Employee Manipulation

By story dreamer

Published on Jan 12, 2008


Employee Manipulation

Warning; Adult reading only, no minors. This story contains homosexual acts of a nonconsensual nature. m/m

Chapter 8

9:15 am on Tuesday morning found Mr. John Saxman entering the Dallas Inc. building. Taking the elevator to the 7th floor, He entered his office. Getting up from a chair, Detective Olson stepped forward.

"Mr. Saxman, Could I have a minute of your time sir," Olson said, extending his hand.

"Detecive," Saxman answered, shaking his hand. "Step into my office please, I have a few minutes before I have a meeting." "Carol, Hold all my calls please." He said to his secretary as he opened his office door. Closing the door behind them, Saxman sat down at his desk while Detective Olson lowered himself into a chair.

"Now, Detective, What can I do for you." He said casually.

"Mr. Saxman, we've hit a wall in the investigation. The signature and handwriting are definitely NOT your employees'. We have no idea at this time who opened the fradulent account up or how they obtained the check. I would like to question Tom and see if he can help us and I'd like to let him know that he is no longer a suspect. I was sure he was at the time but I guess I owe him an apology."

Saxman sat thinking. "Well, I'm very glad to hear that you feel that way, however, someone took the check and they must work here or they wouldn't have been able to take that check. I'm not convinced that Tom didn't have anything to do with it. He's still a suspect in my book Detective,"

Olson knew he did not like this guy. He was arrogant and was obviously full of himself. Some people in positions of authority just turn out to be real assholes, he thought. But, he reasoned, He has his responsibilities and someone did try to steal from his company. "I'm sure you have your reasons Mr. Saxman, You know him better than I do. I would however like to interview him. I can do it here or bring him down to the station."

"He is not working today, Detective," Saxman explained. " He was very upset at being accused, or caught," He added. I thought an extra day away from work might help him. Contrary to what you might think, I actually like the young man. I was concerned about his well being after being accused so I insisted he not be alone. I had him pack some clothes and move in with me for awhile. If he's found to be innocent, great, and if he's guilty, maybe I can help him straighten his life out."

Olson stared at Saxman. How could he have been so wrong about his guy, he thought. "If you would kindly have him available tomorrow morning at 9:am, I will need to interview him." Olson said, getting up.

Shaking hands as the Detective was ushered out of the office, Saxman sat at his desk organizing his plans for getting Tom ready to speak to Detective Olson tomorrow morning. Not quite sure that Tom would not say anything about what he had been subjected to by his boss, John was feeling uneasy about what may happen when the boy was questioned by Detective Olson.

Saxman composed himself as his secretary, Carol, knocked on the door and entered. "I have your mail Mr. Saxman and there is a man on the phone wanting to speak to you. He says his name is Buck and that you'd want to speak to him.

"Thank you Carol, yes, I'll talk to him. Carol, you know what Wilke is suspected of doing. Do you think he's capable of it. You've know him longer than I have."

Carol stopped at the door. Turning, she offered her opinion. "No sir, I don't think so. He's been so nice to everyone and seemed to have his head on straight. I don't think he has the nerve or guts to do something dangerous like that. Donna told me herself that anyone could have taken that check off her desk before she had logged it in but she didn't think Tom could have done it either." Quietly, she exited the office and shut the door.

John picked up the phone and gave Buck his cell phone number. Seconds later, his cell phone rang. John listened with interest as Buck explained that several of his bar patrons had requested that the young man who will be here on Mondays be available on other nights too. Also, that he be available to swallow for the members who bring in an up to date certificate showing they are disease free. They would also want to know that the boy has been tested too for their saftety. Buck explained to John that his bar had not been doing well over the last two years and that he had thought about closing it. Suddenly with Tom being there and being such a pretty cocksucker with a cute body, He was getting lots of new customers coming in today that friends had told them about Tom. He was a little nervous about vice hearing about it and coming in when someone was getting a blowjob.

"John, If you'd let your boy perform here more, I'd like to make this a private club so I can keep out undersireables. I can charge a membership fee which I'll give you a cut and we can work out a deal between us on what to charge for Tom"s services to the guys. All the guys will understand that they are not to have sexual contact with anyone who doesn't belong to the club and who doesn't have a medical clearance stating they're disease free. This way, they can drop into the bar, have a few drinks and enjoy a blowjob from the club cocksucker in a safe envirornment among friends."

John interrupted Buck, "That all sounds good Buck, but what's to prevent undercover cops from becoming members and shutting down the club and arresting everyone?"

"Don't worry about that John," Buch said seriously, " I've got good contacts and I know my patrons. They all know a good thing when they see it. Most of them are married, have no sex life at home or its so boring they can't get it up, but here, having a pretty boy suck them off in a safe place, they won't fuck it up." A members only club where they can slip in, have a few drinks, shoot the shit with their friends and watch Tom doing his service work and getting his own load drained before heading home to the wife is like a dream for them. They'll pass the word to only mature guys who they trust. These guys aren't out fucking everything in sight, they're all married or mature guys who don't cruise around. I'll check everyone out before I accept them as members. I'll know where they live, I'll check around with the neighbors, etc, know where they work and know all abouth them, wives, kids and everything. The only thing is I down't know is would you let your boy spend enough time here to make it pay? I can tell you, you'd be making some serious money from this deal John."

"I'm liking the way it's sounding Buck," John replied, "Let me think about what else I can do on my end here and I'll get back to you this afternoon at the bar. I'll bring him in to give a few of your trusted people some relief."

After talking to Buck, John sat, deep in thought, looking out the window. It wasn't just the money that was exciting him. It was the utter degradation that he was forcing on the boy who had led such an ideal, trouble free life. Tom had been born good looking to well to do parents and had every advantage that money could provide. He'd been fucking pretty girls all his life and laughting and making jokes about the homos,

His thoughts drifted back to his school days. He had never been what you would call good looking, average at best. He had not been an athlete, not popular with girls. His parents had divorced when he was just 12 and for him, life had always been hard. He'd had to work hard for everything he had. Being poor, college was out of the question so he had started at the bottom in the mail room. Running all over the building delivering mail and packages for the big shot college boys. Being called boy when he was 5 years older than the young college boy executiives still angered him. He had determined to succeed and had learned the business from the very bottom. Slowly, he had acquired the reputation as the company tourble shooter who had the ability to fix company problems. HIgh up manangement had taken notice of his company first energy and had moved him up the ladder, sending him to several management schools at their expense. Along the way, he was aware of the college boys' animosity towards him and he had told himself that someday he would take revenge upon them. He had learned that with a few secret manuvers, He could cause problems for those who were causing him problems.

John had attended night school and learned about computers and had become quite skilled. He thought about the young executive cocksman Bill Allison. He had accused John of sucking up to management and being a brown nosing homo.

So what if he did have his nose up the higher managments ass. Unfortunately for Allison, he had hit upon the secret life of John when he had uttered the word homo. Not being popular with girls had driven John to seek companionship with other males. He had found it exciting to know that there were males, young and old who wanted to kneel in front of him and suck on his 7 inch cock.

His first time had been in an x rated movie theatre. He had been sitting in the darkened back row and while watching a stud getting a blow job from a beautiful young naked girl, had taken his cock out and was squeezing it while watching. An older man had suddenly moved next to him in the dark and had whispered to him, "May I suck it for you please." Before he could say anything, the man had lowered his head and taken his cock into his mouth. It had been fantastic and had opened his eyes to his new love, homosexuality. Through half closed eyes, he had watched the stud on the screen using the mouth of the pretty girl. His hand petted the mans head as he began talking to his cock's lover. Over and over he began complimenting the man for being a good cocksucker and urging and directing him until he exploded into his mouth. When he was finished, the man put a twenty dollar bill in John's hand, said thank you and quickly left. On that day, John became a homo and pursued that lifestyle in a quiet secret way.

He had taken Allison's accusation as a severe threat to his plans and took immediate steps to squash Bill allisons employment with the cmpany. On a day when allison was out of town at a sales meeting, John had stayed late at work and when everyone from the 3rd floor was gone, he had went through Bill's desk and found his little book which had contained his computer password along with a yahoo Id with password.

Logging on to his computer and yahoo, he found that Allison was indeed a confirmed heterosexual who was a member of a few hetero dating sites. He looked at his yahoo profile and found it had a picture of him naked from the waist down with a hard cock. Tom quickly added a little more information to the profile, putting in his first and last name, phone number and address and that he was bisexual and available as a cocksucker. Next, he signed tom up to numerous gay groups with his home and company phone numbers, along with his naked picture. He then downloaded pictures of men engaged in oral and anal sex to his computer. For good measure, he added that he would like to share his wife with another man if he could watch on his profile page. Making a copy of his computer id, he shut it down and went home.

It was the following week, when noticed that Allison's name was being removed from his office door.He asked one of the workers nearby what had happened and was told that the company had found gay pornography on his computer and had fired him. Later, he found out that Allison's wife had separated from him for some reason. John had found it necessary to go into a bathroom stall and celebrate his victory over the asshole college executive.

Pulling out the personnel roster which contained employee pictures, he slowly went through them looking for a potential new boy to manipulate. Looking through the new hires, He found a potential target. Jack Malloy had been hired in the data entry department. He was just 23 and fresh out of business college and a good looking blond with shoulder length hair. Picking up the phone, He spoke to Frank in the personnel office asking him to conduct a thorough background check on young Mr. Malloy and get back to him as soon as possible. Using his own computer, He did a credit rating search on the boy.

He marveled at the power his position had. Within an hour, He had personal information on Malloy that showed his credit rating was in bad shape. He was in arears on his government student loan, his car payment and two credit cards. He had been fired from his last job for being late to work 3 times in one month and had been out of work for two months before he had been hired here at Dalles Inc. He was obviously in a catch up situation that was only getting worse. He was single, had a girlfriend and had a room in the basement of an older couple just a few blocks from Buck's bar. He buzzed his secretary asking her to call data entry and have them send Jack Malloy up to see him.

Looking through his personnel record, he could see that Jack had been put on report for being late to work once and his evaluation had been good. He had gotten good remarks for his cooperative attitude and ability to work well with others. An observation remark from the person evaluating Jack was what caught John's eye. "Jack is very shy and unable to make eye contact with me. He appears to lack confidence and self esteem and has trouble talking without stuttering. As a business college graduate working in a job well below what someone with the degree he holds should be working at, It appears he has no real career goal and lacks the personal incentive to improve his position in this company.

John Saxman smiled as he sensed that before he had even laid eyes on him, this boy was ripe for intimidation. He would soon see if the young man could be cowered into submission immediately or if he would have to be seduced over time. A buzzer sounded letting him know that Jack was here. Getting up, He opened his office door, telling Jack to come in. As the young man brushed by him, He casually locked and closed the door.

Without saying a word, he sat down behind his desk, leaving Malloy standing in front of it. Picking up his folder, he looked at it intently, turning a page without showing emotion. Glancing up at him, He saw that Jack was trembling and sweating while looking down at his shoes. Throwing the folder down on the desk, he saw Jack Jump in surprise. Damm, he thought, He's scared to death of me.

"What is your problem boy", Saxman said, glaring at Mallory.

"I,I I do, don don't know what you, you,mean sir, Jack stuttered as he visibly trembled.

John had decided he needed to sift through Jack's mind and find his vulnerability. Surely this boy was harboring some deeply supressed feelings. He was definitely afraid of authority and he suspected his financial difficulities were laying heavy on his mind.

"Boy,do you like working here?" John asked.

"Ye, ye, yes, si,sir," Jack stuttered. Jack was indeed scared of Mr. Saxman. He was afraid of losing his job, his basement apartment, his car.He was afraid someone had seen him in the adult book store. He only ventured into the bookstore on Saturday mornings and he was only in there long enough to buy his femdom books and magazines. Jack knew he was guilty of moral perversion and now he was afraid he had been found out. He had used his computer to look at a sex site on his computer last week. Had they found out that he too had done that?

John looked at the boy who could not look back at him. His intuitive mind told him that somewhere, this guy was hiding something. What could it be he thought to himself. The boy was young, no sign of a girlfriend, no sign of homosexuallity, although he was attractive even though he did have that geek look about him. He had to have 23 year old hormones racing though his body. No girlfriend meant that he at the very least was masturbating, possibly daily. John decided to fish for sexual deviation and possibly extract a confession from the boy.

Standing up, John walked around the desk. Putting his arm around Jack, He turned him and walked him to the door. He told Jack that he had received a report on him and he just wanted him to be honest and tell him about it. If he were honest and confessed it to him, He would not fire him and anything he told him would be held in strict confidence.Jack was shaking in fear as John patted him on the back, telling him not to worry about a thing. "I like you Jack and If you're completely honest with me, I'll make sure you have nothing to worry about and you'll feel so much better getting it off your chest I want you to go back to work right now and when everyone leaves at five oclock tonight, You come back to my office and we'll have a nice friendly chat and you and I can become friends. Would you like to be my friend, Jack?"

Jack stuttered out a yes sir, thank you sir as John ushered him out the door.

To be continued

Comments to the author are appreciated..........Oh, go ahead and do it. storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 9

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