
By Peanut Shields

Published on May 3, 2011


All night I dreamed about Brent, I wonder if he thought of me too. I want to text him, but should I? I mean we aren't dating, it was just a kiss, ahhh why can't this be easier.

When I finally woke up it was the middle of Saturday. I looked at my phone, no messages. (huh maybe he was just joking, or it was a prank by my older brother.) I walked down stairs in nothing but my boxers, (it's my family they don't care). I finally got down the stairs and I turned the corner and bumped into Brent making him spill his powerade all over me.

"Shit I'm sorry"

"Its fine, its my fault I should have watched where I was going, and I know my house things like this always happen around this corner, just last week my mom dropped the groceries because of....Bret?" as I was talking to him he just stared at my near naked body.

"Yeah, wait what? There are no groceries?"

"I was talking about my mom"

"Oh..uh..um sorry I wasn't paying attention."

"Oh..I'm gonna get dressed and shower"

"Yeah ok" I walked upstairs and he followed me.

"Can I help you Brent?"

"I was going to your brothers room to get his xbox controller, that's where I was heading before we bumped into eachother"

"Oh..I'm sorry" man I feel like an ass right now.

"Its fine babe"


"Yeah butters?"

"Nothing" I walked in my room and he in my brothers which was across the hall.

"Hey can I come in for a minute?"


"Umm where do I start" huh I knew it he is gonna say im sorry yesterday I was drunk or something I wish I didn't get my hopes up.

"Friday night.."

"Look forget it I know it was a mistake and it will never happen again, im sorry I wasted your time."

"Whoa where did that come from?"

"weren't you going to say that?"

"No actually I was going to ask what you were doing that night since our game is Saturday?"

"Oh..oh jeez."

"Yeah oh jeeze. Look what happened yesterday night, it was awesome I had a lot of fun, I hope you did to, otherwise I wouldn't be asking you out again"

"You're asking me out?"

"duhhh" he wrapped his big arms around me and kissed my forehead

"Why wouldn't I your adorable."

"Stop what if my family sees"

"I know I know calm down tiny"


"What are you doing tonight?"

"nothing why"

"Well Kyle, do you want to sneak out?"

"Sure what time"




I walked outside to a local park. Car lights came up and it was Brent. My heart was beating so fast right now I couldn't walk straight.

"Hey, hop in" I climbed in his jeep and he pulled out of the drive way.

"Where are we going"

"an old hang out"


"text your mom and tell her your spending the night with Annie"


"cause your spending the night with me"


"is that a problem?"


"ok" He drove up a small hill and down a few twisty roads.

"where are we this place looks familiar?"

"don't you remember our old tree house?"

"oh yeah"

Well I spruced it up and it is like a mini house"


"are you hungry?"

"not really"

"well I have a power cord hooked up in there so we can watch a movie"


we climbed up the tree house, he made me go up first, as I climbed up he squeezed me ass. "you have such a nice juicy bubble butt"

"hahaha juicy"

"what's so funny about juicy?"

"nothing" we walked in and he grabbed my hand and took me to the bed.

"Lay down" I did as he said and he popped a movie in

"what are we watching?"

"The crazies"

"ahh scary movie." A quarter through the movie I was holding on to him. "I call this extreme cuddling"

"Brent I'm scared"

I know" I sat on his lap and he started to stroke my legs.

"You know we can do other things besides watch this movie" he moved up to my ass and he started to rub each cheek.

"I don't know"

"come on please"


He quickly pulled off my pants and his and he just kept rubbing my body. "sit up more" I sat on his lap looking at him and his deep green eyes, I felt his cock on my butt

"Lets try something."

"like what?"

"lay back" I did as he said and I felt him nestle his head near my butt. "wait Brent, can't we take this slower.."

" uhhh yeah sorry...." He gave me a sad look and I felt terrible. We sat there watching the movie in complete silence.



"Are you mad?" he didn't answer.


"what!" he yelled at me and his face was turning red

"I'm sorry...I'm gonna go"



"I'm sorry...I am a little mad, I don't know I just like you a lot I think."

"Well that doesn't mean we need to have sex, and we are not even dating."

"Your right"

I walked back towards the bed and kissed him on the cheek. He kissed me back and hugged me "I'm sorry" he looked very sad. I continued to kiss him and I got on top of him. We were making out on the bed when the power went out.

"Brent I cant see"

"It's the Tv don't worry the movies over"

"Ok, but I still don't like the dark"

"We have to find the remote."

We began to look for the remote when he accidently knocked me off the bed. "Ow!" "Sorry" I got back up and grabbed his dick, which was still hard.

"Found it"

"Ow be careful I'm fragile"

He jumped on top of me with his dick inches away from my face.

"Brent your crushing me"

"Kiss it and make it feel better"


"Your stubborn" I kissed the tip of his cock through the mesh shorts.

"Ok butters we need to stop now, I have the remote"

"I thought this is what you wanted"

"It is but I rather..i rather be dating you, then use you now"

"That's all I wanted to hear"

He smiled at me, "Are you a virgin?" "Yes I'm only 16 Brent"

"just wondering"

I was rubbing his thick thighs, while he sat back.

"Maybe next time we will do something I don't know"

"Ky its ok believe me"


I fell asleep in his arms. That night felt great I enjoyed it so much, except the pressuring, but besides that, ahhhh. The next morning we went out for Breakfast. We order the same thing except our drinks, and sides.

"I don't like hashbrowns"


"Brent they are gross"



"Yeah shorty"

"Thick head"


"Excuse me"

"You heard me butters"

"Well now"

"Well what"

"I don't know" I stuck my tongue out at him.


"What butters whats wrong?"

"I have to go home" I have completely forgotten that I had a clinic at 10 today, it was about 8 30 and I didn't shower or anything

"Ok ok calm down lets finish and go"


We drove back it took about an half hour, plus he dropped me off at the park. So it took 15 minutes to walk back. I walked in my door exactly at 9 20.

I walked up in my room and I noticed my sisters year book on her bead, I walked in and I saw the page was opened up to her and brent as "Cutest couple" there was a little note on the side of it that said "Dear Bailey, I'll love you Forever and always, you mean everything to me. I'd do anything for you. I hope when you look at this picture it gives you butterflies in your stomach, just like the first night of our lives together. Love Brent Rushowski." Wow, I guess he really liked her.

"Twerp get out of my room"

"I love you to"

"Yeah I know haha"

"Sorry, I was in here I saw your old year book and I was curious."


"You and Brent"

"What about us?"

"Why did you break up? I mean if you two loved eachother so much, what happened?"

"Brent...huh Brent likes sex... a lot. He kept pressuring me into trying to have sex but I told him no. Needless to say he cheated on me. Why don't you think anyone talks to Alexa Bartusick anymore"


"Yeah, don't get me wrong he is a great guy and all, but if he wasn't just looking for sex or if he can keep it in his pants I'd still probably be with him" a tear fell from her eye

"I'm gonna go Bailey ill see you later"

"Bye Butt"

I walked back in my room and felt sick. That night he was with me, he was just playing me, he doesn't want me. I looked at my phone and I had a text. ~miss ya already =/~ it was from him. I Responded saying yeah me too. I went to the band clinic and too much was on my mind that I had to let my understudy drum major conduct.

"Mr. J, I'm gonna go home"

"Ok feel better"

I got home and I stayed in my room for the rest of the night.

The next day in school he completely avoided me like I was the plague. He didn't even say hi to me. Like I was a nobody. My best friend annie realized something was wrong and she took me in our band closet to talk

"Ky what wrong your usually happy"

"I don't know something happened I guess"

"Is someone picking on you?"

"No, at this point I wish"

"Well talk to me im your best friend"

"Annie...I'm...I'm gay" I waited for her shocked response but she simply said "Yeah I know"

"wow really"

"well I wasn't really sure till now"


"Is that what has been troubling you?"

"No...I sorta met someone"

"really? Whats he like"

"Hott, very hot"

"so whats the problem then?"

"He is avoiding me today and I think he is only using me" more tears started to flow down my face. I haven't got a hair cut in a while so my hair just covered my forehead. I kept parting it because it would tickle my now sore eyes.

"Well you know what you should do?"


"Find someone better and then show him what he is missing"

"but im not exactly out, and we haven't been dating really, but still"

"Kyle I love you for who you are, don't worry about other people I will be here for you forever"

"and Always" I sniffled and made a faint smile, "lets clean you up"

We walked to the music department and spent the rest of the day there.

I got to my house I took the bus home and I saw him and my brother walk up stairs. I went straight to the kitchen to grab some peach tea then to my room to practice a piece on my piano. While I was playing it my brother and Brent continually kept getting louder. It was so bad that I shut my door. A few minutes passed and he walked in.


"you tell me?"

"Whats wrong?"


"Ok well I guess ill leave then"

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out"

"I'll text you later"

"Yeah bye"

He walked out of my room and I can hear him and my brother talking. "Yo dude whats wrong with butters"

"I think he is on his man period, he gets like this when he plays music"

I wanted to get up and smash those stupid controllers over their heads.

"well he can be a little nicer ya know"

"take it up with him not me, he always has a stick in his ass"

"wow that's a little harsh"

"but its true"

"Still I mean your making fun of your own brother"

"I don't care"

"yeah yeah un pause the game"

I know it seemed childish but I wanted revenge on my brother, he always picked on me. I know the perfect way to get back at him too.

That night Brent stayed till about 12 where he just got up and left. Our dog casper was barking so I took him for a walk. He was still outside when I walked out sitting by his car.



"Butters whats wrong?"


"What do you mean"

"You know exactly what I mean"

"no I don't"

"Lets see I thought you just wanted to have sex with me when you cant keep it in your pants..." he cut me off "Where did you here that from?"

"I'm not finished yet, you also make fun of me behind my back with my own brother, and you ignore me, now I know we are not dating but that doesn't give you the right to treat me like this"

" I'm sorry"

"Me to, your pathetic, and a liar, you will be alone in life, and your just plain mean"

"Now look I deserved that but hear me out please"

"You have 2 minutes"

"Ok, one I really do like you, your different, two, I didn't talk to you because no one knows yet, and three that was before this is now I can control my self."

"How doi know that, and just because no one knows doesn't mean you cant text or call? And if you like me so much why on earth haven't you showed it yet!"

"Because I'm scared! Ok"

"Your not the only one!"

"I know but look at me I have a reputation, and all of my friends wont like it that im gay, ill be kicked of the sports teams and I wont beable to show my face in school, you its different your just a band kid"

"Well now, this band kid has friends who will stand by him no matter what, if you had real friends then they would do the same. If your reputation matters more than me then so be it, this relationship wont go any further."



"Because I don't know" his deep green eyes filled up with tears, he moved closer to kiss me but I pushed him off.

"I'm going"

"Does that mean we are over"

"We never started, and I don't know anymore Brent Goodbye." I left him there by his car, that night I cried myself to sleep.

Author Note: lovin the feed back lol, thanks it means a lot, there will be 5 chapters per i guess ill say song cause all of my titles reference a taylor swift song. i hope you enjoy part 2. Further along more people will be introduced but these first few chapters will be focused on Kyle and Brent. Thank you

Next: Chapter 3

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