
By Peanut Shields

Published on Jul 26, 2011


It finally was Friday, Brent's coached moved the doubles to Sunday, instead of practicing before and after the game. The day just completely dragged. I'm so excited to meet Brent's family even though we cant tell them about us its still pretty fun. When the day finally ended Brent asked if I wanted to come over swimming he also invited my sister, but not Tyler. Tyler hasn't talked to him all week, I can see why. I guess he feels like Brent is taking everything from him. The names for homecoming were announced today all the guys I mentioned and 5 girls who were all probably cheerleaders accept one. Mai Crestmere. She was a nice girl, smart down to earth. Very pretty, but she instead of cheerleading, focused on field hockey. I hope she wins no offense to the other girls.

After school my sister left with Jared and I went to Brents house to swim. I haven't been to his house since we were younger, but I remember it being big. I remember that I couldn't go to his house because he tried to kiss me when we were little and his father found out. But its been a long time since and tyler is always allowed here anyway. He told me he will be right back that he needed to change. While he was I decided to look at the pictures on the wall. His older brothers look like him, accept Bryce is bigger and Brian in smaller, I think its funny how the oldest is the shortest and the middle towers over all of them. I found a picture of Brian and his wife, she had blonde hair blue eyes, it seems as if their family looks down on anyone who is not a blonde, thank god I have blonde hair haha. I remember when I met his older brother Bryce, he was one of those nasty jocks who were mean to everyone. I'm glad our families are some what close or

he probably would have picked on me too.

"Hey babe, my parents won't be home till about 6, my brother is in college and wont be in till tomorrow and Brian is at his own home so we have the house to our selves"

"well you know what we should do then"

"Skinny dip?"

"Well there is that but ok "

we walked outside to his in ground pool, he looked at me then removed the towel that covered his nude body

"You planned this didn't you?"


"Shame" he stuck his tongue out at me.

I took my bathing suit off and we both stood there naked looking at eachother. He gave me a dark look then picked me up and jumped in the pool.

"Your such an ass"

"Thankyou I try"

We swam around a bit and played grab-ass until we were both hard. He then wrapped his arms around me and started kissing my neck. We moved over towards the pool pump. We then heard a car door slam.


"What do we do?"

"Umm I don't know"

His older brother made his way towards the backyard.

"How long can you hold your breath under water?"

"About a minute and forty-five seconds why?"

"Go ill get him out" I dove underwater.

"Hey Brent"

"Hey Bryce, your in early"

"I have no classes so I decided why not"


"How is the football team doing this year?"

"4-0 we have a game tomorrow and next week is the homecoming game"


"I'm on the court too" I bit his foot "Can you do me a favor?"


"Well I don't think you want to see me naked, so can you get me a towel?"

"Yeah sure, next time warn a guy"


He finally left and brent picked me up from the water

"Geeze what were you doing writing a fricken novel!"


"Its fine"

"Hey bro, there is a letter here for ya"

Brent quickly jumped from the water to sit on the edge of the pool, "I know how dirty this sounds but stay between my legs, he wont be able to see you unless you move or he stands over my shoulder, I doubt he wants to see me naked"

There I was between his legs, hiding from his older brother. "The letter is from your school actually, and that's gross, next time I wanna see the crack of your ass ill look at your baby pictures"

"Sorry, that pump was making me hard"

"well you wouldn't be the first of the 3 to get off in the water"


"Yeah I fucked that pump, it felt soo good."

"Tmi" yeah yeah, im going upstairs, ill talk to you later"

Bryce finally left and I got out of the pool and put on my cloths.

"That was close"


"But it was kinda hot"


"Yeah hahaha, would you like to stay over?"

"are you sure that's a good idea?"

"yeah we have brian's old room"

"ok, ask your parents first"

"all ready did"

"your just full of surprises today aren't you?"

"yep haha"

The rest of the day went by smoothly, his parents came home, his dad gave me curious looks and kept asking what sports I played. I lied about most everything just to cloak me from his gaydar I don't want to have another problem with his family.


The football game was quick it was away but not far away, more like 45 minutes. We lost our first game, granted a few people weren't there. We only lost by 6 goals. I was more excited for his party.

I walked in his house with him, I didn't recognize anyone, accept his family and the girl Brian married. Before they all sat down, Brian stood up and announced that he and his wife are pregnant. Everyone clapped and then they started drinking. I got up from my seat and a girl sat there. "oh sorry was this your seat?"

"Yeah its ok ill move"

"no no don't, my name is Carmen, I'm Bryce's friend"

"Cool, I'm Brent's friend, nice to meet you"

"You know, if you were a little older I'd date you"

"Thanks" she was obviously drunk but yeah it was funny.

I sat down again only to get up to get my phone, that I left on the table. When I got back to my seat there was a note on it. "Hey babe, go upstairs into Brians room, we can have some fun, no one will ever think of looking in there for people cause, he moved out, like I told you"

I looked toward Brent who was going towards the bathroom, he winked at me, which in my take was a yes.

I walked up the stairs, and waited in the dark room. When the door finally opened my heart skipped a beat. He walked in and grabbed me by the waist. He pushed his tongue deep inside my mouth. I could taste the beer on him. "Grab my dick" he whispered in my ear. He sounded raspy, but then who doesn't when they whisper. I grabbed his dick through his shorts and he started to moan. I thought to myself its now or never so I moved him to the bed and made him sit on the edge. I unzipped his pants, and pulled out his dick, his balls felt bigger. "Oh yeah babe suck it" I started to lick his big dick, he kept moaning, I finally put some of it in my mouth, I could taste his pre cum. I climbed back up to him and kissed him again. He then tried to finger my front which felt weird. "What the hell" now that didn't sound like him at all.


"What!" he turned on the light.

"Bryce what the hell"

"Oh my god you just sucked my dick" I was so scared he was going to beat me up, I started to cry a little.

"Well no one has to know...if you finish the job..."


"Come on your so cute"

"Bryce stop your drunk!"


"So you don't mean this, I don't like you like that please lets go"

I was kneeling on the edge of the bed, when he got up infront of me and cummed on my face.

"Bryce you ass"

"Shut up faggot or ill beat the snot out of you."

I tried leaving when he grabbed me

"I want you" he started to kiss me and wiped the cumm of my face "I'm sorry" he walked out and I was left there, I'm so confused. He walked back in. "I saw you between Brents legs today, the only way I wouldn't see you is if you were giving him head.... I'm sorry, I'll be quiet bye"


"why" I walked towards him and kissed him, "I'm sorry I love Brent"

"Whats going on here?"

"Brent I can explain"

"Wow Bryce, you stole all of my girlfriends and now my boyfriend?"

"No its not what you think"

"Fuck off"

"Brent wait"

"Get out, I don't want to see you right now, I will hurt you if I do"

"Brent please"

"No Kyle, here all this time im trying to be the best boyfriend I can be and I worry about my past constantly and you cheat on me...With my brother!"

"No I didn't know I thought it was you and I was going to try things with you because you wanted me too"

"But I said I would wait! What did you do?"

"I...I...blew him"


"I'm sorry"

"Wow you were a virgin and you experiment with my brother, I'm going to kill him"

"Stop please he was drunk"

"So that makes it ok?"

"No I mean, I don't know"

"Go home now!"

"Don't do anything please"

"If you don't leave ill break up with you"

"Ok im sorry"

"Yeah whatever"

I started to walk away when I saw Brent charging towards Bryce. I didn't want him to break up with me so I just left. He lived about a mile away, so I had sort of a long walk. I cant believe this is happening.

I pulled out my phone to text annie.

<Really? Where were you before? Hmm oh wait with your boyfriend!>

<I'm sorry>

<we were supposed to hang out today and you didn't give me that time with you so I am not gonna give my time to you, find another friend.>

Great I had no one, I walked home it was about 11:20 when I got home. I was crying so much that I passed out on the couch, my sister's boyfriend took me upstairs.

3 days passed. Brent hasn't spoken to me and im currently dateless for semi. Annie was supposed to go with me but she is now leaving the state to go on vacation with her boyfriend. She wouldn't have left if I didn't treat her badly. The only person I can ask now is my fellow drum major, but I doubt she will go.

"Hey, kyle is it?"

"Yeah, your Mai"

"Yeah, um this is weird cause usually the guy asks the girl but"

"Will you go to semi with me!?"

"Haha yes I will haha, ill pick you up around 5 the dance is at 6, My dress is pink, here is a picture, I'll see you later"


"What do you need"

"I wanted to know why you wanted to go with me"

"Well for 1 your cute, I love music and I heard your talented in that section, your top of your class, and you see past my looks unlike some other guys"

"Thanks, I'll...I'll see you around" she gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked away.

I walked towards the bandroom where I saw Brent talking to my band director. He stopped his conversation and said he had to go. He didn't even look at me.

"Hi kyle what do you need"

"What was that about?"

"Oh the principal asked him and the other court asked them to pick a song that they will have played, during their announcement"

"What song did he pick?"

"Ahh I can't tell you, principal's orders"


"Need anything else"

"No, thankyou tho"

"Ok im going to lunch"

"Ok bye"


I walked out of the band room to lunch where I sat by myself, waiting for it to end. I couldn't sit with Brent's friends because of that guy so he cut all ties off with us, and Annie is not talking to me either.

Once lunch was over I decided to skip the rest of my classes, I didn't want to swim with Brent anyway.

For the rest of the day I stayed in a sound proof booth. I tried texting him but he wouldn't answer, I also tried texting annie and she just said we will talk later. Huh I hope things work out with us, with everyone.

I wanted to know who Brent was going to semi with so after school, I stayed to help decorate, every year for semi we always right the names of the couples on a specific decoration, usually fitting the theme of the dance. This years theme was Casino royale. The couples names were written on cards the guys were all black cards like the spades clovers and girls were hearts and diamonds. I was going through the names and I found mine with Mai's she was a diamond and I was a clover. After shuffling through many of them I came across Annies and Alex's I guess they are going. I was a little hurt by that. Then when I finally found Brent's name it was with my sister's. I thought she was dating Jared....Why. I was angry with her but I'm not going to say anything to her.

After decorating, I waited for my mom to pick me up, since no one would take me home, Annie won't Tyler is still mad at the world, I don't know where me and Brent are at the moment. My sister is out with jared, and I go for my license test a month from now.

When I got home she was there, she looked up and then quickly looked away, she knew I knew. She probably didn't care. I went to my room and started playing music. One of my favorite songs. "it rains in your bedroom everything is wrong it rains when you're here and it rains when your gone, I was there when you said forever and always"

I heard a knock on my door, it was my brother, he said mom wanted me to give the leftovers to our dog. I went down stairs avoiding my sister at all cost. I gave our puppy his food and walked back up, only to find my sister sitting on my bed.

"hey...we need to talk"

I credit taylor swift who is my muse, i love her music. All rights belong to her.

Authors note: lots of drama, then next chapter will be up mid august...srry i need a break for college shopping lol, but i hope you enjoy, feedback is always welcome

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