Employee Manipulation

By story dreamer

Published on Feb 27, 2007



Chapter Three By storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

This story is an adult story with graphic descriptions of homosexual acts. You must be over 18 years of age to read this. Do not allow minors access to this story. The story involves unsafe sex between males. Unsafe sex may lead to disease or even death. Story Codes (mm/m,humil,bdsm,w/s,mast,oral)

The author invites comments from his readers. It is the only way an author has in determining whether anyone is reading his story and if he should continue it. Readers comments, pro and con are invited. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the story.

Chapter Three

John relaxed in his desk chair, savoring the most satisfying orgasm he'd ever had. His now soft cock still embedded in Tom Wilke's mouth. Tears still glistened on his cheeks and his slave's eyes remained closed, hiding from his humiliation. Taking Tom's folder off the desk, he took several papers from it and laid them on the desk. Pulling Tom's head off his cock by his hair, He brought his face close and looked into the boy's blurry eyes.

"Get up Wilke, There are some papers on my desk you are going to sign," John told the boy, lifting him up.

"What are they?" Tom said as he struggled to his feet.

Standing quickly, John slapped the young man;s face three times while holding onto the hair of his head. "DON'T YOU EVER QUESTION ME BOY, YOU DO AS YOU'RE TOLD AND YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT EXCEPT WHEN MY COCK IS IN IT OR I ASK YOU TO TELL ME SOMETHING. YOU WILL ALSO ALWAYS ADDRESS ME AS SIR." John yelled at him. He could see that his intimidation

was having the desire effect of cowering the boy into submission. It was evident that his impression of the boy had been right on target. Tom Wilke did not possess a set of balls and if he had ever had them, he must have left them at home with his mother.The two balls that he had right now were were in John Saxman's possession.

John indicated each line on the papers where Tom submissively signed his.name. John had to calm him so his hand would stop shaking. When it was finished, he placed the papers back into the folder. "Boy, my cock feels a draft, warm it". John said casually. He smiled as Tom dropped to his knees and took it into his mouth. Stepping back and walking over to the window, Tom hurried after him and again took it in his mouth. "Now you've got the idea boy.You're going to make a fine cocksucker, just focus on your main priority of keeping my cock satisfied and warm. Keep up the good work and I'll protect you. I'll also look into seeing if you

are guilty or not."

John moved away from Tom, his cock making that popping sound as it came out of the warm mouth. He sat down at his desk and picked up the phone as Tom quickly dropped between his legs to engulf his cock again. He listened with renewed fear as he hear John instruct someone to come to the company parking lot and tow Tom's car to a storage lot.

Taking a bag out of the desk and pushing it to Tom, He told him to put them on as he walked to the closet and brought out two top coats. Tom brought out two pieces of a pair of pants. They were the bottom part of the legs and when he put them on they came just to the top of his knee. Seeing the heavy rubber bands, he slipped them around each pant leg which held them tight to his leg. Giving Tom a top coat to button up, John took Tom's billfold and keys out of his clothes and put them into the bag. He was amused as he looked at the naked young man wearing a top coat buttoned up to his neck and a pair

of pants showing below. "Put your shoes and socks on boy and lets go." Tom felt vulnerable as they walked down the street together. He was embarrassed and scared to be naked under the coat and as a woman smiled at him, he blushed. His cock was hard as it brushed against the inside of the coat. In the next block, John guided him into a bar. "You've been very obedient Wilke so I thought I'd treat you to a couple drinks before we go home. Have you ever been to a gay bar before?" he asked.

Pushing the boy in, John sensed the fear coming from him. "Do exactly as you're told to do or I'll rip that top coat off your ass and let you run around naked." John whispered in Tom's ear. John guided Tom towards the rear of the club to a booth near a small unlit stage and dance floor.Taking off his coat,he told Tom to stay while he got them a couple of beers.

Tom was nervous and scared as he sat alone in the booth. A guy walked by him on his way to the

restroom and looked at tom. "Are you alone?" He asked. "No, I'm with someone." Tom quickly said. "Too bad," he replied and went into the restroom. Tom saw John talking with the bartender and saw the bartender look over at him. Tom lowered his head in shame, assuming John was talking about him. John and the bartender came to Tom's table, the bartender carrying a tray with two buds and glasses.

"Tom, I'm sorry but the man here says that because of gang violence, no one is allowed to keep their top coats on. It seems that gang members hide guns underneath them. You'll have to take yours off."

The color drained from Tom's face as he turned white with fear. "Please sir, can we leave and go somewhere else, please sir," Tom begged. I"m afraid we can't Tom," John explained, " When I told the bartender about you being naked underneath your coat, he graciously has volunteer to give us free drinks as long as we're here, so remove your

coat boy."

The bartender sat the drinks down on the table and waited, his eyes leering at Tom. Tom gave one last pleading look at John and saw his stern look back at him and slowly unbuttoned his coat and let it slid off his shoulders leaving him naked, hiding behind the table he was sitting at. "I'll hang your coat up Tom," he said, holding out his hand. Tom half sat up in the booth pulling the coat out and handing it to the bartender who was getting an eyeful. "Very nice, I'll be back to check on your drinks later," he said smiling. Frankie Owens, or Buck as his friends called him, had been skeptical when the man with Tom had first approached him last week about bringing the naked boy in, but had been assured that he would be there with him on Monday after work.Mondays were always so slow that he'd been thinking about closing up on Mondays, but this could turn out to be something good he thought. He had worked out a deal with Saxman that

would make them both some money. He'd informed his regular patrons about starting a special night on Mondays that they wouldn't want to miss. They'd be charged a cover of $25.00 per person for the evenings. They could bring a guest or guests with them for the same price each, but to keep it strictly between them and guys they could trust. He'd been assured that a lot of them would be coming. Saxman would get half the cover profits and free drinks for him and the boy and if it worked out, having the boy come in every Monday evening could become a regular gig.

Tom sat naked in the booth. He was shivering from being cold or shaking from fright, he wasn't sure which. "Drink your beer Wilke," John told him.

The man who had gone to the bathroom walked by them but quickly stopped, starring at Tom. "Whoa, what do we have here," he said excitedly. Tom sat his beer down and lowered his head and shook again. John reached his hand across the table and

shook hands with the guy. "Hi, I'm John and this young man's name is Tom. He likes being naked in front of men, John explained,

"You're welcome to join us if you like."

"I'll do that. My name's Alan," he said, quickly sliding into the booth next to Tom. "HEY, BUCK, I'LL HAVE A BEER AND BRING A COUPLE FOR MY FRIENDS HERE," He shouted.

Buck smiled as he pulled more beer out of the cooler. He could see he wasn't going to have to buy the beer for his new goldmine.

Tom was about to wet himself. He had never been this scared in his life. He was naked and trapped in a gay bar and there was nothing he could do about it. He felt Alan's eyes looking him over as if he were a piece of steak. He was jolted when the stranger's hand patted his leg and laid there while the man told asked him if he were cold.

"Yes sir, and I need to go to the restroom." Tom said quietly

"Go ahead Tom, just don't take very long." Saxman said.

Alan stood

up and allowed Tom to get out of the booth. He stood then in awe as he looked at the young man's naked ass heading for the restroom. He sat back down in the booth. "Man, John, That kid has given me a helluva hard-on." He said. Buck came over with the tray and the beer. "Where's the kid." he asked. "He had to go piss." John said. "By the way, could you turn up the heat a little, I think he's cold."

"Well he's got me hot." Alan said. " Buck looked at John and winked. "Maybe if you made it worthwhile, the kid would help you out with that Alan."

John smiled back at Buck. "Same as the cover charge and the same as the deal we had on that?" John asked. "Done." Buck said with a grin. "Twenty five dollars and get a condom from the restroom."

Alan opened his billfold and handed Buck two twenties as Tom came back to the table.

"I'll get your change sir, minus the three beers also." Buck said, walking away.


got up and headed to the restroom as Tom hurriedly slid into the safety of the booth.

John reached over and held tom's cock, gently massaging it.to a semi hardness state. Leaning close to Tom's ear, He began talking to him . "I want you to listen now very closely. What you do here is very important to me. It's also very important to you. I'll tell you why. If you do anything to bring attention to us by refusing to do what you know is right to do, you'll end up in police custody. You'll not only be charged with embezzlement, but also lewd behavior, exposing yourself and prostitution. Do you understand me boy?"

"Yes Sir," Tom said quietly as John continued playing with his cock which was now standing up proudly.

Alan now slid into the booth next to Tom and again layed his hand on Tom's leg. John removed his hand and taking his glass, took a long drink. Alan's hand now went to Tom's cock and rubbed it gently. "You've sure given me a hard-on

too, Tom." he said.

John elbowed Tom. "I'd say it wasn't very nice of you to give him a hard-on and expect him to have to sit here uncomfortable. I think it'd be nice if you offered to take care of it for him, don't you." Tom nodded his head in submission. "Sir, could I take care of that for you," he said quietly as he looked at his drink.

Alan quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out his condom, laying it on the table. "Sure, Tom, that'd be great."

John whispered to him, "Take the condom, slid under the table and do it."

Tom picked up his glass and downed the beer before picking up the condom and sliding under the table. Alan started to unzip his pants but John stopped him. "Don't bother doing that friend, let him do it for you." he said Alan placed his hands on the table. He took another drink and then just sat there with a smile. John reached over, taking Tom's glass and unzipping himself proceeded to piss in it before

putting it back on the table.

John became aware of several guys at the bar all looking his way. He could tell they were able to see Tom's naked ass under the table and the smile on Alan's face. It was just a little after 8 pm and John counted 12 guys at the bar and all were looking at the naked ass. He did the math in his head. 13 guys total at $25.00 each comes to around $325.00 and that means I've been here less than an hour and made around $160.00. This is a good part time job he thought if they could keep it quiet enough so the police didn't find out about it.

Tom was on all fours under the table. He heard Saxman tell the guy to let him unzip his pants for him. Tom reached up and pulled the zipper down and reaching in found the slit in the underwear and carefully pulled out the six inch hard cock. He was surprised that he wasn't shaking anymore and he knew he also had a hard on. He couldn' t figure out why he had a hard-on. He didn't even

like gays. Now he was about to suck one and he had seemed to be excited about it. Quickly he opened the condom and rolled it over the bobbing cock. At least he thought to himself, he was hidden from everyone while he was under the table. Tom edged closer and took the straight up cock in his mouth. It didn't dawn on him that in one day, he had turned from a straight eight guy to someone who was not only sucking another man's cock, but sucking it in a very conscientious way. His tongue was going around the sensitive crown and his lips were moving in a way that was bringing Alan to an all too soon climax for him.

John had the good manners to look the other way as he heard the labored breathing of his booth mate. As Alan made a guttural moan, John smiled.

Tom climbed back into the booth and lifted his glass to his lips. He took one sip and quickly looked at John.

"Drink it down boy" John said simply. Tom tipped the glass and began drinking.

To be continued

please email the author with your comments. author: storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 4

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