Employee Manipulation

By story dreamer

Published on Feb 24, 2007



Chapter Two

This story has adult content involving sex between men. You must be over the age of 18 to read this story.

Author: storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Tom did not know how long he had been standing naked in the corner of Mr. Saxman's office. He was embarrassed and still shaking in fear of the man who held his life in his hands. Why did he want me naked he thought to himself. He had been afraid to object when he had been ordered to strip because of the threat to call the police if he did. He heard occasional movement sounds from behind him but was too scared to look. Finally, he heard Mr. Saxman tell him to turn around.

Tom turned and was stunned to see a video cam on a tripod facing him. He looked at Mr. Saxman and pleaded, "Sir, please don't do this, don't take pictures of me please sir."

"Shut up boy and do what you're told to do. I'm going to punish you because as far as I know you are a thief and you're getting off easy unless you have decided you want to go to prison and become somebody's fuck toy. Is that what you want to do boy or do you want to be very obedient for me?"

Tom felt tears coming down his face as he realized he had no option but to obey Saxman. "No sir, I want to obey you sir."

"Good," Saxman answered. "Now I want you to tell the camera who you are and what you are accused of doing and that you've agreed to received punishment from me instead of going to prison. While you are doing that, you will masturbate yourself. I want you hard at all times while the camera is on. You may stop when you are hard, but if you feel yourself getting soft you will again masturbate to hardness. You will keep doing that and retain a hard cock until you are told to stop. Commence now, unless you want to take your chances in prison."

Tom's hand went to his penis and began stroking it as he began telling the camera what he had been accused of. His cock had been fl acid throughout his standing in the corner but he could feel it coming to life. His eyes darted to the desk where his boss sat with a vacant look on his face, but his eyes were focused on Tom which caused more embarrassment to the helpless young man.

John Saxman was still massaging his swollen cock as he watched the young naked boy playing with his cock for the camera. His mind was flooded with new ideas popping up as he thought of all the different ways he could punish Tom for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. His victim could have been anyone in the company, but his good looks, youth and background had won him the position. He relished the knowledge that the boy was his to use as he wanted. Each new task that Tom would perform would lead him further into such degradation that the threat of his family and friends finding out and seeing him do such despicable things would keep him docile and obedient.

John intended to subvert Tom's mind and make him accept deviant sexual acts as normal. Acceptance of abnormal sex acts would earn Tom praise and rewards while any hint of conscience would bring him discipline and criticism. Yes, Tom was going to taken under his wing now and he would be educated and trained to serve mankind in a way he could never have dreamed.

Tom stood passively, head down, looking at his semi hard cock. His right hand dutifully went to it and again began slowly pumping it back up to the hardness that Mr. Saxman had ordered. The room was silent as the camera recorded Tom's continuing task. Tears were falling from his blurry eyes as the gravity of the situation crept into his stunned mind.. He was being filmed abusing himself. His hand dropped to his side, " I can't do this Mr. Saxman," he cried. "You have no right to do this to me."

"Well, I tried to keep you out of prison Tom, but I guess you've decided you want to go to jail." John said calmly as he picked up the telephone. "I'm not even sure your family or friends will want to visit you there after they all see their copy of the video you just made." He started dialing the phone saying, "I'll just have them stop by here and pick you up."

'NO, NO, PLEASE," screamed Tom, "LOOK, I'M DOING IT SIR," His hand pumping his fl acid cock furiously. He was relieved to see him put the phone back as he got up from his desk and slowly walked over to where Tom stood masturbating.

John looked down at Tom's cock, still being masturbated at top neck speed in an effort to get it hard. 'SLAP', the hard hit to Tom's face knocked him against the wall where he slid down to the carpet. "Don't you ever, ever refuse me when I tell you to do something or the next time, you're going to jail." John spat the words at him. "Now crawl here to me."

Tom quickly crawled to John, looking down at his shoes.

"You see my shoes boy, I want you to start licking both of them and I don't want to see any dust on them. Do it now." John said firmly. He was smiling now as he watched his slave licking his shoe enthusiastically. He had won another battle of wills against the boy and moved him just one more step away from his final destination of complete slavery. He lowered his zipper and pulled out his 7 inch cock which was ramrod straight.

"Now, as you finish cleaning my shoes, I want you to listen carefully. The next 5 or 10 minutes will determine how the rest of your life is going to go. You can choose prison, misery and destitution, or safety and security. I want you to now look up and I want you to do the thing you believe is the right thing for you to do and remember, If you choose wrong, you will be in a jail cell tonight."

Tom was shaking as as he raised his head knowing what he was going to see. His heart was racing and tears continued running down his face. He wasn't gay, he didn't even like gays. He had always called them faggots and queers and now here he was being forced to become one of them. A battle raged inside him, if he refused, his life was over but if he gave in he would become a cocksucker, but he would not go to prison. The cock in front of him started growing as if anticipating the mouth that was about to service it. His eyes moved up to look at Mr. Saxman. He was humiliated to see a wide smile on his face and he quickly dropped his eyes to the thick cock that was now bobbing and beckoning him come to it. Silent tears wet his face as the young man leaned upward and opened his mouth to receive the invader. A hand gently pulled his face forward and the first cock of many to come slid easily into his yielding mouth.

Now it was John Saxman in total control of Tom's life. His cock was throbbing with excitement at being held in the warm mouth. "You've made the right decision boy," he said. You are going to be safe now as long as you obey me completely. You won't go to prison. I'll keep you from that as long as you do what you're told. If you refuse me anything, I'll pick up the telephone and file charges against you for stealing from the company. I want you to squeeze my cock firmly with your mouth if you understand and agree to my terms." He immediately felt Tom's response of acceptance.

John stepped back, his cock popping out of Tom's mouth. "Stay on your knees and follow me." Tom followed as John went to his desk chair, unbuckled his belt and let his pants and shorts fall to the floor and stepped out of them. Sitting down, he spread his legs and pulled Tom's head to his cock. tom's opened his mouth without being told and once again accepted his owners cock.

"I just want you to hold it firmly in your mouth Wilke, nothing more." John instructed. "You are a receptacle, and anything that comes out of my cock, is yours to keep and swallow, and I do mean anything. You must be ready at all times and you better not spill anything. Do you understand that boy?"

Tom mouthed a muffled yes sir and nodded his head in humiliation.

John was elated over how well the young man had surrendered and accepted his fate without putting up a fight. Now, here was his very own cocksucker, tears still flowing, with his mouth stuffed with his cock. His cock was rock hard and he was feeling the need to empty his bladder. He had always found it hard to piss when he had a hard on, but he had a lot of time to do it and his boy wasn't going anyway real soon so he just relaxed and let nature take it's course.

He felt it coming and knew when the first stream spurted out into Tom's mouth. He watched Tom's eyes open wide and look up at him as he swallowed the salty urine. The stream stopped momentarily allowing Tom to swallow. Soon, more followed as it found it's way through the blood engorged penis. Intermittent stoppages and starts lasting five minutes kept Tom busy making sure he drank it all without spilling any.When John was finished with the most satisfying piss he had in his life.

"Well done Tom," John said patting him on the head like a dog. "You will not always have time to drink it so slowly. There will be times, I will piss in your mouth and not control the pressure. During those times, it will be up to you to keep up. Any spillage will mean you will have a mess to clean up and you will also be punished."

"Right now, I want you to begin using your tongue to excite and en flame my cock. Use it to rub and lick along the crown. Explore everything, even the piss slit. I want you to caress it lovingly and to treat it as your master. Your mouth needs to get used to pleasuring my cock. Explore it intimately and learn what it likes. Your reward will be it's creamy nectar which will at times be your only source of nutrition and water, so treat it tenderly."

John Saxman watched Tom as he worked on his cock. He felt his tongue moving under and around his cock's crown sending it into a jerking reaction to the teasing movement. His mind was racing as to what future plans he should put into motion for his new toy. His hand reached down and began petting his cock sucker's head gently. "Good boy," he said, talking gently to Tom as he continued licking and sucking. "You are safe now. Nothing is going to happen to you now. I'm going to take very good care of you. You belong to me and your life is now going to become a very happy life for you. You're not going to have to worry about going to prison and being fucked by a lot of convicts and embarrassing your family and friends for stealing from the company and going to prison. I'm going to protect you from that as long as you continue to obey me. Will you obey me as your master boy? He smiled as Tom continued loving his cock and nodding his head, his eyes closed. John could sense

that he had destroyed the young man's independence. He no longer belonged to himself. He had given that power to John. He had been reduced to rock bottom with no hope except what he had been offered. Total sexual slavery for life. He had given his life away to a stronger man who had reached out and snatched it away from him.

The thought of what he had done to this boy and the action of the boy's tongue and lips on his cock then came together causing him to groan in pleasure as his sperm erupted into Tom's waiting mouth. Torrents of cum shot from his cock bringing him to an unbelievable high. Through half closed eyelids, he could see his slave swallowing as fresh tears rolled from his eyes.

to be continued

The author would appreciate comments good or bad


Next: Chapter 3

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