Emt Tryst

By Greg Reese

Published on Aug 11, 2008


This is a work of fiction, all the usual legal jargon applies. The characters in this story live in a disease free world, the use of condoms is not portrayed. The real world is very different, practice safe sex, use condoms.

Cappy was not a man who smoked cigars or cigarettes, however, he was known on occasion to light up, especially after having given some young pup a thorough fucking. Matt had thoroughly abused Cappy's ass with his hard cock, leaving the rugged Captain breathless and panting, the remnants of his hands free cum drying on his hairy chest. Matt had cleaned up and left about an hour ago and Cappy was still laying on the bed in afterglow, the smoke from the cigarette hanging lazily around his head as he blew it out. "Fuck!" was all Cappy said to the air as he got up and headed to his shower to get cleaned up. Cappy had a huge appetite for sex and today was proving to be one of those days where he would need to venture out to the clubs to feed his appetite. Sure, he had a firehouse full of hot men that would fall to their knees and worship his cock at a moments notice, but Cappy needed more today, something much more.

Showered and dressed, Cappy headed out through the fire house in search of his second in command, Mike McKinley. Mike was in the kitchen, setting out the ribs for tonight's dinner, getting the rub ready so they could marinate all day before he threw them on the grill. "Ribs huh? Mmmm Mmm, but you make the best ribs!" Cappy said as he strolled into the kitchen. "Hey Jim! S'up?" Mike answered back, smiling at the Captain. "You're in charge tonight, I need to get out and take care of some business." Cappy responded, slapping Mike on the ass as he walked past him to get a cup of coffee. "Oh I know what that means!" Mike joked back, "Cappy's gonna get his freak on tonight. Lucky guy!" Mike answered back, a slight tone of jealously in his voice. "You just never mind what Cappy's gonna be doing!" the Captain shouted back, jokingly. "I live in this freaking fire house and sometimes, I just need a night to myself." the Captain continued as he grabbed his coffee and a granola bar from the pantry and headed out of the kitchen and back to his office.

Cappy sat at his desk and went over some paperwork the other men had left for him from the day before. As he was reading the various reports his mind kept wandering to tonight's events. His cock was starting to harden as he thought back to the day that he and David McKellum had met. They were both young men then, 20 years old in fact, and had entered the fire fighter's academy at the same time. They hit it off instantly, both silently exchanging the knowing glances that they "pitched for the same team." It wasn't until they were half way through their training that they were finally able to do something about the sexual energy that had been building between them. Cappy's mind churned as his memory replayed the night they tasted each other's cocks for the first time, so many years ago. His memory jumped ten years forward, to the night they were both fighting a particular nasty fire. That was the night that ended David's fire fighting career, the night the explosion knocked him off the ladder truck, his back breaking, lucky to be alive as well as not paralyzed. David was able to stay on with the fire department and had gone on to become one of the academy's best instructors. Shortly after David had recovered, he had talked to Cappy about opening a bar in the Phoenix area. There weren't any that catered to his and David's taste, so, each taking a portion of their savings, they invested in an old wharehouse in a seedy part of downtown Phoenix and opened their own bar. "Razor Strap" opened a few months later, a levis and leather bar, it catered to the men that Cappy and David were so drawn to. Their joint efforts were an instant success and as the years went by, they managed to keep the bar in touch with the current events, and as the city grew, so did the clientele, they also enjoyed the financial rewards of their success.

Cappy reached for his phone and dialed David's number. "Hello?" David's voice answered. "Dave! Hey, it's Jim." Cappy responded. "Big Jim! What the hell you doing man?" David said. "Awe, just sitting here, reading reports, thinking about the good ole days, rubbing my hard cock in my pants." Cappy replied, laughing. "Umm, been a long time since I tasted that cock of yours. You coming to the club tonight?" David asked. "Yup! Think you can hook me up?" Cappy asked. "Hook you up? My brotha, you don't NEED to be hooked up! You still look like a freaking GOD!" David said. "Yeah, yeah yeah, thanks for helping out an old man's ego." Cappy chuckled. "See ya tonight!" David said and hung up. Cappy spent the rest of the day trying to keep his mind off of tonight. He couldn't wait to get into his zone, to be with the men he liked so much to be around, the kind that shared his taste for the darker side of his sex life. The sounding alarm stirred him from his thoughts. He left his office to bid the men in his station a fond farewell and wish them luck. Watching the last truck leave, he looked at his watch and whisteled, "Holy fuck! It's already five. Time to get some food in my belly and get ready to head out." Cappy said out loud, turning to head into the kitchen and see what there was to eat. Mike hadn't yet fired up the grill so he knew his famous ribs wouldn't be on the menu. Settling for some leftover pasta, Cappy quickly ate and then headed to his suite to get ready for his night. Cappy locked the door to his suite behind him, he wanted his privacy tonight, and he quickly shucked his clothes and stepped into the shower.

Cappy took his time cleaning himself up, especially taking care to make sure he was just as clean inside as he was outside. Satisfied, he rinsed off, rinsed down the shower, turned the water off and grabbing a towel began to dry himself off. Once he was dried, Cappy went to his closet and pulled out the plastic blue box that held his prized possessions. Reaching into the back of his dresser drawer, he grabbed his leather jock and moaned as he felt the cold, soft leather slide up this legs and thighs, the pouch softly cradeling and caressing his balls and cock, the straps outlining his firm ass cheeks. He pulled the front of the jock strap down and, reaching into the blue box, pulled out a thick metal cock ring that he carefully pulled his balls through as he slid it down the length of his cock, nestling it at the base of his dick. "Ummm, yeah, feels good already!" Cappy groaned as he admired himself in his full length mirror. Reaching in again, he pulled out the metal hoop that he would feed through the head and underside of his pierced cock. His cock jerked as he snapped the locking mechanism in place, a bead of clear juice forming at the tip of his head. "Yeah baby, ummm, fuck..." Cappy whispered at his reflection. The next two items Cappy pulled out were heavy metal hoops that he fastened through his nipples, his cock jerking as he gently tugged on each hoop, a long thin line of clear juice leaking from the tip of his cock and hanging down as it slowly dropped to the floor. "Fuck yeah buddy boy, you're looking hotter and hotter for an old man!" Cappy said again to the reflection in the mirror. Cappy then reached for a pair of faded and worn levis, holes strategically placed, offering the viewer a glimpse of thigh and an ouline of his leather jock, or a hint of his fur covered ass cheeks. Satisfied, he put on his leather harness, the center ring accentuating the pierced nipples and his massive and hairy pecs. Cappy squeezed his nipples, causing them to harden more than what they already were. Cappy then threw a solid white T-shirt on over the harness and tucked the shirt into the waist of his jeans. He reached into the back of his closet and grabbed his leather boots, army style, he laced them up and pulled the legs of his jeans down over the tops. He took one last look in the mirror, turning this way and that, flexing and posing, and headed out of the station.

The cool autumn night air washed over Cappy as he made his way through the streets of downtown Phoenix, catching the obvious stares of men and women as he waited at the various red lights he encountered at the instersections along the way. Each stare, each smirk or slack jawed grin only served to fuel his sexual energy. By the time he pulled into the rear parking lot, he was already in a pheromone induced high. Cappy walked in the back entrance of the bar and into the office the two men shared. He removed his T-shirt and draped across the back of the chair, he could here the loud music coming from the dance floor, the heavy base vibrating his insides as it beat. Cappy debated on removing his jeans but opted to leave them on. He knew David would be working the bar so he headed out to the main part of the club. Walking in and behind the bar Cappy snuck up behind David who was chatting up a couple of pups who were dressed in nothing more than boots and jocks, the white glowing against the black lights that hung above the bar. Cappy walked up behind David, put his arms around his waist and ground his crotch into David's ass. "Ummm, I'd recognize the feel of that crotch anyday! Big Jim!" David said as he spun around, kissing Cappy firmly on the lips, their tongues briefly touching. Pulling away, David looked at his longtime friend and whispered into his ear, "I hope you save some of your cum for me baby. You know how much I love working that cock of yours over with my mouth and feeling you fuck my ass!" "Indeed I do my friend, indeed I do. Don't worry, I'll leave some cum in these balls for you." Cappy said as he kissed his friend back, their tongues caressing one another, tasting the other. "Fetch me a beer bitch!" Cappy said as he slapped his friend on the ass. "Not until you get on the other side of the bar, you know the deal! State law, no drinking..." David said, cut off by Cappy. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, no drinking behind the bar." Cappy mocked back as he headed to the other end of the bar and made his way around. The two leather pups watched Cappy the entire time, both of them were licking their chops as he strode up and stood next to them.

The pup standing closest to Cappy reached over and ran his hand up and down Cappy's chest. "Mmmm, nice, bet your cock is just as nice as your chest." he said as he fingered one of Cappy's nipples. Cappy reached up and pulled the young pup's hand away, "Didn't your momma teach you any manners?" he snarled at the young man. "Don't fucking touch the merchandise until I tell you to." Cappy continued, his cock stirring as he quickly showed the young pup who was the boss. "Fucking get down there and clean my boots bitch!" Cappy snapped, reaching down and slapping the young man's jock strap outlined ass. He took a swig of his beer and winked at his friend David as the young man quickly fell to his knees and began licking the toes of Cappy's spit polished black boots. Cappy turned to address the young man's friend only to find that he had disappeared and was somehwere on the dance floor, gyrating to the beat of the music. "Enough boy, go find your friend!" Cappy barked down to the young man who quickly and quietly disappeared. "Hahaha! Damn Jim, you fucking amaze me at how quickly you can command!" David said as he returned from helping another customer. "Those two were practically yelping as they left." David continued to giggle. "He he, yup! Still got it!" Cappy joked, flexing one of his muscles as he did so. Turning his back to the bar, Cappy let his eyes take in the action that was occuring around him.

The wharehouse was two stories. The bottom comprised of the dance floor and bars. The second floor consisted of a metal cat walk surrounding the dance floor with various rooms, in various sizes, branching off the catwalk. There were two more bars on the second floor. David and Cappy had decided when they opened their bar that they would insist on responsible drinking. If someone entered the bar alone, they were asked if they had driven or if they had arrived by cab. If they had driven in, they were required to surrender their car keys. They only got them back if they were able to pass a breathalizer, if not, their car was secured in a locked parking lot and a taxi was called for them, paid for by David and Cappy. If a group of men arrived, a designated driver was asked for and whomever was volunteered, a neon green wristband was secured around their wrist and the designated driver was given complimentary water and sodas while they were there. In addition, everyone who entered was required to provide ID to show they were old enough to be there. David and Cappy had hired a couple of excellent doormen, capable of spotting a fake ID from 100 miles, as a result of, they were one of five establishments in the metro Phoenix area that had not been busted on a liquor violation.

Cappy wandered around the outside of the dance floor. He watched the men on the floor dancing and moving, their bodies gyrating and grinding into one another. Someone passed a bottle of poppers under Cappy's nose, to which he deeply inhaled the heady aroma, his head instantly buzzing with the affect, his cock tingling. Cappy had paused in his journey at one point and was staring up at the cat walk when he noticed someone was staring back at him. The gentleman who's eyes he'd made contact with was leaning over the railing, beer in one hand. He wore no shirt, his chest smooth, long dark hair framed his face. He raised his bottle of beer to Cappy, almost as if offering him a toast and then motioned with his head for Cappy to come up. Cappy headed for the stairs and quickly, taking two at a time, bounded up them and made his way across the crowded cat walk to where the man stood. Cappy's mouth watered and his pulse quickened as he got closer to the man. Standing about six foot tall, the man was dressed in leather pants, a prominent bulge displayed in his crotch. Both of his nipples sported two large, heavy hoops, the weight of which caused his nipples to sag a little. His eyes bore into Cappy as he continued to approach him, his face framed by the shoulder length hair, the smell of sweat and leather hit Cappy's nostrils as he approached. The effect of which was even more intoxicating than a bottle of poppers could ever be.

Cappy saddeled up to the strange man, each one sizing the other up. "Jim, name's Jim." Cappy said. "Zeek, short for Ezeckiel." the other man replied. "Fucking nice chest!" Zeek said to Cappy. "Fucking nice crotch!" Cappy said back. "C'mon, follow me." Zeek said as he turned and headed for one of the rooms. Cappy followed, watching the mans ass move in his tight leather pants. We walked through a couple of the rooms, one set up with an old claw foot porcelain bathtub in the center. One of the young men Cappy had barked at lay in the bath tub, his clothes removed, while several men stood around him and pissed on him, his squeals and moans indicating his enjoyment of being used as a human urinal. The second room we walked through had a bank of gloryholes along one side of the wall. Faceless mouths slurped and sucked on faceless dicks, shouts of men echoed through the room as they pumped the faceless mouth full of their cum.

Cappy entered the next room. A leather sling hung, supsended from the ceiling in the center of the room. It was bathed in soft white spotlights and was empty. Various men were lined up along the wall, some quietly talking to each other, some caressing each other, their hands toying with pierced nipples or stroking a hardened cock that had been freed from the confines of its owners jeans. A few turned to look at Cappy and Zeek as they entered, Zeek leading Cappy to the harness. "Strip!" Zeek ordered. Cappy moaned as he quickly shucked his jeans and threw them to the side. Standing in his jock strap, his cock aching, Cappy looked at Zeek, waiting for the next step. "I said STRIP!" Zeek ordered as he reached around and slapped Cappy's ass. "Unng!" Cappy groaned at the sting of the slap and quickly went about removing his leather jock strap, his cock rearing up and slapping his stomach, leaving a wet spot in the fur of his belly. Zeek snapped his fingers twice and two burly men appeared from the shadows, picked Cappy up and proceeded to place him in the sling, securing his feet and hands. Zeek walked over and gently and carefully removed the hoop from Cappy's cock head, tucking it into one of the pockets in Cappy's discarded jeans. Zeek snapped his fingers twice more and the same two burly men stepped forward and proceeded to strip Zeek, all he wore now was were his boots. Cappy groaned as he took in the magnificence of Zeek's body. Zeek was a perfect specimen of body building done with taste, his muscles were firm and toned but lack the grotesqueness of a body overworked by weights and steroids. Between his legs hung a thick ten inch cock with two large balls that had to be storing a gallon of cum. Zeek approached Cappy, turning his head Cappy opened his mouth and waited for Zeek to guide the thick cock into his mouth. Instead, Zeek slapped Cappy across the face, Cappy's cock flexed and he groaned. "Not yet slut!" Zeek shouted, "Not yet!" Zeek walked around the room, checking each man out, finally settling on the two burly guys that had helped strap Cappy in. "You two, prep him!" Zeek commanded.

The two men disappeared back into the shadows and then reappeared, pushing a metal table they stopped once they had reached Cappy. Cappy looked over at the items on the table. "Oohhh!" he moaned, his cock flexing again, cock honey running out of the tip in a steady stream as his eyes took in the assortment of dildos and butt plugs in various shapes and sizes that were on the table. He groaned again as the two men picked up a can of shaving cream and two razors and proceeded to shave Cappy's body until he was completely devoid of any hair, to include his pubic and ass hair. The two men disappeared and then returned with buckets of warm water. Cappy sighed as they two men expertly washed the hair and shaving cream from Cappy's body then applied a soothing aftershave balm to his chest, arm pits, stomach and pubic area. Cappy's cock continued to produce a steady flow of clear cum, which both men took turns licking and lapping off of his hard cock. "Enough!" Zeek ordered as he walked over to the table, grabbed a butt plug and a bottle of lube and proceeded to get Cappy's freshly shaved ass prepared. Zeek pumped a large amount of lube into the palm of his hand then slathered Cappy's hole with it, his fingers darting in and out as he did. Cappy groaned and bucked in the sling as Zeek continued to play with his ass, eventually inserting his hand up to the last set of knuckles into Cappy's ass. "Yeah, fuck yeah." Cappy moaned as Zeek fucked his ass with his hand. Zeek removed his fingers and began to feed the butt plug into Cappy's ass. "Awe FUCK YEAH!" Cappy cried out as his hole was stretched by the base of the butt plug. "Unngghh...fuck yeah..." Cappy panted. "Somebody fucking feed me their cock, NOW!" Cappy cried out. Cappy was soon rewarded with the head of a cock being placed at his lips, he groaned as he sucked the cock into the back of his throat. Cappy bobbed his head up and down, sucking the strange cock like there was no tomorrow. "Ahhhh! Ahhh! FUCK YEAH!" Cappy cried out as Zeek removed the butt plug from his ass and applied more lube. "Mmmmm...mmmmm..." Cappy groaned as he continued to work on the hard cock that was now frantically fucking his face. The cock fucking his face was now pounding his mouth, he could feel the head in the back of his throat begin to thicken, indicating the man was getting ready to cum. Cappy managed to spit the cock out long enough to tell the man he wanted his cum on his face. The man straddeled Cappy so he could lick his balls while he jerked his cock off. "Aaaahhh yeeahh!" Cappy cried out again as Zeek inserted a vibrating dildo up Cappy's ass, his cock flexing and slapping his stomach. "Fucking get ready boy! Get ready, I'm gonna paint your face!" the man jerking his cock cried out. Cappy groaned as he felt the hot cum shoot out and splash on his chest. The man above him grunted and groaned as he continued to jerk his cock, painting Cappy's chest with his cum, finally feeding him the dripping, softening head for Cappy to clean off.

The man left Cappy's side once he had cleaned his cock off and Cappy gasped as Zeek grabbed his cock, pulled it back and began licking the clear liquid that was flowing out of the tip of Cappy's head. "Yeah, fucking clean my cock off bitch!" Cappy cried out and was rewarded with another cock nudging his lips. Cappy quickly swallowed the cock and allowed the owner to start slowly thrusting his cock in and out of Cappy's mouth. Cappy moaned as he felt the head of the strange cock hit the back of his throat while at the same time the dildo that was up his ass was slowly removed. Cappy groaned as he felt a tongue begin to lick at the outter lips of his hole. Another cock brushed against the other side of his cheek and, spitting the cock out that he was currently sucking on, he turned his head, only to realize that this cock belonged to Zeek. "If I'm sucking your cock, who's eating my ass?" Cappy panted. He looked up and stared right into David's eyes. "Surprise! You like?" David said. "Oh fuck!" was all Cappy could say as he sucked in the head of Zeek's cock and started nursing on it, the other cock forgotten as he attempted to swallow the ten inch monster. David quit eating Cappy's ass and picked up a metal ring with two wires attached to it and proceeded to gently pulls Cappy's balls through it. Cappy moaned at the soft touch of his balls, unaware of what was going on. David then attached the two wires to the stim unit and turned the unit on, starting at the lowest setting. Cappy was oblivious to the electrical shocks that were beginning to course through his balls, realizing he was unaware of it, David increased the voltage. Cappy soon felt a tingling in his balls and he managed to groan while still working on Zeek's cock. David increased the voltage again and this time Cappy started squirming and bucking in the sling. "Oh yeah, fuck! Fuck that feels good!" Cappy shouted as he spit out Zeek's cock. "God DAMN David! What the fuck....OH YEAH!" Cappy groaned as David increased the voltage again on the electrostimulation unit. Cappy forgot all about Zeek's cock as his head thrashed from side to side, moaning, panting, David kept the voltage where it was at, taking Cappy to the brink but not letting him go over the edge.

David got up from where he was at and exchanged places with Zeek. Standing over Cappy, David fed him his cock while at the same time, David sucked in Cappy's cock. Cappy groaned as he sucked his longtime friends rock hard cock down his throat, reveling in the familiar feeling of his dick as well as the taste. Reaching around, David spread Cappy's cheeks, offering his wet pucker to Zeek, who quickly placed the head of his ten inch cock at the opening of Cappy's wet and well stretched ass. Cappy went wild as Zeek fed his cock up his ass, finally settling in at the base.

"Mmmpfff...mmmnnnnnn....mmmmmppppffff." Cappy moaned and groaned while he continued to let David fuck his face. Cappy motioned against David's hip, indicating he needed to pull out of his mouth so Cappy could catch his breath. David pulled out and Cappy cried out, "FUCK ME BITCH! FUCKING POUND MY ASS...oh David, fuck David, oh fuck!" Cappy panted, "Fucking let me cum David, please, oh GOD, please, I wanna cum so bad!" Cappy cried out. David continued to suck on Cappy's cock while he removed the electro stim unit from Cappy's balls. Cappy had grabbed David's cock and was now jerking his friend off, his cock pointed right in his face. Zeek was slamming his cock in and out, pulling his dick completely out, rubbing it along the crack of Cappy's ass and balls before shoving it back in. "FUCK ME BITCH! Oh GOD DAMN FUCK ME!!" Cappy shouted as his balls began to draw up and his orgasm started to build. "David, I'm gonna cum David, I'm gonna fucking cum." Cappy panted as he started licking and nursing on the head of his friends cock. "David, I'm close, I'm getting close, tell me when!" Zeek panted as he continued to jack hammer Cappy's ass. "I, oh fuck, I, David here it comes, I'm....." Cappy cried out as his orgasm hit, shooting jet after jet of built up cum down the back of David's throat. Zeek cried out, slammed into Cappy one last time, stiffened and emptied his load deep into Cappy's guts. David pulled off of Cappy's erupting cock, shouted he was cumming too, then dove back down on Cappy's cock as he unloaded, painting Cappy's face and lips with his cum. Shouts of other men, who'd been watching, jerking their cocks, echoed throughout the room as they too came, their cum splattering on the floor.

Cappy nursed the rest of the cum out of David's cock as David collected himself from his orgasm. Zeek had already pulled out of Cappy's ass and was busy getting his own ass fucked in another part of the room. "David?" Cappy panted. "Yeah?" David responded. "I fucking love you buddy, fucking love you!" Cappy said as the two men stared at each other. David removed Cappy from his restraints and held his friend up until his legs became stable. The two of them looked around the room and, watching the other men involved in the various stages of sex, looked back at each other and David said, "C'mon, we got a bar to run. Help me?" "You bet buddy, anything!" Cappy responded and the two men embraced again. Finding his clothes, Cappy quickly dressed and both he and David left the other men to their own vices as they headed back downstairs to tend bar. The remainder of the evening they kept grabbing at one another, slapping an ass, groping a crotch. "Hey, you two lovers?" one patron asked. David and Cappy looked at each other, laughed, and went on about their business.

So tell me what you think of this chapter! More to follow!!

Next: Chapter 14

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