Employee Manipulation

By story dreamer

Published on Dec 24, 2007


Author storydreamer2006@yahoo.com codes n/c, m/m, oral, anal, humil,

Adult story w/graphic description of nonconsensual sex between adult males. You must be over 18 to read this story. Minors go away.

Employee Manipulation Chapter Six

Tom sat in the chair watching the movie Mr. Saxman had put in the vcr. A young good looking man was obviously just entering prison and had been pushed into a cell containing three other older rough looking men. After the guard had walked away the two biggest men began arguing and shoving each other arguing who was going to be first. Finally, they cut a deck of cards for high card and the winner smiled broadly as he snapped his finger at the young man indicating that he should come forward.

"Fuck you man, the young man said as he walked over to the bunks and threw his prison issue onto the mattress. The big man casually walked over to him and put his arm over his shoulder in a friendly manner. His other arm pumped his fist into the younger's stomach bending him over as he gasped for breath. A knee came up into his face smashing his nose. A strong hand grasped him by the hair on his head and pushed him down to the floor.

Through eyes, clouded by his tears and the taste of blood on his lips and tongue from his nose bleed, he saw the slit in the big man's shorts part and the bulbous head of a cock extending itself in search of his prey. The hand tightening its grip on his hair, holding him from falling over,pulled his head closer to the monster bobbing up and down before him.

The mans voice telling him what his full time job would be from now on. "Your name is now cocksucker. Your job is to suck cock. You have no place to hide or run. You're now in my world now and if you complain to the the guards, they will let me know. They gave you to me to use for sexual release in return for me keeping order in this jail and making their job easier for them. You will be beaten every day until you accept your position here and you will be used every day regardless if you object or now. Now, open your mouth and show my cock how eager you are to please it. I want your lips and tongue to make love to it like your life depended on it."

Tom watched as the cock was taken by the young man's mouth. Tears and blood bathed the man's staff as his mouth worked on the cock in his mouth. As he watched, he was unaware of his own cock hardening or his hand which had reached to comfort it.

Coming out of the bathroom and his shower, Saxman walked naked into the office. Tom turned his attention to his boss who surprised tom with a back hand slap across his face. "Off the furniture boy," he snapped, "And get those things off. You're not allowed to wear clothing in the house."

Saxman sat naked in his office chair, looking through correspondence letters of Toms' from his family and friends. He had sent Tom to shower and clean up the bathroom. A couple of letters from a Janet reffered to a couple of dates they had had recently and how much fun she had. It was evident she liked him and was wanting to continue the relationship and even so much as promising he could stay overnight with her the next time they go out. Saxman thought he could use that relationship to strengthen his hold on the fuck toy.

When Tom returned to the office, Saxman indicated he should come around the desk and stand before him. He had instructed Tom to shave off all hair from his body including his arms and underarms. Only Tom's hair on his head remained. Saxman took Toms balls in his hand and examined them for any missed hair, then ran his hand underneath to his ass. After examining his arms and legs, he told the embarrassed young man he had done a good job. Pulling down on Tom's penis, he guided him to his knees.

Inserting his cock into Tom's mouth, Saxman began petting his fuck toy like a dog while he began the indoctrination that would guide Tom through his new life as his sexual slave. He knew Tom's timidity and youth would allow him to continue to bully and intimidate him into surrendering his masculinity and turn him into an obedient sexual deviant. He would continue to hold out Tom's expectant exoneration and freedom on a stick in front of him while leading him down a long road of degradation and humiliation which Tom would be unable to return from.

Saxman laid his legs over Tom's shoulders while he read through letters from his mother. "Tom," He said, " I see your father has not been well. When did you last speak to him?" Tom pulled his mouth back from the semi hard cock to answer but was roughly pulled forward again, the cock hitting the back of his throat. "It's not necessary to remove your mouth from it's duty to answer my questions, continue your work and answer the best you can." He heard Tom mumble that he had talked to his dad last week.

Taking his legs from Tom's shoulders, he told the boy to run get him a cold beer from the fridge. Tom pulled off his master's cock and slowly got to his feet. Strong hands grabbed him, throwing him down over Saxman's lap.

Tom felt the strong hand raining hard slaps down on his ass cheeks. The stinging blows were sending burning sensations coursing through his tender ass. He tried wiggling away from the punishment but a strong arm was holding him securely. Saxman was yelling at him as he was spanking the boy's tender ass. "When I tell you to run and get me a beer, You had better get your ass up quickly and run as fast as can." "Unless you want me to just call the police and have them take you away to prison, you will obey me completely without hesitation." "Do you understand me boy? Tom cried out that he understood, the tears running down his face.

Saxman shoved Tom off onto the floor. Tom jumped up quickly, running to the kitchen for the beer as Saxman grinned widely at the red ass dissappearing around the corner into the hallway. 15 seconds later, Tom raced back into the office with the beer in his hand. Holding it out to Saxman, He was told to open the beer for him before handing it to him. Sipping on the beer, Saxman snapped his fingers, pointing to his cock which was hard. Tom dropped quickly to his knees and lowered his mouth to the waiting cock.

John was quite pleased with his slave's response. He was reacting exactly as he had originally anticipated. From the beginning, he had thought that brutally assaulting him would shock and stun him, rendering any rational and thoughtful defense against him impossible for the boy to mount.

While Tom was nursing on his cock, John calmly explained to the boy how he was now expected to behave. "Whenever you enter the house, You will immediately take all clothes off and put them away. You are to be on all fours at all times, unless it is necessary for you to stand to cook, serve, do laundry and housework and go to the bathroom. When ever you see my cock, you will immediately attempt to take it into your mouth, no matter what position I am in. If I don't want you to, I will lightly slap you away from it. If you are behind me, you will always put your nose in my ass crack and begin licking as long as it is available to you. A favorite passtime of yours will be to lick and suck on my toes and feet when available, or my shoes when I am wearing them. My shoes will be be kept spotless and must shine at all times. You will constantly think ahead and anticipate what I need done to my body and my house. If you fail to keep me happy, I will discipline you in various ways. If you wish to speak to me at any time, you will lick my hand until I give you permission. I want you to nod your head if you understand and agree to my rules boy."

Tom's head nodded as he tenderly mouthed the large crowned cockhead. He felt Saxman pushing with his stomach muscles and knew instantly what his next humiliation would be. He stopped using his tongue and readied himself. A spurt of warm urine hit the roof of his mouth and he quickly swallowed the acrid fluid. As the piss entered his mouth in more short spurts, his eyes looked up at his boss and saw him smiling broadly back at him. He heard him say that he was allowed to play with himself for a few minutes. His hand went quickly to his own cock and as he felt that glorious feeling of it in his hand, he realised that it was rock hard and that far from feeling used and trapped, he was experiencing a feeling that he had never felt before. Saxman was talking to him in a soft voice. Words were entering his aroused brain and were being taken in eagerly and rewarding his entire body with pleasure sensations.

"You belong to me now Tommy boy. You were always meant to be cocksucking whore. Your feeble attempt at stealing from the company has put you into my hands. But now, you see that drinking my piss and sucking cum from cocks is what you have been searching for all your life. Now, you are finally doing what you were meant for. Now, you don't have to worry about anything ever again. Your secrets are safe because I will protect you. You're my cocksucker and you're a very good cocksucker. I've taken quite a liking to you and if the police want to take you to prison, I will tell them that I have decided not to press charges as long as you obey me totally. Does that make you a happy little cocksucker Tommy?"

Tom listened to the intoxicating words that were filling his mind and he nodded his head up and down as his tongue and lips serviced the organ in his mouth. Suddenly, all his fears and problems had disappeared through the generosity of his boss. His parents and friends were not going to know what he had been accused of. He had been saved. This man, whose cock he was sucking, liked him and was going to protect him from the prison inmates who were going to fuck him and beat him for years. He groaned in lust as his own cock shot ropes of cum onto the lush carpet as Saxmans cock began pumping his white creamy load into Tom's mouth. Saxman's groans mixed with Tom's were the only sounds in the room. An unblinking video recorder silently capturing the entire scene.

Putting his legs over Tom's shoulders again, John closed his eyes, still feeling the lips wrapped around his cock and the hot breath blowing out of Tom's nose onto his cock. They were both returning to normal breathing now. "Clean me up real good and then blow on my cock and balls until they're dry boy," he said.

As Tom blew dry his cock, John began organizing his plans in his head. He would hire movers to clean out Tom's apartment and put his things in storage. He would have Tom sign over his car to him and advertise it for sale. He would have to decide what to do about the boy's credit history. Would it be best to destroy his credit rating by maxing out his credit cards and having him financially destitute or leave it alone?

To be continued; Feedback and comments are welcomed by this author. storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 7

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