Employee Manipulation

By story dreamer

Published on Jan 16, 2008


Employee Manipulation

Warning: This story for Adults only, NO minors. Contains Nonconsensual homosexual acts. Straight males being forced into homosexual situations outside of their control. mmmmm/mm, n/c,oral, w/s

Chapter 9

Shortly after noon, Saxman headed for home. He had let Tom sleep with instructions to take a bath and shave all body hair completely off except for his head. Tom was then to begin writing a complete history of his sexual experiences from his first masturbation to the present time. He was reminded that he was to wear no clothes unless told to.

Opening the door, John laid his keys on the table and stood there looking at Tom who was writing at the dining room table. Tom had turned when the door opened and was looking at Saxman who just stood there. Realizing his mistake, He quickly scrambled to get down on the floor and crawled to Saxman, pushing his nose into Saxman's crotch. Tom felt a hand petting and scratching his head before his boss walked into the kitchen. Tom hustled to keep up, putting his nose to Saxman's ass as he opened the refrigerator and took out some sandwich meat and mustard. As he made a couple of sandwiches, Tom kept following him with his nose into Saxman's ass.

"Have you eaten anything boy?" Saxman asked.

"No Sir," Tom replied.

Saxman turned, holding his hand out to Tom. Tom saw the mustard on the man's fingers and knew he was expected to lick them. Tom felt numb to the humiliation he was being subjected to. He was reduced to a moment by moment survival mode. He still had hope, but he was weighed down with fear. As the mustard disappeard from Saxman's fingers, He heard Saxman tell him he could speak.

"Sir, Have you heard anything from the police? Have they found out that I am innocent sir? Tom asked.

John dropped a sandwich on the floor for Tom. "Eat first boy, no hands and come join me in the living room when you're finished." John watched him walk away and now deeply embarrassed, he lowered his face to the sandwich and began chewing and eating, feeling more and more like an animal instead of a man.

John sat his plate and beer down on the table next to his recliner, unbuckled his pants and pulled them and his shorts down to the floor before sitting down. Switching on the TV, He watched the news as he ate.

John watched Tom crawling butt naked into the living room and bring his face into his lap. As he finished his sandwich, and took a couple of sips from his beer, His cock had been brought to full blown hardness by Tom's loving lips and tongue.

It was now time to prepare Tom for his interview with Detective Olson tomorrow morning. He had realized that Tom had been cut out of any communications and was now forced to rely on him for information. That, along with the fear that had been fostered in him had left the young man completely in his hands. He would use that fear to instill the need to trust and obey his master for his very survival.

"Detective Olson visited with me this morning boy. He said they are not sure that the writing belongs to you or not. But he is positive that you are guilty of the crime. He wants to arrest you and charge you with theft and forgery tomorrow morning. He is sure that a jury will convict you and give you 7 to 10 years in prison."

Saxman watched as Tom began crying, even as his mouth still gently held the cock tightly in his mouth. The tears rolled down into his crotch as he lovingly carressed Tom's head. "Sshhhh, boy, don't cry now, I told you I like you and as long as you obey me, I'll take care of you. As long as you obey me, I'll protect you and not let them send you to prison. As long as you obey me, you'll be safe here with me." The power he held over the helpless young man was sending him over the edge and he closed his eyes as his cock let go and spewed its seed into Tom's mouth.

Tom saw his whole life going down the drain when he heard that the detective wanted to arrest him. That sinking feeling deep in his bowels told him his life was over and that his parents and friends and girlfriend would think he was a criminal and going to jail for years. When Saxman promised him he would take care of him and save him from prison, he felt such overwhelming love for this man that wanted to protect him from going to jail. When he felt the cum shooting into his mouth, he gratefully swallowed it and gently licked the cock as it jerked and shot a few remaining ropes of the creamy cum onto the roof of his mouth.

As John sat back in the chair coming down off a fantastic orgasm into his boy's mouth, he realized he was happier now than he'd been in his whole life. Tom was adapting very quickly into a subserviant sexual deviant. Little by little he was accepting humiliation as normal treatment. Throwing his food on the floor was just another little test to see if being alone this morning had affected his submissiveness. John pulled a five dollar bill out of his shirt pocket and held it out to Tom. "Take this money boy, one of the guys you sucked yesterday wanted to give you a tip for being such a good cocksucker." John said. Tom took the five dollars from Saxman, thanking him.

Pulling Tom up onto his lap, Saxman continued his assault on Tom's understanding of the situation. Holding him close while one hand played with his nipples and the other fondled his cock, John shared what He and Detective Olson had talked about this morning.

"Olson wanted to take you into custody tomorrow morning. I told him that as long as he wasn't sure it was your handwriting I wouldn't sign a complaint. He said he just wanted to book you into the jail for a few days so he could break you down. He told me when you had spent a few days and nights in a cell with some sex starved inmates, you['d be begging to confess for protection from them."

Tom was again scared out of his wits. Saxman felt the boy shiver in his arms as he continued his programing of him.

"Your skin is so nice and smooth with no hair on your body. Your hairless cock and balls look like they belong to a preteen boy.I'm afraid the other inmates won't be able to keep their hands off you and I won't be there to protect you boy.

Tom cried out in anguish, "Please Mr. Saxman, Don't let them take me prison, I want to stay here and obey you and do things for you sir. I want to suck your cock and drink your piss for you and suck cocks at the bar for you sir. I can't go to prison, everyone will know and hate me. Please sir," Tom babbled on until Saxman put his hand over his mouth, telling him that he did not have permission to talk.

"Listen to me boy," Saxman told him. "Olson wants to interview you tomorrow morning at work. His plan is to tell you that you are no longer under suspicion and he's sure you did not steal the money.But he is going to be lying to you. He thinks if he can make you think you got away with it that you will make a mistake and he can slap the handcuffs on you.You must not believe him when he is talking to you. He wants to take you away from me, but I don't want him to. I'd like to keep your as my own personal cocksucker. You want to stay with me too, don't you boy?"

Tom nodded his head and put his arms around Saxmans' neck, hugging him tightly.

Saxman continued whispering into Tom's ear. "You must not let Olson know that you have been sucking my cock and all the cocks at the bar. You were paid $5.00 for sucking those cocks and that makes you a prostitute in his eyes. If he knew you were naked in the bar, he would arrest you for that. I want you to just tell him that you have no idea who took the money and that you are innocent. You tell him that Mr. Saxman is a very nice boss and is helping you cope with this trouble. Do not tell him what you have been doing for me because if you do, I will deny it and I will have to let him take you to prison where you will probably be raped every night by several inmates. You understand now why you must keep your mouth shut and not believe what Olson is telling you. Tell Olson you don't know anything and never tell him anything about me. Remember, Olson is going to lie to you. He may even tell you that I think you're guilty. Don' t believe him."

Tom remembered Olson pulling on his hair and glaring at him. He knew in his heart that the Detective did not like him. He was glad that Saxman had shared this information with him. Tom was determined to keep control over his emotions and not give Olson any opportunity to catch him in a lie and arrest him. He thought of his mom and dad and how they had always disliked anyone stealing and had preached to him his whole life about being honest and not disgracing them. He had to protect them from his shame even though he was innocent, he knew that just being accused of such a crime would make them ashamed of him. Suppose he would never be able to prove his innocence and he would be in prison with no one to protect him and those guys would be fucking him everyday and probably hurting him. No, he thought, he didn't like doing what Saxman was making him do. He didn't want to suck cocks and be treated like a toy like he was being treated now. All he did know was that the rubbing of his nipples was sending waves of pleasure throught his body and Saxman's fingers were causing his cock to bob up and down. His cock had never felt this hard before and he wanted Mr. Saxman to let him cum. The words he kept hearing in his ears and the touching and rubbing of his most sensitive body had lifted him out of his body and he was floating somewhere in a pleasure filled state of mind. He did not want it to end. He wanted to stay where he was forever.

Saxman gently pushed Tom down again between his legs where Tom immediately took the man's penis into his mouth and looked up at him.

"I have to make a phone call boy, but I know you're thirsty after eating that sandwich and me, so while I'm on the phone I'm going to give you a drink. I warn you, don't spill," Saxman said.

As Tom knelt there, swallowing Saxman's piss, he knew that the man was purposely holding back so he only had to deal with short spurts which he could easlily handle. Looking up, He saw him smiling back at him while one hand played with his ear and the other hand held his phone.

He continued his duty, half listening to John talking to the man from the bar. They were discussing money and about a Doctors certificate of health for him. John finished his beer and finally finished pissing in his boy's mouth before hanging up.

Saxman got up and walked to the bedroom with Tom hurrying behind on his hands and knees. When his nose went into the crack of Saxman's ass, he was swatted gently away and told to get up and get dressed quickly. Tom's clothes and shoes were thrown onto the bed and as he dressed, Saxman walked to the door yelling for him to hurry up.

Arriving at the club, Tom was pushed inside. At the bar, Buch set a draft beer up for Saxman.

"If it's ok with you Buch, After you take him to the doctor, would you mind baby sitting him here til I can make it back. I have some work to do setting up the new boy I told you about. I may bring him in later, I'm not sure yet. I assume you are going to put him to work this evening."

"Buck came around and put his arm around Tom's neck. "You bet, Hel'll be safe here, I'll watch him close. I've got 9 disease free certificates from guys now and I expect more this evening. I'll get Tom's certificate now and set him up to suck cocks as soon as I get back. Everyone knows to keep this just between guys that can be trusted and nobody can get in unless I either know them or someone vouches for them."

Shaking hands, Saxman headed back to work. He needed to talk to security and have them scan Malloy's computer for porn.Any young guy with no girlfriend, no boyfriend, had to be pulling his pud over something. He was going to find out what it was.

To be continued by storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 10

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