
By Peanut Shields

Published on Apr 2, 2011


I was sitting in my 8th period class waiting for the bell to ring. "Why cant we get out all ready ughhh" said my friend Haleigh. She is such a nice person... when she wanted to. The bell finally rang and me and my sister Bailey got into our older brothers car. "Hurry up peeps football game tonight"

"We know tyler calm down"

"Bailey shush or you will walk"

"Please" my older siblings were Tyler he is a senior and Bailey she is a junior. My name is Kyle, I was supposed to be a sophomore but I skipped a grade cause im smart haha. Well my older brother tyler is 5'9 he is muscular I guess, more on the fit end. Bailey is 5'7 and apparently she is the shit in school. All the guys drool over her...its weird sometimes especially when your best friend asks for her bra. I'm 5'5 im fit I guess, not at all like tyler, but just enough to get me by. My family is known as the leading family, my mom is a full time occupational therapist, as for my daddy, he co-owns a law firm with his best friend from college. My brother is quarter back, my sister cheer captain, and I'm drum major of our schools marching band. We are all part of football season, and in the winter my brother wrestles, while the cheer leaders do their thing and the band plays. The car ride home was so boring, my sister spent it on her phone and my brother was blasting music. When we finally got home we all went our separate ways, both my brother and sister have their license, im only 16 so I have my permit, the time passed and my sister took me in her car to where the cheerleaders and band meet up, we separated and began the pep march. Every home game we have the band and cheer leaders march up to the stadium playing music and dancing. Tonight's game was against the east merrfield comets, our team was called the North eastern Royals. For being the first game of the season it was amazing, as well as the band field show and the cheer leaders were great too. Our field show this year is wicked, I love preforming it. After the game my friends wanted to go for ice cream, but my brother and sister wanted pizza, soo I had no choice on where we were going. I waited for my brother out of the locker room while my sister was flirting with some guy.

"Hey butters!" I was being suffocated by my brother's friend who is on the team. "Are you goin for pizza with the big boys tonight?"

"Yeah Brent" his hugs were amazing. Brent was like 6'1, 200lbs of muscle, He had dirty blond hair which was always cut short and he had the nicest hazel eyes ever haha.

"Cool, I love their pizza"

"Me too"

"You're so short"

"No you're just too tall."

"we should call ya tiny"

"and I should call you ass"

"Hey now be nice" he started to tickle me, I hated him some times but he was so much fun, I've known him since I was 4. My brother finally walked out and we all went to angelo's. We sat in a back booth and Brent and my sister sat on either side of me. 2 more football players went and 3 cheerleaders. We got 4 large pies which came to 35 dollars and everyone got a drink, while I was in the bathroom so Brent ordered for me, he got me a Snapple apple which is my favorite drink. When we were sitting there I felt his hairy legs rubbing against mine, it was too much and I was getting hard. I sunk down in my seat and didn't look up, when Bailey moved out of her place I walked to the bathroom again hoping it would go down. After 7 mins I walked out to an empty table. I sat there with my Snapple. "Hey butters your bro and sis said they were going out"

"where did they go Brent?"

"I honestly don't know"

"huh how am I supposed to get home"

"I'll take ya home, no need to worry"

"Thanks" I smiled at him and he smiled back, I went to get up and I dropped my phone. We both went to get it and butted heads. "owwww!"


My mouth was bleeding, I was on the floor holding it when he got up and reached for the napkins. His crotch was at eye level so I just stared at it till he came back down with a grin on his face. I was blushing hard.

"Umm are you ok?"

"yeah" I said refusing to look at him.

"well when your ready to go tell me"

"Ok" I tried to get up and I really couldn't, not with one hand so he picked me up.

"You good Ky?"

"Yeah yeah im fine"

"Ok" we walked out to his car and he told me to wait by the passenger door because he had his bag on the seat. His car is a two door jeep. I've been in it before, when he first got it. While he was moving the bag his ass stuck out of the car. Its so juicy, I remember when I would call him juicy because of it. I turned away because I was getting hard yet again. "Ok you can climb in now"

"Thanks Brent"

"Your welcome." The car ride home was a little awkward; we didn't talk to one another, except the occasional weather convo.

"Hey Butters"


"Can we stop somewhere?"

"Umm ok, where?"

"I want ice cream sooo bad right now."

"Sounds good to me"

"cold stone cool"


"you don't say much do you?"

"sorry Brent I'm just, I don't know"

"Its ok haha I just want to get to know you better that's all"

"Oh, Ok" He was really getting to me, he is so hot and he has that appearance that just makes you drool over him, in fact most the girls do. I think I like him. We got our ice cream and sat in his car. "Lets move to the back it has more room"

"sure" I'd truthfully go anywhere with him if it meant spending time with him. We sat back there and we didn't say a word. He was looking at me and I couldn't bring myself to look at him. I started to blush again "You sure you're ok you turn red an awful lot"

"yeah. Wait... what"

"It's cute I guess" he said that and wiped ice cream on my nose.

"Eww that's gross, great im going to be all sticky"

"I'm sorry here I'll clean it" I was expecting him to use his napkin but he cleaned it off with his lips, then he kissed me. I completely froze up "umm"

"I'm sorry, so sorry, I just thought, I don't know you were staring at my dick and I saw you looking at my ass through the mirror, I'm sorry"

"No no no its fine in fact I liked it I just thought...you dated my sister."

"Can you not tell anyone...no one knows"

"I won't tell anyone...if you do the same"


"So what were you expecting"

"I was honestly expecting sex haha the way you kept looking at me, and your boners lol"

"I feel embarrassed now"

"Don't worry I'm hard too" I looked down at his mesh shorts to see his dick stretching out the fabric.


"So we are even"

"Indeed" my phone vibrated and it was my mom asking me to go home.

"Brent can I go home please"

"You don't want to spend more time with me?"

"No, I do. I have to go home"


"Sorry" He took me home and on the way home Mine by Taylor Swift played on the radio, maybe he will be mine. I walked in my house and quickly ran to my room and just laid there thinking about what just happened.

Hey guys, this is my new story, =) email me if you have any questions or comments, and if you want to read more, I write for your entertainment. My email- peanutshields@yahoo.com thankyou

Next: Chapter 2

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