Employee Manipulation

By story dreamer

Published on Jun 21, 2008


Employee Manipulation

Chapter 13

You must be over 18 years of age to read this story.

Warning: This is a fictionalized story containing graphic descriptions of non-consensual homosexual acts between adult males. Remember, this is only fiction. The author does not condone unsafe sex. Unsafe sex can lead to disease and even death. Be careful out there.

Codes: mmmmmmm/mm, nc, oral, anal, humil,spank,w/s

Author's comment:

Reader replies are important to me. If you like this story, It encourages me to continue if emails tell me they are reading and enjoying the story. Sometimes, a story, reaches the end of the line and gets old. When I sense that is happening to this story, I will be able to end it, and maybe start something new. So, really, You are the boss and I'm writing for you. Whether you let me know or not, you're letting me know. Thanks guys! storydreamer2006@yahoo.com Ok, I'm getting a lot of requests to continue this story so I'll try to make it interesting. Thanks to all for writing.

The story;

John Saxman was sitting at a table by himself near the bar area with a pad and pen detailing some preliminary plans for a gay spa. It would indeed need more willing submissive men who could be cowered into obediently turning their lives over to him.

The idea of doing this had come to him today when He received a memo from the head office in New York. Dallas, Inc was in the process of entering competition for government military contracts. He was instructed to immediately begin background checks on all 1600 employees under his control. In an instant, John knew that he would now have complete access to his employees' personal lives at no cost to him. Background checks were expensive and he had to pay money out of his own pocket to gain an intelligent knowledge of Wilke's life. Now he could delve into the private lives of 1600 workers. Some of them, simply by the law of averages, had things in their past or present life that they were ashamed of or addicted to, or involved in that they could not afford for the company, or family, or friends to know about. John now would be able sift through personal and financial records, have neighbors and friends interviewed, all under the the protection of the company. He had seen a lot of young men in the building, that although he had no idea who they were or what their jobs were, He could now go on an exciting predatory hunt sponsored entirely by the company. Out of that many people, John knew that there would be a minimum of 10 to 20 guys who would fall prey to him.

Tom came to John' s table with a cup of coffee, set it down, and leaning down, asked John if he could speak to him.

John took a sip of the coffee and told him to go ahead.

"Sir, can we leave please, I don't want to be here anymore. I want to go back to my life and Susan will think I've left her sir," Tom said pleadingly and his eyes teared up.

"Ahh yes, Susan," John said. "What a sweet girl she is. I forgot to tell you, she called today and was forwarded to me. I visited with her for a little while and told her you were fine and was just out of town on some company business. Later on this week, we will make sure you get to see her. By the way, do you think she will notice that your body is almost completely hairless? You know that tomorrow morning, Detective Olson will be interviewing you. A lot depends on how you answer his questions. I won't be there while you're talking to him, but I suspect that if you say anything against me or talk too much, He'll be putting the cuffs on you and taking you to jail."

"Please sir, I'd never say anything bad about you and I won't tell him anything. You said you'd not let him take me to jail. Please sir, don't let him take me." Tom said, tears coming down his cheeks.

"I will do my best to stop him Wilkes, you just behave yourself and obey me." John said. "What's Jack doing and how do you like him."

"He's sucking a bunch of cocks back there sir. He's a homo and likes it sir." Tom said quietly.

"Why Tom, I do believe you're jealous of Jack. And if Jack's a homo, what do you think that makes you? Think boy, This is a gay bar. Everyone here has some homosexuality traits. Sure, a lot of them are married, but here, they can get a safe blow job from you and Jack. Jack's more of a fag than you are, but deep down, you know you like the feeling of a cock in your mouth. Anytime you think of just walking off boy, then I want you to understand, you'll be sucking just as many cocks in prison and probably have broken bones and some diseases as well. Now, get back there and help Jack with the cock sucking." John said, getting back to his pad.

Tom submissively walked back into the debauchery that was taking place. Hearing Music, Saxman looked up and saw that Tom was now dancing with a customer and he didn't look happy about it. The man's hand was holding on to Tom"s ass.Tom was being held close to the older man who was either kissing him or talking to him.

Buck came over and sat down with John. "See the old guy dancing with Tom?" He said. "I do believe he's in love with him." Laying a $100.00 bill on the table. "The old man stuck this in Tom's jock strap earlier today. I don't know who he is but Tom sucked him off so I know he's OK.

"We'll split it Buck." John said. "Buck, I need you for this type of an operation. I'll treat you fair and honestly and we'll both make some good money if you're interested. I can't be a part of this publicly. I need you to be the front man who will be running it. I will supply the personnel, who, by the way will be unpaid volunteers. They will be similar to tom and Jack, here for the enjoyment of your clientele."

Extending his hand, "Count me in," Buck said with a grin.

"Thanks partner," John said shaking Buck's hand. "I'm going to need to take Tom out of here fairly soon, but I'll leave Jack here in your care. Tomorrow, you'll need to move him out of his apartment. He will live with you if that's ok." The boy's officially unemployed as of today. He has some debt that needs to be cleared up. I'll work on that. Do what you want with his stuff. Did your video recorder get that stage performance of the boys on tape?"

"Yeah," Buck said, Two cameras were on. I'll give you one tape and I'll keep the other here.

"Good," John said. "Now, I need to talk to Jack in private for a bit if I can use your office."

John was sitting in a leather chair when the door opened and Buck pushed Jack in before shutting the door.

"Go in the bathroom, brush and clean your face up boy." John told him.

Five minutes later, Jack walked out of the bathroom, his cock still hard and swaying as he came to John. Dropping to his knees between Johns legs, He bent forward and took the exposed cock in his mouth. John pushed his head back gently, his cock making that popping sound as Jack's mouth reluctantly let go of it.

"Jack, I want you to tell me what you're feeling now that you've had a chance to suck so many cocks." John asked.

Jack began telling him that he liked working here and all the guys were nice to him. Jack went on and on without realizing he was hardly stuttering. John had an idea what had happened to him. Now he just needed to spin it in Jack's mind and see if he would buy it. Taking another Viagra pill out of his shirt pocket, He pushed it into Jack's mouth. Then pulling him back onto his cock, He told him to drink. Taking a leisurely piss into a willing mouth had always been a turn on for John. He smiled broadly as the young man swallowed quickly to keep up. "Now, I want to talk to you and while I'm talking, I want you to lick my balls and hold my cock in your mouth. Use your tongue, but I don't want you to cause me to cum. Just get familiar with my cock and pay attention to what I'm telling you."

"Something has happened to you Jack." John said. It's either the fact that I told you that I will take care of all your financial troubles or that you've finally been able to be what you've always wanted. I think you have been freed from all the troubles of life. Rather than the company firing you, I'm going to let you resign. You no longer have to work for Dallas Inc. I'm going to let you stay with Buck and all you have to do now every day is come in here and let the boys play with you. Would you like that?"

"Yes sir, Mr. Saxman, I'd like that." Jack said. "I guess I'm just embarrassed at what I just did."

Saxman patted his head. " Being embarrassed and degrading yourself for the enjoyment of the guys out there is what you have always wanted. Deep down, you know you're a sissy cocksucker and you are a pervert. None of that is your fault. It just happens to some guys. You were always meant to serve men by offering them your body for their pleasure. All the guys here want to be your friend and help you. Everyone here knows you're a cocksucker and that you like eating cum and they like you for doing that for them. You want them to like you, don't you?"

Jack nodded his head yes.

"Here your college education doesn't mean squat Jack. You don't have it in you to make it in a man's world. You're a sissy boy who wants to masturbate all the time. You're not very smart and was lucky to find a job at all because you've always been distracted by your perverted sexual cravings. That's why you are about to lose your apartment and can't pay your bills. I'm going to save you and give you a very happy trouble free life where you never again will have to worry about making money and working and paying bills and managing your financial affairs and life.

Remember how happy you were when you were just a little boy and you didn't have to work. All you had to do was just sleep, eat and play. That's all you have to do now. You always wanted to play with yourself, suck cock and eat cum, When you were talking to me earlier, you weren't stuttering anymore."

Jack's eyes opened wide as he now realized that it was true.

"This isn't the first time you've eaten cum Jack. You've tasted cum before, haven't you." John asked.

Jack nodded his head and whispered " Yes Sir, I eat my own cum."

"How long have done that boy. Tell me all about it. boy" John said.

"My mom caught me masturbating so I wasn't allowed to flush the toilet so she could make sure I wasn't masturbating. so I started eating it. Sometimes off my hand, sometimes on a sandwich or in my coffee."

John was petting him. "so tonight, you got to eat more cum and tonight you were with friends who wanted you to eat their cum. You were no longer hiding it from your mom, but doing it in public for your friends. You're not going to be stuttering anymore Jack, because you're going to be able to eat lots of cum here and have lots of friends who will help you get all the cum you want. You won't ever have to feel guilty about eating cum again.Now, Tom and I have to leave so you are going to get to eat all the cum by yourself the rest of the evening. I want you to obey Buck and you'll go home with him tonight. I'll stop in tomorrow evening and see you. Now my little cocksucker, you best get back out there and take care of your friends.

"Jack stood up and thanking John, headed back into the bar and his friends.

John, went out to the bar where Tom was sucking a man on a bar stool. While he was finishing, John and Buck visited some more. Before he noticed, Tom had finished that guy and was grabbed by another man at the bar who was face fucking Tom.

"That's the last one Tom, we have to go boy." John yelled at him.

John took the top coat for Tom that Buck handed him. Standing there, watching the 50s something balding man pump his seed into Tom's mouth, John noticed that Tom's cock was still standing tall and jerking up and down. Whispering to Buck, He sat back down on the bar stool as the guy finally pulled out of Tom, leaving a string of cum drop down on Tom's chin.

Buck took Tom's arm and walked him to the stage area which had now been lighted again.

"GIVE ME YOUR ATTENTION GUYS," Buck said loudly. Turning Tom around on the stage to face them, He held his hands up to quiet the guys who gathered around.


A loud chorus of cheers and clapping broke out until Buck again raised his hands for quiet.


With the loud cheering in their ears, Buck leaned close to Tom and instructed him. " Give the boys a good show Tom, and make sure it goes into the glass. You will swallow it down for the boys. Do you understand me boy?"

Standing there with his hard cock that would not go down, Tom was humiliated beyond anything he had experienced. He had done unspeakable things tonight and degraded himself in front of everyone. Now they were cheering him on for his final degradation of the evening. Unable to help himself , his right hand tenderly went around his hard cock and he began to slowly slide it back and forth. Looking out at the sea of maleness laughing and yelling encouragement as they were enjoying his humiliation.

Tom could not understand it, but somehow the room full of men laughing and pointing at him as he voluntarily abused himself for their entertainment was filling him with a lust he had never known. He was both embarrassed and excited as his knees buckled and trembled as he neared an exhilarating climax. He began making animal noises as he was overcome with pleasure. Amid the cheers and laughter, Tom's face contorted in lust as he looked at his antagonists, his cock erupted, shooting bursts of cum which were captured by a young boyish looking lad as he knelt close with his beer glass.

From the bar, John watched his young sex slave standing naked doing the humiliating act. The young man who had caught his cum handed Tom the glass and moved back off the stage. Tom glanced at Buck who was off to the side filming the event with his camcorder. Buck gave him a bottoms up sign with his hand signaling Tom to drink it. Now, with the lust having passed, Tom felt deep shame as 30 or 40 guys whistled and laughed as the clear glass showed the white substance coming down the glass into Tom's mouth. His ears took in the demeaning vulgarities adding to his feeling of worthlessness. Hurrying off the stage to join John at the bar, hands reached out slapping him on the back and ass as he ran through the men.

Standing the the shower with the hot water cascading over his tired body, Tom enjoyed the soap and shampoo. After shaving, John slid the shower door open and stepped in with him. "Wash me boy," He said. Uncomfortable at having to wash another man, he hesitated when all that was left was John's private area and ass.

Tom felt John's hand grab his hair and twist his head back. "Don't get shy on me boy, wash everything."

Carefully Tom washed the hard 7 inch cock that was staring him in the eye. Finally, his hands went in between Johns ass cheeks tenderly washing his ass and then spreading them to let the shower rinse him off. Stepping out of the shower, Tom toweled Saxman off.

"Brush your teeth boy and dry off, then come join me in the living room." John said as he walked out of the bathroom.

Brushing his teeth, Tom once again felt clean and refreshed, free from the smell of cum and sweat. He resolved that he was going to talk to Mr. Saxman about going home and returning to his life. He knew he was innocent of the charges and tomorrow when He meets with Detective Olson He was sure He was going to be cleared. He would insist Saxman honor his promise of a promotion and transfer to another city. He would take his girlfriend with him and start a new life and have a family far from the memories of Saxman and the horrible things he was forced to do.

Walking naked into the living room, He saw Saxman sitting in his big chair watching TV.

"Mr. Saxman, We need to talk about me going back to my apartment and getting my life back. I'm innocent and can't do this shit anymore." Tom said assertively.

"Come here boy," Saxman said calmly.

As Tom approached, Saxman grabbed his arm and threw him across his lap. Holding the young man who was trying to get back up, Saxman's hand began smacking Tom's ass hard causing Tom to yell out in pain. Tom, being smaller had no chance to protect himself against the stronger man. As Tom's ass took on a bright red hue from the punishment, Tom began crying as the pain was the worst he had ever experienced. His ass felt like it was on fire. Finally, the blows stopped and the only sound was Tom's wailing.

Pushing the boy off his lap onto the floor, Saxman grabbed him by the hair of his head and pulled his face to his crotch. Putting his legs over the arms of the chair and exposing his ass cheeks,, He pulled Tom into them.

"Lick boy, I want to feel your tongue in my ass or I'll beat your ass again." He said.

Tom smashed his nose into Saxman's ass crack and sticking his tongue into his ass hole, licked and wiggled his tongue in an attempt to placate his brutal boss. He'd always been afraid of being hurt. It was the reason he never played football. He liked watching it, but knew he would get hurt if he played it. Once again, his life was plunged into despair as he realized he was not man enough to stand up to Saxman. Here he was, a grown man, licking another man's ass because he was afraid of him. He had always been afraid all his life. As he licked, he thought of what he had done in the bar. Sucking cock and drinking piss of guys he should have been afraid of. But he hadn't been afraid of them. Why was that he wondered.He had been totally exposed in all his nakedness while they had groped him and used him as a whore, and yet he wasn't afraid of them.

He felt Saxman's hand grab his hair again and pull him upward where he found a hard cock push against his lips. Opening his mouth, it slid past his lips and lodged in his mouth. Saxman gave a laugh at something he was watching on television. He was watching funny videos on TV while playing with my hair and having his cock sucked, Tom thought. The sting from the spanking Tom had received was slowly going away.

A slap on his head and being told not to suck, but to just hold it in his mouth for some reason hurt his feelings. Saxman laughed again at something on TV. He felt a cold can of beer being rubbed against his forehead and could hear him swallowing as he drank.

"Thirsty boy?" Saxman asked.

Tom knew what was coming if he said yes, but he knew it wouldn't matter what he said. He knew he was going to be given a drink whether he wanted one or not. He submitted to the inevitable by nodding his head yes.

Feeling a pat on his head and a 'Good Boy', sent a strange feeling of temporary happiness through him and suddenly calming him.

As the familiar acrid tasting urine began entering his mouth, he swallowed quickly so he wouldn't spill any. The hand on his head was petting him lovingly. Tom's hand unconsciously began rubbing John's legs almost in a show of gratitude. As the flow of piss subsided, Tom's lips began putting pressure on the cock in his mouth, effectively milking the remaining liquid from the cock.

Handing Tom a condom, Saxman told him to put it on his cock and use the lube on it and his ass.

After Tom was finished he told him to turn around and sit down on his cock slowly.

As Tom felt his cock touching his boy hole, he wiggled slowly and slowly lowered himself on it, feeling it slide upward into his ass. Feeling the pain, he gritted his teeth and let out a low groan as Saxman put his arm around his waist and pulled him snug into his lap.

"I don't like to punish you boy, but you must learn what is expected of you and that demanding anything from me will be met with swift discipline.

John Saxman's hand was holding Tom's semi hard cock and playing with it as he talked.

Tomorrow morning you will be interviewed by the Lieutenant and I want to remind you of a few things. He is going to try and trap you by letting you think you're no longer a suspect. He will be lying to you in the hopes you will give yourself away. He told me today over the phone that he'd like to lock you up for a few days with some hard sex predators to scare you and maybe let you get beat up a little so you would confess.

Tom, sitting on John's lap, impaled on his 7 inch cock, trembled in fear as he listened to him.

" I told him that I wouldn't allow it under any circumstance unless he had hard evidence against you, and I don't think he has it yet."

Tom started crying and thanking Saxman for protecting him.

John held the young man tenderly. He was smiling at the thought of what he was doing. He had taken a perfectly happy college boy, a hotshot in the company and turned him into a homosexual cock sucking slave. He had his cock up his ass and the boy was thanking him. It had been so easy. It amazed him that just one good looking boy like this was worth not only 50 to 100 thousand dollars a year in income for him but so much enjoyment for him personally.

With his free hand, John aimed the remote at the big TV on the wall and started the VCR. Then, He and Tom were looking at the video of Tom on the stage at Buckaroos with another young man. Both were naked

As the video progressed, Saxman looked at the mirror next to the TV and studied Tom's face as he saw himself kissing another boy and then laying down on the stage in a 69 duel suck.

With Tom's cock laying in his hand, He felt it move. Then as if it had a mind of it's own, it started filling with blood and soon was semi hard as Tom watched himself sucking and being sucked. The video now panned the audience of all males who were clapping, laughing and making lewd comments about the two on stage before going back to the boys.

At they watched the hot scene, John began talking to Tom whose ear was close to his mouth.

"I know you stole that check Tom. The Lieutenant thinks so too. He wants to lock you up tomorrow. If you play dumb and just tell him you don't know what happened and thank him for believing that you're innocent even though he doesn't think that, you'll be fine. I will protect you. You must be very careful not to say anything about me or the bar or bad things will happen to you." Saxman warned.

"Look how well you've learned to suck cock. I think you went on the bottom because you're such a submissive sissy boy. What would you parents say if this was mailed to them, sissy boy?"

Tom, sitting on Saxman's cock, felt so strange. He knew his own cock was hard as he watched himself sucking and being sucked and the thought of his mom and dad seeing it caused him deep distress and he cried as He felt the cock in his ass slowly moving up and down in a steady rhythm.

Suddenly, the video changed and there Tom was on the same stage masturbating himself in front of a large group of men.

Would you family enjoy seeing this video boy?" John asked him.

"What if I just sent it to your girlfriend." He added.

Saxman, looking in the mirror at the tortured face of the lust filled boy on his cock, was sending him over the edge. Tom could not help himself. He was wanting to cum, but his captor was not stroking his bobbing cock anymore and the cock in his ass was still moving up and down.

Saxman suddenly groaned loudly and hugged Tom to him as he was now bouncing the trapped boy up and down on his lap while they watched the masturbation show on video. Saxman was breathing heavy as he reached his climax filling the condom with his sperm. As he came down slowly, Saxman held on to Tom's hard cock which was straining for release.

After resting for a few minutes, John told Tom that he was a good slave and as a reward, he was going to let him take his girlfriend out for dinner tomorrow night.

Tom listened to the wonderful words and thanked Mr. Saxman for everything.

Handing Tom a small glass, he told him to get up and empty the condom into the glass and drink it after which he was to go to bed and not touch himself.

To be continued. Author..storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 14

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