Encounter at the Chiropractors

By moc.loa@ASUmorfxelA

Published on Sep 20, 2003


As he sat down, his massive mounds of gluteal meat and his perfectly proportioned 34 inch thighs expanded out and up, forcing his limp yet amazingly big cock and balls up. "Come here," he ordered.

Panicking because he thought he was going to have to suck the cock that was already as large as his wrist, Billy pleaded: "But I'm married and have two kids, sir. I'm not gay."

"Good for you, boy," responded Steve, "You've been bad. Bad boys don't get rewarded. Come here now."

Billy breathed a sigh of relief as he realized he wasn't going to "get rewarded" by having to suck this very powerful man's very large cock. So he got closer, standing right next to the seated big man, almost eye level even though he was standing while the big man was sitting. Only then did he start to wonder what was going to happen, since he wasn't going to be made to suck off Steve. He knew something was up. He just wasn't sure what. How things had changed from just a few minutes before.

"You've been naughty, Billy, taking advantage of your role and trying to feel me up. I came here for an adjustment and treatment, which you did a good job in providing. But you tried to do more than is appropriate. And now you're punishment for that is going to be a spanking," said Steve.

"What?" exclaimed Billy. "I didn't mean to feel you up, sir. It was an accident."

"It was no accident, boy," responded Steve. "You tried to make it seem like an accident when you were massaging my left hamstring and glute, but when you put your head between my legs and practically rimmed me, you kept doing it for a couple of minutes. That was no accident. And now you're trying to lie about it, so you'll get extra punishment for that, too. Now drop 'em."

"You're going to spank me? But you can't spank me, sir, I'm a grown man," declared Billy weakly. Only after he said it did he think how hollow that sounded. At 35 years old he was full grown, and 8 years older than his patient Steve. But compared to Steve he seemed only partially grown. Billy was 5'7" and a wiry 142 lbs. Regular running kept any fat off him and his chiropractic work kept his muscles strong. But he was small boned and his muscles had always been lean. So he looked a lot younger than his years.

In contrast, his new patient Steve was large boned, large framed, and powerfully muscled. He easily carried 285 lbs. on his 6'6" frame. He had no extra fat on him-it was all muscle. His thick, peaked arms were bigger than Billy's thighs, even though Billy had been a runner since high school. One of Steve's grooved, rippling thighs was several inches bigger than Billy's waist. Steve's back seemed like it was three feet across, rippling with sinewy muscle with each breath the big man took. His panther like chest cast a shadow on his ripped abs, his pecs were so developed. Billy's whole chest was barely bigger than just half of Steve's. Yet the greatest contrast was between their glutes. Both were white and smooth, but that's where the comparison ended. Steve's glutes were absolutely ripped, powerful basketball sized amalgamations of power and strength, bubbling up even in a resting state. While Billy had a typical distance runner's butt-tight, small mounds of muscle that was in proportion to the rest of his small frame.

"I didn't mean to, sir. I'm sorry," pleaded Billy.

"Whining will only make it worse, boy. I'll rip those pants off you, if you don't drop 'em now!" barked Steve.

In this Billy heard his high school track coach, who had been a drill sergeant in the Marines, and the effect was immediate. For his coach had conditioned his boys to obey his orders without question. Standing next to this giant of a man, hearing such forceful commands, Billy stopped thinking and reacted by dropping his pants.

"Now get up here," ordered Steve.

Billy climbed up and carefully laid himself over Steve's lap, with his feet still on the floor, not sure what to do about Steve's cock, which was now under his chest. Billy had never been spanked before by somone who was also naked.

"No, I said get up here," declared Steve, as he reached under Billy's neck and chest with his enormous left hand and between Billy's little runner's legs with his right hand. Steve then picked Billy up, his right hand more than enveloping Billy's little dick and balls, giving Billy a jolt and a realization of how truly little he was compared to this giant. Steve placed Billy back down on his lap, with Billy's stomach centered over Steve's cock and Billy's feet dangling off the floor.

"I haven't been spanked since I was a kid, and don't think I should be spanked now, sir. I promise I won't do it again," said Billy.

"I know you won't do it again, boy. Now take your punishment like a man," said Steve.

"Smack" came the sound of the first spank, followed by a yelp from Billy. Then another, and then another. Each time Steve's enormous hand covered Billy's entire butt, stinging it and bringing out the red. Billy couldn't tell, because it was so painful, but Steve was holding back most of the impact, since he was so strong and Billy's butt was so little. By the fifth smack, Billy had tears in his eyes. By the seventh, the tears flowed freely from the pain and shock.

It hurt physically, but Billy felt diminished, totally dominated by this powerful man. And all for falling by mistake into the backs of Steve's legs and butt when Billy was massaging him. He hadn't intended to stay in that position, with his head between Steve's legs and his face an inch from Steve's ass. But Steve had shifted his legs apart a little, just enough for the top of Billy's head to get caught between Steve's powerful thighs, and then Billy couldn't get his head up. He tried saying something, but his nose and mouth were so close to Steve's ass that the sound and heat went right into it. Soon Steve, who couldn't see what Billy was doing, thought Billy was rimming him. Eventually, Billy extricated himself from the crush of Steve's enormous thighs, but by then it was too late. Steve was mad.

Finally, after ten smacks Steve stopped and placed his hand on Billy's stinging butt. Steve held Billy still as he continued to sob, then Steve started to massage Billy's little glutes. As he massaged, he started to rub Billy a little along his naked thighs, creating new points of contact. Soon he got into a rhythm of squeeze and rub. Billy's sobs turned into groans, especially as Billy's little dick started to make regular contact with Steve's giant cock.

When Billy's groans started to turn into moans, Steve reached between Billy's little runners legs again, once again enveloping Billy's now hard dick and balls with his gigantic hand, and lifted Billy off his lap. Steve slowly raised Billy to an upright position and then lowered him to the ground. He then opened his right hand and allowed Billy's little dick to spring out. Even engorged and erect Billy's prick wasn't as big or thick as Steve's ring finger. Steve then slowly pulled his hand out from between Billy's legs, rubbing from his dick and balls over his asshole and butt. With Billy's eyes still closed and breathing starting to return to normal, he gave Billy's ass a firm squeeze.

After a couple of seconds he gave Billy a light swat on the butt and said, "Good boy."

With feeling Billy replied, "I deserved that punishment. Thank you, sir," and opened his eyes. Staring at him was Steve's now erect cock, which had grown to a tremendous size. " May I make it up to you?" said Billy as he reached in to wrap his hands around Steve's massive tool. Billy's small hands barely reached around the entire girth of Steve's bull cock.

"Good boy," said Steve, as he put his hand on the back of Billy's head and guided him to his source of pleasure.

To be continued.

Send any comments to Billy at "AlexfromUSA@aol.com"

Next: Chapter 2

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