Emt Tryst

By Greg Reese

Published on Jun 8, 2008


This story is a work of fiction. All the usual legal jargon applies. The characters in this story live in a disease free world, the use of condoms is not portrayed. The real world is very different, practice safe sex, use a condom.

My name is Craig McFadden, I'm 43 years old, live in the suburbs of Phoenix and am an EMT with Ladder Company 49. I have a standing date with one of our fire fighters every Thursday night at eight. Tim Johnson and I met when I first started working at the fire station, about eight years ago, and we hit it off immediately. Tim would be any person's perfect catch, as he is the epitome of what every gay man and straight woman dream of when they think of their ideal man. Problem is, Tim hasn't quite accepted the fact that he's gay so we sneek around like two married people, secretly meeting one another at various places throughout the metropolitan area. It's rather fun actually and since I'm certainly not wanting to "tie the knot" I enjoy having a steady fuck buddy.

It was on this particular night that I would meet my new neighbor. You see, it all started as I was backing out of my driveway on my way to meet Tim. I had double and triple checked to make sure the street was clear and was extremely surprised, to say the least, when I heard the dull thud followed by the loud howl of pain. I threw the car into park and got out to see what, or who, I had hit. Laying on the opposite side of the car, in the gravel, was a bicyclist, his bike, front tire smashed in, was laying in the street. "Oh my God!" I shouted. "Are you OK?" as I bent down to check on the bicyclist. "Yeah, I think so, help me up." he replied, handing me his arm so I could help get him to stand up. "What happened? You weren't there a second ago when I looked!" I shrieked. "It's my fault, I came barreling out of my own driveway, had my head down adjusting my gears and when I looked up, there was the rear of your car." he said. "Oh your bleeding, look at your right thigh. C'mon, I'm an EMT, we'll get you inside and I'll get you cleaned up and bandaged." I said, completely forgetting about my date. "Bill, the name's Bill West." He said. "Craig McFadden, nice to meet you." I replied as I threw his arm around my shoulder and helped him into the house, leading him to the kitchen. "Here, have a seat at the table. I need to move the car and then grab my first aid gear." I said. When I reenter the house, he was examining the damage on his right thigh. He had been wearing the lycra riding shorts and the right side had all but shredded completely up to the waist band, exposing a very nice and muscular thigh along with his package. I squatted down to take a closer look and to also hide the erection that was beginning to spring up in my pants. "Doesn't look too bad, looks like you just scraped yourself up good. Your shorts are shredded though. Why don't you slip those off, I have a pair that I think will fit you, plus it'll help me get you cleaned up. I turned as he stood to remove his shorts and headed to my bedroom. Coming back with a pair of my shorts, bottle of rubbing alochol and peroxide, I saw him standing there and thought I was going to cum in my pants right there. He was completely nude from the waist down, I would have thought he would have been wearing at least a jock strap.

His legs were perfectly sculpted and completly shaved, as the lack of hair cuts down on the wind resistance, or so we're led to believe anyway. His cock hung over two beautifully shaped balls and I noticed he kept his pubic hair trimmed very short as well. I handed him the shorts and squatted down again to re-examine his leg, and get a much closer look at his cock. "You've got some pretty good scrapes in here, but nothing that requires stitches." I said. "That's good, I just started a new job and my insurance hasn't kicked in yet." Bill replied. "This is going to sting as I wash out the cuts, you might want to brace yourself." I offered as I began to irrigate the area with a bottle of water. "Hiiissss." Bill drew in his breath as the water hit the raw skin and jerking a little, the head of his cock brushed up against my cheek. "Oh God!" I thought as my cock tried to rip out the zipper in my slacks. "I'm going to put some peroxide on it, it'll help flush out whatever the water didn't get. It's..." I said but then was cut off, "...going to sting, yeah, I know the line." Bill chuckeled. "Son of a bitch!" Bill shouted as I poured the peroxide over the scraped and cut skin. "Sorry." I said, looking up and noticing for the first time that he had sparkling blue eyes, like small pools of water surrounded by the thickest and longest eye lashes I've ever seen on a man. "It's OK, sorry for the swearing." Bill said, looking down at me, a slight smile spreading across his lips. I looked back down and could swear his cock had plumped up a little, as well as lengthened. "OK, I need to pat this dry then I'll put some neopsporyn on it, bandage you up and you should be good as new. It took me a few more minutes but I soon had him bandaged and couldn't help notice that his cock was now half hard. "OK, Bill, I think you can get dressed now." I said just as the door bell rang. I walked to the door and opened it to see my other neighbor holding Bill's bike. "Is this yours?" he asked. "No, it's the new neighbor's we had an accident. He's OK though. Thanks for bringing it up." I said as I took the bike and without thinking, closed the door in my neighbor's face. Halfway back to the kitchen I realized what I'd done and made a mental note to go and apologize to him later. "Hey, I think you're bike is trashed." I said. Bill had now entered the living room where I was holding his bike, the front wheel completely caved in, handle bars bent and twisted. "How much do I owe you for the bike?" I asked. "Nothing, it was my fault, I told you that." Bill said as he studied his bike. "Yeah, it's trashed, well, there's a couple thousand dollars down the drain." He quietly said. "A couple thousand dollars?" I shrieked. "Yeah, it's a touring bike, I'm getting ready to enter the Tucson 500." Bill said. "Oh man, now I really feel bad. Listen, at least let me file an insurance report. That should either pay for a new bike or maybe half of it." I said. "Seriously, you don't need to do that. It's fine, I'll take care of it." Bill said. As he reached for the bike, he swooned and fell backwards, landing, thankfully, on my overstuff couch. "WHOA! What the hell?" Bill said, shaking his head. "Did you hit your head on anything?" I asked. "Not that I can remember." Bill said. "Maybe it's just the shock of the accident, but you really need to be watched tonight. Why don't you stay here, you can crash in the spare room. I'll come in and check on you." I offered, secretly hoping that I might be able to check on something else.

"Yeah, maybe you're right, I suddenly don't feel so good. Where's your bathroom, I think I'm going to be sick!" Bill shouted as he tried to stand. I ran over, helped him up and guided him down the hall to the bathroom. We didn't quite make it there before he started throwing up. Luckily though I had installed tiled flooring a few years ago, all I would need to do was mop up the mess once he was done. I also suddenly remembered my date with Tim. "Bill, you going to be OK? I need to go make a quick phone call." I asked. He nodded as he continued to get sick. I quickly explained everything to Tim, who completely understood, and went back to my patient. Bill was now lying on the floor, the cool tile making him feel better. I reached over, flushed the toilet and told him I'd help him into the bedroom. We carefully stepped around the mess on the floor in the hallway and I helped him lay down on the bed. I then quickly cleaned up the mess and brought him a glass of water and a couple of tylenol. "Here, sip this and let's see if you can keep a couple tylenol down." I said, handing him the glass. Bill took the tylenol and continued to sip the water. His color started to restore after a few minutes of lying down so I was pretty sure he was just having a reaction to the accident and wasn't suffering from a concussion. "Oh man, that was weird." Bill said. "Feeling better?" I asked. "Yeah, thanks, what the hell happened?" He asked, looking at me. "Mild shock, people react differently to it. I just want to make sure you don't have a concussion. You sure you didn't hit your head?" I asked again. "Yeah, pretty sure." Bill replied. I keep my EMT equipment in the spare bedroom, so I fished out my penlight and told him I wanted to check his pupils. Flashing the light in both eyes, his pupils responded normally, another good indication he didn't have a concussion. I then told him I was going to check him for potential fractures and began with his jaw. "What a gorgeous square jaw, oh and he's unshaven too. Mmmm mmmm mmmm, but I do like an unshaven man." I thought to myself. I then moved down his neck and to his chest. "Oh my, such firm pecs and his nipples are hard. Ummmm....." I thought as my hands moved down to his stomach. "Mind if I lift up your shirt? It'll help me be able to feel if you've ruptured anything." I asked. "Sure, no problem!" Bill replied. It really wouldn't help me do anything more than check out his abs, of which they were ripped and firm with a nice happy trail of fur leading into the waist band of the shorts. I moved on to his thighs, being very careful to avoid the bandaged area. I noticed the lump in his shorts was getting larger, "Oh good, this is having the desired effect." I thought. My hands were trembling as I rubbed and massaged his thighs, moving down to the calves of his legs. "Ummmm...that feels good." Bill purred. I glanced up, his eyes were closed and he had his hands behind the back of his head. "OK buddy, roll over, need to check out the back." I said patting his good thigh. Bill did as was instructed only this time, he removed his shirt completely. His back was just as delicious as his front, his shoulders were wide and massive and he had another pleasure trail of fur that led from the small of his back down into the waist band of his shorts. I began to massage his back for him, moans and sighs escaped his lips as I worked his tense muscles. "Hang on, if we're going to do this, let's do it right." Bill said as he lifted up and pulled his shorts down, kicking them off with his feet.

"OH MY GOD!" I screamed in my head. Before me lay the perfect ass. Tight, compact, firm, a very light dusting of golden blonde hair that started in the crack of his ass and fanned it's way out. He didn't trim his ass hair, course I guess there wouldn't be any need to do that and it was magnificent. It took all the control I had to keep from spreading his cheeks apart and diving in. But I did control myself as my hands gently worked the beautful firm mounds of his ass. I moved lower so now I was working the bottom of his ass cheeks while working the top of his thighs as well. Bill spread his legs for me, offering me the perfect view of his ass and balls, the tip of his cock peeking out from under his balls. "Oh fuck! Is that a drop of precum on his cock?" I panted to myself as I continued to work his legs. Bill continued to sigh and moan his appreciation, occasionally he would lift up, as though he was adjusting his cock. I soon reached his feet and once I was done with those, gently slapped his beautiful ass and told him that the massage was over. Bill rolled over on his back and his rock hard cock slapped against his stomach. His cock was beautiful, cut, it had to be at least eight inches long and slender with a big mushroom head on it. I stared at it, licking my lips. "Sorry, I get rock hard whenever I get a massage." Bill said as he reached for the blanket to cover himself up. "DAMN! So close..." I screamed inside my head. Instead I stuttered out, "It's, WOW! OK, man, I mean, shit happens...yup..shit happens.." I knew I was blushing, I could feel the heat rise from my toes and spread throughout my body. "Listen, if you don't mind, I'm gonna close my eyes and take a little snooze." Bill said, his hand cupping his still hard cock. "Uh no..no..uh..I don't mind, don't mind at all. Holler if you need anything, seriously, if you need ANYTHING, just holler." I said as I stood and headed for the door. "Hey Craig! Thanks!" Bill said as I closed the door behind me. I ran to the bathroom, shucked my pants down to my ankles and jacked my cock furiously. I know he had to have heard me groan as my cum shot out the end of my cock and spattered the bathroom sink. I quickly cleaned up my mess, throwing the toilet paper I'd used into the toiled and flushing. As I entered the hallway, I heard a slight moan come from his room. I quickly walked down there and stopped when I heard the tell tale rustling sound of a hand jacking a cock against material. I peeked through the cracked door just in time to see his cock shoot, ropes of cum splashing over his stomach. My cock immediately sprang to life as I watched him slowly stroke the rest of the cum out of his spent cock. I heard him whisper, "Fuck, I need to get my cock in his ass." as he wiped the cum off his stomach and licked it from his hand. I bit down hard as another orgasm hit and I felt the front of my underwear become soaked in another load. "And you shall have my ass Bill, you shall have it." I chuckeled to myself as I turned and headed to my bedroom to get cleaned up.

Stay tuned for more.....

Next: Chapter 2

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