
By Peanut Shields

Published on Jun 5, 2011


Kyle- Yesterday night was so much fun, besides the whole Brent problem. Today's football game will be interesting I guess. Carter was also in band I never really noticed him because I get to caught up in our field show.

The game was a home game, we were facing Lake Clearfield. Our show was second because it was a home game so we had time to mess around before the show started. I asked carter to help me unload things from my sisters car. We left and I noticed Brent saw us, he looked really red.

"So how are you carter?"

"Im good same old same old."


"So what haha"

"I don't know, lost my train of thought"

"Whats with you and Brent?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know he stares at you a lot"

"It's because he...hates me"

"Really when he looks at you its more like a sad, solemn look"

"Well..." I saw Brent in the corner of my eye, I panicked so I started kissing Carter.

"What!!!!! The Fuck is this!" he stormed off

"Whoa...that was"

"I'm sorry, I haven't been honest with you."

"That's what, whoa?"

"Sorry" I walked away and left him in the parking lot.

I got back to the game and we started to play music. I can feel Brent staring holes through me from the field. Carter wasn't in the bleachers either. Man I messed up big time.

I wasn't paying attention and I didn't cut the band off like I was supposed to which made my director mad.

"Are you ok Ky?"

"Yeah annie, I'm just sooo confused right now."

"Well I'm here for you"

My sister started calling my name, she wanted us to play Crazy in love by beyonce.

We started playing then I had to cut them off short a player was injured. Number 88, That was Brent. I felt so bad but I couldn't move. He got up and walked toward the sideline. I don't know if I should check up on him or not. What do I do. I shouldn't talk to him, he likes my sister therefore I should let him go, but I can't... could I?

He was Icing his arm. Carter finally showed up 2 mins before we went on the field for half time. He wouldn't look at me, I didn't say anything to him. After our show he disappeared again. Brent stayed in the locker room while the rest of the team was on the field. Bailey texted me and said she needed something from the band. I ran down under the bleachers to her.


"What, What do you need?"

"We need to talk"

"Look Bailey, I don't care if you were with Brent I am happy for you, I'm done with him goodbye"

"Shut up twerp and listen!"


"I don't like him he likes you!"

"He has a funny way of showing it, all over you"

"Ass hole he gave me a hug cause he came out to me!"


"Yeah that took a lot of balls considering I didn't really like him cause he broke my heart but I felt really bad for all the shit he has been through"

"Well he hurt me"

"so make him suffer forever for that one time?"

"Well you never know it could be more then one time"

"but you never gave him the chance"

We sat down on the bench under the bleachers

"He might have said the wrong thing but could you blame him, 2 older brothers one married with a beautiful kid the other is dating a very nice girl, he is the baby in his family so everthing is handed to him yet he can never live up to his parents expectations because they want him to be just like his older siblings. Playing football and masking that he is gay for all these years, lieing to people, lieing to himself. Don't you think he would be the least bit afraid. Aren't you?


"you see, now go talk to him he is the only one in the locker room, believe me."


I got up from our bench and told Annie to tell our director that I'll be back in 10 mins, that way they can let the other drum major take charge

I walked in and it was dark. There were only a few lights and a silhouette of a figure near the showers.



I looked at his face, he looks like he was in pain and tears were falling, he looked bad.

"are you ok?"

"yeah I am, just pooped my shoulder out"

"That sounds like it hurts"

"Yeah...not to be rude but why are you talking to me?"

"I...I like you, and I've been a jerk lately I want to apologize for what I have done in the past 3 weeks."

"What, really?"

"Yes. I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry from hurting you before"

"Its ok Brent"

He stood up and grabbed on to the bar because he almost fell. My phone vibrated, it was carter I responded saying when and he said now.

Brent moved in closer and I pushed him away. "I still need a little more time Brent"

"I'll give you all the time you need."

I walked out of the locker room and headed towards the school.

"Carter? Where are you"

"So you're a fag huh?"

He scared me, he walked up behind me and started circling me.

"That's not really nice carter"

"So you're a faggot"


"Why, what will you do"

"I'll hit you!"

"You will be kicked out of band"

"Leave me alone"

He grabbed my wrist and started squeezing it tightly. "You ever look at me again, so much talk to me in your little gay tone of voice, I'll break you in two" He punched me in the arm before he left "If I here you say anything to anyone you little piece of shit I will destroy you."

I ran out of there as quickly as I could, there was a bruise on my arms.

When I made it back in the stadium the game was 2 mins away from being over we were killed 49 to 14. I told Annie what happened with Brent but I didn't tell her what happened with Carter. My brother wanted to go for pizza again so we went to Angelos again. I sat across from Brent and I can feel him staring at me again. He kept kicking me under my seat and sending me corny texts.

When it was time to go my brother asked if he would take me because he was going to some cheerleaders house. Brent played it off and said fine but you owe me.

We left the place and sat in his car for about 5 minutes in silence. He finally broke the ice

"I missed you"

"Brent we weren't even dating"

"I know but just being around you makes me feel good"

"How's your arm"

"Hurts like a bitch, but not as much as losing you"

"Brent im giving you a second chance please don't smother me"

"Sorry I won't"

"Well, umm"

"Do you wanna do something?

"Like what"

"Go for a walk, maybe get Ice cream"

"A walk sounds nice"

"Ok I know the perfect place"

He had a shit eating grin on his face, almost as if he planed this. He pulled up to a little side street and we got out of the car.

"where are we?"

"Near that new water fountain the town installed"

"The one near the bridge?"


We started walking and he grabbed my hand


"sorry are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm just worn out I guess"


He pulled me in closer at first his hand was around my waist then he moved it up to my shoulder, which stung from the bruise Carter gave me.

"Can you not touch me? Please"

"sorry I keep forgetting that we are taking this slow"

"Its ok"

He was honestly trying and I felt bad if it wasn't for carter I would have let him hold my hand.

I turned towards him and kissed him on the cheek. He turned beat red. We moved towards the fountain and he pulled the quarter out of his pocket.

"Are you making a wish?"


"Then why waste a quarter..what are you wishing for?"

"Kyle my wish came true"

That was so sweet and corny that it made me blush. We walked towards the bridge and looked out towards the river.

"The sky is beautiful isn't it?


We stood there for a good few mins just looking at the sky, I wonder what he was thinking of, I know what I'm thinking of.

"Do you want to head out?"


He picked me up and began to piggy back me.

"Are you sure you should be lifting things?"

"Umm I cant lift anything over 130 pounds last time I checked you were 120"


"I'm good like that"

"Or creepy"

" your 5'5"


"your eyes are blue"


"and your dick is..."

"Stop there!"

"Haha ok"

"Your 6'1"


"200 pounds?"

"Nope gained 15"


"All muscle though"

"Some chub"

"Ok some chub"

"your eyes are my favorite"

"That's not a color"

"Hazel green"


"Your favorite food is Turkey"

"Yours is mac `n' cheese"

"Your favorite flower is daisys"

"Yours are tiger lilies"

"your dick is..."

"Go ahead I have nothing to be ashamed of"

"Bold, bold Mr. Rushowski"


We made it back to his car and we listened to Taylor on the way home. It started to rain when we made it back to my house. He opened my door and gave me a kiss before I walked inside. Thank god my brother isn't home.

I went to my room and he texted me to look out my window I did and he was there. He gave me a quick kiss and said he would see me tomorrow. Maybe things will get better.

Authors note. Love the feed back thanks guys. 2 more stories till this chapter ends. =) ahhh haha I promise to start the new one before june ends. Don't be afraid to write =).

Next: Chapter 5

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