Employee Manipulation

By story dreamer

Published on Jan 29, 2008


Employee Manipulation Chapter 11

This story contains descriptions of non-consensual sex acts between adult males. You must be over 18 years of age to read. Keep this and all adult material out of the reach of minors.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm/mm, n/c,oral,w/s,humil

The story:

Buck unlocked the door to the bar and ushered Tom inside. The doctor had given Tom a clean bill of health. Buck was excited to finally have the boy to himself for awhile. Tom was a damn good looking guy and although he had tried to pry some information out of him as to why he was allowing this to be done to him, he had kept his mouth shut. As far as he was concerned, He didn' t care as long as he was making money. He had just been curious

"Come on into the office and take your clothes off Tom," He said.. " I need your mouth." Buck had always dreamed of having someone like this to use. He had so many things he wanted to try out. John seemed a little reluctant to share this boy but had told him he would be bringing another one in tonight. The new one was going to be put in Buck's care for lodging, food, etc. He would be working at the bar full time and would be at Buck's disposal 24/7. Right now, he wanted to get in some playtime with Tom, before he became unavailable to him.

Taking his pants and underwear off, Buck sat down in his chair and told tom to come and suck. Tom, now completely naked, went to his knees and took Buck's cock in his mouth. Buck really liked this kid and wished he belonged to him. He hoped the new boy would be as like-able and as good looking as Tom. He would have him living with him as his complete servant with benefits.

"You're a fine cocksucker Tom, and I want you to know that if at any time, You end up on your own and need a place to stay and work, You'll always be welcome here. I like the way you are actually sucking on it like it was a Popsicle. I'm going to open the bar up after I shoot some cum into you and I want you to be ready to be of service to the guys that come in. A lot of the guys have just had recent medical exams just like you had this afternoon. Those guys will get a stamp on their wrists. They will be allowed to cum in your mouth without condoms. If they don't have the stamp, they will have to use a condom. You'll have to check their wrists before you suck them. There may be one or two guys who have a double stamp. They pay more for the extra stamp and that entitles them to fuck you. They will of course wear a condom for that. If they have a triple stamp, well, that means they bought the right to piss in your mouth. Those guys will be clean, so don't worry about anything. Just make sure, you don't spill any on the floor. I don' t want any mess out there. " Just remember, Any guy in this bar has paid for the use of you in one way or another. You have no rights here. If anyone wants to feel you up in any way, you need to make it easy for him and try to be helpful. If he wants to put his finger up you ass, make it available for him and try to be friendly. These guys are going to want to use you in ways you may not like, but you'd better not piss them off or you'll have to be punished."

"I don't want you to be afraid out there either. The guys know to treat you with respect. They appreciate what you are doing for them, so they will all look out for you. Ahhhhhh, yes, Ohhhh yes." Buck was interrupted by his climax. "Slow down boy, easy, easy, ahhh"

Buck ran his fingers through Tom's hair as he sat back savoring the pleasure that Tom had given him. He explained to him that he was to take a shower in his private bathroom, shave and use the perfume that was on the counter. "the guy's will want you squeaky clean and smelling pretty. After you swallow any cum or piss, You go back in there and brush your teeth and use the mouth wash." Keep yourself clean and lookin good for the next guy. If theres any trouble from them, I'll kick them out for the rest of the evening. If theres trouble from you, You'll get a spanking on the stage in front of everybody"

Buck got up pulling Tom off his cock. "Now go get cleaned up and ready. I'm opening up in 30 minutes. There's a pair of white socks, a new pair of tennis shoes, two knee pads and a jock strap I bought for you. That's all you need to wear. I'll have the heat up a little higher so you won't get too cold." Tom walked to the bathroom as Buck buckled up his pants and went to ready the bar for business.

Buck had work done on his bar entry way. When you opened the outer door, you were in a small area. The inner door was marked MEMBERS ONLY. It was a steel enforced door which could only be opened electronically by the bartender. The member wanting to come in would push the member button and punch in his member number. The camera above would show Buck who it was and if he did not remember the person, he had a roster of members behind the bar complete with a face pictures. If they were not recognized, He would simply tell them, sorry, You're not a member. If members wanted to sponsor a new member, They were required to bring him in with them between the hours of 3 and 4 O'clock to sign them up.

At precisely 4 PM, Buck turned on the Open Members Only sign he had had installed on the front of the building. Giving Tom a dust mop, he soon had the jockey strapped boy dust mopping the floor. Next, he showed Tom how he needed to be aware of the cleanliness of the tables and how to wipe them off and clear the bottles and glasses, empty out the ash trays.

When Tom heard the buzzer sound, his heart began beating faster and he froze, looking at the front door. When Buck buzzed the door open, he saw on of the guys that he had sucked off come in. He couldn't remember his name, but the guy gave tom a friendly wave as he walked up to the bar. Tom tried to hide at the end of the bar as he watched Buck take some money from the man and stamp his wrist and set a bottle of bud on the counter.

"TOM," Buck hollered, "Come here and greet our customer." Both men were looking down the bar at him. Tom walked down the bar,towards them, humiliated at being so naked in front of them. He could not get used to being naked in front of guys.

"Hi, I'm Tom, welcome to Buckaroos." Tom said as he held out his hand.

The guy shook hands with him, telling his his name was Kevin and that He had met Tom the other night. Kevin put his arm around Tom and pulled him close, telling him that He was the best cocksucker He knew. Tom blushed as he thanked him and looked down.

"Kevin here has turned in his medical report Tom, so he'll be using your mouth some tonight. Isn't that great?" Buck said.

"Yes it is," Tom said quietly, "Thank you Kevin."

"Buck, can I take Tom towards the back and visit with him in one of the booths?" Kevin asked.

"Sure, Enjoy yourself, When you're done, send him back to the bar because he will have other customers wanting service." Buck responded.

Buck grinned as the two walked away, with Kevin's hand on Tom's buttocks. Hearing the buzzer sound again, He looked at the monitor and recognized another member and buzzed him in.

In the back, Kevin sat Tom on his lap and pushed his hand inside the jock strap and took hold of Tom's hard cock. "I love your smooth skin Tom and you smell so pretty. You're kinda like a little sissy boy aren't you? Not much of a man huh? Do you like sucking guys cocks here?"

"Yes sir," Tom replied, feeling so embarrassed by the humiliating words Kevin was saying and yet, his cock was excited and hard.

"Shit, I see someone else is already waiting for you so I better let you suck me now, but don't worry, I'll be ready again in an hour or so. Go ahead and get on your knees and suck me good Tom." Kevin said.

Tom got on his knees and as Kevin pulled his 7 inch cock out, He took it in his mouth and started licking and sucking.

Buck glanced towards the back as he took the latest customer's money and stamped his wrist. Setting a beer up and answering questions the older man had about using Tom, He buzzed the door open again for another member.

"Hey Buck, the latest arrival smiled as he came in. I got away a little earlier today. Is he here?"

"Yeah, He's here Dan." Buck said.

"I told my wife, I'd be home on time tonight but I need a blow job in the worst way. Just one ahead of me?" Dan asked.

The other customer chimed in, " Hey go ahead next, I probably have a little more time than you do."

"Thanks man, I appreciate that. Hey Buck, someone told me you might be getting another boy in here for us. Anything to that?" Dan asked, taking a sip of his beer.

"I believe so," Buck said, adding that He'll be in here every evening for entertainment, starting tomorrow for sure, and maybe this evening."

"Well damn, My vacation fund is going to be taking a hit, I can see that." Dan laughed.

The older man laughed too, saying he might as well have his social security check sent here.

Dan whistled as Tom came walking up flushed in the face with a little cum glistening on his chin.

"He's all yours Dan as soon as he brushes and cleans up. Buck said,"

Tom ducked behind the bar into the office area and bathroom while the guys watched his jiggling naked ass.

"Buck, I'll take my beer back there and wait for him, OK?" Dan said, getting up

"Sure, go ahead, I'll send him back to you." Buck answered.

Kevin walked up, pulled a bar stool out and ordered another beer.

"How was he," The older man asked.

"I give him a 10." laughed Kevin. "This is my 2ND time with him and each time makes me forget the last one. I'm going to have to find a part time job so I can keep coming in here and get my fix."

Everyone turned and followed Tom's naked ass as he came out and walked to the back where Dan was waiting on him.

Ten minutes later, Dan came walking up smiling, "Thanks Buck and thank you too for letting me go ahead of you. I gotta get home for supper now. I'll see ya in a day or two."

As the door closed, Tom came walking up front carrying an empty beer bottle and putting it in the trash. He then went into the office area.

The older man ordered another beer and asked Buck to send the boy back when he's ready and walked towards the back.

In the bathroom, Tom brushed his teeth and gargled with mouthwash, using a washrag on his face. He locked the bathroom door and began masturbating. He soon shot his cum into the sink, his knees trembling as the orgasm shook him with pleasure. For some reason, walking around naked in front of everyone and being used by strangers had given him a hard-on and he just couldn't ignore it anymore. Washing it down the sink, He suddenly realized he felt guilty for not eating it. Hurriedly, he pissed and then walked out front again.

"You've got a customer in the back Tom," Buck said.

"Yes sir, Thank you," Tom answered.

On his knees now, sucking the semi hard cock of the older man, Tom was thankful for the knee pads he was wearing. He had heard the buzzer ring three times in the last few minutes while trying to get the man to cum. He still had high hopes that Detective Olson would find the person responsible for the theft of that check and he could return to his real life. Surely, Mr. Saxman would not keep him in this situation if he knew he were innocent. He knew he was not gay, yet there was something exciting about being treated like this, being naked and sucking all these cocks. All the guys really seemed to like him and they all complimented and thanked him for sucking them. He felt like he had more friends now than he'd had in his life.

Tom felt the man stiffen and hold his head firmly, making a slow moan. His cock was not very hard, but he tasted some cum slowly being injected into his mouth. He backed off on his sucking and gently urged the cock to its finish.

"Ohh, Tom, That was wonderful. Thank you, thank you son. I think I've fallen in love with you my boy." He said. The man's body was jerking slightly with each lick Tom applied to the cock. Tom's head was pushed back off the cock as the man put his cock back into his pants. He patted Tom's head, telling how much he had enjoyed him and wanted him to have this. The man put a hundred dollar bill in Tom's hand and leaned down and kissed him on the forehead before standing up. As Tom stood, the man took the money back and pushed it into Tom's jock strap laughing that it was the only pocket Tom seemed to have. As they walked to the front together, The man's hand lovingly squeezed Tom's ass check.

"My name is Paul and I want you to know that I think you're very special. I"m going to be coming back to see you every chance that I can. You spend that money on yourself son and when I come back again, I'm going to give you more to have some fun with. Kissing him again on the cheek as they walked, Paul patted Tom's ass one more time before continuing on to the bar. Tom thanked him for the money before he headed for the bathroom to clean up.

"As Tom was brushing his teeth, The bathroom door opened and Buck walked up behind him. "I heard you thank the old guy for the money boy. Now where would a naked guy wearing just a jockey strap and tennis shoes hide money?" His arms went around Tom and his hand dropped down into the jock strap pulling the hundred dollar bill out. "Wow, boy, You did a helluva good job of cock sucking for the old boy didn't you? I'll hold any tips you get boy, so when you get them, I want you to bring them right to me like a good little boy. Do you understand that son?"

"Yes sir," tom said meekly, his head bowed.

"Good boy," Buck said. " Now go sit down on the stool. I need to take a piss."

Tom moved over and sat down on the stool as Buck took his cock out and pushed it into Tom's face. Saxman had told him that Tom would be easier to handle if he at times showed the boy an utter disregard for his feelings and keep him intimidated. As He relaxed and let the flow of piss enter Tom's mouth, he felt his lips clamp securely around his cock and could see his throat swallowing rapidly.

Tom was drinking the piss as fast as he could. He could not understand that while being treated this way and drinking piss out of a man's cock, why would he have a hard-on. Sucking cocks, eating cum and drinking piss were not becoming normal to him and he was accepting what most people would think is horrible and disgusting. It dawned on him that he was now a horrible and disgusting person who did not deserved to have respect. He deserved to do these things for real men who would never do what he was doing. Buck was petting him like a dog and telling him that he was a good boy and a good piss drinker and he wanted to masturbate again, He was so hard.

Squirting out the last few spurts of piss, Buck wiped his cock across Tom's face. "Get cleaned up and brush your teeth again, then get out front. You have more customers out there. I want you to mingle with them, getting their money, bringing it up to me and telling me what they want. Use a tray and bring it back to them. Let them feel you up and be friendly with them. When they want you to suck, remember to check the stamp on their hand. One, you suck, two you fuck, three, you drink piss. Now, hurry up boy." Buck said as he opened the door and walked out.

To be continued

The author would like to hear comments on this story. It's the only way he knows that guys like the story and want to see it continue. Thanks Author....storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 12

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