
By Peanut Shields

Published on Jul 13, 2011


I woke up, and walked down stairs to find a note from my brother. It said that he was going to visit mom and dad. Why would he just get up and leave. Bailey wasn't home either, I searched the whole house. Not a soul.

Brent walked down the stairs, I looked at him. He looked funny. "Morning Bub"

"Morning brent"

I looked down to see my puppy, and I noticed Brent's morning wood. I walked over and went to pick my puppy up, but I tugged on his wood.

"Stoooop im horny"

"Brent your such a butt"




"We need to talk"

"Am I in trouble"

"No of course not"

"Then what are we talking about?"



"What are we gonna do in school, what about semi, what if we are outed, im scared"

"Me too, but we cant let whoever it is get to us"

"But then what do we do"

"Well, there are a few things we can do"


"We can pretend to be just friends, like we usually do in school, but we can, you know take it to another level where we don't talk"

"Then how, wait what?"

"I'll still text you and stuff but while we are in school, we act like we don't know each other."

"I get it...for how long"

"I don't know"

"Well no one can find out, my parents will kill me."

He had a sad look on his face, I moved in and kissed him, when I heard my mom scream my name.

"Mom I can explain"

"Yeah you better!"

"Where is dad, and Tyler"

"At your grandparents house"

"Mom, I'm gay"

"I know...did I scare you?"

"What, wait how? Did bailey tell you? I'll kill her."


Brent just stood there with a dumb expression on his face.

"When you were seven and he was nine you would look at him like he was your world, like you'd look at the stars shine in the sky, me and your dad would joke around to when you to would get married."


"Yeah, and then one day you dared him to kiss you and you ran in here crying because he almost did haha, I remember everything, When he threatened to beat you up but never did, when you two would be so clingy that one of you would cry when the other would leave."


"Ehem, Mrs. Ramsey, who else knows? And not to be rude but please don't tell anyone"

"oh I wont and Bailey, Keith and I know"

"ok, im afraid tyler will hate me if I told him, and my parents are homophobes..,well at least my dad is."

"your secrete is safe with me, I only came in to give my little kyky money"

"mom your weird"

"yeah, so are you"


"well I'll be off, me and your father will be back around the following Sunday, I have a business meeting in Vermont, and he has a really big case coming up"

"ok mommy, bye"

She walked out of the house,

"Wow, that was scary"

"your telling me, I thought she was going to chop off my penis"

"well it did disappear"


"maybe cause its tooo tiny" I stuck my tongue out at him and ran towards the stairs with him right behind me.


He grabbed me on the stairs and started to pull me down by my underwear.



He gave me a weggie

"you're a jerk"

"your jerk"

"ok get off, I need to shower"



"wanna, shower together?"

"umm I don't know"

"its ok if you don't want too"

"well whats the worst that can happen?"

"you rape me"I mumbled

"I heard that"

"what?" I was laughing as we headed towards the bathroom

"you would enjoy it so it wouldn't count as rape"

"yeah your right"


I turned around to look at his face, he seemed flustered with words

`whats wrong?"

"nothing important"

"tell me"

"no you will think badly of me"

"I promise I wont"



"huh ok"

"so tell me"

"well, we have been dating for quite a while, and umm... you see everyone..umm"

"spit it out!"

"I want you, like sexually"

"you want to have sex? Fig... I mean well we will see, I don't know if im ready"

"well we don't have to go right into sex, we can do other things, like touch eachother?"

"Your right, maybe give me a day or two to think about it"


His face was red, almost as if he was nervous to ask me to do it. Its true that I wanna try things new but, I don't know if im ready, or if we are ready, with everything happening its sooo stressfull. However annie said sex is a good stress reliver, maybe he needs it, she also told me once you do it you will crave it like a drug especially at our age. I walked back upstairs and he followed me like a lost dog.


"what whats up"

"guess what"

"what I don't know"

"its 11:11 make a wish"

"all ready did" he winked at me and im pushed his face away.

"Ky would you care if I went home for a bit, I haven't seen or told my parents what happened."

"sure its ok, ill text you later if you want"

"thanks butters"

He kissed me softly on the forehead and walked out.

Throughout the rest of the day nothing happened, annie came over later to review work with me. After she left I decided to text bomb Brent. I sent over fifty messages saying hi, and some other stuff.

After 10 minutes he didn't respond which was weird cause he usually does immediately. It was about 10:50 when I decided ill just go to sleep., I showered and went back to my room to see I have 4 missed messages, 3 were from brent and one from annie. <Hey babe, im sry I didn't respond to you, I was with my friend and he was borrowing my phone to call his girl again, times have been rough on his family and all so he decided to give up his phone, I hope your not mad at me, ps I love you pss do you love me too =P psss jump and fall into me? Haha yes ive decided to give taylor a chance. (B+K X R2)> He is such a goof haha. Annies said <Hey kyle im having people over aka just me and maybe my boyfriend, at my lake house your welcome to join we are going this weekend after the football game, hope you can make it =) oh and the answer to number 8 wasn't Heterozygous, it actually was homozygous recessive, ill explain tomorrow.>

Oh jeeze im not even in school and my brain hurts haha. <thanks annie and I'll try I have to see if he has practice, and what about our band tournament is that next week?>

We stopped talking so I decided to text Brent.

<Hey, butt>

<Hey yourself (B+K X R2)>

<what is that?>

<My signature? (B+K X R2)>

<your weird(B+K X R2)>

<jk jk(B+K X R2)>

<what does it even mean?>

<B-Brent K-Kyle X- times and the R is for our last names haha. (B+K X R2)>


<the guy your sister likes...Jared(B+K X R2)>

<ohhh...wait he is dating someone>

<yeah unfortunately... (B+K X R2)>

<I know, but him and his girl are at a rough patch so fingers crossed(B+K X R2)>

<hey what are you doing Saturday?>

<double practice why? (B+K X R2)>

<Annie doesn't like me(B+K X R2)>

<no she doesn't haha but she likes me and that's all that matters, im sure a lot of your friends don't like me...cough cough Nick cough cough>

<haha yeah he hates you(B+K X R2)>

<Sorry...=/(B+K X R2)>

<=) guess what! (B+K X R2)>


<make a wish its 11:11(B+K X R2)>

<haha =P>

<well im gonna head to bed ok? (B+K X R2)>

<goodnight babe(B+K X R2)>

<goodnight, and don't forget about tomorrow!>

<I wont...(B+K X R2)>

<remember we are supposed to act like we don't know eachother haha>

<oh yeah haha(B+K X R2)>

<night fat so(B+K X R2)>

<nice ass(B+K X R2)>

<haha ;)>

<hehehe :* (B+K X R2)>

<it's a kissy face? (B+K X R2)>

<your mad(B+K X R2)>

<so are you ;) (B+K X R2)>

<hehehe night(B+K X R2)>

I Woke up next morning to find out that are school suffered some damage from the rain storm. We will only attend our afternoon classes around 11, Brent came over before school, My brother asked him if he would drive, we all had practice after school anyway, so we could all leave together. He kept staring at me, while we were in my house. Whenever my brother wasn't around he'd squeeze my butt, or hold my hand. After we were all ready we left. School was the same as every other day, But during our last period we were all called down for a presentation. Police officers came in and starting talking about vandalism and breaking and entering. I texted Brent asking him if he had anything to do with this and he told me it was his parents. Well who ever did that is probably scared shitless now, or at least I hope so. After school we all had our practices.

The band was good, we practiced for about 2 hrs, I didn't see Carter, I bet he was scared to approach me. I gave annie a hug and then I walked out to the field.

"Hey bro I need to talk to you"

"Ok Bailey whats up"

"Can you play new songs please!!!!"

"Which ones?"

"Here I made a list"

I took the list to our band director and he said he will find the music and hopefully we will have at least 4 of the songs ready. I made my way back to the field to wait with my sister. The team was still practicing when I got there.

"Wow, they practice more then us combined"

"You can say that again"

When Coach Reddin finally blew his whistle, Brent and tyler made there way into the locker room. About 13 minutes passed and they came out.

"Hey guys"

"Hey Brent"

Tyler shot me a dirty look, and walked to the car without us.

"Bailey whats wrong with him"

"I don't know, but ill leave you two to find that out Jared said he would give me a ride home"

"Are you sure you wanna go with him"

"Duhh" she hunched over to my ear "as much as you wanna go with Brent"

She stuck her tongue out and walked away.

I looked at Brent who was watching her walk towards Jared.

"Hey! Are you checking my sister out?"

"No, just trying to keep up my image"

"Well.." he cut me off "Not that it matters anymore, I have you and I could care less"

Brent looked at his phone and he had a text from Tyler.

<I'm walking home goodbye>

"Well its me and you today, everone else is gone."

"What happened to tyler?"

"He said he wanted to walk."

"Why was he being so pissy"

"Umm well coach made, eh said something rude to him, well everyone thought it was funny but yeah he took offense."

"what did he say?"

"He said `Well tyler if you played as well as your brother conducts and plays music maybe we will win more games and have less practices' I thought it was funny, but yeah he was very angry"

"Well he can't take it out on me that's not fair."

"Well I think he thinks its your fault"

"He also said about how his grades reflected on the field"


"They suck."

"What else did he say"

"That he should cheerlead with your sister, or he is gonna start because he wont have anymore field time"

"Well then who is gonna be quarter back"

"It's a lot of responsibility"

"I can imagine, id never want to lose my place as drum major."

"Well as of now 3 people are eligible...that is including tyler."

"Well who are the other two"

"well there is Big kyle, and ummm well me"

"Really?! Are you gonna do it"

"I don't want him to hate me"

"I see"

"Yeah and Big kyle, well we need him as both an offensive and defensive line man, so its really between me and Tyler, Your brother would make a great running back, but he just wants to be in charge as usualy, its Ramsey's law"

"Whats that supposed to mean"

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that"

"What does it mean"

"This school is run by your family"


"Well look at this, you, your sister and brother are all in charge of many things within our school, weren't you just elected like key club president?"

"No it was my Class president"

"You see, your sister is vice, your vice for student council, Your sister is in charge of many and I mean many dances."

"I see, I'm sorry"

"Wait what, no"

I started walking towards his car, I felt bad. I didn't know my family had such a big impact on our school.

"No, It is a good thing, less responsibility for us and all, but there is such an upside to it"

"Whats that?"

"Everyone in this school keeps their grades up, and everyone tries to better themselves so they can surpass you guys."

"I never thought of it that way either."

"Yeah, so its not such a bad thing"

He kissed me on my forehead and we got in his car.

"Whatcha doin tonight"

"I don't know maybe homework"

"Well we are going to work on your piano lessons"

He shot me a confused look. "What piano lessons"

"Don't you remember the lessons we worked on"

"No, not at all..ohhhh ohhh! Your bad"

"and im perfectly good at it"

"Sex in the air?"

"im not going to recite this song haha lets listen to music instead"

"ok" He pushed the play button and I heard a very familiar song.

"With you I feel Fearless"

I love this song. Then again I like all of her music.

He pulled me in and kissed me, just like it mentioned in the song.

"Watch the road brent"

"But I wanna watch you"

"Well I don't wanna die"

"ok, ok"

After that one a really sad song was playing, all I could think about was Brent graduating and leaving me here. That's far off from now though and who knows it might not work out, but I sure hope it does.

I got a text from Annie asking me if I wanted to go to the movies this weekend because she is off Saturday. I told her of course I would. I wonder what she wants to see.

We made it to my house in one piece, no one was home. It will take my brother an hour to get here, maybe longer. And who knows when Bailey will be back.

We went to my room and I placed the `piano lesson' sign outside my door, I grabbed my laptop and looked up bad piano playing. I found a video, a perfect one, I plugged my laptop into my computer speakers and pushed play, it was a 15 minute video.

I turned around and looked at brent who was sitting on my bed giving me a confused look. I jumped and fell into his arms.

"What are you doing?"

"What we usually do when we play piano"

"Oh yeah"

He started kissing me and rubbing my lower back. We both stripped down to our underwear, he was wearing a jockstrap.

"God you look hot"

"Thankyou I think it's the jock strap and makes things pop."

"I'll say, I looked down then back at him and stuck my tongue out"

He started laughing, "well then whats my excuse?" I eyed him up and down, his jock barely held everything in.

"To be honest with you butters, right now im so hard that it hurts"

"That can happen"

"yeah a lot of things could, maybe you should teach me piano 101 and ill teach you sex ed, and by that I mean hands on"

"It's a done deal, but how are you gonna pay me?"

"Well I can pay you with good music and you can pay me with.."

"Your dirty"

"What I was gonna say the complete understanding of the male body"

"no you weren't you were gonna say good sex, haha I know you better then that"

"Haha yeah I was"

I sat on his lap and started grinding into him.

"Please don't do that.."

"Why? I thought you liked it"

"I do but I want to, or I rather put it in you then just this grinding"


"yeah....sorry, Its my hormones..."

"I thought you said you were through that phase"

"yeah, I am, what did your sister say about me, and sex"

"that you always tried doing it with her and stuff"

"well to tell you the truth im no sex pro, ive only done it twice"

"two more times then I did"

"yeah haha"

"whats it like"

"well its way overrated."


"yeah, its not, enjoyable..unless.."

"unless what"

"you do it with someone you like...a lot"

"I like you...a lot"



"what do you like about me."

"are we going to play this game again?"



"Love you"

"I like your personality, your different from some of the football team, your muscular and hot, but at the same time your that goofball who almost kissed me when we were little. Your hazel green eyes are amazing to look at, and into. I love being around you because I feel safe in your arms. You're a cuddly teddy bear, that turns into a savage grizzly when pissed, If I didn't say this all ready, your body is..Hot, I have to control myself not to stare at you, im pretty sure your good in bed, but we will cross that bridge when it comes, I like that ive known you for a long time, I can trust you with anything, Im glad your my boyfriend and that you picked me out of anyone, girls or guys would line up, just to look at you. I am happy when im with you you always make me smile, and you have a nice package and the cargo that goes with it is nice too"

"Well my ass isn't as nice as yours"


"well I feel so much better now"

"what was troubling you?"

"The whole football thing"


"I've made my decision"


"I'll do it"

"Good luck, I will support both of you equally"


"Oh and I forgot to tell you, congrats"

"On what"

"well since me and annie run student council we get to count the votes for homecoming and guess who is on the court this year"



"wow no way this is so cool ugh im so excited right now"

"So is my brother haha, the final vote is Monday, things will be announced Friday, so that gives you 2 days notice"

"wow who else is on the court?"

"I only know guys"

"Tell me!!!!"

"You, Tyler, Jared, some guy named Christian, and Alex Derdeski"

"Wow, they are all good people"

"Usually is"

"I'm so happy I wanna kiss you all over"

"But we can't its been an hour someone is sure to be home by now"


"well ill go home haha, I need to think for a bit"

"Haha, don't tell anyone"

"Oh one more thing my older brothers are having a party this Saturday, after the game because the one's girlfriend, well wife are celebrating her birthday, he said I can have one friend, and being that your brother is mad at me, I'd like to know if you would go with me?"


"The dress is semi formal, but he said we can go in jeans."

"which one is the oldest?"

"Brian, is now 26, he is married and his wife is the one we are celebrating. Bryce is 21, and yours trul will be 18 next week."

"I knew that, ill see you later hot stuff"

"see ya around cutie pie" He walked out but threw his jockstrap back in here.

"Lesson 101, I think its hot when you wear my cloths it turns me on sooo much"

"Your gonna walk out with a boner?"

"I've got nothing to hide"

"More like you cant hide it"

"haha shut up"

"Text me later?"

"Will do babe"

"I hate it when you call me that"


"I feel like a girl"

"oh well what do you prefer I call you"

"I don't know when you think of it tell me"

"ok love ya bye"


Authors note: Sorry ive been so lazy, there is so much going on in my life, but from here on out, I will maintain and equal partnership with my story. An hour a day keeps the readers at bay lol =P thanks for reading


Kyle: Things will change for him, bad or good I cannot say, but I foresee a dark period in his life, some choices he makes will reflect many of the people around him.

Brent: He is finally getting the attention he deserves, but will he become an attention whore? Will this whole homecoming affect his relationship with Kyle, and what about Tyler?

Bailey: How far will bailey go to get what she wants, who knows what she truly wants.

Tyler: Slipping out of the lime light to his best friend, how will he react?

Carter: no one has seen or heard of him since the whole case with Kyle, maybe he changed?

Annie: Kyle's bestfriend. Will they remain friends or is Kyle to boy crazy to spend time with her?

Jared: Isn't as cracked up as he is to be. He has a terrible secrete, I wonder who will find it out.

Next: Chapter 7

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