steve's legs. In almost a comical development, Steve at that moment spread his legs a little and trapped the top of Billy's head.

Billy's face was inches from Steve's ass. He could feel his breath bounce back into his face. He tried to speak, but his words were absorbed by those mounds of meat. He tried to wriggle free, but was too weak. Finally Steve separated his legs more and Billy could push himself up again. As soon as he did, Steve lowered him to the ground and then got up off the table. To Billy's disbelief, Steve then spanked Billy like a little boy for doing that, and then squeezed and rubbed his stinging red butt until he felt better. Now here he was, with his lips on this huge man's giant cock.

"Make it feel good, boy," ordered Steve as he held Billy's head and lips against his cock.

A little fearful of this powerful man, Billy began to kiss Steve's cock. He continued to try to squeeze the monster, with little result. Giving in to his role, he began to lick it. "Ahh, now that's good," exclaimed Steve. Encouraged, Billy continued to squeeze and lick, up and down the thick, vascular shaft.

"Oh, yeah, that's the way," said Steve. "Good work, little man." To his surprise Billy liked the feeling of pleasing this giant of a man.

"Now how about putting some weight into it," asked Steve.

"I'm trying, sir, but I can't squeeze any harder," replied Billy. "I'm not strong enough."

"Make a muscle for me," said Steve. Abashed, Billy flexed his right bicep and watched as Steve's huge fingers squeezed it. "That's a nice little muscle, little man," said Steve with the tone Billy remembered from when he was a kid. He was so little.

"Can you do 10 pull-ups?" asked Steve.

"Yes, sir," answered Billy the kid.

"Show me," ordered Steve.

Confused, Billy replied, "But there's no pull-up bar."

Then Steve stood on the treatment table and said, "Oh yes there is, little man. Now give me 10."

Stunned, Billy looked at the bar that was Steve's massive cock. Would it really hold his entire weight? He then gripped the rod and tested his weight. Slowly he shifted his entire weight to his hands, and the steel like bar went only to parallel! Steve's cock could hold Billy's entire weight. Billy felt so little and so excited. He'd never known such a strong man. When he did the 10 pull-ups, he licked Steve's cock at the top of his rep, causing Steve to praise him even more. Billy was lost.

Once Billy finished his 10, Steve jumped down and said, "Now I'm going to do a few curls, and you'll be my weight," and lifted Billy off his feet with his huge hands under Billy's arm pits. Up and down Billy went, helpless in the strongman's arms, with his little hands on the big man's pumped guns, squeezing to no effect. Finally, after 25 reps, Steve lowered Billy so Billy's little stiff dick was even with his bull-cock. Billy looked down and felt every emotion he had from when he was a kid: intimidation and fear, but also desire. He wanted to please this giant man and his giant cock.

Seeing Billy's reaction, Steve lowered him to the ground and let him come to his cock. On his own Billy brought his lips to the massive head and began to open as wide as he could. Finally, after much working and a little help from Steve's dominant hand at the back of his head, Billy got the bulb of the bull-cock in his mouth. "Good boy, Billy," said Steve. "Now suck it."

Without much room in his mouth, it was hard for Billy to follow orders, since Steve's cockhead was enormous. But he began to maneuver his tongue and sucked with his cheeks, enough to get a satisfied grunt from his new master. "Yeah, let me feel it," exclaimed Steve.

After a couple of minutes, Steve knew it was time. In his dominance, he would decide who would shoot first. And with this little man, he knew Billy had to go first, so that he would feel his desire and his weakness, not just in bodily strength but in willpower. He had Billly totally in his control, and he wanted the small man to know it, too. So Steve reached down and started to stroke Billy's little hard-on. Lightly, with just a tease, Steve's huge finger stroked Billy's dick, and Billy groaned as he sucked. Finally after wetting his finger Steve reached around and traced his finger down to Billy's little asshole and began to rub. Then he inserted his littlest finger, which was still big for Billy's little hole. Steve stroked, rubbed, and pressed in and out. In less than a minute, Billy could hold it no longer and came.

"Good boy," said Steve. "Now it's time for you to taste the juice." And, as Billy continued to suck him, Steve let go and shot his load. Keeping his hand on Billy's head, Steve held Billy in place. "That's right, son, just drink it down. I want to get some man juice in you, to make up for that boy juice you just lost," said Steve arrogantly and laughed.

When he finally finished shooting, Steve let go of Billy's head and looked down at him. "This is the best adjustment I've ever had. Good job, Billy-boy," said Steve.

Stunned and confused by his own reactions, Billy could only look up sheepishly at the giant man who had made him, not just a boy, but his boy. "Thank you, sir," he muttered. "Um, no charge."

Smirking at Billy's total surrender, Steve got dressed, picked Billy up with one hand under his armpit, brought the other hand between Billy's legs, supported him like a child and said, "See you next time." Giving Billy's butt another meaningful squeeze, Steve lowered Billy back to the ground and then left.

Hearing the front door to the office close, Billy looked down at himself, ashamed and abashed, humiliated and intimidated, still standing with his pants around his ankles, then feeling again the sensations the giant man had given him, and he started to stroke himself.

The End.

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