Employee Manipulation

By story dreamer

Published on Dec 28, 2007


Employee Manipulation

Chapter 7

Warning: This story involves homosexual activity between males. You must be over the age of 18 to continue reading.

mmm/m, n/c, oral, anal, ws, spanking,

Pushing Tom away, John stood up and looking down, saw the cum from tom's ejaculation on the carpet. Pushing the chair back, he firmly pushed tom's nose down to the cum.

"Bad boy," he said, "Lick it up boy." Letting go, he watched as Tom obediently licked the carpet until you could not see the stain.

"Tomorrow, you'll clean this spot. You should have caught it in your other hand." He said.

"You'll not be going to work tomorrow. I'll have a list of activities I want you to involve yourself with. I want you to take a hot shower and get cleaned up now so I can put you to bed. Hop to it boy, John said, swating Tom's ass as he watched him rush to the bathroom.

Later, John, reading more information on Tom, glanced up to see Tom crawling into the room on all fours. He smiled as Tom put his face into his lap and took his soft cock in his mouth. The young executive was learning well. He could feel his cock growing

Tom's mouth came off the cock and began licking John's hand. It was the signal that Tom wished to talk. John moved his hand, inserting two fingers into Tom' s mouth. As Tom began sucking the fingers, John told him to speak.

Tom pulled his head back, removing the fingers in his mouth as he began to speak. "Mr. Saxman, If the investigator tells you tomorrow...."

Saxman's hand slapped him hard arcross the face. Holding his head firmly by his hair, He leaned close to Tom's face. "Don't you ever again remove something that's been put in your mouth without permission boy."

Reinserting his fingers in the shaken boy, He again said, "Speak boy."

With some difficulty, Tom mouthed what he had wanted to ask.

John understood he wanted to know when he thought the investigators would notify him that the signatures were a fraud and not his.

"As soon as I know something, I'll tell you boy." John said. Right now, you need to concentrate on being an obedient good boy. John' s cock was fully hard again, reveling at the power he held over the young man. He reached over and picked up a tube of ky jelly and a condom. "Grease your ass and put the condom on me boy." John said firmly.

Tom was scared but knew he had no choice. Quickly he rolled the condom down over John' s cock and put a glob of ky into and around his asshole.

"Put some on the condom too." John told him.

Pulling him up and turning him around, John's stong hands guided him backwards to his ramrod weapon.

Tom was shaking in fear, his legs barely able to support him, as he was brought downward. He felt the cock sliding between his ass cheeks and touching his hole. A sharp pain followed by a familiar feeling left him feeling totally helpless. It felt like he was deffecating but instead of leaving his ass, it was sliding further in. He now found himself fully seated on John's lap, the cock burried in his ass clear to the hilt. His stomach rumbled in protest at this intrusion into his body.

He was pulled back against John's chest. He felt a hand fondle his cock and balls and listened as John began talking softly into his ear. Two fingers again entered his mouth, then three fingers, then four fingers.

"Suck and lick, suck and lick," John instructed. Trying to listen to what he was saying, with fingers in his mouth, a hand playing with his cock and balls and a cock in his ass made him confused. He heard what he said, but the distractions were filling him with fear and lust.

"You've been a very bad person Tommy boy." You tried to steal from the company and that means you were stealing from me too."

He felt Tom's tongue move around in his mouth, trying to form denial words.

"Shhh, don't try to talk, just suck, lick and listen, John whispered. You have to pay a penalty for what you've done. I can go to your mom and dad and sister and tell them that you're a thief or I can tell everyone in the office, or I can just hand you over to the police and let them incarcerate you. Would you like that Tommy?

Tom fell apart, impaled on the huge cock and a strong hand slowly squeezing his balls and the fingers in his mouth playing with his tongue. He began crying and shaking his head and trying to say no, no, please sir.

"How about if I just take your girlfriend away from you instead? Would that be better? After all, Why would she want you now? You've become a thief and a cocksucker. You've become a homosexual haven't you? Do you think you'd make a good husband for her now? You'd always be thinking of finding some cock to suck or someone to fuck you, wouldn't you?

"Do you realize you have a hard on? What does that tell you? Here you are with my cock up your ass and you have a hard on. It tells me you're a homo. It proves you're a cocksucking homo. All you needed was a little push to show you what you have always been wanting. You've wanted to be a cocksucker for so long, but you resisted it.

"It also tells me you're guilty as hell. You were trying to steal from the company. An innocent man would have stood up and declared his innocence from the get go. He would never have have taken his clothes off in front of another man and gotten on his knees and sucked his cock. He would have walked out of the office with his head high, knowing that in the end, he would be found innocent. After a complete investigation, he'd be free of all charges and he would resume his life. His parents would have been so proud of him and he would probably have married his girlfriend, had kids and a happy life."

Tom heard the words being softly spoken into his ear. Just two fingers now played with his tongue and teeth. The cock in his ass was pushing forward and backward in slow strokes. The condemnation of him as a failure of a man was like a bolt of lightning. He knew it was true. He should have reacted indignantly and stood up to the charges. Why had he not done that. If he had, he would not be in the predicament he now found himself in. The hand was softly manipulating his cock and balls, the cock in his ass somehow creating a new sensation in his body, and the fingers taking outrageous liberites with his mouth. Why could he not act like a man and stop it? The tears rolled down his cheeks as he realized he was totally powerless to stop the invasion to his body. Not only that, he was not sure he would even want it to stop. His heart was racing as Mr. Saxman continued to assault his ass, his cock and balls, his mouth and his brain.

The four pronged body attach on Tom had been designed by Saxman to wreck havoc with the boy's libido. The physical aspects of the assault would be reinforced by tearing down any confidence in himself, any sense of self worth or self respect he still had for himself. The boy was so tired. He had not been sleeping well because of the worry. The sexual assault at the office and then the orgy of men using him as a woman at the bar had taken a toll of him.

Saxman took his fingers out of his mouth and began rolling Tom's hard nipple between them. First, the left nipple, then the right one. Then putting them back in his mouth. Then back to his nipples while carressing his cock with his other hand.

John continued his verbal assault on Tom's fragile mind while pushing his hips up and down in slow sensual movements. He too was breathing harder, engulfed in lust, just as Tom was. For him though, the excitement was in the continued manipulation of Tom. He had to power to remake him as he wanted him to be without Tom being aware of what was happening to him. Tom would eventually be left with the knowledge that he was a disgrace to his family and friends and that his only hope was to obey and curry favor from Mr. John Saxman and beg him to save him.

"You're a good looking boy Tommy. You probably had a lot of girl friends. Probably fucked a few of them too. But just look at you now. You never felt like this while you were fucking them, did you? Your whole body is deep in pleasure now, isn't it? It feels good to be treated like a whore, doesn't it? You aren't so much good looking as you are pretty. Men aren't pretty are they, They look like men. They act like men, don't they? You don't look like a man, do you? You look like a pretty boy. That's why those guys down at the bar liked you so much. Thats why they wanted to put their cocks in your mouth. I knew you were a homo when you sucked my cock in the office. You knew how to do it without being told. You're a good cocksucker Tom. I'm very proud of you. You're making me very happy with you.

Tom's eyes were half opened and glazed over. The intoxicating words along with what was happening to his body had sent him over the edge and he was floating out of his body in pure lust. His body was totally relaxed, laying against Saxman's chest while sensations he had never felt before coursed through his helpless body.

Saxman could not hold back any longer. Knowing what he was doing to the young man had brought him to the brink. His words to Tom had excited him too and he began groaning in pleasure as his cock began filling the condom with cum. He had daydreamed for years of this kind of control over another man. This was better than he ever thought it could be. As his orgasm finished, he continued assaulting Tom's body with his hands, but was careful not to bring him to climax. Tom was leaking some precum which he gathered with his fingers and slipped into Tom's mouth.

Saxman could feel the total capitulation of the boy as he sat on his lap making whimpering noises. "You're a damm poor excuse for a man. You know that don't you? But you are a pretty boy with a good education that will work out well for me. Until you're proven innocent, I'm going to make sure you have a secondary education in cocksucking. It will give you something to fall back on if your reputation is ruined by what you've done."

Pushing Tom up to stand on his shaky legs, John stood up behind him. Pushing him down to his knees, He carefully took the condom off his cock. Tilting Tod's head back, he opened the boy's mouth with his fingers and squeezed the cum into his mouth. "Let's go take a quick shower together, you can wash me and then we have to get to bed. I'm quit tired now."

John took a couple steps and then stopped. He smiled as he immediately felt Tom's nose and tongue in his ass. "Good boy, Tommy, good boy."

Standing in the shower having his legs washed by Tom, He grabbed his hair and brought him to his cock. Tom opened his mouth as the flacid penis entered and Saxman began pissing. Pulling out, he directed his flow over Tod's face until he was finished. Patting his head, he praised him for being a good sexual deviant.

Later, after the shower, Tom lay in the king sized bed with John Saxman. He had tried licking his hand so he could ask him questions, but he had pushed him away telling him, "not now boy, it's late. Go to sleep. And don't even think about playing with your cock."

With the lights out, and Saxman snoring, Tom lay awake, with a hard on. His mind replaying the day's events. He tried to count how many cocks he had sucked and thought about all the guys who had really been so nice to him. None of them had been mean or rough as he thought about the hands that had petted him on the head as he was sucking them. He had never seemed to fit in with guys that much and had only a couple of male buddies. He now wondered if he had purposely avoided the other guys because he was afraid of being too close to them and risking something happening. His cock was rock hard and his hand went to it and held it. Why was he so hard, he thought.

Tom did not know what time it was, but he knew he had been in bed for hours, still awake, still with a hard on. He needed to masturbate. It was all he could think of. His hand would sneak back down to his cock and squeeze it, but he was afraid he would be caught and punished and he would move his hand away again. Finally, the lack of sleep caught up to him, and he closed his eyes and fell blissfully asleep with his dreams of cock after cock entering his mouth.

To be continued;

Comments to the author welcome and appreciated storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 8

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