
By Peanut Shields

Published on Jun 2, 2011


After a week of ignoring texts and calls it seems like Brent gave up which sorta hurt me, but I don't care anymore I'll be fine. My brother's birthday is coming up, so I'm sure I'll see him then. My brother has this crazy Idea for his party that doesn't seem so bad. He wants to make it a battle of the bands cause he has one. Their band name is called Uptake in Control. Don't ask me why they named themselves that. I think its weird but hey I don't care. My parents rented out a local pizza place for his 18th birthday. Everyone who is going has to be in a band or is voting on which band wins. Again don't ask me where he comes up with this stuff. My sister even has an all girl band she put together. I sorta want to be part of this, but Brent is in Tyler's band, He plays bass.

During school I went around my musical classes asking if anyone wanted to go to my brothers party. Of course they all wanted to go because my brother is "king of the school". My best friend Annie's boyfriend can play bass so I have a bass player. Annie herself can play guitar. I really want to sing but I honestly don't know what to sing that would be easy to learn in a few days. We needed a drummer, so the whole day we searched around asking if anyone knew how to play drums. Till Alex's friend Carter stepped up.

"Hey Kyle I heard your looking for a drummer for this Friday"

"Yeah I am, can you play?"

"Yes I could, and I'd like to be part of your band"

"then its settled your in"

"Sweet, Ill catch you around"


Everything seemed great, School ended, as me and my sister walked to the parking lot, Tyler Texted us saying he left school early. Bailey was angry, with him and Started cursing towards him. He texted back again saying that Brent would take us home he has to come over our house for practice anyway.

We waited in the parking lot for about 5 mins then Brent walked out of the school holding a huge duffle bag. He looked right at me and I looked away. His smile on his face faded.

"Are you two ready to go"

"Yeah Brent, Thanks for giving us a ride Tyler is an ass."

"No prob Bailey"

Bailey looked at me and I was looking at the pavement avoiding all eye contact

"Whats wrong with you?"

"Nothing why"

"Cause you two would always screw around before we would do anything, it was funny to watch and now its like your not talking"

"Nothing is wrong Bailey I just don't feel good"


We all got in his jeep and I sat in the back, Bailey called one of her friends and every now and then I'd catch Brent Staring at me.

"Can you turn on the radio, its kind of quiet in here."

"umm sure"

He turned it on and music started playing.

Oh I'm scared to see the ending why are we pretending this is nothing. I'd tell you I miss you but I don't know how, I never heard silence quite this loud.

I loved this song, but it was too ironic that it would play now. When we stopped at my house. I took note that he was playing a cd. I guess some parts of me did rub off on him.

I went to my room and decided to look through songs, I finally found one from a movie that I watched with my bestfriend a few days ago.


I turned around and I saw Brent standing in my door way. "Oh...hi"

"Can we please talk?"

"Why? I don't want to"

"Butters.., I mean Kyle, please"

"Why your reputation matters more then my feelings a big applause for you because you finally started texting me. Oh and whats this you now want to be seen with me, a low life band geek?"

"Kyle I didn't mean that."

"then what did you mean?"

"I'm sorry...I.." "Brent come on we need you"


"But...huh, I'll talk to you later?"


I sat in my bed, Huh if there is a prize for rotten judgment, I guess I all ready one that.

Over then next few days I would meet Annie and the rest of the band at her house for practice. I guess we sounded good because her parents loved us.

That Friday I didn't go to school because I helped set up my brothers party. I don't know why he is having it today, we have a football game tomorrow.

I was excited for tonight but I realized We never came up with a band name.

Then it hit me our band name is So Gone, after the song We are playing.

Tonight cam fast my brothers band played second, The played dirty little secrete and they sounded good. Haha tonight was actually fun with multiple bands playing.

My sisters band takes the cake though, They were next to nothing on stage. And she sang the Pretty girl rock song. I'm sure there wasn't one guy with a boner there...accept me of course. Even Brent couldn't keep his mouth closed, I don't think he was faking it either.

My band was up and my brother introduced us. I felt a little nervous but then I saw brent...

Insecure, in his skin, like a puppet, a boy on a string,

Broke away, learn to fly, if you want him back gotta let him shine,

So it looks like the jokes on you, cause the boy that you thought you knew,

He's so gone, away like history, he's so gone, now, you wont find him around,

You can look but you wont see the boy I used to be, cause he, he's so gone,

[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/l/lemonade_mouth/shes_so_gone.html ]

Here I am this is me, and I'm stronger than you ever thought I'd be,

Are you shocked? Arn't you mad?, that your missing out on who I really am,

Now it looks like the jokes on you, cause the boy that you thought you knew,

He's so gone, away like history, he's so gone, now, you wont find him around, you can look but you wont see the boy I used to be cause he, he so gone away, like history, he's so gone, baby this is me... yeah...

He's so gone, away like history, he's so gone, now, you wont find him around, you can look but you wont see, the boy I used to be cause he's... he's so gone-----

he so gone you can look but you wont see the boy I used to be cause he's...

he's so gone, he's so gone...

So gone, he's so gone... gone, gone, gone.

Everyone loved us, it felt good, I looked in the audience and Brent wasn't there. I sorta felt bad. I think I honestly hurt him. But didn't he deserve it.

Annie came up to me and asked if that song was meant for Brent. I told her it was and she said I should go talk to him now.

I knew this was going to happen. I walked outside and saw him in a car with someone else. I was hurt but then I said to myself its now or never.

I opened the car door and saw that he was with my sister.

"Kyle I can explain I was just giving her a hug"

"fuck off"

I walked away, I'm so gone.

(Brent) I just told Bailey everything, about me and Kyle, about that night, and about how I feel. I guess I picked the worst time because he walked in on me giving her a hug and now, things are just bad.

5 mins ago

"How do I show him I love him?"

"Wow, I can't believe you like my younger brother"


"Sorry, I'd have to say talk to him"

"He wont let me I tried so much"

"well If I was in his place I would be pissed too but he will forgive you, but are you willing to wait"

"Ofcourse I am"

"Then hold it out, I'll be here for you if you ever need a friend"


I moved closer to hug her. Then the door opened. Shit.


"What am I Supposed to do now?"

"Oh god, I'll talk to him tonight hopefully he will call you, ughh this is sooo bad"

"we should get out before rumors spread around"

"Yeah, I'm sorry"

"It's ok, I just hope this doesn't end badly I just want to be with him."

"I know how you feel"


"Well your friend Jared"



"You like him?"

"Yes a lot"

"Well an eye for an eye"

"and a tooth for a tooth."

We both got out of my car and Kyle's friend Annie walked up to us.

"You two make me sick, You his own sister. Of all the people, that is such a low blow. Brent he loved you and you threw that away stay away from him or I will see to it that your life will be a living hell"

She walked away and I stood there sulking. It seems like everyone hates he. Maybe he is too far gone and I should just move on.

Bailey gave me a hug, and Tyler walked out.

"Woah you two are dating again"

"No tyler fuck off your friend is hurt and you're an ass"

"Sorry, do you want to talk about it?"

"no, I'm going home, Bye Bailey, see ya tomorrow Tyler."

It was about 10:30 when I walked in my house, I texted Kyle about 15 times, I hope he answers even if its negative.

Authors note: Thanks for the feed back everyone, I'm sorry I've been lazy a lot has been going on lol. I promise ill write at least once every week, to 2 weeks. Keep the feed back coming.

This chapter was a big music chapter due to what has happened in my life with music. I'm sorry if you don't like it but music revolves around my life. And my olde brothers party was like this =P haaha thankyou.

I'd like to give credit to Lemonade mouth for their song "She's so gone" i changed the lyrics around to he is so gone. And Taylor swift for her song story of us

For my readers i didn't write the story "Story of us" that would have been my next main title but someone used it sooo i cant use that haha thankyou

Next: Chapter 4

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