Empty Halls

By Dr Goodhole

Published on Jan 6, 2007



Dr. Goodhole is not a real doctor, but he does have a good hole. Whining, moaning, panting, or compliments may be addressed to drgoodhole@yahoo.com (should you feel so inclined).

All Rights Reversed. Please share and copy freely. Don't claim credit for my work, or wild lesbians will bite off your ears and nipples. Trust me on that. We have a deal.

Disclaimer: This story involves fantasy sex between men. If you don't like that, don't read it. If your mom or government don't think you should read it, don't let them catch you at it. This is a work of fiction, and any similarity to real people and events might possibly be coincidental, maybe. This is a fantasy. Do not put on a cape and expect to be able to fly, or fail to use a condom and expect to remain healthy. Thank you!

Empty Halls, by Dr. Goodhole

It was the end of the term in college, and everyone had gone home for vacation. Almost everyone. I was staying at school to get in some studying, and my best friend Phil had two days left before his flight. It wasn't really an accident. We were looking forward to a little peace and quiet... so we could get LOUD and PARTY without interruption!

We stayed up pretty late, that night. Did a little drinking and a lot of smoking, played cards and talked up a storm. Argued, laughed, and acted damn silly. It was great!

Finally, it got to be about bedtime. Some way til dawn, but no longer near midnight. I wandered down the hall to take a leak. When I got back, Phil was nowhere to be found.


"In here, man."

The goof was already in bed-- MY bed! Holding back the covers with a twisted grin. "C'mon! Get in!"

...th' fuck?

"C'mon, man. It'll be fun. We can tell people that we slept together!"

Yeah, right.

"Umm, Phil... I don't wear pajamas."

"Me neither. Get in here, you pussy."

Ok... well, this was embarrassing. But, I'd never have another opportunity like this again. He wasn't my best friend just because he was a hell of a guy. He was gorgeous, or I thought he was. I was crazy about him. He was straight, of course. He would be.

"Ok, ok."

I turned away from him and took my clothes off. Silly, I know, but I didn't want to face him while I peeled down. It took careful concentration not to spring a boner as it was.

"Yeah!," he said. Thank God he didn't whistle.

I left one of the room lights on, in case he needed to get up in the night, and slowly climbed into bed, backwards, not meeting his eyes. Settled in and wriggled around to make myself comfortable. Sighed.

"That wasn't so bad, was it? Goodnight, Steve."

"'Night, Phil."

It was a twin bed. Too small, really, not that I minded. Phil rolled around a bit, trying to find a good spot. Between hitting the wall and hitting me, he wasn't having much luck.

"Hold on. I don't have enough room, here. Turn on your side."


"Turn on your side. No, the other way. That's it."

Umm, ok.

He snuggled up close and put his arm around me. His body felt warm and comfortable next to mine. Then I felt something long and hard rubbing up against my buns. I didn't move.

"Phil, DUDE!"

"Shhh, I'm horny," he said, and started grinding up against me by way of demonstration.

"What? Oh, come on...!" I protested feebly. I was getting hard pretty quickly, myself, but what was going on with this? Phil was straight, wasn't he? But his dick was sliding up and down on my ass, and it felt really good. I was gulping and trying not to moan.

"Steve, man," he leaned forward and murmured in my ear, "I found your porn links on your computer."

Oh, shit.

"I know you like guys. You like me, don't you? I've been wanting to try this for a long time."

I didn't say anything, but I was breathing pretty hard. So was he. Right in my ear. I wasn't about to say anything. It was terrifying, but it felt so good.

"Good man. Now hand me the lube."

"What?" I hesitated. That was awful quick! Was he just going to...?

"C'mon, right there, in the shelf next to the bed. Reach out. C'mon... there you go!"

I didn't know about this. I was on the verge of a panic attack. But, he was right. I did want it. I wanted him. I just wasn't prepared for it, right here, right now. I slowly reached out for the lube. He kept his arm around me, as if he were afraid I'd get away.

"That's it! Now hold out your hand."

I cupped my left hand. He reached across and pumped out a few dollops of lube on me, his armpit going past my face. He hadn't showered that afternoon. The smell was intoxicating. I leaned my head back to get more. He caught me at it.

"Heh heh heh. Like that, huh?" He made a grrrowwwling noise. My dick throbbed. He grabbed my hand with his left and brought it back behind me, and placed it on his erection.

"Fuck, Phil!"

"No, fuck Steve! Easy, boy. We've got all night."

He clasped his hand around mine so I made a fist around his hard dick. They call it a hard dick but, you know? It wasn't hard like steel or like wood. It was kind of soft and hot, and it jumped in my hand. I'd never touched another guy's dick before. I ran my fist up and down it. The head was so smooth, and it expanded under my fingers. We both gasped at the sensation.

"Whoa, STOP!" He grabbed my wrist. "Slow down, man." He guided my hand back over to my side. "And DON'T touch your cock!"

We just lay there, breathing heavily, for a few minutes. When our breathing settled down a bit, Phil started moving again with his hips. His slippery dick went sliding up and down my ass crack. He was pushing pretty hard. It seemed like I could feel every vein, and his bush sandpapering my buns had me panting. Up from his rubbery head, all along the shaft, until his balls were crushed against my butt, and then back down again. And back up again. Awww, man. I was so hard that it hurt. He kept it up for a while. He could have kept it up forever. I wouldn't mind.

He pulled my hips back towards him. "Keep your legs together", he instructed. Something new?

His dick wedged its way on through my legs, right along the crotch, until the bulging head mashed against the back of my nuts.

"Ohhhhh", I moaned. "Aw, Phil!"

He laughed faintly as he humped back and forth. "Yeah, I like it, too!" His dick was making me crazy. I was panting nonstop and whimpering every time his big fat head slapped against my balls. We didn't add any more lube but, he seemed to be getting extra slippery, anyway. My eyelids half closed, and I started to gasp.

"Awwwwww, Phil!"

"Whoops. Better stop there." He held still for a moment, then slowly pulled away, yelping as his dick pulled free. "Time for a little break." Frustrated, I ground back against him. "Heh heh heh. Stop that. I told you, take it easy."

It wasn't so easy to take it easy. He held me away from him. Eventually, our breathing settled back down to something like normal, again.

That's when the fun really got started.

Phil started sliding his dick between my legs again. Up along my taint, smacking my balls with his big old pudge. It felt great, but...


"Yeah, man?", nudging my nuts with his dickhead again.

"Oh! Phil, dude, please!"

His dick slid back and then bam! Whacked my nuts again.


"Awww, please! UH! Please!"

Slid back and bam! Forward again.

"Please! Oh, please fuck me," I whispered.

Slid back and bam! Forward again. Oh, have mercy. Oh my God. Oh please.



"Heh heh heh. You don't have to yell. Are you sure, man?"

Oh, fer the love'a... "YEAH! Yes. Yes, Goddamn it! Phil!" Softly again, 'cause I felt so vulnerable saying it -- but I didn't whisper. "Fuck me."

He laughed. And slid forward and nailed my nuts again. Oh Christ.

I fumbled around for the lube and got another big dollop on my hand. Reached back and grabbed him with my sloppy fingers. He slid in and out of my fist a few times, grunting as he went.

"Phil, have you done this before?"

"You'll be my first, buddy."

Great. I'd played with a dildo a few times before, so I wasn't totally clueless, but this could be painful. I didn't know a thing about starting with fingers, back then.

"Ok. Look, this is going to take a little time. If I say 'stop', just hold still for a moment. Right? Or this is going to hurt like a bastard."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?," he said, but I don't think he meant it.

I reached back and grabbed his dick and aimed it at my hole.

"Ok, now, push. Harder! Good. A little more. Stop! No, don't stop pushing, just don't push any harder right now. Gimme a moment."

I breathed deeply and concentrated. Relax, relax. Don't clench down. Concentrate. Relax.

It was working! Phil slid in a little bit. A little bit more. He must have the whole head in, by now... I hoped. I knew how the first few fractions of an inch could feel like a mile.

"Easy!", I warned.

"Yes, boss," he said.

I laughed at that, and he slid in a bit further. Eep! I clamped down, in shock. He slid right back out again, with a yelp. I could feel his dickhead throb between my cheeks as my asshole locked shut.



He was frustrated. Can't blame him. So was I.

"I'm sorry, man. You're almost there. Hang on a second and let's try again."

Concentrate. Relax.

I lined him up again.

"Ok. Gently. It's going to be easier this time. Gentlyyyy", I squeaked, as he pushed right in. The head slid right up to where it had been and kept on going. Oh Lord. Just a little more... he felt so big, but I knew it was just the tip. It kept coming, snaking on in. Oh... my... God...! He slid in past the sphincter and started barreling up my chute. I clamped down again, I couldn't help it. This time, he was too far in for me to push him back out, and he just moaned at the sensation.

"Phil! HOLD IT!"

"Aww, FUCK, man!," but he did. He had his hands clamped painfully hard on my hips, and his dick pulsing in me.

In a moment, I relaxed again, and he started sliding in deeper. The sensations were intense as he kept hitting new territory. He was sliding in faster. My breaths came sharp and fast, and I was groaning. And then I clamped down on him again, involuntarily.


He wasn't having any of it. He kept pushing and slipping on in. And my ass relaxed again, and he buried his cock all the way home in one incredible rush. I felt every fraction of an inch.

"Ohhhhh", he moaned.

I was panting and practically barking. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!" My body felt like it was on fire. I glowed with heat. The whole universe was his dick buried in me. My asshole was clamping and relaxing, clamping and relaxing on his cock.

"Jesus fuck! You're tight. Are you all right, man?"

I couldn't say a word. I just lay there gasping, for a moment. I reached back and felt his nuts, smooth and shaggy and damp, squashed right up to my ass. I brought my hand back and smelled my fingers. Man and mushrooms and rut. My eyes rolled up. I put my fingers in my mouth.

"Steve?", he said, and made a few short thrusts. "Aww. Steve, man, talk to me." He was panting, and making tiny thrusts almost continuously.

I pushed my butt back on him, hard, and my dick spasmed as he went even deeper into me. He yelped, then grabbed my hips.

"Easy! Easy, baby, easy!", he said.

I pulled forward, and slammed back on his dick again.

"Aww jeez..."

He started pumping me hard, pulling about halfway out and ramming back in again. I was meeting him all the way. My lungs were going like bellows and I was afraid my heart might just explode but, all I really cared about was feeling him fuck my ass. I was blind with lust. There wasn't anything else but his dick moving in me. His breathing was harsh and ragged, and I knew it wasn't going to last much longer, but nothing else mattered.

"Aww, Steve, aww fuck, man... I'm going to cum up your ass!"

I thought I was hot before but, that tipped me right over the edge. That was it. He was going to shoot right up my butt! I lifted up one leg and shoved back on him HARD, driving him deeper in me than he'd ever been. And again! It hurt, or is that the wrong word? And I clamped down on him and started shooting sperm all over the bed and across it, onto the floor.

"No! OH!", he shouted, and lifted my leg up so hard it was painful. He buried himself home to the bone, and locked rigid. "Oh! Oh! OHHHHHH! Uhh! Unh!"

He stayed all the way in me, making little involuntary thrusts with every shot. I could feel his cock jerking inside me. My ass kept clamping and releasing, clamping and releasing. My dick was still rock-hard, throbbing, and dribbling.

I'm not sure how long we were frozen like that, overwhelmed and stunned.

When I was sort-of breathing normally again, I swallowed with a parched throat, and licked my lips with a dry tongue.



"My leg."

"Oh yeah."

He lowered it back down, and started to turn away. I could feel his dick pulling out.

"No!" I grabbed his arm. "Don't you dare!" And I wrapped his arm around my front, and brought his hand up to my mouth and kissed it. I put a finger in my mouth and sucked on it, and chewed it lightly. It tasted sour and salty. My dick twitched. His dick jerked in me, and he laughed, but faintly. He was exhausted.

"Damn, man," he said, and hugged me to him. We were both covered with sweat and radiating heat, but I didn't care. I wanted him on me. In me.

I listened as his breathing grew softer. My asshole kept twitching as he lost his erection, and his dick retreated the way it came, teasing me every inch of the way. Finally, it made it back to the entrance, and my last twitch squeezed him out. Phil grunted softly, but he was already almost asleep.

I was still mostly hard, and I would have liked another round, but tomorrow was another day. I tucked Phil's arm around me and smelled its sharp spice, and listened to his breathing.

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