Employee Manipulation

By story dreamer

Published on Sep 26, 2016


Warning: This is an adult story for adults only. It contains graphic situations of male on male sex. Keep this and all adult oriented materials out of the hands of minors as it will definitely corrupt their young mind

I have decided to continue this story after a long absense. Hearing from my readers will tell me that the story is still being well received. I want to thank all that have emailed me and asking that I start up the story again.

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Employee Manipulation

Chapter 14

m/m,mmmmm/mm, nc, humil, m/s,oral, anal, blackmail

This story is for Adult ONLY. Keep this story and all such erotica out of the hands of minors.

The Story continues:

At 9 AM,, Tom followed his boss into the corporate office building. He had been warned again of the dire consequence of saying the wrong thing to Detective Olson. He knew the detective wanted to lock him up and that if he said the wrong thing he would be in the hands of sexual preditors in the country lockup.

An hour later, He was sitting in the conference room across from the detective.

"Mr. Wilkes," Lt. Olson started, "I must apologize to you. Evidence has been developed that shows you were not the one who signed the forms after all. We cannot connect you to this crime. That said, doesn't mean you aren't involved in this with an accomplice somehow."

Tom stiffened in his chair as the Lt. starred at him. He felt strange as he knew he was innocent and at the same time, He knew the Lt. was convinced he was guilty and was trying to trap him. Rellying on Mr. Saxman's advice, He told the Lt. as tears flowed down that He was innocent and that Mr. Saxman was being very kind to him in allowing him to keep his job. He told the Lt. that he had no idea how someone had been able to steal that check.

Lt. Olson knew he was on to something bigger than it appeared to be. This young man sitting across from him was shaking, obviously scared to death of him. Having been an investigator for more than 20 years, he had smelled something wrong when talking to Saxman. Saxman had seemed too cool and had appeared from the beginning that he would not file charges against Wilkes. He had sensed that somehow, Saxman knew more about the theft than Wilkes did.

He had watched Saxman and Wilkes leave the office together after questioning Wilkes in Saxman's office. They had walked to a bar that Olson knew to be a gay bar. Olson had leaned heavily on one of his informants who was a homosexual and customer of the bar who told him that the picture of Tom Wilkes he had been shown was the young sumbissive bar slave who was available as a cocksucker. Olson had listened intently as his informant told him of the goings on at the bar. He had watched as numerous men entered the bar but some guys had beeen refused entry. Olson had quetioned one of the men who couldn't get in and was told that he couldn't get in without being a member or sponsored by a member. Olson smelled big bucks and more than that, he sensed that his own sexual needs had demanded they be satisfied.

Looking across the table at Wilkes, He saw a good looking young man who was obviously being blackmailed into providing sexual services for John Saxman. He now needed to make sure that Wilkes was securely under Saxman's control and not wanting to blow the whistle to the authorities. He got up from his chair and slowly walked behind Wilke, putting his hands on Tom's shoulders and applying pressure to force Tom down in his chair.

"Wilkes, is there something you want to tell me but you're afraid to?" Olson said. He could feel Wilkes shaking in fear.

"No Sir." Tom said with a stutter.

Olson pulled Tom's head around by pulling on his hair. With his face inches from Tom's face, He point blank asked, "Is John Saxman blackmailing you and using you as a whore?"

Tom looked downward, he was sweating profusely but shook his head and through tears told the Lt. that Mr. Saxman was not blackmailing him. He kept saying that Mr. Saxman was trying to help him because he knew he was innocent. Falling to his knees in front of Olson, Tom held on to the legs of the man who was wanting to take him to jail. "Please Lt, don't take me to jail Sir, I didn't do anything wroing.

Olson sat down in Tom's chair and pulled Tom's head into his lap. He wiped Tom's tears away and lovingly petted Tom's head. Lt. Olson had a hard on and was excited by how the boy had broke down and still had not turned against Saxman. It was now time to talk to Saxman and find himself a place in Saxman's plans. Most of all, he wanted this young man to be made available tp him. After hearing the debauchery that was being forced on the boy at the club, he knew he wanted to join in. Having Tom as a fuck toy was now the number one reason he wanted in. He knew it could be a touchy sintuation when he confronted Saxman with his evidence, but he thought he could convince Saxman that he was serious and could be a valuable resource since he was a police investigator and could alert him to any potential police problem that might come up.

Reluctantly, he let Tom get up and sit down. "Wilkes, I'm going to speak with Saxman and I want you to sit right here and wait for me." With that, He walked out of the room, leaving Tom to worry.

Olson headed for Saxman's office and focused on how he would approach him. He didn't want to put him on the defensive as much as he just wanted to let him know that he was aware of his employee blackmailing scheme and was wanting to to join him as a very silent participant. He needed Saxman to see how it would be to his advantage, having a member of the police department on his team. He knew he would have to convince Saxman that he was in no danger and that he could trust the Lt. He knew exactly how he would prove his sincerety. After 22 years on the force, Olson knew he had to be careful. He did not want to go to jail himself or lose his retirement pension.

Sitting in Saxman's office, Lt. Olson finally laid it on the line to Saxman. As he explained that He had uncovered Saxman's blackmail and prostitution scheme and he could see that Saxman was nervous, Olson immediately set out to set him at ease. Olson explained that he was willing to help Saxman in his operation.

John felt a reprieve ahead and calmed down somewhat. He was curious though at what the Lt. wanted out of him for his services. Upon learning that the Lt. had acquired a desire for young Tom Wilkes and was not wanting to bust him, Saxman told him he wanted to believe him but he was sceptical. Noting that Olson had no proof against him and Wilkes would not testify, Saxman asked him how he could be sure of Olson's sincerety.

Lt. Olson smiled. "Why don't you call Wilkes in here and I'll set him straight on how things really are. I know how you're using him. I just want access to him too. By the time I'm done with him, you'll know you can trust me completely and tom Wilkes will know that he has no options but to continue being what you've made him."

John was curious as to how Olson was going to handle his boy. Smiling, he pushed the intercom button for the conference room. "Wilkes, report to my office immediately."

"If what you say is true, Lt. Olson, I may have a very rewarding propisition for you. Either way, I will know shortly." Saxman said leaning back in his chair.

A soft knock on the door announced the arrival of Wilkes. As he entered, Saxman could see tom had been crying and was very nervous as he approached Saxman's desk.

"come here Wilkes," Olson commanded from the chair he was sitting in. Get those clothes off right now. I want to see you naked. Quickly, Tom removed his clothes after looking at Mr. Saxman who said nothing but was watching Lt. Olson. Motioning for Tom to kneel in front of him on the floor, Olson started talking to Tom as he ran his fingers through the boy's hair.

"As I told you earlier Wilkes, I don't have any eveidence to conncect you to the theft of funds which occured here, however the circumstantial evidence that we have would be enough to put you in prison for 5 to 7 years and I would be able to remove a crime from our unsolved list. I think that some time in prison might be good for you even though your life would be ruined and as a convicted felon, you would never again have the type of job you have here."

"Your kind employer here has told me he still wants to believe you and since this all happened, you've suffered some sort of a breakdown, possibly from remorse over what you did and as the only way you know how, you've become submissive, almost slave like in your desire to please Mr. Saxman and possibly punish yourself for what you did. I believe that kind of attitude can be very therapeutic for you. I am not as mean as you think I am Tom, so to show you I'm willing to go along with Mr. Saxman, I want you to unzip my pants and take my cock out and show me how sorry you are that that you caused this to happen." I want to personally see how remorseful and willing to please you've become.

Tom was in shock first looking at the Lt. and then at Mr. Saxman who told him he should do as he was told. Tom's eyes teared up as the utter humiliation of how he was being treated by the two men. He was so afraid of Lt. Olson and the thought of going to prison. He wanted this nightmare to be over. As he let Olson pull his head down to the hard cock that seemed to stare up at him, he parted his lips and closed his eyes. The huge organ pushed against the roof of his mouth as it moved around as if to acquaint itself with its new surroundings.

Tom's tongue began it's work simply out of habit, The Lt. continued talking to him as he petted Tom's head. "Your Employer was right about your change of attitude Tom and as long as he's satisfied with your progress of making up for possibly embezzelment, I won't try to put you in prison. Let me feel those lips on my cockhead boy. Yes, oh yes, that's so good. You' shouldn't cry Tom, It's not like you're a man who's sucking cock. You're just a kid who's lucky you have a boss that recognized you as a natural cocksucker. Shit boy, you've been walking around for the last 10 years with cocksucker written all over you. You were probably the last person to know it."

John Saxman watched the Lt. humiliate Tom and strengthen his own hold over the boy. Any thought that Tom could have of getting away from his servitude had been effectively dashed by Olson. Tom would continue to be an obedient little money maker for John. Having Olson and his expertise, along with his authority as a police officer as a minor partner in his enterprise would be very helpful. Seeing that Olson also enjoyed having a young good looking boy like Tom available as a cocksucker proved that Olson could be trusted.

Lt. Olson was getting close to shooting into Tom's mouth. The joy he was feeling at being able to subjugate this young boy into sucking on his cock by first raping his mind was sending him over the edge. Mindful that Saxman was watching him as he reached climax, Olson just closed his eyes and let that great feeling wash over him. His cock pumped several squirts of cum into Tom's mouth before growing soft and sensitive. He pulled Tom's head off his cock, telling him to carefully lick it clean.

As his cock was being cleaned, John leaned back in his chair and looked at Saxman. "If this young man ever gives you any trouble Saxman, You just have to give me a call and I'll take him downtown and book him into the country jail. Truth be told, I did enjoy his cocksucking talent and would love to use him again if you don't mind. He's a pretty little pussyboy I could get use to." Olson said with a laugh.

Saxman stood up and came around the desk. Sticking out his hand to Olson, the two shook hands. "Welcome aboard Lt. I have some ideas about how we could help each other" Saxman said. "Now, if you don't mind, Tom's performance has aroused me and I do believe I need him now."

Pulling Tom by his hair, still on his knees, He dragged him around his desk and pulling his pants down he sat down pulling Tom into his crotch. At the two men talked about Tom's ability as a cocksucker, Tom burned with embarrassment at being discussed like he was not even there and did not matter. He was sucking Saxman's cock like a common whore and treated like he was a piece of furniture. They were referring to him as being child like in his submissiveness and laughing at his lacking a pair of balls. He wanted to stop sucking and stand up and tell them he does have balls and tell them he was leaving, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. As he continued sucking, he realized his own cock was hard and his hand was carefully playing with it. He thought to himself that they were right after all in treating him this way. He was afraid of them and by degrading himself this way for them, he was going to stay out of jail and his family and friends wouldn't know about him being charged with stealing.

Buck stepped out of the shower and stood there as Jack began drying him off with a fluffy white towel. He spread his legs so the boy could dry his balls and asshole. He then sat down on the stool and told Jack he needed to piss. Jack knew his place and his responsibility so he fell to his knees in front of Buck and took the man's cock in his mouth. The urine came quickly and Jack swallowed as fast as he could. He was aware that some piss was leaking out of his mouth so he held his hands under his chin to catch it. Buck soon finished and wiped his cock on Jack's face, got up and went into his bedroom.. Jack washed his hands and face in the sink and went into the bedroom.

Saxman had told Buck about Jack and that he should be demeaned as a sissy perverted cock- sucker which would help him adapt to his new life. Buck also was enjoying bending the young man's thinking process into sexual deviancy.

"Come here boy and look at some things I have bought for you to wear." Buck said. Jack saw several women's articles of underwear and for reasons he didn't understand, he found himself getting excited. Buck began dressing his cocksucker into thigh high nylons, garder belt and crotchless panties. "Now you look more like a faggot should look Jack, Give my cock a little lovin boy."

Jack blanched at being called a faggot. He was embarrassed to be wearing these nylons and seeing Buck laughing at him. He wished he was with Mr. Saxman. He was going to take care of him and was nice to him. His thoughts soon were diverted to the wonderful soft feeling cock that was caressing his tongue as it jumped around in his mouth. He heard himself moan as he tenderly began sucking on it.

"How could you ever think of yourself as a man boy? Look at you, wearing nylons like a girl and sucking a man's cock while he laughs at you. You are lower than an animal boy. You let me piss in your mouth and you were afraid to say no. You knew if you'd said no that I would have put you over my knees and spanked your ass like a little girl. I have to tell you boy, you are one fine cocksucking faggot and I love you for it." Buck said

Buck heard Jack moan and saw that the boy had a hard on that he was playing with as he sucked on that wonderful cock in his mouth. "Take your hand off your cock boy." Buck said softly to Jack. "You aren't permitted to play with it unless you've been told it's ok. Once a boy like you has fallen so deep in love with his own cock, it's just a matter of time before he starts looking at other cocks. Thats why most men never want to look at another man's junk. They know that as much as they love their own cocks, they could fall prey to the same feelings that captured you. So they just divert their eyes when they are in the showers with other guys. But they do keep an eye out for potential cocksuckers who have fallen in love with all cocks. When they see you faggots looking around at all the cocks in the showers, they know they have identified someone who they can use as a convient cocksucker. Once you had Saxmans cock in your mouth you knew it was the most wonderful feeling you ever had. Being a cocksucker has even helped you stop stuttering. If you ever stop sucking cocks your stuttering will come back twice as bad as it was before. Think how nervous and depressed you got before you became a cocksucker and how when you have a cock stuffed in your mouth how calm and happy you are. Nod your head if you understand what I'm telling you boy." Buck said as he petted Jack on the head.

Jack had been listening as he slowly nursed on Buck's cock. His tongue would stop at times while listening intently. He nodded his head as he was told. Saxman had told him that once a man has had a cock slide over his tongue, He would always remember and crave that feeling all his life. Saxman had told him it was a scientific fact and Jack knew that it must be true because he had heard it before and knew Mr. Saxman would not lie to him. He understood the power of the penis in your mouth and how he knew he would never want to be without cocks.

To be continued

Email the author storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

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