Employee Manipulation

By story dreamer

Published on Feb 2, 2008


This story contains graphic descriptions of non-consensual sex between adult males. You must be over 18 years of age to read this story. If homosexual acts offend you, then do not read. Do not allow minors to read this story. Keep all adult stories out of the reach of minors.

If you like reading this story, let the author know. I enjoy writing this story but if there are few readers, then I will know it's time to quit.

code; mmmmmmm/mm, n/c,oral,w/s,humil

The story

Walking back into the bar, Tom was greeted with a whistle and some voices yelling for him to come on back to the rear of the bar.

"Tom," Buck hollered at him, "Take these drinks and chips back there with you."

Picking up the tray with the beers on them, Buck told him to collect the money and bring it back to him. Tom walked carefully so he wouldn't spill anything. When he reached the table, he sat the tray down on the table and set the beers off in front of the guys. He felt a hand come up between his legs and fondle his jockey pouch. As the hand crept inside, He picked up the money and the tray, thanking them but the hand holding his balls prevented him from leaving.

"Please sir, I have to take the money back to Buck." Tom said.

"Say please boy," the guy said, laughing.

"Please sir," Tom said nervously.

The guy pulled his hand out of the jock and pinched Tom on the ass, Telling him to get his little ass right back here.

Tom set the empty tray at the end of the bar. He saw Buck buzz the door open and another man walk in before he turned and went back to the table where the three guys were sitting. They were all watching a football game on the TV.

At the table, they guy who had grabbed him earlier, pulled him down on his lap. "Whats a big strong guy like you doing with no clothes on boy?," he said. Everyone started laughing at Tom. Tom felt his face redden with embarrassment as the guy lowered his jock strap, freeing his cock which popped straight up.

"Hey, this boy loves to be treated like a little boy, and look, he's got no hair down here." the guy said. "I guess you're not old enough to sit here at the table, you better get under it and take care of us men." he said pushing Tom off his lap.

"I'm sorry, I have to see your hand stamp first," Tom said apologizing.

They all extending their hands, showing that two of them had one stamp, but the loud one had two stamps. Tom groaned as he then knew he was going to have to drink more piss.

As he crawled under the table, he heard them discussing who was going first. finally, One of them reached under and pulled him between his legs by his hair. His cock was already out and Tom took it in his mouth and started sucking. He heard laughing as the guys made fun of the faces the guy he was sucking was making. It took less than a minute for the guy to squirt his cum into Tom's mouth.

Moving to the next guy, He found a 6 inch uncut cock. He'd never sucked one so it was a new experience for him. He could feel the extra skin and found that he could push it around and even get under it with his tongue. This guy too, came very quickly.

Moving to the last guy, Tom knew he was going to piss right away and he was right. He could tell the guy was enjoying it as he seemed to hold back, extending the time it took to empty his bladder. Tom figured he was drinking beer piss as there was so much of it. When he finished with some forced spurts, Tom began sucking. this guy too started shooting cum quickly into his mouth. Tom thought the taste of his cum was better than the others. When he finished, He came out from under the table and thanked them which started them laughing all over again. He quickly hurried back to the bar and the safety of the bathroom.

Brushing his teeth and washing his face, Tom heard the door being buzzed open 4 times. Each time, he was hoping it would be Mr. Saxman who would take him out of here. He knew it was after work and was afraid someone from work who knew him might come in. No, he thought, you have to be a member here and that would be known to Saxman.

Buck called him over when he came out of the bathroom. "Here you go, Tom," He said holding his hand out and a glass of draft beer in the other.

"Tom saw a pill in his hand. "What's that," he asked, taking the glass.

"Take it, boy, it's Viagra." Buck said as he pushed the pill into Tom's mouth. "Take that jock strap off and put it back in the bathroom."

"Please don't make me do that Buck," Tom pleaded.

"Do what I tell you boy, Some of your friends here have been admiring how pretty you are and they'd like to see you completely naked. You want them to like you don't you. so l'd like you to kind of mingle a little with them, let them feel you up and just make yourself available to as many as you can. I think Saxman is going to be bringing in another boy to help you out here later, so until they get here, try to make everyone happy." Buck said

As Tom hurried to the bathroom, He heard the bar door being opened again.. Taking off his jock, he fondled his cock wishing he could masturbate again, but there was no time. finishing, he went back outside.

Somehow, now, without the simple jock strap, he felt much more naked than he had been. He knew how a stripper now felt being so exposed before all those men. It seemed every eye in the bar was on him, watching his every move. A guy sitting at the end of the bar reached out and pulled him into him. Putting his arms around him, He kissed him tenderly on the mouth, his tongue entering Tom's mouth and licking him inside his mouth. Tom was embarrassed as he heard guys whooping it up and giving whistles. He'd never kissed another guy before. Tom felt his heart racing and light headed as his own tongue began dueling with the invading tongue as if in battle. When the man's tongue retreated, Tom's tongue now entered this mouth where the battle continued. Tom could feel his own cock was now hard and throbbing. The man now whispered in Tom's ear. "Take my cock out and suck me like a good little pussy boy."

Being pushed down before the man on the bar stool, Tom unzipped him and fished out the hard penis that jutted up like a cobra. Despite the humiliation he was feeling, he was compelled to lower his mouth over the cock. He sucked as he heard the many voices of others who had gathered around to witness the oral sex act with the naked boy. He was being petted like a dog and he kept hearing the man repeating over and over, GOOD BOY. It didn't take long before he gripped his head and began face fucking him by moving his head back and forth. He heard guttural noises from the man as he shot his load into Tom's mouth.

Tom's head was spinning as he got up on unsteady legs. some of the guys were patting him on the back, telling him, good job boy. some hands were patting his ass and one cupped his balls.Tom's cock was standing at a 45 degree angle and another guy came up and shook it like it was his hand.

"TOM," Buck yelled.

Tom hurried over to Buck.

"There are several guys sitting back there who want to order. Hurry up and get their orders and get back here and wait for me to get them their drinks. Then you can take them back to them and get their money. We all know you like to suck cock and that's good, but you also have a job to do here. So do it and don't take time to suck any cocks right now."

Tom grabbed an order pad and pencil and hurried back to the tables and booths, his cock bouncing and swaying as he walked.

He went from table to table taking their orders and trying to answer their questions about him as they felt his cock, running their hands over his legs and ass as he was writing their order down. It was very hard for him to concentrate. He wanted to go to the bathroom and masturbate so bad.

As he took the order from the corner table, The guy who had pissed in his mouth told him to get back as soon as possible because he needed to piss again and didn't want to go all the way to the bathroom.

Rushing back to the bar, Tom turned in the tickets to Buck and waited as Buck sat drinks up on the trays with the price. Tom spent the next 20 minutes running drinks, collecting money and clearing tables while having hands runs over his body and fondling his cock and balls. He then hurried over to the guy needing to piss and under the table got a much needed drink. He hadn't realized he was so dry and he could detect some beer in the piss. It seemed to give it a better flavor. Quickly he ran to the bathroom and brushed his teeth again and then back to the boys where he managed to suck four more cocks before he heard Buck yell for him again. He hadn't had time to jack off and his cock was becoming a distraction to him. The Viagra pill Buck had given him was keeping him totally hard.

When he reported to Buck, Buck took him into his office area where he found Mr. Saxman and another naked young man who was standing next to him. Tom went to his knees in front of Saxman and put his nose into his crotch.

"Get up Tom," Saxman said. "I want you to to shake cocks with Jack here. He's going to be helping you here this evening.

The two young men looked embarrassed and unsure of what to do, Then Jack reached out and shook Tom's cock like he was shaking hands and Tom took Jack's cock and shook his.

John smiled at how the men had been individually coerced into participating in degradation. He intended to dull their sensitivity to sexual perversion by immersing them deeply into every humiliating and degrading sexual situation he could think of. When this evening was over, the boys would be bonded together through sexual lust and shame.

John Saxman had a surprise for the boys as well as for everyone in the bar. Buck had suggested it yesterday and after thinking on it, John had decided it would be a devastating humiliating act for them. John had given Jack a Viagra pill earlier too, so both of them were sporting upward pointing erections.

Buck had gone back and made an announcement which Tom could not make out, but he heard a roar of approval and clapping from the bar customers. John put his arms around them both and told them to pay close attention.

"In a couple of minutes, you two boys are going to walk out there hand in hand. You're going to walk up on the stage and turn around and face all those horny guys. You're going to tell them that you would like to put on a show for them. then you're going to turn to each other and put your arms around each other and then you're going to give each other a long french kiss. You better make it look like you're lovers, just like a man and a woman would. While you're kissing, I want you both to drop down on your knees and then you'll lay on the stage in a 69 position. I don't care who's on the top or the bottom. But I want you to lick each others legs, ass and balls. You will do this for awhile and then you are going to suck each other off for their enjoyment. I want you to shoot your cum and swallow all of it. After you've cleaned each others cocks, you'll lay face to face on top of each other and kiss each other just like you were in love and you better make it look good

for the guys.Now I want you to french kiss each other right now for me." John said.

They moved to each other and began kissing. John pulled their arms up and put them around each other. "Push your tongues in each others mouth and feel each other up." He ordered.

Satisfied that they knew what to do, John told them to hold hands and walk up on the stage and give the guys a good show.

As Tom and Jack walked to the stage, soft colored lights came on that changed colors and moved in a circular and flashing mode . Standing there, looking at all those guys who were looking at them, Tom finally found his voice and spoke.

"Hi guys, I know you've met me, I'm tom and this is my boyfriend Jack, Tom said haltingly.

"KISS HIM TOMMY," One of the guys yelled out.

"I will," Tom said, "We want to put on a show for you."

With clapping and whistles ringing in their ears, Tom and Jack faced each other and kissed, holding each other in their arms. After a long kiss they dropped to the floor as instructed. Tom, having had his self esteem demolished, moved to be on the bottom like a submissive dog would roll onto his back. Jack lay on Tom pushing his tongue into Tom's mouth. Both young men, overcome with the spectacle of themselves being viewed by so many guys in such a private moment, found themselves being propelled forward by lust and Viagra. Their cocks, straining for release, rubbed against each other. As they moved into a 69 position, kissing and licking each others chests and legs, their mouths found each others throbbing cock heads. Over 20 guys watching, now fell silent, Each one sporting their own hard-ons. two couples in a booth were now locked in their own embrace.

John Saxman and Buck, stood behind the crowd, keeping a vigilant watch so no one got out of hand. John had wanted to see how something like this worked out. He had noticed that an adjoining building to Buck's bar was for lease or sale and He had had an idea that could turn out to be a money maker. He would discuss the possibilities with Buck after the show.

Tom's eyes were closed as the lust washed over his body. His cock was being tenderly sucked by Jack who was laying on him. Jack's cock now pumped his sperm into jack's mouth. Jack gagged as the cum overflowed and ran down his cheek. His own cock erupted into Jack's mouth. The bar was silent as the guys watching listened to the two rutting men made guttural noises that announced their climatic finale. Over in the corner, another guy was on his knees sucking his lover who was watching the show.

Jack was swallowing Tom's cum as if he'd not eaten in days. He was disappointed when the milky fluid began decreasing. He slowed his sucking and licking as Tom tried to push him away from his now tender cock. Jack rolled off Tom and rested, breathing heavy. Through glazed eyes, they now looked at the guys watching them who were clapping in appreciation.

The stage lights went off and Buck announced loudly that the bar was now open and for the two love birds to get back to work.The guys cheered the two naked men as they headed to the office bathroom. John sat on a bar stool while Buck was swamped getting drinks for all the guys who came to order. Everyone thanked Buck for the great show and wanted to know if there would be more in the future. When the guys all had their beers, Buck came over to where John sat.

John explained to Buck his intention to lease the building next door and turn it into a gay spa. There would be individual rooms, a theater which would have wide tiered padded benches,and show gay movies, a community shower room which could be seen by everyone in the theater and anyone in the lounge area and lockers where everyone could secure their clothes and valuable. All the guys would be required to disrobe and would be issued a towel which they could wear or not. The entryway would be through Buck's bar, Buckaroos and only those guys who were members of his bar could access the spa area.

Buck whistled, "Whew, that sounds great, but you'd need to hire a bunch of guys to help with it and it'd take a chunk of money to get something like that going with the remodeling and equipment and all John and how would I fit into this?" Buck asked.

To be continued

Email the author. I'll continue this story if I get enough support for doing it. Thanks


Next: Chapter 13

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